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Program Change: P00701

Program Title: Information Systems
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
The Computer Science Division faculty is initiating a program overhaul for the Computer Science major, the Information Systems major, and the joint Computer Science/Mathematics major. This overhaul has two components. The first is a change of course credit hours from three to four. The second is a reworking of the courses required for each program, which serves to strengthen each major. See the attached memorandum.

Describe the reasons for making this change:
-------------- Existing description of major (p. 64-65, printed 2010-11 Catalog) Information Systems major (71 credits) BA 211 Financial Accounting (4) BA 310 Principles of Marketing (3) BA 361 Organizational Behavior (3) CS 160 Survey of Computer Science (3) CS 161 Computer Science I (5) CS 162 Computer Science II (5) CS 340 Ethics & Information Management (3) CS 350 Network Administration (3) CS 420 Database Management (3) CS 453 Data Mining & Data Warehousing (3) IS 270 Applied Operating Systems (3) IS 320 Data Structures (3) IS 409 Internship (3) IS 409 Practicum (3) IS 409 Practicum (2) IS 421 Database Administration (3) IS 425 Introduction to Project Management (3) IS 430 IT Project Implementation (3) IS 452 Internet (3) IS 483 Systems Administration (3) MTH 231 Elements of Discrete Mathematics (3) MTH 243 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Information Systems majors must have a grade of C or better in courses that are used to satisfy the major requirements. Students must also have a C or better in all listed prerequisite courses unless waived by the course instructor and the computer science division chair. -------------- New description of major (for 2011-12 Catalog) Information Systems major (65 credits) BA 211 Financial Accounting (4) BA 310 Principles of Marketing (3) BA 361 Organizational Behavior (3) CS 160 Survey of Computer Science (4) CS 161 Computer Science I (5) CS 262 Programming Languages (4) CS 350 Network Administration (4) CS 362 Introduction to Relational Database Systems (4) IS 270 Applied Operating Systems (4) IS 320 Data Structures (4) IS 409 Internship (3) IS 421 Database Administration (4) IS 425 Introduction to Project Management (4) IS 430 IT Project Implementation (4) IS 483 Systems Administration (4) MTH 231 Elements of Discrete Mathematics (3) MTH 243 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Information Systems majors must have a grade of C or better in courses that are used to satisfy the major requirements. Students must also have a C or better in all listed prerequisite courses unless waived by the course instructor and the computer science division chair.

For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Effectiveness in changes in credit hours from 3 to 4 will be assessed by comparing final exam content and student performance with those from previous years. This will allow us to evaluate the increased depth of the courses as delivered as well as the increased student performance. Other program changes will be evaluated during assessment of the senior capstone. Additionally, our industry advisory council may be reactivated to evaluate our compatibility with the needs of industry.

Approval Queue

Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Scot Morse ApprovedDecember 15 2010
2 - Division Scot Morse ApprovedDecember 15 2010
3 - Division Curriculum John Marsaglia ApprovedDecember 16 2010
4 - Library Dean John Marsaglia ApprovedDecember 16 2010
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge RejectedFebruary 09 2011
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks RejectedJune 09 2011
7 - Dean
8 - Provost
9 - President
Attached Files:
ProgramChangeMemo_IS.pdf   Download
2011-12DegreePlan_IS.xls.pdf   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
