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Nature of course request C00125 :

New course Graduate

First term offered :
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
INT 670 Leadership Roles in the Field of Interpreting 4 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Lead role field terp
Catalog Description:
Students analyze current leadership potential and practice. Emphasis is on local, national, and global trends in leadership practices for translators and interpreters. Focus is also on role definitions, training and supervision of interpreters and support staff, budgeting, and materials needed. Students gain skills and knowledge to act as mentors and resources for less experienced and entry-level interpreters. Dynamics of discussion; group thinking and decision making; interpersonal relations; types of leadership and the application of discussion techniques in the classroom and society.
Course Goal and Objectives:
Upon completing this course, students will be able to: ¿ Identify areas of service and leadership at the local, regional, and national levels. ¿ Demonstrate the ability to lead via service learning project (e.g., organize an event and lead a project). ¿ Analyze mentoring/coaching models. ¿ Demonstrate the ability to lead a group through decision-making processes. ¿ Describe their leadership style based on course discussion/content.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
New Program
Faculty and facilities needed:
No facilities needed. Year 1, no new faculty. Year 2, one more tenure line faculty needed.
Brief Course outline:
¿ Week 1: What is leadership? ¿ Week 2: Why do professions need leadership? ¿ Week 3: What are the potential roles of a leader? ¿ Week 4: Group dynamics & leadership ¿ Week 5: Where can you serve as a leader? ¿ Week 6: Leadership styles ¿ Week 7: What skills does a leader need to have? ¿ Week 8: Mentoring as leadership ¿ Week 9: Having the tools to be a resource ¿ Week 10: Service learning project reports ¿ Week 11: Service learning project reports, cont.

Approval Queue C00125
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedNovember 06 2009
2 - Division Elisa Maroney ApprovedDecember 01 2009
3 - Division Curriculum Mickey Pardew ApprovedDecember 03 2009
5 - Graduate Committee Mary Bucy ApprovedDecember 11 2009
6 - Faculty Senate Katherine Schmidt ApprovedFebruary 10 2010
7 - Dean Hilda Rosselli ApprovedMarch 05 2010
8 - Provost Kent Neely RejectedMarch 10 2010

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