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Program Change:
Program Title: Visual Communication Design major
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
The art department proposes a new major entitled Visual Communication Design. It is a degree that has the same number of credits (84) as the current Art Major, which is described in the 2010-2011 WOU Course Catalog.
Visual Communication Design will vary only slightly in format from the current art major. Students will be required to take visual art foundations, 12 credits of art history, and may select to study two or three topic areas in upper division courses related to design for print, interactive/web media, and motion (including animation).
The Visual Communication Design major will include three subject areas: design for print, design for web/interactive media, and design for motion (animation). All Visual Communication Design majors are required to take A220, A221, A320, A321, and A322 to cover core theory and design practice that is fundamental in all topics. The A320/321/322 sequence provides one of the three upper division sequences required for these majors.
This major will serve the interests of domestic and international students. The major will include experiences crucial to designing in the 21st century. The new motion (including animation) sequence was requested by the WOU administration.
Describe the reasons for making this change:
Visual Communication Design major prerequisites for studio concentrations: All 200 level studio courses require A115; some require A115, A130, A119. See course descriptions for specific prerequisite requirements.
The A320-A321-A322 sequence is required for all students taking the Visual Communication Design major, and A322 is a prerequisite for certain upper division sequence courses (see course descriptions for details on prerequisites). All 300 level sequences must be taken in numerical order and require the appropriate prerequisite 200 level studio courses in the concentration. All 300 level courses require A116, A117, A119, A130, A131, A135 and A260.
All 400 level studio courses require a completed 300 level sequence in the concentration, and must be taken in numerical order with all necessary prerequisites.
Students wishing to combine Graphic Design with another studio art concentration (ceramics, drawing, painting, printmaking, or sculpture) must take an Art Major, and may use only the A320-A321-A322 sequence to fulfill one upper division sequence in the Art Major.
(84 credits)
Art History Courses (12)
Foundation Courses (21 credits):
A 115 Beginning Design: 2-D (3)
A 116 Beginning Design: 3-D (3)
A 117 Beginning Design: Color (3)
A 119 Digital Presentation for Artists (3)
A 130 Beginning Drawing (3)
A 131 Beginning Drawing Systems (3)
A 135 Beginning Life Drawing (3)
Introduction courses (15-18 credits):
A 230 Intro to Drawing (3)
A 260 Basic Photography I (3)
A 220 Intro to Typography (3)
A 221 Typographic Structures (3)
Choose one or two additional Introduction Courses:
A 223 Web Essentials (3)
A 226 Motion & Narrative (3)
Professional Support Courses (6-9 credits):
A 429 Portfolio & Preparation (3)
Choose one or two additional Professional Support Courses:
A315W Intermediate Design: 2D (3)
A 316 Intermediate Design: 3D (3)
A 412 Practicum (3)
COM 342 Media Literacy (3)
COM 343 Communication in the Information Age (3)
Upper-Division Sequences (27):
A 320 Graphic Design: Process & Theory (3)
A 321 Graphic Design: Form & Communication (3)
A 322 Graphic Design: Contemporary Practice (3)
Choose two additional three-course upper-division sequences:
A 323, A 234, A 325 Interactive Design (9)
A 326, A 327, A 328 Digital Motion (9)
A 420, A 421, A 422 Print Design (9)
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
Assessment procedures include pre- and post-testing and capstone portfolio requirements specific to the subject areas.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
Jodie Garrison |
Approved | January 11 2011 |
2 - Division |
Diane Tarter |
Approved | January 12 2011 |
3 - Division Curriculum |
David Janoviak |
Approved | January 12 2011 |
4 - Library Dean |
David Janoviak |
Approved | January 12 2011 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
Robert Monge |
Approved | January 20 2011 |
6 - Faculty Senate |
Gavin Keulks |
Approved | February 08 2011 |
7 - Dean |
Stephen Scheck |
Approved | February 14 2011 |
8 - Provost |
Kent Neely |
Approved | February 15 2011 |
9 - President |
Dianna Nickelson |
Approved | February 16 2011 |
Attached Files:
New_Program_visual communications major.doc |
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