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Program Change:
Program Title: Sports Leadership Minor
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
Following a recent review of our programs, faculty of the Division of Health and Physical Education concluded that the current Sports Leadership Minor was in need of revision to address changing course offerings within and external to the Division of HPE.
The rapid growth in both Exercise Science and Community Health Education majors has both created staffing pressures in meeting the needs of the majors, while producing potential benefit to this minor through development of courses that are highly applicable to Sports Leadership. The resulting modifications to the minor are presented with the intent of keeping the core of required courses in the minor intact, with a commitment to continued offering of these courses at a level appropriate to meet current needs. The grouping of elective courses was specified to reflect highly appropriate courses (such as Sport Ethics and Sports Nutrition), while retaining as electives courses those previously required courses seeing fewer offerings across the year from their historical levels (First Aid, CPR & Safety; Psychology of Sport). Although a number of courses in the Elective grouping (such as those mentioned above), would most definitely be appropriate to specifically require, the reality of class sizes, course popularity, inclusion of many of these courses within various majors, pre-requisites, and the like, led our faculty to arrive at the `elective option¿ approach as most feasible in maintaining a balance in strength of content and in adaptability to individual student needs.
On the following page, please find the proposed language for the described modifications to the Sports Leadership Minor, followed by the minor as described in the 2012-13 degree plan. We appreciate your consideration of these proposed changes.
Proposed changes to the Sports Leadership Minor:
Minor 27 hours, 12 UD
Required Courses: 14 credits:
PE 310 Motor Learning
-or- PE 420 Motor Learning for Coaches 4 cr
PE 359 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries 4 cr
PE 361 Coaching Youth Sports 3 cr
PE 375: Athletics: Coaching Administration 3 cr
Electives: Choose a minimum of 13 credits from the following courses:
HE 252 First Aid, CPR and Safety 3 cr
HE 325 Nutrition 4 cr
HE 426 Sports Nutrition (pre-req: HE 325) 4 cr
PE 245 Teaching Strength Training & Conditioning 3 cr
PE 409 Practicum (in coaching) 1-4 cr
PE 410 Sport Ethics 4cr
PE 488 Exercise Motivation & Adherence 4cr
PSY 415 Psychology of Sports (pre-req: PSY 201 & 202) 4 cr
Describe the reasons for making this change:
Current Sports Leadership Minor (pg. 69, 2012-13 Catalog)
(27 Credits)
HE 252 First Aid, CPR and Safety 3 cr
PE 361 Coaching Youth Sports 3 cr
PE 375: Athletics: Coaching Administration 3 cr
PE 359 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries 4 cr
PE 310 Motor Learning
-or- PE 420 Motor Learning for Coaches 4 cr
PSY 415 Psychology of Sports 4 cr
Choose 6 credits of sport or coaching related courses
and/or coaching practicum with advisor approval 6cr
Proposed changes to the Sports Leadership Minor:
Minor 27 hours, 12 UD
Required Courses: 14 credits:
PE 310 Motor Learning
-or- PE 420 Motor Learning for Coaches 4 cr
PE 359 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries 4 cr
PE 361 Coaching Youth Sports 3 cr
PE 375: Athletics: Coaching Administration 3 cr
Electives: Choose a minimum of 13 credits from the following courses:
HE 252 First Aid, CPR and Safety 3 cr
HE 325 Nutrition 4 cr
HE 426 Sports Nutrition (pre-req: HE 325) 4 cr
PE 245 Teaching Strength Training & Conditioning 3 cr
PE 409 Practicum (in coaching) 1-4 cr
PE 410 Sport Ethics 4cr
PE 488 Exercise Motivation & Adherence 4cr
PSY 415 Psychology of Sports (pre-req: PSY 201 & 202) 4 cr
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Minor numbers are tracked annually, as are student enrollment numbers in specific course and section offerings. These data are typically reviewed among program faculty at the HPE Division annual planning retreat, with focus on trends toward fewer or greater student numbers. This annual review from previous years was in part responsible for the decision to propose these modifications. Expected reductions in student substitution requests is also an expected outcome. Our division has historically attempted to avoid major program revisions within any give four year cycle, which is also anticipated with regard to these modifications.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
Brian Caster |
Approved | May 05 2013 |
Comments: No dept chair
2 - Division |
Brian Caster |
Approved | May 06 2013 |
Comments: No division chair
3 - Division Curriculum |
Brian Caster |
Approved | May 06 2013 |
Comments: No division curriculum chair
4 - Library Dean |
----------------- |
Approved | May 06 2013 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
Thaddeus Shannon |
Approved | May 23 2013 |
6 - Faculty Senate |
Thaddeus Shannon |
Approved | October 24 2013 |
7 - Dean |
Mark Girod |
Approved | October 25 2013 |
8 - Provost |
Stephen Scheck |
Approved | October 28 2013 |
9 - President |
LouAnn Vickers |
Approved | October 29 2013 |
Attached Files:
Sports Leadership Minor 2013 changes.docx |
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