New course | Undergraduate | LACC |
First term offered : | ||
Course Prefix&Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
PE 120 | Intermediate Pilates | 2 - 0 |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) INT PILATES |
Catalog Description: This course provides students who have prior experience in Pilates the opportunity to extend their knowledge and performance of Pilates mat exercises. Intermediate and advanced level exercises as well as anatomical foundations of exercises will be emphasized. Students will enhance their ability to integrate Pilates principles and concepts into their work and further develop their mind-body awareness, postural alignment, core stability, balance, and overall muscular strength and flexibility. May be repeated for credit up to six credits. Pre-requisite: PE 116 or permission of instructor. |
Course Goal and Objectives: Student Learning Objectives: Students will: 1. Learn and perform an ordered series of intermediate-advanced Pilates mat exercises using proper technique and integration of Pilates principles and concepts. 2. Increase their core stability, balance, muscular strength, and flexibility. 3. Enhance their mind-body awareness and postural alignment. 4. Learn and discuss anatomical foundations of Pilates exercises. 5. Reflect upon how Pilates mat work impacts their fitness, health, and performance of other exercise and lifestyle activities. |
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): Since adding Pilates (PE 116) to the Division of HPE¿s LACC and general physical activity course options for students at WOU, we have seen increased student interest and enrollments in the course and have increased the number sections of the course. At this time, we are finding that many students in PE 116 either come to the class with prior Pilates experience and/or wish to further their development in Pilates and work at a more advanced level. In PE 116, beginning level students must be allowed to develop their foundational motor patterns, core stability, and muscular strength at a gradual pace through a range of preparatory and beginning level exercises. Although we provide exercise modifications to increase difficulty levels for those students with higher levels of fitness), we can only take the more advanced students so far without sacrificing the safety of the beginning level students. Current students in our classes have expressed an interest in a more advanced Pilates course and, since we are finding students repeating PE 116 to continue their development of Pilates, feel that a second level is warranted. |
Faculty and facilities needed: Current faculty with expertise/certification in Pilates: Amy McDonnell, Marita Cardinal; Facility: HWC 302 (the same room where the other Pilates courses are held, so use of equipment can be shared. No new faculty or facilities needed. |
Brief Course outline: Week one: Overview of course syllabus and discussion of course goals/objectives, activities, and requirements; review of the vocabulary, concepts, and principles of Pilates; introduction to the anatomical foundations of Pilates; review of beginning level Pilates mat exercises, proper alignment, technique, and integration of Pilates principles. Weeks two through ten: Continuation and further development of Pilates mat exercises, adding more advanced modifications and advanced exercises that extend students¿ core stability, muscular strength, and flexibility; inclusion of anatomical foundations for each exercise to hone students¿ cognitive understanding of the muscular contractions associated with each exercise and how to perform exercises using the most efficient and effective techniques. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | Peggy Pedersen | Approved | April 16 2013 |
Comments: No dept chair |
2 - Division | Peggy Pedersen | Approved | April 17 2013 |
Comments: No division chair |
3 - Division Curriculum | Peggy Pedersen | Approved | April 18 2013 |
Comments: No division curriculum chair |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Thaddeus Shannon | Approved | May 23 2013 |
6 - Faculty Senate | Keller Coker | Approved | June 10 2013 |
7 - Dean | Mark Girod | Approved | August 20 2013 |
8 - Provost | Stephen Scheck | Approved | August 21 2013 |
Int Pilates Syllabus.doc | Download |