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Nature of course request C02374 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Spring 2014
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
ED 371D Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood Settings (birth-4th grade) 3 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Catalog Description:
Explores inclusive practices in early childhood settings for diverse children from birth-4th grade of all abilities. This course will include an exploration of the following: 1) foundations of early childhood/early childhood special education theory and practices, 2) characteristics of young children with disabilities and other special needs, 3) impact on the family; accessing research and resources, 4)approaches to screening, 5) types of programs, 6) adaptations and accommodations of the inclusive settings; 7) advocacy, integration, and future trends. This course focuses on supporting young children in natural environments through relationship-based practices and embedded instruction. *This course is intended for students who transfer from community colleges with a background in early childhood, not inclusive practices. Permission from the instructor is needed for enrollment into this course.
Course Goal and Objectives:
Students will be able to: 1. demonstrate an understanding of the conditions that affect learning in the areas of communication, motor, and cognitive development, including risk factors, developmental variation and developmental patterns of children of all abilities. 2. demonstrate knowledge of children from culturally diverse and second language learners and how that might impact teacher response, including bias and referrals to special education. 3. list and explain the philosophical/theoretical backgrounds that lay the foundation for various learning environments in inclusive early childhood settings. 4. use developmental knowledge to explain and demonstrate how diversity and meeting the needs of all children can be integrated into a supportive relationship-based inclusive learning environment. 5. address the needs of individual students in inclusive early childhood settings. 6. observe and document infant/toddler, preschool, and K-4 children's growth and development at home and/or in group, classroom settings. 7. identify themselves with the early childhood profession an will exhibit the attributes of a collaborative educational leader including the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions. (See syllabus for more details)
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
This course is part of the program revision of Early Childhood teaching authorization, and the proposed Early Childhood Studies major.
Faculty and facilities needed:
This course will be taught by faculty and/or adjuncts who are specialists in the field. No facility adjustments/changes/needs are anticipated.
Brief Course outline:
See attached syllabus

Approval Queue C02374
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedNovember 12 2012
2 - Division Maria Dantas-Whitney ApprovedNovember 12 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Maria Dantas-Whitney ApprovedNovember 12 2012
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedFebruary 19 2013
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedFebruary 21 2013
7 - Dean Mark Girod ApprovedFebruary 23 2013
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 25 2013

Attached Files:
ED 371 Course Syllabus.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
