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Nature of course request C02484 :

Title change Description change Prerequisite change
400/500 course

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
SPED 489/589 Autism: Secondary Transition and Community-Based Instruction 3 - 0
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
SPED 489/589 ASD: MS/HS/Transition and Community Based Instruction 3 - 0

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
ASD:MS/HS/Tran Inst

Current Course Description:
Prepares educators, educational assistants, and others with information, curriculum, and teaching strategies for students in middle school, high school, and post-high programs who experience Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Prerequisite: SPED 486/586 or conĀ¬current enrollment or consent of instructor

New Course Description:
This course is designed to provide participants with information transition-related activities, curriculum, and teaching strategies for students who experience Autism Spectrum Disorder in middle/high/post-high programs. Participants will be able to identify, describe, and implement educational strategies aimed at helping students to achieve success in community-based settings and throughout a variety of daily routines. Prerequisite: SPED 486/586, SPED 487/587, SPED 488/588

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
Reflect title, description and prerequisite changes
Students/Program affected:
Undergraduate students seeking an elective course. Graduate student seeking elective course or Specialization: ASD

Approval Queue C02484
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedDecember 19 2012
2 - Division Cheryl Davis ApprovedDecember 19 2012
3 - Division Curriculum Mickey Pardew ApprovedDecember 19 2012
5 - Graduate Committee Kimberly Jensen ApprovedJanuary 16 2013
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 16 2013
6 - Faculty Senate Keller Coker ApprovedJanuary 30 2013
7 - Dean Mark Girod ApprovedJanuary 31 2013
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 01 2013

Attached Files:
SpEd_489_MS-HS-Transtion.doc   Download
SpEd_589_MS-HS-Transtion.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
