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Nature of course request C02182 :

Title change Description change Change credit hours

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
TA 381 Greek, Roman and Medieval Theatre 3 -
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
TA 381 Theatre History I 4 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Theatre History I

Current Course Description:
An integrated examination of the history, literature, theory, and criticism of the theatre from the Greeks through the Middle Ages.

New Course Description:
An integrated examination of the history, literature, theory, and criticism of the theatre from the Greeks through the Renaissance.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
Currently, the theatre history sequence spans six 3 credit courses. However, the requirement for all Theatre degree programs is a "Choose X" number of these classes. (Currently, BA/BS students choose 4 of 6, and BFA students choose 5 of 6.) This leads to obvious gaps in a student's theatre history curriculum. In order to close this gap, we are taking the first 5 classes in the sequence, which cover Western theatre (a total of 15 credits) and combining them into three 4 credit courses (for a total of 12 credits). In addition, the last class (TA 386 International Theatre) will remain the same. All four classes will be required for all majors (for a total of 15 credits for all Theatre degree programs), and will close the gap in the current system. This also has the benefit of students being able to cover the entire span of Western Theatre in one year, with the International class being offered in the second year. The four credit scheme for the Western Theatre sequence brings the history classes more in line with other History courses across campus, which are by a large margin 4 credits each.
Students/Program affected:
For Theatre BFA students, the total credit requirement will remain the same (15 credits). For BA/BS students, this increases the Theatre History load from 12 to 15 credits, which will be offset by other changes in the overall program.

Approval Queue C02182
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Sharon Oberst ApprovedOctober 08 2012
2 - Division Scott Grim ApprovedOctober 11 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Keller Coker ApprovedOctober 14 2012
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedFebruary 19 2013
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedFebruary 21 2013
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 23 2013
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 25 2013

Attached Files:
TA 381 Theatre History I Syllabus.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
