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Program Change:
Program Title: ASL/English Interpreting Program
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
The five-part sequence of courses entitled Theory & Process of Interpreting have been traditionally offered as a 3 credit course and 1 credit lab. In seeking to use our limited time with the students efficiently, we are proposing a change to this structure. The new structure would be a single course worth 4 credits rather than the course/lab split. This allows extended time in the classroom for each session allowing further exploration and application of skills and knowledge needed for interpreting.
There is no significant change on course content from this change, this is simply merging together courses in a more effective manner.
For the last three years, a course entitled, ¿Pre-Interpreting Skills Development,¿ has been offered as an optional INT 407. Each term enrollment has been sufficient to conduct the class. In this course, students are exposed to various cognitive tasks required of interpreters to allow them opportunity to determine if this career path is a fit for them and them for the career. Being optional, not all students who have entered the program have taken this course but it has been reported by INT 330: Theory & Process of Interpreting I faculty that the students present differently if they have taken this course. They are farther ahead in the learning process, have a better sense of their abilities, and demonstrate a command of the material in ways that the other students don¿t. The inclusion of this course will allow students entering our program to have a true sense of the field of interpreting beyond an appreciation for ASL. They will have self-screened in terms of aptitude and faculty will have a sense of student aptitude as well. The net gain from this additional course will be stronger interpreters, better equipped for internship and the real world of interpreting.
With the addition of the INT 260 course as a pre-requisite, the overall number of credits is increased by 3 to a total of 67 credits.
The program has undergone revision of course sequencing to ensure students have opportunity to build an excellent foundation before moving on to further skill development. The addition of pre-requisites will force students into the appropriate courses at the appropriate times and prevent students taking courses out of sequence. We currently have this issue and it results in individual students taking courses they are not yet ready for which changes in the dynamic of the classroom where other students are prepared. Additionally, the requirement of ¿instructor approval¿ for INT 330 and INT 340 will prevent students not accepted into the interpreting program from registering which is a common problem each Fall term. We have talked with Danielle Ambrose in the Registrar¿s office about the implications of this change and have been assured this would solve the problem.
Describe the reasons for making this change:
Current catalog description: 2012, page 45.
To prepare its graduates to enter the profession of interpreting.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the academic foundation and world knowledge essential to effective interpreting.
2. Analyze communication situations and apply appropriate problem solving approaches as needed.
3. Interpret accurately between American Sign Language and English and collaborate effectively in a variety of settings and across a range of subject matter.
Acceptance into the interpreting program is required for all INT 300- and INT 400-level courses except INT 353 and INT 420. Applications for admission are typically due during winter term for admission the following fall.
Third year ASL language courses, INT 254, INT 260 and INT 353 are considered prerequisites to admission. All 300-level courses should be successfully completed prior to enrolling in INT 441.
Interpreting majors must have a grade of B or better in courses that are used to satisfy the major requirement.
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Faculty will continue to monitor student progress and mastery of the course content along with their success in subsequent coursework and ultimately internship.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
----------------- |
Approved | November 13 2012 |
2 - Division |
Cheryl Davis |
Approved | November 14 2012 |
3 - Division Curriculum |
Mickey Pardew |
Approved | November 15 2012 |
4 - Library Dean |
----------------- |
Approved | November 15 2012 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
Thaddeus Shannon |
Approved | January 16 2013 |
6 - Faculty Senate |
Keller Coker |
Approved | February 12 2013 |
7 - Dean |
Mark Girod |
Approved | February 13 2013 |
8 - Provost |
Kent Neely |
Approved | February 14 2013 |
9 - President |
Dianna Nickelson |
Approved | March 19 2013 |
Attached Files:
ProgramCourseChange2012_Memo.doc |
Download |
2012_Change_Program_Templatev2.doc |
Download |
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