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Nature of course request C02448 :

Title change Description change Undergraduate

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
GEOG 306 Global Economic Geography 4 - 0
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
GEOG 306 Geographies of Development 4 - 0

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Geog of Development

Current Course Description:
Location theory and its application to the study of the distribution of various economic activities, international and interregional changes in the spatial structure of economic activities and the role of these changes in international and regional development.

New Course Description:
An inquiry into why some countries are rich while many others are poor, by understanding the geographic aspects of income distribution and poverty; their relationships with locational distribution of economic activities; and how these locations change over time.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
The proposed title and content are better descriptors than the current ones that are jargon-filled.
Students/Program affected:

Approval Queue C02448
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Mark VanSteeter ApprovedDecember 05 2012
2 - Division Mark Henkels ApprovedJanuary 30 2013
3 - Division Curriculum Mark Henkels ApprovedJanuary 31 2013
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedFebruary 19 2013
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedFebruary 21 2013
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 23 2013
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 25 2013

Attached Files:
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
