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Nature of course request C01892 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Spring 2012
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
ANTH 455 Human Nutrition in Evolutionary Perspective 4 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Human Nutrition
Catalog Description:
Food matters. It is a biological necessity for our survival but not just a biological necessity. In all societies, in many diverse ways, food and eating are also culturally important. In this course we examine foodways across time and space, from a holistic perspective. We will discuss how biology and culture have interacted throughout our evolution forming a biocultural interface with our foodways, the meanings and values associated with food structure identity and our relationships with natural and social environments.
Course Goal and Objectives:
- become fluent in the language and terminology of human nutrition in evolutionary perspective. - be able to critically evaluate key methodological and theoretical debates concerning the human diet. - be able to critically evaluate the ways biological, cultural and political variables interact to influence human nutrition. - keep a journal of class notes, free writing assignments, reading, film, research notes and class reflections. - write a research paper abstract. - prepare an annotated bibliography. - write a critical book review. - write and revise a research paper. - conduct and record field notes from an ethnographic interview.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
Provides upper division elective in Anthropology.
Faculty and facilities needed:
Brief Course outline:
Week 1 Introduction to the Course The Biocultural Framework for the Study of Diet and Nutrition Week 2 The Paleolithic Diet ¿ What did early Hominids eat? Week 3 The Agricultural ¿Revolution¿ ¿ Nutritional Consequences Week 4 The Agricultural ¿Revolution¿ ¿ Social and Political Consequences Week 5 The Industrial and Scientific Revolutions ¿ New foods, New Methods Week 6 Food and Culture Week 7 Food Technologies ¿ How People get Their Food Week 8 Food and Social Organization Week 9 Global Food Issues Week 10 Dietary Practices Feast!

Approval Queue C01892
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Robin Smith ApprovedJanuary 31 2012
2 - Division John Rector ApprovedFebruary 01 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Mark Henkels ApprovedFebruary 02 2012
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedFebruary 21 2012
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedMarch 13 2012
Comments: IMPORTANT NOTE: the title and abbreviation for this proposal were amended by the faculty senate with full cooperation of the sponsor. The NEW TITLE, which supplants any earlier title, is "Evolution of the Human Diet." The new abbreviation is "Evo Human Diet." According to senate procedures, these amendments are binding.
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedMarch 14 2012
Comments: Approve, recommend that the abbreviation ("Evo Human Diet.")title be further amended to have "Evo" expanded to "Evol". I believe Banner has capacity for the additional character and Evol is a common journal abbreviation for evolution.
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedMarch 15 2012

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