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Program Change:
Program Title: Exercise Science
Describe the proposed degree program change(s) in terms of how the changes differ from the program as currently approved and published in the latest WOU catalog (specify the latest catalog date).
Within the Applied Track of the BA/BS degree in Exercise Science,
Drop PE 499-Capstone from the Major
Add (in place of PE 499); PE 419-Internship in Exercise Science (see new course proposal)
Exit surveys conducted within the first two graduating classes within this recently designed major indicate a very strong student desire for greater levels of hands-on, practical experience within professional settings appropriate to the range of careers emanating from the Exercise Science major. The complimentary major from the Health program within the HPE division (Community Health Education) has enjoyed success with their required internship experiences. A reorganization of adjunct FTE is being pursued in identification of an adjunct faculty who would oversee both Exercise Science and Community Health Education internships, making the move to this requirement at this time feasible.
Describe the reasons for making this change:
see attached Exercise Science major description
For Dean Review only:
How and when will the effectiveness of these changes be determined?
The exit survey will continue to be implemented within subsequent graduating classes, with comparisons made on items indicating professional preparation.
It would be appropriate to let this program change run for a minimum of 4 years to capture data from the 2011-12 entering freshmen class, at which time a comprehensive evaluation of the internship requirement will be conducted.
Approval Queue
Step |
Approver |
Decision |
Timestamp |
1 - Department |
----------------- |
Approved | June 10 2011 |
2 - Division |
Peggy Pedersen |
Approved | June 11 2011 |
3 - Division Curriculum |
William Armstrong |
Approved | June 18 2011 |
4 - Library Dean |
William Armstrong |
Approved | June 18 2011 |
5 - Curriculum Committee |
Thaddeus Shannon |
Approved | October 18 2011 |
6 - Faculty Senate |
Gavin Keulks |
Approved | December 07 2011 |
7 - Dean |
Hilda Rosselli |
Approved | December 15 2011 |
8 - Provost |
Kent Neely |
Approved | December 19 2011 |
9 - President |
Dianna Nickelson |
Approved | December 21 2011 |
Attached Files:
400 Bad Request
400 Bad Request