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Nature of course request C01682 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Winter 2012
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
CJ-427 Crime Problem Analysis 4 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Crime Probl Analysis
Catalog Description:
Building on knowledge learned in CJ-426, this course introduces students to advanced techniques and software used in the general analysis of crime. Using an actual problem in criminal justice (e.g. drug trafficking, white-collar crime, sexual exploration of children, etc.), students will collect, evaluate, correlate, and describe data related to the problem. Then, using qualitative and/or quantitative methods to analyze their data, students will develop a hypothesis and offer a prediction based on their findings. (Prerequisite CJ-426)
Course Goal and Objectives:
This course will introduce students to advanced techniques and software used in the general analysis of crime.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
The addition of this course keeps pace with the emerging field of crime analysis.
Faculty and facilities needed:
Adjunct faculty
Brief Course outline:
This course introduces students to advanced techniques and software used in the general analysis of crime. Using an actual problem in criminal justice (e.g. drug trafficking, white-collar crime, sexual exploration of children, etc.), students will collect, evaluate, correlate, and describe data related to the problem. Then, using qualitative and/or quantitative methods to analyze their data, students will develop a hypothesis and offer a prediction based on their findings.

Approval Queue C01682
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Stephen Gibbons ApprovedSeptember 12 2011
Comments: In the catalog description, "sexual exploration of children" should read "sexual exploitation of children."
2 - Division John Rector ApprovedSeptember 13 2011
3 - Division Curriculum Shaun Huston ApprovedSeptember 20 2011
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon RejectedOctober 18 2011
Comments: Listed as new course but CJ-427 Quantitative Methods of Criminal Justice is already in the catalog. Return to sponsor for clarification. Lists CJ-426 as prereq - proposal for CJ-416 returned for clarification. Curriculum chair will contact sponsor.
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks RejectedMarch 13 2012
Comments: Rejecting to clean up the portal; deans and above should do same. Proposal was resubmitted.

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