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Program Change: P01101

Program Title: MM in Contemporary Music
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
This request proposes the addition of two exit requirements to the current MM in Contemporary Music degree program: 1] MM candidates must complete 5 terms of MUS 650 - Concert Attendance (a P/NC course of zero credit hours); and 2] MM candidates must complete a graduate program evaluation of the Contemporary Music degree. Proposed exit requirement number 1 (above) puts the MM candidate's listening experiences at a par with the undergraduate degree in Contemporary Music. This Concert attendance exit requirement is designed to facilitate the graduate music majors¿ listening experience by attending a required amount of live concerts in various venues on and off campus, and serves to expose students to an eclectic variety of listening opportunities. Proposed exit requirement number 2 (above) provides a necessary mechanism to obtain critical feedback from each student graduating from the MM program. This information is necessary for national accreditation standards (via the National Association of Schools of Music - NASM) and vital for managing the MM degree program.

Describe the reasons for making this change:
The current catalog description - page 83 (2012-13 Catalog), remains intact, requiring only the addition of the following two exit requirements under the DEGREE REQUIREMENTS section (middle column, page 83): 5 Terms of MUS 650 (0) Completed program evaluation These two new items would be listed directly under the first two degree requirements already specified in the catalog: One recital in area of concentration (0) One compact disc master recording (0)

For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Students will be required to register for MUS 650 (0 credits) and accumulate 5 terms with a grade of PASS. The graduate music coordinator will receive, evaluate, and grade all submissions. Each MM candidate will receive an electronic form (Program Evaluation) to complete and submit during the last term of their degree program. These evaluations will be reviewed by the Music Department faculty at their annual retreat in September. These evaluations will also be included in future self-study documents submitted to NASM for accreditation purposes. Currently, the program evaluation has been solicited to MM candidates to complete on a voluntary basis. Nearly all candidates have provided critical feedback with this document since its inception. Requesting the document as an exit requirement simply assures that critical feedback concerning the MM program in Contemporary Music is submitted by all candidates. It is intended for these changes to be implemented beginning Fall term 2013.

Approval Queue

Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Keller Coker ApprovedNovember 06 2012
2 - Division Scott Grim ApprovedNovember 10 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Jodie Garrison ApprovedNovember 15 2012
4 - Library Dean ----------------- ApprovedNovember 15 2012
5 - Graduate Committee Kimberly Jensen ApprovedDecember 06 2012
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedDecember 08 2012
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedDecember 10 2012
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedDecember 11 2012
9 - President Dianna Nickelson ApprovedDecember 12 2012
Attached Files:
Program Evaluation GRAD - Updated.pdf   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
