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Nature of course request C01668 :

Title change Description change Undergraduate

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
MUEN 161/361/561 Soulstice Vocal Jazz 1 - 1
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
MUEN 161/361/561 Western Hemisphere Voices 1 - 1

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Tues/Thurs 2:00-3:20

Current Course Description:
Soulstice, WOU¿s vocal jazz ensemble, features 14 singers and a rhythm section with piano, bass and drums. On alternate years, the group records a CD of selections by nationally recognized arrangers and WOU students. Soulstice concertizes with at least one acclaimed solo artist or group each year. In addition, Soulstice performs at schools, community functions and various jazz venues. Freshmen and sophomore register for MUEN 161, juniors and seniors register for MUEN 361; graduate students register for MUEN 561. May be repeated for credit. Consent of instructor required.

New Course Description:
WHV is dedicated to American Vernacular styles including jazz, R & B, Pop, Reggae, Gospel, Funk and more, and consistently debuts arrangements written specifically for the ensemble. The group features up to 14 singers, rhythm section, and horns. Freshmen and sophomore register for MUEN 161, juniors and seniors register for MUEN 361; graduate students register for MUEN 561. May be repeated for credit. Audition with instructor required.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
This ensemble is being updated to align with other groups in the department. The musical focus of the ensemble has broadened, and the new name helps identify the group more accurately.
Students/Program affected:

Approval Queue C01668
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Diane Baxter ApprovedJune 13 2011
2 - Division Diane Tarter ApprovedJune 20 2011
3 - Division Curriculum David Janoviak ApprovedJune 23 2011
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon RejectedOctober 18 2011
Comments: Send back to sponsor to handle the 5XX to allow Graduate Committee to see proposal. Clarify Course abbreviation for schedule. Spell out WHV acronym in catalog description. Curriculum chair will contact sponsor.
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks RejectedFebruary 23 2012

Attached Files:
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
