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Nature of course request C02124 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Fall 2012
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
CS 340W Computer Ethics & Law 3 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Computer Ethics&Law
Catalog Description:
Acquaint students with the contemporary or possible future moral problem that arise due to computerization. Give students a deeper understanding of the nature of morality or the nature of society. Help students understand the relationship between deep human needs, socioeconomic institutions, and technology. Prerequisites: CS 160 or Junior standing.
Course Goal and Objectives:
To examine many instances where technology has become integrated into daily life and to then evaluate the changes, for good or bad.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
A writing intensive course to be offered by the computer science division.
Faculty and facilities needed:
No more than current.
Brief Course outline:
Assignments: 35%-- there will be 8 weekly group presentations regarding the ethical/technology topic of the week, there will then be an informal op ed piece assigned to each individual student. Required length of informal papers, 4 pages. There will be two "polished" papers required for the course, the MidTerm:35% and the Final : 30 %

Approval Queue C02124
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department John Rector ApprovedOctober 02 2012
Comments: No dept chair
2 - Division David Olson ApprovedOctober 09 2012
Comments: No division chair
3 - Division Curriculum John Marsaglia ApprovedOctober 12 2012
Comments: No division curriculum chair

Attached Files:
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
