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Nature of course request C01743 :

Title change Description change 400/500 course

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
Psyc 487/587 Cross-Cultural Development 4 - 4
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
Psyc 487/587 Cross-Cultural Psychology 4 - 4

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Cross-Cultural Psych

Current Course Description:
Study of the relationship between culture and psychological functioning with an emphasis on developmental processes. Prerequisite: Psy 201, 202 and 311 or equivalent.

New Course Description:
Study of the relationship between culture and psychological functioning. Prerequisite: Psy 201 and 202.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
Other comparable institutions in the area, including University of Oregon, Southern Oregon University, Willamette University, University of Portland, and Pacific University, provide students with a general course in Cross-Cultural Psychology as an option for elective credit through the psychology department. Currently, the WOU psychology department only offers a more specific Cross-Cultural Development course that does not reflect the breath that is offered in this more general course at comparable universities. This current course offering only provides students with knowledge of studies on the relationship between culture and psychological development. Thus, I propose to offer a Cross-Cultural Psychology course that would would expose students to studies on the relationship between culture and psychological functioning overall. Accordingly, I suggest a change to the name (and description) of Psyc 487 from the more limited "Cross-Cultural Development" to the broader "Cross-Cultural Psychology". Additionally, re-naming and describing the course to broaden its scope would allow more professors to teach Psyc 487 rather than limiting it to just developmentalists. This would benefit students in the department and across campus by ensuring that this Diversity course could be offered consistently by the department. Providing this course consistently would also fit well with the second core theme of the University - the core theme of Diversity.
Students/Program affected:
This course change would positively affect psychology students and students outside the psychology department who enroll in it as an elective or Diversity course. Specifically, it would give these students a broader exposure to the relationship of culture to psychology rather than a more limited glimpse at only the relationship of culture to development. Additionally, given that more professors could teach this class as it would be redefined by this change, students would also benefit from the course being offered more consistently. The program would, however, remain unaffected by this course change. As this request simply asks for one elective course to be substituted for another, the number of different courses offered would not increase or decrease. While the program would remain unchanged, the department - like the students - would be positively affected by this change. Specifically, not only would staffing needs NOT increase because of this change (as it is simply re-naming an existing course), broadening the scope of this course would actually increase the number of professors who could teach it, thereby increasing the department's flexibility in staffing Psyc 487.

Approval Queue C01743
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Rob Winningham ApprovedOctober 25 2011
Comments: This proposed change would affect Psychology Majors and Minors. As far as we know, this course isn't an explicit part of any other major or minor at WOU. Rob Winningham, Psychology Division Chair
2 - Division Rob Winningham ApprovedOctober 25 2011
3 - Division Curriculum David Foster ApprovedOctober 28 2011
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 18 2012
Comments: Should be PSY. This proposal includes a prerequisite change.
5 - Graduate Committee Marie LeJeune ApprovedNovember 14 2011
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedJanuary 20 2012
Comments: Approved in executive committee, 1/19/12.
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedJanuary 25 2012
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedJanuary 26 2012

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