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Program Change: P01209

Program Title: Music
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
All music degrees currently require 9 credits of theory electives. This change replaces the 9 credits of theory electives with a 9-credit sequence. Students will choose from among 4 sequences: Contemporary Composition, Jazz Theory & Arranging, Orchestration, or Songwriting. This change affects the BA/BS in Music, and all tracks within the BM. A recent change to our Theory curriculum, eliminated a fixed, general topics approach, in favor of an elective approach with more focused classes. We were on the right track with this move, and we now see that this approach can be carried through a 3-term sequence, allowing for greater depth in a focused area of Theory study.

Describe the reasons for making this change:
CURRENT DESCRIPTION: Theory Electives: choose 9 credits MUS 318 Contemporary Composition Techniques I MUS 371 Orchestration I MUS 372 Orchestration II MUS 414 Jazz Theory MUS 415 Jazz Arranging I MUS 416 Jazz Arranging II MUS 417 Counterpoint MUS 418 Contemporary Composition Techniques II MUS 420 Electronic Music I MUS 421 Electronic Music II MUS 422 Electronic Music III MUS 423 Scoring for Film & TV MUS 430 Advanced Improvisation MUS 465 Special Topics Music Theory MUS 471 The Great American Songbook MUS 472 Songwriting PROPOSED DESCRIPTION: Theory Electives: choose one 9-credit sequence. Contemporary Composition, Jazz Theory & Arranging, Orchestration, Songwriting.

For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
After a full year of implementation, at the annual faculty retreat, faculty will consider student success rates in the four sequences, and the balance of elective choices within the Department.

Approval Queue

Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Diane Baxter ApprovedApril 03 2013
2 - Division Scott Grim ApprovedApril 04 2013
3 - Division Curriculum Jodie Garrison ApprovedApril 05 2013
4 - Library Dean ----------------- ApprovedApril 05 2013
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedApril 16 2013
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedMay 14 2013
7 - Dean Diane Tarter ApprovedMay 16 2013
8 - Provost Stephen Scheck ApprovedMay 17 2013
9 - President Dianna Nickelson ApprovedMay 20 2013
Attached Files:
Theory Addendum.rtf   Download
Catalog View.pdf   Download
Theory Sequence.rtf   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
