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Program Change: P00620

Program Title: Visual Communication Design major
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
The art department proposes a new major entitled Visual Communication Design. It is a degree that has the same number of credits (84) as the current Art Major, which is described in the 2010-2011 WOU Course Catalog. Visual Communication Design will vary only slightly in format from the current art major. Students will be required to take visual art foundations, 12 credits of art history, and may select to study two or three topic areas in upper division courses related to design for print, interactive/web media, and motion (including animation). The Visual Communication Design major will include three subject areas: design for print, design for web/interactive media, and design for motion (animation). All Visual Communication Design majors are required to take A220, A221, A320, A321, and A322 to cover core theory and design practice that is fundamental in all topics. The A320/321/322 sequence provides one of the three upper division sequences required for these majors.

Describe the reasons for making this change:
This major will serve the interests of domestic and international students. The major will include experiences crucial to designing in the 21st century. The new motion (including animation) sequence was requested by the WOU administration.

For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Assessment procedures include pre- and post-testing and capstone portfolio requirements specific to the subject areas.

Approval Queue

Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Jodie Garrison ApprovedNovember 05 2010
2 - Division Diane Tarter ApprovedNovember 05 2010
3 - Division Curriculum David Janoviak ApprovedNovember 06 2010
4 - Library Dean David Janoviak ApprovedNovember 06 2010
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge RejectedFebruary 15 2011
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks RejectedFebruary 16 2011
7 - Dean
8 - Provost
9 - President
Attached Files:
VCDMajorChecklist2011.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
