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Nature of course request C01340 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Fall 2011
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
CS 362 Introduction to Relational Database Systems 4 - 4

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Intro Database Sys
Catalog Description:
This course studies the basic concepts of relational database, covering relational model, normalization, and information maintenance and information retrieving through SQL. Other topics discussed include: the history of data processing, database management systems and their vendors, and trends in the area of data processing. Prerequisite: CS 262
Course Goal and Objectives:
Through lectures, exercises, and labs, students are expected to gain a solid understanding regarding: (1) why an organization needs to store and process data, (2) the different types of data processing applications, and (3) advantages of relational model. Students also will learn SQL, the universal language to communicate with a Database Management System (DBMS).
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
A database course is an essential component in CS and IS programs. We currently have only one such course (CS 420), which is taught at an advanced level suitable for a senior level course. It is currently required for both the CS and IS degrees. Upon review of these programs and the existing course, it was determined that the material covered was too advanced for the IS program or for minors as a single class. This new course will become the required database course in the IS degree as well as the course recommended for minors and MIS graduate students who need a prerequisite for the graduate database course (CS 620). Computer Science students will continue to take the CS 420 course.
Faculty and facilities needed:
Existing and planned faculty and computing resources will be sufficient to cover the needs of this course.
Brief Course outline:
The attached syllabus includes a course outline.

Approval Queue C01340
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Scot Morse ApprovedDecember 15 2010
2 - Division Scot Morse ApprovedDecember 15 2010
3 - Division Curriculum John Marsaglia ApprovedDecember 16 2010
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge ApprovedFebruary 09 2011
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedFebruary 17 2011
Comments: approved in executive committee
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 19 2011
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 20 2011

Attached Files:
SYLLABUS_Fall_362_2011.pdf   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
