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Nature of course request C00893 :

New course Undergraduate

First term offered : Winter 2011
Course Prefix&Number Descriptive Title Credits/Hours
CJ-245 GIS Maps and Spatial Information 4 - 0

Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces)
Catalog Description:
This course introduces the cartographic principles needed to understand geographic information science. The course will explore global reference and coordinate systems, maps and generalization, types of maps: reference, thematic, topographic, aerial photography, and GIS. During the course, students will be introduced to ArcMap. It assumes that students have no prior knowledge about GIS. This course serves as a foundation course in the Criminal Justice GIS sequence (CJ-245, CJ-341, CJ-342, and CJ-430). The course assumes participants have taken CS-160 or its equivalent. If you have not, you must secure the approval of the instructor.
Course Goal and Objectives:
Understands how to use coordinate geometry as it applies to maps and geospatial data. Use GPS to gather data and import data into a GIS system. Understand types of maps and their uses. Be able to locate paces on a topographic map using various reference systems. Manipulate point, polyline, and polygon features and create basic map layouts.
Justification for adding the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.):
This course is the first in a series of four courses that support the new Crime Analysis Certificate.
Faculty and facilities needed:
One adjunct faculty The course will share the GIS lab.
Brief Course outline:
CJ 245: GIS MAPS AND SPATIAL INFORMATION ________________________________________ CREDITS: 4 Hybrid class (2 hours face to face and 2 hours online) TIME: 4:30 to 6:30 Monday Evening - ROOM: TBA INSTRUCTOR: Lynn Songer OFFICE: TBA OFFICE HOURS: EMAIL: TEXT: 1. Mastering ArcGIS 9.3 by:Maribeth H. Price Course Description: This course introduces the cartographic principles needed to understand geographic information science. The course will explore global reference and coordinate systems, maps and generalization, types of maps: reference, thematic, topographic, aerial photography, and GIS. During the course, students will be introduced to ArcMap. It assumes that students have no prior knowledge about GIS. This course serves as a foundation course in the Criminal Justice GIS sequence (CJ-245, CJ-341, CJ-342, and CJ-430). The course assumes participants have taken CS-160 or its equivalent. If you have not, you must secure the approval of the instructor. Student in the class will: Understands how to use coordinate geometry as it applies to maps and geospatial data. Use GPS to gather data and import data into a GIS system. Understand types of maps and their uses. Be able to locate paces on a topographic map using various reference systems. Manipulate point, polyline, and polygon features and create basic map layouts. Class structure: The course is designed as a hybrid lecture and laboratory class. We will meet face to face for 2 hours each week. The remaining course work - 2 hours plus the time needed to complete assignments - will be done outside of class. Expect to spend at least 6 hours a week out side of class to complete the assignments. You will be provided with a copy of the ArcEditor – the GIS software used in the class and you will have access to the GIS lab on campus. Attendance: Attendances is critically important to success in this hybrid class. Each class period is worth 4 points – a total of 10% of your final grade. To earn these points you will need to be in class on time and stay through the entire two-hour class period. Assignments: Each lab assignment will have a firm due data. You will typically have one week to complete an assignment and it will be due at the beginning of the next class. I will reduce your assignment score by 10% a day –The first deduction being after class begins.

Approval Queue C00893
Step Approver Decision Timestamp
1 - Department Stephen Gibbons ApprovedOctober 15 2010
2 - Division John Rector ApprovedOctober 15 2010
Comments: The last sentence of the Catalog Description should read: "A student must secure the approval of the instructor."
3 - Division Curriculum Shaun Huston ApprovedOctober 19 2010
5 - Curriculum Committee Robert Monge ApprovedJanuary 31 2011
Comments: Approved with the removal of the following language from the catalog description:(CJ-245, CJ-341, CJ-342, and CJ-430) / The course assumes participants have taken CS-160 or its equivalent. If you have not, you must secure the approval of the instructor.
6 - Faculty Senate Gavin Keulks ApprovedFebruary 22 2011
7 - Dean Stephen Scheck ApprovedFebruary 23 2011
8 - Provost Kent Neely ApprovedFebruary 24 2011

Attached Files:
CJ_245 syllabus.doc   Download
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request
