Description change | Prerequisite change | Change credit hours | |||
Undergraduate |
From: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
INT 330 | Theory & Process of Interpreting Series | 3 - 0 |
To: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
INT 330 | Theory & Process of Interpreting Series | 4 - 0 |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) Theory/Proc of Int |
Current Course Description: INT 330 Theory and Process of Interpreting I (3) Introduces the sociolinguistic factors that influence communication, strategies for analyzing discourse and the theory and process of bilingual/bicultural interpreting. Prerequisite: admission to Interpreting program |
New Course Description: INT 330(4-credits) In this series of courses, students will identify and analyze the many demands (Environmental, Interpersonal, Paralinguistic, and Intrapersonal) that influence communication and develop controls for responding to communication events using the demand-control schema. Course content includes the ways in which various interlocutors construct and receive messages, and the co-construction of meaning and current theories in the process of interpreting. Students apply the theories and practice controls by working with static and spontaneous texts to provide consumer-driven interpretations. Prerequisite: Instructor approval |
Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): Modeling after the second language courses that establish sequences of courses in a series, we have established the course descriptions to align with what happens in our courses. The content of the courses remains similar throughout the sequence but the depth of analysis and application is increased over time. In addition, we have taken this Course + Lab model and modified it to be a series of 4 4-credit courses to allow for more dedicated time in the classroom with the instructor for individual and group work. |
Students/Program affected: ASL/English Interpreting Program majors. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | ----------------- | Approved | November 27 2012 |
2 - Division | Cheryl Davis | Approved | November 28 2012 |
3 - Division Curriculum | Mickey Pardew | Approved | November 29 2012 |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | January 16 2013 |
Comments: Prerequisite should be: Consent of Instructor.
6 - Faculty Senate | Keller Coker | Approved | February 12 2013 |
7 - Dean | Mark Girod | Approved | February 13 2013 |
8 - Provost | Kent Neely | Approved | February 15 2013 |