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Nature of course request C00890 :

400/500 course

Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
MUS 460/560 Special Topics in Music History 3 - 3
Course Prefix & Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
MUS 460/560 Special Topics in Music History 2 - 3

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Spec Top: (topic)

Current Course Description:
A cultural study on a historical, artistic, liter- ary, or philosophical movement using the role of music in that movement. The central topic will change with each offering in order to address the diverse interests and needs of the students. May be repeated for credit

New Course Description:
A cultural study on a historical, artistic, liter- ary, or philosophical movement using the role of music in that movement. The central topic will change with each offering in order to address the diverse interests and needs of the students. May be repeated for credit

Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
We wish to add the option of offering this as a 2-credit class at times. This will allow for the exploration of a topic of lesser scope, and for more flexibility in balancing faculty load.
Students/Program affected:

Approval Queue C00890
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Keller Coker ApprovedOctober 13 2010
2 - Division Diane Tarter ApprovedOctober 16 2010
3 - Division Curriculum David Janoviak ApprovedOctober 19 2010
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge ApprovedNovember 16 2010
Comments: Credit Hour Change Only
5 - Graduate Committee Mary Bucy ApprovedNovember 16 2010
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedFebruary 08 2011
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 14 2011
Comments: I have verified with Tom Bergeron that the course is repeatable -- if topic content is different. Should add language to the description that "may be repeated if different subject content."
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 14 2011

Attached Files:
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
