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Nature of course request C02905 :

Prerequisite change Undergraduate

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
BI 211 Principles of Biology 15 -
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
BI 211 Principles of BIology 15 -

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Principles of Bio

Current Course Description:
An introduction to the science of biology, including morphological, physiological and developmental aspects of living organisms; the phylogeny, evolution and ecology of both plants and animals, and fundamental concepts of genetics and molecular biology. Designed for the biology major. Four hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: passing grade in BI 211 required for admission to BI 212 and BI 213. Students interested in BI 211 are strongly encouraged to have taken high school biology and chemistry or BI 102 and CH 104

New Course Description:
An introduction to the science of biology, including morphological, physiological and developmental aspects of living organisms; the phylogeny, evolution and ecology of both plants and animals, and fundamental concepts of genetics and molecular biology. Designed for the biology major. Four hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: BI 102 or CH 104 with grade of B or better, or satisfactory score on WOU¿s Biology Placement Test is required prerequisite for BI 211. Passing grade in BI 211 required for admission to BI 212 and BI 213.

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
Biology 211 has a long history of poor retention, with- on average- 40% of students earning D¿s, failing, or dropping out. Over the last 4 years, the Biology Department 211 instruction team has collected and analyzed assessment data related to retention in this ¿gateway¿ course for our major. Additionally we have implemented and compared several active learning strategies with the hope that they would improve success. While some of these strategies have helped students in the C/B range, they have not helped students in the D/F range ¿ and pre-test score analysis shows that pre-college science preparation is correlated with success in this course. In the last 2 years, we have developed and tested a predictive placement test ¿ which we (working in a partnership with Academic Advising and Learning) implemented in Fall 2013. Based on this implementation we were able to direct students into the appropriate course for their needs and the BI 211 instruction team is already seeing better student performance and retention.
Students/Program affected:
The Introductory Principles of Biology Sequence is required for Biology Majors in all Emphases, and for Students in the Biology minor. It is a requirement for the Integrated Science teacher and Biology teacher Education majors. It can be used for laboratory science to meet the general education LACC requirements for laboratory science. It is one of two possible tracks in the Forensic Chemistry option in the Chemistry major and must be completed as part of the Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology and Environmental Chemistry options. It is also an option for a sequence in the Earth Science major and BI 211 is required in the History of the Earth and biosphere minor.

Approval Queue C02905
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Erin Baumgartner ApprovedNovember 13 2013
2 - Division Steve Taylor ApprovedNovember 15 2013
3 - Division Curriculum Michael Ward ApprovedDecember 11 2013
5 - Curriculum Committee Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 23 2014
6 - Faculty Senate Thaddeus Shannon ApprovedJanuary 23 2014
7 - Dean Susanne Monahan ApprovedApril 08 2014
8 - Provost Stephen Scheck ApprovedApril 09 2014

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