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Nature of course request C01423 :

Title change Description change Prerequisite change

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
EC 315 Economic Analysis and Report Writing 4 - 0
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
EC 315 Econometric Analysis and Report Writing 0 - 0

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)

Current Course Description:
: Basic methods of economic analysis; data sources, collection and presentation; report writing; projects to develop these skills.

New Course Description:
Basic methods of econometric analysis; data sources, collection and presentation, with a project to develop these skills. Using economic theory to examine current issues. Prerequisites: EC 202 and MTH 243, BA 243, or consent of instructor.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
While the primary focus of this course has been on econometrics for the last twenty years, which has not been explicitly identified in the course title. Students applying to graduate school and for economist positions in government agencies are required to have an identified course in econometrics. A required econometrics course will also align our program with those at all of our comparator institutions and within OUS. EC 460, Econometrics, will be available for students who want a more advanced course. In our experience, student success in this course depends on previous exposure to basic principles of probability, particularly normal and t distributions. Students may be able to demonstrate this background in other ways, such as courses that employ regression analysis.
Students/Program affected:
All economics majors and those minors that choose this course as an upper division elective.

Approval Queue C01423
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Hamid Bahari-Kashani ApprovedJanuary 14 2011
Comments: This course will be offered as "W" class. EC315W
2 - Division Hamid Bahari-Kashani ApprovedJanuary 18 2011
3 - Division Curriculum Kristina Frankenberger ApprovedJanuary 19 2011
Comments: This is title and description change Course is 4 credit hours
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge ApprovedFebruary 09 2011
Comments: Approved with Prerequisites change to EC 202, Mth 243 or BA 243, or consent of instructor Credits should be 4-0 (no change to current credits)
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedMarch 08 2011
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedMarch 15 2011
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedMarch 16 2011

Attached Files:
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
