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Program Change:
Program Title: Crime Analysis Certificate
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
see below
Describe the reasons for making this change:
The Criminal Justice Department has developed a new option for Criminal Justice majors leading to a Certificate in Crime Analysis. The proposed Crime Analysis Certificate is a response to technological innovations and high employment demands in the criminal justice community. Recent innovations in the field of data collection, data storage, data analysis, and geographic information sciences (GIS) enable crime analyst (through the applications of remote sensing, geocoding, spatial analysis, spatial statistics, spatial databases, crime mapping, and GIS/cartography) to better understand and then present data in both mapped and tabular forms.
The new certificate will provide students with an educational option designed to prepare them for employment (or enhance their employment) as crime analysts in federal, state, and local law enforcement and public safety agencies. Students pursuing an education in this new option will receive a structured course of study that focuses learning in three disciplines: Criminal Justice, Crime Analysis, and Computer Science. As a capstone to their studies, students will also complete a 400-hour practicum in a federal, state, or local crime analysis unit.
This is a very technical and demanding option, yet it offers great employment opportunities. Seats are limited in each year¿s cohort to 18 to 20 students. Cohort¿s form each Fall Term. Priority will be given to students who are academically well qualified. Students seeking a Crime Analysis Certificate must major in Criminal Justice and minor in Computer Science and complete the following courses (32 Units):
Course of Study
MTH-243 Introduction to Probability and Statistics(4) (grade of B or better)
GIS Core
CJ-245 GIS Maps and Spatial Information (4)
CJ-341 Introduction to Geographic Information Sciences (4) or ES341 or GEOG341
CJ-342 Strategic Analysis of Crime (4)
CJ-421 Policy Analysis in Criminal Justice (4)
CJ-430 GIS Capstone (4)
CJ-432 Advanced Criminal Investigations (4)
Total 28
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
The effectiveness of a new certificate in Crime Analysis will be determined by the number of students who ultimately secure employment as crime analysts.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
Stephen Gibbons |
Approved | January 20 2011 |
2 - Division |
John Rector |
Approved | January 21 2011 |
3 - Division Curriculum |
Shaun Huston |
Approved | January 24 2011 |
4 - Library Dean |
Shaun Huston |
Approved | January 24 2011 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
Robert Monge |
Rejected | February 15 2011 |
6 - Faculty Senate |
Gavin Keulks |
Approved | March 07 2011 |
7 - Dean |
Stephen Scheck |
Approved | March 15 2011 |
8 - Provost |
Kent Neely |
Approved | March 16 2011 |
9 - President |
Dianna Nickelson |
Approved | March 17 2011 |
Attached Files:
400 Bad Request
400 Bad Request