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Nature of course request C01664 :

New course Graduate Others
800 level

First term offered :
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
ED 822 Instructional strategies and assessment 3 - 3

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Inst strats/assess
Catalog Description:
This course will prepare CTE candidates in developing curriculum and assessment that is aligned with State and industry standards. CTE candidates will learn the guiding principles of Professional Learning Communities and how school-wide collaboration can enhance student learning across the content areas. Teaching to an objective, formative and summative assessments, and strategies for interventions will be interwoven into this course. CTE candidates will be able to recognize and apply developmentally appropriate instructional strategies to both adolescent and adult learners.
Course Goal and Objectives:
The student, upon completion of this course, will demonstrate the ability to: Understand and utilize four guiding questions to develop meaningful coursework supported by authentic assessments (PLC). Additionally, understand CTE candidate¿s role in collaborative school-wide curriculum teams and relationship to individual targeted classroom instruction Guiding Questions a. What do I want students to know (and be able to do)? ¿ Develop curriculum objectives and expected outcomes using applicable required State academic standards, Oregon Skill Sets, and/or other accepted industry standards that delineate what individuals will need to know and be able to do within the intended career areas. ¿ Understand and be able to apply instruction and assessment of applicable State math, reading, and writing skills that will be utilized in specific Career and Technical content areas ¿ Illustrate targeted objectives and expected outcomes for students in daily classroom instruction b. How will I know if they have learned the intended objectives? ¿ Develop reliable and authentic assessment tools that focus on mastery of learning ¿ Use data to make ongoing decisions for targeted instruction and learning (formative assessments) ¿ Explore multifaceted ways to monitor and adjust instruction frequently c. What will I do if student don¿t learn after I have taught the lesson? ¿ Support differentiation and re-teaching within the classroom ¿ Collaborate to make decisions for individuals and groups ¿ Assure that all students learn the expected material through ongoing monitoring and repeated adjustment to instruction d. What will I do if students already know the material? ¿ Pre-assess regularly to assure understanding of student need ¿ Develop activities and assessments that support a diverse group of learners ¿ Initiate structured opportunities for self directed and guided projects
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
This course is included in the Career and Technical Education series and is designed to help CTE Educators meet TSPC and ODE requirements. These courses do not culminate in either a degree or a professional certification.
Faculty and facilities needed:
Contracted with DEP
Brief Course outline:
See attached

Approval Queue C01664
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedJune 03 2011
2 - Division Mark Girod ApprovedJune 03 2011
3 - Division Curriculum Mary Reynolds ApprovedJune 05 2011
5 - Graduate Committee Marie LeJeune ApprovedOctober 18 2011
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedOctober 19 2011
7 - Dean Hilda Rosselli ApprovedOctober 20 2011
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedOctober 24 2011

Attached Files:
ED_822_syllabus.pdf   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
