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Nature of course request C02610 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Winter 2015
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
ED 427W Professional Development: Early Childhood Studies Capstone 3 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Catalog Description:
A culminating course devoted to analyzing and synthesizing knowledge and skills gained through the Early Childhood Studies major as it applies to early childhood education. Students will examine teaching and learning through core studies and preparation for their final portfolio.
Course Goal and Objectives:
Students will be able to: 1. Synthesize and reflect on knowledge gained through coursework in the Early Childhood Studies major. 2. Examine applications of educational theories and research to their own teaching and learning process. 3. Demonstrate competency in writing ability and coherent communication of knowledge. 4. Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in small groups to construct a joint knowledge base about a case. 5. Present information in a disciplined, clear and concise manner. 6. Be able to articulate how portfolios are used professionals to integrate, reflect upon, and provide evidence of accomplishments regarding skills, knowledge, and dispositions required of the early childhood profession. 7. Complete a final portfolio and present that portfolio to program faculty. 8. Identify themselves with the early childhood profession and will exhibit the attributes of a collaborative educational leader including the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
This course is included in the Early Childhood Teaching Authorization program revision, and in the proposed Early Childhood Studies (non-licensure) major.
Faculty and facilities needed:
This course will be taught by faculty and/or adjuncts who are specialists in the field.
Brief Course outline:
(See attached syllabus)

Approval Queue C02610
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department ----------------- ApprovedApril 08 2013
2 - Division Maria Dantas-Whitney ApprovedApril 09 2013
3 - Division Curriculum Maria Dantas-Whitney ApprovedApril 09 2013
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 06 2014
6 - Faculty Senate Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 06 2014
7 - Dean Mark Girod ApprovedFebruary 20 2014
8 - Provost Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 28 2014

Attached Files:
ED 427W Course Syllabus.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
