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Program Change: P01102

Program Title: Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling minor
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
The Special Education/Rehabilitation Counseling (SpEd/RC) minor has become more popular over recent years and it was determined that students needed to have more options available to them. This 27 credit major proposes leaving the required core courses the same (12 credits) but has added 15 additional courses as options for the 15 credits of electives. Courses from the psychology department were found to be a good fit for this minor and have been added. The new elective courses include: INT 470 SpEd 486, 487, 488, 489, 490 GERO 360 PSY 311, 328, 349, 424, 435, 450, 463, 487 Seven courses have been deleted from the program because they are seldom offered or were determined not to be a good fit: RC 407, 476 TPD 484 ED 448, 467, 485 SpEd 417 In addition it is proposed that only one course of ASL (4 credits) be applied to the minor versus the original two courses to encourage students to choose from the variety of electives offered. The last change is that it is proposed that SpEd and RC 409 Practicum be limited to one 1-3 credit course in either RC or SpEd. Originally students were allowed to take one three credit class in both RC and SpEd for a total of six practicum hours. It was determined that students in this minor would benefit most from taking only one practicum class and choosing the rest of the electives from the established courses offered. Please see attached Comparison of Existing Special Education/Rehabilitation Counselor Minor document as well as the 2013-2014 Special Education/Rehabilitation Counseling minor document.

Describe the reasons for making this change:
WOU Catalog 12-13, p. 74 Special education/rehabilitation counseling minor (27 credits) Mission Offers students introductory coursework that provides marketable skills for entry level positions in the community or adult services and prepares students for entry into graduate programs in special education and rehabilita¬tion counseling. Learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate an initial level of familiarity with the fields of special education and rehabilitation. 2. Develop marketable skills for entry level positions in community and adult services for the disabled. 3. Gain valuable preparation for graduate studies in special education and rehabilitation counseling. Students wanting to complete the Special Education/Rehabilitation Counseling under¬graduate minor must meet with the Special Education Division chair, or his/her designate, to complete a program plan. Students are strongly encouraged to complete their plan of study by the end of their sophomore year or the first term of their junior year, otherwise they may not be able to complete required courses by the end of their senior year. Proposed catalog description would not be different than the current description.

For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Program effectiveness and student learning assessment will mirror the procedures currently in place in other minor programs in the College of Education, where a combination of graded exams, term papers, presentations, and other assignments are used. Learning assessment will be embedded in the curriculum, with each course requiring demonstration of mastery of subject matter.

Approval Queue

Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedNovember 06 2012
2 - Division Cheryl Davis ApprovedNovember 07 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Mickey Pardew ApprovedNovember 09 2012
4 - Library Dean Mickey Pardew ApprovedNovember 09 2012
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedNovember 29 2012
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedJanuary 06 2013
7 - Dean Mark Girod ApprovedJanuary 07 2013
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedJanuary 08 2013
9 - President Dianna Nickelson ApprovedJanuary 09 2013
Attached Files:
1_SpEd_Minor_SpEd-Rehab_13-14 Proposal_v2.docx   Download
Comparison of Existing and Proposed SpEd_RC Minor.docx   Download
SpEd-RC_Minor_13-14_Catalog.pdf   Download

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