New course | Undergraduate |
First term offered : Winter 2013 | ||
Course Prefix&Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
ASL207 | American Sign Language IV: RCDHHA | 3 - |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) ASL IV RCDHHA |
Catalog Description: [NOTE: This course does NOT appear in the catalog because it is only available to Rehabilitation Counseling with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults (RCDHHA) participants.] Description: Provides students with the opportunity to develop and use stories and language activities in both receptive and expressive modes. Non-manual behavior, ASL structure, and fluency will be included to challenge students¿ ability to increase expressive and receptive skills in ASL to an advanced level. Perspectives on Deaf Culture will be discussed. . Instruction targets language especially helpful to vocational rehabilitation counselors and community partners. Prerequisites: ASL III or equivalent skill (requires instructor¿s approval) |
Course Goal and Objectives: Goal: To provide students conversational ASL skills for functional communication with deaf adults, focusing on vocabulary that will be helpful to vocational rehabilitation counselors and community partners. Students will: A. Review grammatical features taught in ASL III and be introduce advanced grammatical constructs. B. Develop an intermediate level of ASL vocabulary. C. Gain enhanced insight into the nature of Deaf culture through its language. |
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): American Sign Language is a part of the 9 credit OUS approved (CIP#51.2310) Rehabilitation Counseling with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults month-long summer orientation program. Students take one of 4 levels of ASL in addition to 2 other courses. All current ASL courses have changed from 3 to 4 credits. It is not feasible to increase the number of contact hours students have in the ASL class over the 4-week session in this certificate program. We have dealt with this issue in the past through Temporary Course Approvals to change the credit hours. However, because the course content is not the same as the 4 credit courses, a better solution seems to be to create different course numbers for these courses. No additional funds or personnel are required as the program is grant funded. The courses are not open to the public, and the course and description do not appear in the catalog. |
Faculty and facilities needed: No additional funds or personnel are required as the program is grant funded. |
Brief Course outline: See attached. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | Cheryl Davis | Approved | December 13 2012 |
Comments: No dept chair |
2 - Division | Cheryl Davis | Approved | December 14 2012 |
Comments: No division chair |
3 - Division Curriculum | Cheryl Davis | Approved | December 15 2012 |
Comments: No division curriculum chair |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | January 16 2013 |
Comments: Prerequisite should be: ASL 206 or consent of instructor. |
6 - Faculty Senate | Keller Coker | Approved | February 12 2013 |
7 - Dean | Mark Girod | Approved | February 13 2013 |
8 - Provost | Kent Neely | Approved | February 15 2013 |
ASL 207 syllabus.doc | Download |