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Program Change:
Program Title: Computer Science
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
1 Reduce the number of practicum hours (CS 409) from five to three. Allows students to be better prepared in their chosen emphasis area.
2. Increased the number of courses in each emphasis area from three to four, providing more depth in their chosen area.
3. Allow students to choose between the CS 315 Theory of Programming Languages and the CS 314 Survey of programming languages. Students taking the Computational Computing Sequence should continue to take CS 315. Other students benefit from the less theortical CS 314 Survey Course.
4. Made CS 470 Human Machine Interface a requirement for all students. This course in necessary for successful completion of the two term capstone sequence (CS 425 & CS 430).
5. Addition of the Computer Science Security Certificate. This collection of five courses provides a strong background in computer security.
Describe the reasons for making this change:
Current 2012-2013 Catalog Description (pp. 47)
Proposed catalog description is attached
Professors: Robert Broeg, Jie Liu, John
Marsaglia, David Olson
Associate professor: Scot Morse
Assistant professor: Yanwei Wu
Software oriented program that stays close to
the current needs of industry. We teach the
theoretical and practical aspects of computer
science, with emphasis on the practical. Our
primary goal is to give students a comprehensive
foundation in the field of computer
science within a liberal arts setting. We are
committed to preparing graduates who will
be productive employees in the IT industry or
promising graduate students.
Learning outcomes
1. Develop programming expertise in
common computer languages suitable
for professional practice in the field of
computer science.
2. Gain appreciation of practical applications
via participation in internships group
projects and research opportunities.
3. Gain an understanding of the challenges
placed on information delivery systems in
a dynamic information-laden climate.
Computer science major
(60 credits)
CS 160 Survey of Computer Science (3)
CS 161 Computer Science I (5)
CS 162 Computer Science II (5)
CS 260 Data Structures I (3)
CS 262 Programming Language (2)
CS 271 Computer Organization (4)
CS 311 Data Structures II (3)
CS 315 Theory of Programming Languages (3)
CS 345 Theory of Computation I (3)
CS 372 Operating Systems (3)
CS 409 Practicum (3)
CS 409 Practicum (2)
CS 420 Database Management (3)
CS 425 Systems Analysis and Design (3)
CS 430 Software Implementation (3)
Choose 9 hours from one of the following
A. Computational theory
CS 440 Analysis of Algorithms (3)
CS 445 Theory of Computation (3)
CS 447 Compiler Design (3)
CS 449 Topics in Computational Theory (3)
B. System management
CS 450 Network Fundamentals (3)
CS 451 Management of Information
Systems (3)
CS 452 Internet Communications (3)
CS 453 Data Mining & Data Warehousing (3)
CS 459 Topics in Systems Management (3)
C. Software engineering
CS 470 Human Machine Interfaces (3)
CS 471 Metrics and Testing (3)
CS 472 Operating Systems: Advanced
Topics (3)
CS 474 Concurrent Systems (3)
CS 475 Applied Computational Intelligence
CS 479 Topics in Software Engineering (3)
Choose an elective in Mathematics: (3)
MTH 341 Linear Algebra I
MTH 346 Number Theory
MTH 354 Discrete Structures I
Computer science majors must have a grade
of C or better in courses that are used to satisfy
the major requirements. Students must also
have a C or better in all listed prerequisite
courses unless waived by the course instructor
and the computer science division chair.
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
By further differentiating between the CS and IS majors, we should be able to attract students from different populations. Students should elect the IS major because of the professional opportunities it opens, not just because of a perceived easier set of required courses.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
David Olson |
Approved | January 31 2013 |
2 - Division |
David Olson |
Approved | January 31 2013 |
3 - Division Curriculum |
John Marsaglia |
Approved | February 02 2013 |
4 - Library Dean |
----------------- |
Approved | February 02 2013 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
6 - Faculty Senate |
7 - Dean |
8 - Provost |
9 - President |
Attached Files:
400 Bad Request
400 Bad Request