New course | Undergraduate |
First term offered : Spring 2014 | ||
Course Prefix&Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
SOC 354 | Sociology Internship | 1 - 12 |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) Sociology Internship |
Catalog Description: Supervised internship with a professional organization that employs sociological knowledge and skills. Placement is determined in consultation with instructor. Possible sites include governmental agencies, labor unions, social service organizations, advocacy groups, educational institutions, and private companies. |
Course Goal and Objectives: ¿ Provide students the opportunity to apply sociological knowledge and skills in a professional setting. ¿ Provide students the opportunity to explore potential career lines. ¿ Develop professional experience in a relevant occupational field. ¿ Enhance student opportunities for post-graduation employment. |
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): The sociology curriculum includes several courses where students are able to apply (and acquire) sociological knowledge in real world settings (SOC 341 Community Action; SOC 310 Service Learning and Community Praxis; SOC 409 Latin@ Mentoring). However, we do not offer a formal opportunity to complete a professional internship. This course will provide students the opportunity to explore potential career lines, develop professional experience in a relevant occupational field, and enhance their opportunities for post-graduation employment. |
Faculty and facilities needed: No new faculty or facilities are needed. |
Brief Course outline: Credits and Hours: Students will earn 1 credit for every 30 hours of supervised work - up to a maximum of 12 credit hours. Prerequisites: The course will be open to any student who has completed 9 hours of course work in sociology and at least 72 credit hours of college level work. Grading: Students will have the option of taking the course P/F or A-F. A grade of Incomplete will be allowed as long as the student is making regular progress toward completion of the required hours. Application Form: All students will be required to submit an application form before beginning their internship. The application will include the following: ¿ Name and location of the internship site ¿ Name and contact information of the site supervisor ¿ Description of internship responsibilities ¿ Days and hours of work Students will be encouraged to submit their applications before the start of the term and no application will accepted after the first week of the term. Supervising faculty will assist students in locating appropriate internship sites, but the final responsibility will rest with student. The sociology department will work with the WOU Service Learning and Career Development Center in compiling a database of potential employers. We have already identified an interest from PCUN (Oregon farm worker labor union), American Federation of Teachers, Service Employees International, the State of Oregon, and several local social service agencies. E-Journal: Students will be required to maintain a weekly electronic journal (accessible electronically by supervising faculty) that will include professional observations, academic insights, questions and concerns. Evaluation: An evaluation form will be completed separately by the site supervisor and the intern at two different points in time. The first evaluation will occur near the fourth week of the term and the second evaluation will occur at the completion of the internship. In addition, the supervising faculty member will visit the site at least once during the internship. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | Dean Braa | Approved | March 15 2013 |
2 - Division | Dean Braa | Approved | March 15 2013 |
3 - Division Curriculum | Mark Henkels | Approved | March 17 2013 |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | January 16 2014 |
Comments: Course number should be SOC 399 (SOC 354 is already in use). |
6 - Faculty Senate | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | January 16 2014 |
7 - Dean | Susanne Monahan | Approved | January 16 2014 |
8 - Provost | Stephen Scheck | Approved | January 23 2014 |