Number/Prefix change | Description change | Prerequisite change | |||
Undergraduate |
From: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
ES 392 | Sedimentary Geology | 4 - 4 |
To: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
ES 493 | Sedimentary Geology | 4 - |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) SedGeol |
Current Course Description: ES 392 Sedimentary Geology (4) Description and interpretation of sedimentary lithology, textures and structures, primarily at the hand sample and outcrop scale; the principles of transport/depositional processes; sedimentary environments; and facies models. Four hours of lecture and active learning. Two required field trips, one during the academic week, and one weekend trip. Prerequisites: ES 203, ES 450 or consent of instructor. Should be taken during the student¿s senior year and requires a significant preexisting geological knowledge base. |
New Course Description: ES 493 Sedimentary Geology (4) Description and interpretation of sedimentary lithology, textures, and structures at the thin section, hand sample, and outcrop scale; the principles of transport/depositional processes; techniques of sedimentary analysis; sedimentary environments and facies models. Four hours of lecture and active learning. Required field trips. Prerequisites: ES 431/531 or ES 491/591 and ES 450, or consent of instructor. Should be taken during the student¿s senior year and requires a significant preexisting geological knowledge base. |
Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): ES 392 is the capstone course in the sedimentary geology/Earth history sequence at WOU. The 300 designation of this course leads to confusion because more general courses in the sedimentary geology/Earth history sequence are listed at the 400 level. ES 392 requires senior-level geological thinking skills and approaches. Students are expected to be familiar with techniques of optical mineralogy and to have a thorough knowledge of petrographic problem solving. These are skills honed in ES 301 and ES 450. ES 491 and ES 431 are far more general courses than ES 392. Both of these courses are general interest courses that are also designed to provide ES majors with critical background skills in the description, analysis, and interpretation of sedimentary environments and ancient ecosystems. The approaches, skills and tools acquired in both of these courses are important prerequisites for the higher level analysis of sedimentary rocks and systems in ES 392. My ability to teach ES 392 at the level that is appropriate for the course is severely hampered because these courses are currently not prerequisites, and the change would be greatly in the best interest of our students. Geology minors are currently required to take ES 392, although they are not required to take ES 491 or ES 431. With some additional background these students should be able to continue to be successful in ES 392 ¿ since the course content and expectations will not substantially change ¿ although these students will not be able to appreciate the richness of the subject that ES majors do. If this is perceived as a problem (which I don¿t believe that it is), one solution might be to remove ES 392 from the Geology minor requirements |
Students/Program affected: ES majors and Geology minors. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | Jeffrey Templeton | Approved | February 15 2013 |
Comments: The Earth and Physical Science Dept. does not have any concerns about the potential impact that this change might have on Geology minors. We will work with students at the advisor level to accommodate any issues that they might have as a result of this curriculum change. |
2 - Division | Steve Taylor | Approved | February 17 2013 |
3 - Division Curriculum | Laurie Burton | Approved | February 22 2013 |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | March 22 2013 |
Comments: Clarification to prerequisites from Jeff Myers, should read -
Prerequisites: ES 450 and either ES 431 or ES 491, or consent of instructor. |
6 - Faculty Senate | Keller Coker | Approved | March 25 2013 |
7 - Dean | Diane Tarter | Approved | March 26 2013 |
8 - Provost | Stephen Scheck | Approved | March 26 2013 |