Prerequisite change | 400/500 course |
From: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
MTH 441 | Linear Algebra II | 4 - 0 |
To: | ||
Course Prefix & Number | Descriptive Title | Credits/Hours |
MTH 441 | Linear Algebra II | 4 - 0 |
Abbreviation for Class Schedule(20 spaces) Linear Algebra II |
Current Course Description: Complex vector spaces, linear transformations, canonical forms, the spectral theorem and eigenvalue problems, applications. Students enrolled in MTH 541 will be expected to complete a graduate project. Prerequisite: MTH 341 with a grade of C- or better |
New Course Description: Complex vector spaces, linear transformations, canonical forms, the spectral theorem and eigenvalue problems, applications. Students enrolled in MTH 541 will be expected to complete a graduate project. Prerequisite: MTH 280 and MTH 341 with a grade of C- or better |
Justification for changing the course (e.g. alignment with other institutions, program revision, etc.): MTH 441 is a proof-based course, so the knowledge of proofs acquired in MTH 280 is essential to success in the class. |
Students/Program affected: Students pursuing a mathematics major, applied mathematics major, mathematics education major, computer science - mathematics major, and mathematics minor. |
Step | Approver | Decision | Timestamp |
1 - Department | Klay Kruczek | Approved | October 28 2010 |
2 - Division | Steve Taylor | Approved | October 29 2010 |
3 - Division Curriculum | Laurie Burton | Approved | November 04 2010 |
5 - Graduate Committee | Mary Bucy | Approved | November 16 2010 |
Comments: Clarification: This course should be listed as 441/541 in all relevant locations on this form. |
5 - Curriculum Committee | Robert Monge | Approved | January 31 2011 |
6 - Faculty Senate | Gavin Keulks | Approved | February 03 2011 |
Comments: Approved in executive committee, 2/3/11 |
7 - Dean | Stephen Scheck | Approved | February 06 2011 |
8 - Provost | Kent Neely | Approved | February 06 2011 |