WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000 music 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:06.000 so I'm a community mental 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:08.000 health counselor in Yamhill County 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:09.000 I work with like -- vulnerable 00:00:09.000 --> 00:00:12.000 adults so I do mental health 00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:15.000 that's what I do so what she 00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:18.000 asked me to talk to you about was the 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:19.000 comprehensive examination in 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:21.000 rehabilitation counseling my 00:00:21.000 --> 00:00:23.000 experience so thank you for 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:26.000 joining me on my journey okay 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:28.000 so that's my agenda so I'm 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:31.000 pretty much a person centered 00:00:31.000 --> 00:00:32.000 facilitator so I'm gonna kind of 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:33.000 let you guys choose which one 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:35.000 you want to go with of those 00:00:35.000 --> 00:00:37.000 two -- I can talk to you about 00:00:37.000 --> 00:00:40.000 the exam preparation first 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:41.000 or I can talk to you about my 00:00:41.000 --> 00:00:44.000 experience with it -- either 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:46.000 or you guys decide and then at 00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:47.000 the end I'll just answer any 00:00:47.000 --> 00:00:50.000 questions you have about it so 00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:52.000 poll the audience who wants to 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:55.000 talk about the experience first 00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:57.000 okay who wants to talk about 00:00:57.000 --> 00:00:62.000 the exam preparation okay so 00:01:02.000 --> 00:01:04.000 we'll do exam preparation first 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:05.000 now here's the interesting 00:01:05.000 --> 00:01:06.000 thing I knew you were going 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:08.000 to say that those are pretty 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:10.000 basic tenets so I'm gonna talk 00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:11.000 to you a little bit about this 00:01:11.000 --> 00:01:13.000 exam preparation I didn't know 00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:15.000 that Dr. Lin was going to 00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:17.000 show you the rubric and also 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:18.000 the letter have you guys seen that 00:01:18.000 --> 00:01:20.000 before you familiar with that 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:23.000 okay so are you familiar with 00:01:23.000 --> 00:01:26.000 using a rubric in other classes 00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:28.000 do you guys go by that okay 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:32.000 it's just as simple -- the 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:34.000 way you set up your slides 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:37.000 I would suggest or encourage 00:01:37.000 --> 00:01:39.000 would be a better word I would 00:01:39.000 --> 00:01:40.000 encourage you to do it just 00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:42.000 kind of like Joelle did hit 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:44.000 the key points on the rubric 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:49.000 practice so once you have a 00:01:49.000 --> 00:01:51.000 skeleton outline of how you're 00:01:51.000 --> 00:01:54.000 gonna present -- this is what 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:56.000 you can do as an example you 00:01:56.000 --> 00:01:58.000 know there's twelve areas the 00:01:58.000 --> 00:01:60.000 cover so you know -- you're 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:01.000 gonna have at least three 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:03.000 other slides besides those 00:02:03.000 --> 00:02:05.000 twelve areas which are your 00:02:05.000 --> 00:02:08.000 introduction right your agenda 00:02:11.000 --> 00:02:12.000 for example and then you'll have 00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:14.000 references but I really don't 00:02:14.000 --> 00:02:16.000 unless you -- plan ahead 00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:17.000 of time I really don't see you 00:02:17.000 --> 00:02:18.000 having a bunch of references 00:02:18.000 --> 00:02:19.000 other than what you got with 00:02:19.000 --> 00:02:21.000 you -- so you're looking at 00:02:21.000 --> 00:02:24.000 about fifteen slides of material 00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:25.000 which means that you probably 00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:26.000 have about three minutes for 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:29.000 each slide so if you look at 00:02:29.000 --> 00:02:32.000 that picture how you can 00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:33.000 fit three minutes of time in 00:02:33.000 --> 00:02:36.000 each slide right now nobody is 00:02:36.000 --> 00:02:37.000 an expert because I'm sure that 00:02:37.000 --> 00:02:40.000 there are many people who you know 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:41.000 are on the ball when it comes 00:02:41.000 --> 00:02:42.000 to diagnosing and they want 00:02:42.000 --> 00:02:44.000 to talk diagnosis for twenty 00:02:44.000 --> 00:02:46.000 minutes -- I can do that 00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:49.000 people who really understand 00:02:49.000 --> 00:02:52.000 functional limitations you 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:53.000 can talk forever on that 00:02:53.000 --> 00:02:56.000 which is great the best way 00:02:56.000 --> 00:02:57.000 I can explain it is it's a 00:02:57.000 --> 00:02:59.000 celebration of your academic 00:02:59.000 --> 00:02:60.000 achievement so just tell them 00:03:00.000 --> 00:03:01.000 what you know and hit all the 00:03:01.000 --> 00:03:04.000 high points and move on if 00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:05.000 there is questions they'll ask 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:06.000 them at the end and then you 00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:09.000 cover them okay -- now with 00:03:09.000 --> 00:03:11.000 the practice part that I was 00:03:11.000 --> 00:03:13.000 talking about is once you have 00:03:13.000 --> 00:03:15.000 that all set up I don't know 00:03:15.000 --> 00:03:16.000 how they're going to do that 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:19.000 but in my experience -- it 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:21.000 was done during supervision we'd 00:03:21.000 --> 00:03:24.000 take turns presenting right and 00:03:24.000 --> 00:03:26.000 then we would get the feedback 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:29.000 from not only the -- supervisor 00:03:29.000 --> 00:03:31.000 whoever it was doing the -- 00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:33.000 supervision -- here at the 00:03:33.000 --> 00:03:34.000 university so mine was Dr. Ni 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:37.000 at the time and we'd also get 00:03:39.000 --> 00:03:40.000 members that were part of the 00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:42.000 supervision right so not only 00:03:42.000 --> 00:03:43.000 are you getting to see how other people 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:45.000 are presenting stuff but you're 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:48.000 also getting that feedback so 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:50.000 once you practice there's got 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:51.000 to be like a level of humility 00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:53.000 with you right so you've got to 00:03:53.000 --> 00:03:54.000 balance like confidence with 00:03:54.000 --> 00:03:57.000 humility so be confident of 00:03:57.000 --> 00:03:59.000 course but also kinda listen 00:03:59.000 --> 00:03:61.000 to the advice they give you 00:04:01.000 --> 00:04:02.000 because it can make all the 00:04:02.000 --> 00:04:03.000 difference in the world you 00:04:03.000 --> 00:04:05.000 know -- maybe you talk too 00:04:05.000 --> 00:04:07.000 much or maybe you seem to know 00:04:07.000 --> 00:04:08.000 too much about an area and it's 00:04:08.000 --> 00:04:10.000 really not that important at 00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:11.000 the end of the day so you can 00:04:11.000 --> 00:04:16.000 use that method -- then after 00:04:16.000 --> 00:04:18.000 you've done all that practice 00:04:18.000 --> 00:04:21.000 some more it's -- it's okay to 00:04:21.000 --> 00:04:23.000 you know take your friend out and 00:04:23.000 --> 00:04:24.000 say hey we're gonna practice this real 00:04:24.000 --> 00:04:25.000 quick I know that sounds crazy 00:04:25.000 --> 00:04:28.000 but it's okay to do -- I know 00:04:28.000 --> 00:04:30.000 our -- the cohort I was in 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:31.000 we didn't have a lot of time 00:04:31.000 --> 00:04:33.000 outside of the supervision 00:04:33.000 --> 00:04:35.000 or classroom because you're 00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:37.000 in your internships right but 00:04:37.000 --> 00:04:38.000 sometimes at those internship 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:40.000 sites you'll have people who 00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:42.000 either went to Western or 00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:44.000 that understand this process 00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:45.000 I'm talking about of an oral 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:46.000 comprehensive how to build a 00:04:46.000 --> 00:04:48.000 case -- some people call it 00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:50.000 case conceptualization right 00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:53.000 and they can use that process 00:04:53.000 --> 00:04:55.000 to help you but you gotta ask 00:04:55.000 --> 00:04:58.000 for the help so practice more 00:04:58.000 --> 00:04:60.000 the last part that practice 00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:01.000 like you're doing the actual 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:05.000 examination so if anybody 00:05:05.000 --> 00:05:07.000 has anxiety type challenges 00:05:07.000 --> 00:05:09.000 right where you want to control 00:05:09.000 --> 00:05:10.000 everything in the environment 00:05:10.000 --> 00:05:11.000 which is okay some people are 00:05:11.000 --> 00:05:13.000 like that you can practice 00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:14.000 like you're doing the actual 00:05:14.000 --> 00:05:16.000 examination this is a 00:05:16.000 --> 00:05:18.000 totally forgotten point that 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:22.000 nobody remembers -- about three 00:05:22.000 --> 00:05:24.000 or four months before you do it 00:05:24.000 --> 00:05:25.000 you actually know where you're 00:05:25.000 --> 00:05:26.000 going to do it you know you'll 00:05:26.000 --> 00:05:29.000 have the room the library I had 00:05:31.000 --> 00:05:33.000 right so what I did is when I 00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:35.000 figured out the date and the 00:05:35.000 --> 00:05:38.000 time I was going to do the exam 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:40.000 I started practicing I came 00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:43.000 in here an hour prior I gave 00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:45.000 myself my own case study and I 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:46.000 went into that room if it was 00:05:46.000 --> 00:05:48.000 available and I studied like I 00:05:48.000 --> 00:05:49.000 was giving it so when the day 00:05:49.000 --> 00:05:52.000 actually came that I had to do 00:05:52.000 --> 00:05:53.000 it it was nothing new I'd already 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:55.000 formed the habit of doing 00:05:55.000 --> 00:05:57.000 it so there was no nervousness 00:05:57.000 --> 00:05:58.000 no nothing I'd been doing 00:05:58.000 --> 00:05:60.000 that over the past five or six 00:06:00.000 --> 00:06:03.000 weeks so all that other stuff 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:04.000 that we usually experience 00:06:04.000 --> 00:06:06.000 with the new environment or not 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:08.000 sure about something you've already 00:06:08.000 --> 00:06:10.000 controlled that factor know it's 00:06:10.000 --> 00:06:13.000 just up to you I already went 00:06:13.000 --> 00:06:14.000 over get the multiple -- 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:16.000 sources of feedback one 00:06:16.000 --> 00:06:18.000 thing that I know a lot of 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:20.000 people miss is the faculty I 00:06:20.000 --> 00:06:21.000 kinda get it some of the factory 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:23.000 is probably not the people you 00:06:23.000 --> 00:06:25.000 want to talk to you right I 00:06:25.000 --> 00:06:26.000 get it because you see them all 00:06:26.000 --> 00:06:28.000 the time and whatever but they 00:06:28.000 --> 00:06:29.000 might be a source of great 00:06:29.000 --> 00:06:31.000 feedback for you that you just 00:06:31.000 --> 00:06:33.000 don't realize a simple question 00:06:33.000 --> 00:06:35.000 but you're afraid to ask 00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:36.000 because maybe they went over 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:38.000 it before and maybe you don't 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:39.000 want them to think that you weren't 00:06:39.000 --> 00:06:41.000 paying -- attention whatever 00:06:41.000 --> 00:06:44.000 the case may be understand 00:06:44.000 --> 00:06:45.000 that that's what they're here 00:06:45.000 --> 00:06:49.000 for okay fellow students I'm 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:51.000 talking outside of the cohort 00:06:51.000 --> 00:06:52.000 so there are people that 00:06:52.000 --> 00:06:54.000 are in the education program 00:06:54.000 --> 00:06:56.000 understanding how you present 00:06:56.000 --> 00:06:58.000 something is a lot different in 00:06:58.000 --> 00:06:59.000 the education field than it is 00:06:59.000 --> 00:06:61.000 in other fields and secondly if 00:07:01.000 --> 00:07:04.000 you know people who understand 00:07:04.000 --> 00:07:05.000 graphic design and how to set 00:07:05.000 --> 00:07:08.000 up slides totally beneficial 00:07:08.000 --> 00:07:09.000 because then your information 00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:11.000 flows and they can give you a 00:07:11.000 --> 00:07:13.000 way to not make it so choppy 00:07:13.000 --> 00:07:15.000 okay and then experts in the 00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:17.000 field when you guys go out 00:07:17.000 --> 00:07:19.000 to your internship site it 00:07:19.000 --> 00:07:20.000 can be an awkward environment 00:07:20.000 --> 00:07:23.000 depending on where you go so 00:07:23.000 --> 00:07:25.000 some of them might not have 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:27.000 gone to Western Oregon so you 00:07:27.000 --> 00:07:30.000 need to be able to openly ask 00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:32.000 them questions and understand 00:07:32.000 --> 00:07:34.000 that you're doing that because 00:07:34.000 --> 00:07:35.000 you want to do well on this 00:07:35.000 --> 00:07:37.000 oral comprehensive exam but 00:07:37.000 --> 00:07:38.000 you're also wanting to understand 00:07:38.000 --> 00:07:40.000 the feel more so a lot of 00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:44.000 times I see -- interns -- at 00:07:44.000 --> 00:07:47.000 my job that won't ask questions 00:07:47.000 --> 00:07:50.000 it's because they I don't know 00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:52.000 they feel overwhelmed I can't 00:07:52.000 --> 00:07:53.000 tell you why they don't ask 00:07:53.000 --> 00:07:55.000 questions but then something 00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:59.000 happens or you know something 00:07:59.000 --> 00:07:62.000 goes wrong and we're always 00:08:02.000 --> 00:08:03.000 like why didn't you just ask the 00:08:03.000 --> 00:08:04.000 question we could've told you 00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:06.000 this two weeks ago so I don't 00:08:06.000 --> 00:08:07.000 know what that factor is if 00:08:07.000 --> 00:08:08.000 its embarrassment if it's you 00:08:08.000 --> 00:08:10.000 know afraid because maybe it's 00:08:10.000 --> 00:08:11.000 something basic you should have 00:08:11.000 --> 00:08:13.000 known I don't know but don't be 00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:16.000 afraid to ask those questions 00:08:16.000 --> 00:08:17.000 just have some humility it's 00:08:17.000 --> 00:08:19.000 okay I've had to learn 00:08:19.000 --> 00:08:20.000 how to have humility myself 00:08:20.000 --> 00:08:22.000 so all right so that's about 00:08:22.000 --> 00:08:27.000 it for exam prep so now you 00:08:27.000 --> 00:08:28.000 get to walk with me through 00:08:28.000 --> 00:08:30.000 my experience you all have I 00:08:30.000 --> 00:08:34.000 hope a basic idea of what the 00:08:34.000 --> 00:08:36.000 oral examination will be like 00:08:36.000 --> 00:08:38.000 so she Dr. Lin kind of showed 00:08:38.000 --> 00:08:40.000 you the paperwork the process 00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:41.000 etcetera I want to talk to you 00:08:41.000 --> 00:08:43.000 a little bit about the experience 00:08:43.000 --> 00:08:44.000 but I also want you to understand that 00:08:44.000 --> 00:08:45.000 everybody's experience is going 00:08:45.000 --> 00:08:47.000 to be different and sometimes 00:08:47.000 --> 00:08:48.000 you just have to live that 00:08:48.000 --> 00:08:53.000 experience to have it so -- 00:08:53.000 --> 00:08:56.000 when I'm saying that one thing 00:08:56.000 --> 00:08:57.000 to remember is when you go 00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:58.000 through this I don't know if 00:08:58.000 --> 00:08:60.000 you guys have -- no you -- when you 00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:02.000 when you start your internship 00:09:02.000 --> 00:09:03.000 you'll be like writing down 00:09:03.000 --> 00:09:04.000 your experiences weekly for 00:09:04.000 --> 00:09:07.000 your internship so this is 00:09:07.000 --> 00:09:08.000 something that I included in 00:09:08.000 --> 00:09:11.000 that experiential journal is 00:09:11.000 --> 00:09:13.000 my experience in preparing for 00:09:13.000 --> 00:09:16.000 the exam so that that way it's a 00:09:16.000 --> 00:09:18.000 document that I can look back 00:09:18.000 --> 00:09:21.000 on and see where I was at and 00:09:21.000 --> 00:09:23.000 my thinking process about that 00:09:23.000 --> 00:09:24.000 so I -- how I wrote that was you can 00:09:24.000 --> 00:09:26.000 call it meta-thinking whatever but 00:09:26.000 --> 00:09:28.000 it's thinking about your thinking 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:30.000 you stop for a second and you 00:09:30.000 --> 00:09:32.000 say okay why am I thinking that 00:09:32.000 --> 00:09:34.000 or why am I feeling this certain 00:09:34.000 --> 00:09:36.000 way like why am I so stressed 00:09:36.000 --> 00:09:37.000 out about this then you can 00:09:37.000 --> 00:09:39.000 start breaking down well it's 00:09:39.000 --> 00:09:42.000 because you know my oral exam 00:09:42.000 --> 00:09:43.000 is tomorrow and I haven't done 00:09:43.000 --> 00:09:46.000 any preparation okay right but 00:09:46.000 --> 00:09:47.000 if you start thinking about 00:09:47.000 --> 00:09:50.000 it then you can start breaking 00:09:50.000 --> 00:09:52.000 it down into an area where you 00:09:52.000 --> 00:09:53.000 can figure out what you need 00:09:53.000 --> 00:09:55.000 to do all right so the second 00:09:55.000 --> 00:09:58.000 part about that is living in 00:09:58.000 --> 00:09:59.000 the here and now and what I mean 00:09:59.000 --> 00:09:62.000 by that is you're going to hear 00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:04.000 a lot of people's experiences 00:10:04.000 --> 00:10:06.000 okay I'll be honest with you I 00:10:06.000 --> 00:10:09.000 think like maybe two or three of 00:10:09.000 --> 00:10:11.000 my cohort members attempted 00:10:11.000 --> 00:10:12.000 to share their experience with 00:10:12.000 --> 00:10:14.000 me and I cut them off I mean 00:10:14.000 --> 00:10:15.000 I know that sounds rude but 00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:18.000 I didn't want to hear it okay the 00:10:18.000 --> 00:10:20.000 second part of that is you 00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:22.000 have to be in the moment you're 00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:23.000 doing it don't go in there 00:10:23.000 --> 00:10:25.000 saying well what's going to 00:10:25.000 --> 00:10:28.000 happen if you can't have that 00:10:28.000 --> 00:10:29.000 attitude your attitude should 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:31.000 be well this is what I'm doing 00:10:31.000 --> 00:10:32.000 right now let me focus on this 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:34.000 and I'll worry about that 00:10:34.000 --> 00:10:36.000 stuff later I encourage that 00:10:36.000 --> 00:10:37.000 because then you don't have 00:10:37.000 --> 00:10:38.000 that additional stress worrying 00:10:38.000 --> 00:10:41.000 about well what if you know 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:42.000 so and so I think Dr. Lin 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:44.000 mentioned it like some people 00:10:44.000 --> 00:10:45.000 don't get additional 00:10:45.000 --> 00:10:47.000 write-ups some people might have ten 00:10:47.000 --> 00:10:49.000 page write-ups I don't know 00:10:49.000 --> 00:10:51.000 because I never asked them like 00:10:51.000 --> 00:10:52.000 when they started talking I was 00:10:52.000 --> 00:10:54.000 like oh great what are we talking 00:10:54.000 --> 00:10:55.000 about I don't wanna hear about 00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:58.000 it right so whatever it is 00:10:58.000 --> 00:10:60.000 understand that if -- even if 00:11:00.000 --> 00:11:02.000 you get a write-up it's okay 00:11:02.000 --> 00:11:03.000 because maybe you didn't have 00:11:03.000 --> 00:11:06.000 time to go over that in your 00:11:06.000 --> 00:11:08.000 presentation so you do the 00:11:08.000 --> 00:11:10.000 write-up forty-eight hours and 00:11:10.000 --> 00:11:11.000 most of it's gonna be stuff you know 00:11:11.000 --> 00:11:14.000 already okay when we started I 00:11:14.000 --> 00:11:15.000 think we were the first cohort 00:11:15.000 --> 00:11:17.000 that actually did the oral 00:11:17.000 --> 00:11:19.000 comp so nobody really knew 00:11:19.000 --> 00:11:21.000 what was going on nobody I mean 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:22.000 that -- that shouldn't amaze 00:11:22.000 --> 00:11:23.000 anybody right that's the way 00:11:23.000 --> 00:11:26.000 it is right -- and that's not a 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:31.000 bad thing so -- I will tell you 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:33.000 my experience in grad school 00:11:33.000 --> 00:11:34.000 and the way I think about it 00:11:34.000 --> 00:11:35.000 is you were there to learn what 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:37.000 you want to learn but sometimes 00:11:37.000 --> 00:11:39.000 we rely on people to tell us 00:11:39.000 --> 00:11:41.000 what to learn so you got to 00:11:41.000 --> 00:11:44.000 kind of switch that thinking to 00:11:44.000 --> 00:11:45.000 learn what you want to learn because 00:11:46.000 --> 00:11:48.000 something out of it they can force 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:50.000 whatever they want but it's not 00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:51.000 gonna stick unless you want it 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:54.000 to stick so in saying that 00:11:54.000 --> 00:11:58.000 that's prefacing that -- when 00:11:58.000 --> 00:11:65.000 you decide what it is that 00:12:05.000 --> 00:12:06.000 you're going to do for 00:12:06.000 --> 00:12:09.000 your oral comprehensive exam 00:12:09.000 --> 00:12:11.000 you have to stick with that for 00:12:11.000 --> 00:12:13.000 the most part to that plan and 00:12:13.000 --> 00:12:16.000 so with my experience -- 00:12:16.000 --> 00:12:17.000 once I had basically decided on 00:12:17.000 --> 00:12:20.000 a format for that that's 00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:24.000 the format I used -- so I 00:12:24.000 --> 00:12:26.000 think I might have reviewed it 00:12:26.000 --> 00:12:28.000 I can tell you -- five times 00:12:28.000 --> 00:12:31.000 so after I had the outline I 00:12:31.000 --> 00:12:32.000 went over it with my cohort 00:12:32.000 --> 00:12:35.000 members five times and by the 00:12:35.000 --> 00:12:38.000 fifth time I had a script so 00:12:38.000 --> 00:12:40.000 it was a lot easier because 00:12:40.000 --> 00:12:41.000 we were video conferencing I had 00:12:41.000 --> 00:12:43.000 a script and I would just go 00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:44.000 by the script while I'm pushing the 00:12:44.000 --> 00:12:47.000 slides right well the problem 00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:49.000 is that when you come to do the 00:12:49.000 --> 00:12:53.000 actual exam you don't have time 00:12:53.000 --> 00:12:55.000 to print out a script okay so 00:12:55.000 --> 00:12:57.000 there's that and then the other 00:12:57.000 --> 00:12:58.000 problem is depending on how 00:12:58.000 --> 00:12:59.000 your computer usage is you're 00:12:59.000 --> 00:12:61.000 trying to present a PowerPoint 00:13:01.000 --> 00:13:03.000 right and maybe some people use 00:13:03.000 --> 00:13:05.000 the notes slide on the PowerPoint 00:13:05.000 --> 00:13:06.000 it's kind of hard to look 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:07.000 at that unless you're on a different 00:13:07.000 --> 00:13:10.000 computer right while you're 00:13:10.000 --> 00:13:11.000 going through the PowerPoint 00:13:11.000 --> 00:13:13.000 and then maybe you change it 00:13:13.000 --> 00:13:15.000 on your PowerPoint while you're 00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:17.000 leaving the screen open so that 00:13:17.000 --> 00:13:18.000 was my experience it's a lot to 00:13:18.000 --> 00:13:21.000 fumble with so my suggestion 00:13:21.000 --> 00:13:23.000 my encouragement would be to 00:13:23.000 --> 00:13:25.000 have a kind of blank script 00:13:25.000 --> 00:13:27.000 that you go over and by that 00:13:27.000 --> 00:13:28.000 I mean you can just input 00:13:28.000 --> 00:13:30.000 x in most in some of the 00:13:30.000 --> 00:13:31.000 areas right like you're already 00:13:31.000 --> 00:13:32.000 gonna know your counseling 00:13:32.000 --> 00:13:33.000 theory you're gonna know your 00:13:33.000 --> 00:13:35.000 counseling style you're gonna know your 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:37.000 career counseling your group 00:13:37.000 --> 00:13:38.000 you're gonna know all that 00:13:38.000 --> 00:13:41.000 stuff right now for stuff like 00:13:41.000 --> 00:13:44.000 the -- limitations and the 00:13:44.000 --> 00:13:45.000 barriers you're gonna have a 00:13:45.000 --> 00:13:47.000 generalized idea so you can 00:13:47.000 --> 00:13:50.000 have that generalized idea and 00:13:50.000 --> 00:13:52.000 just mark it off as it applies 00:13:52.000 --> 00:13:54.000 to however your case study goes 00:13:54.000 --> 00:13:56.000 right so has everybody seen like 00:13:56.000 --> 00:13:58.000 I think Oregon VR 00:13:58.000 --> 00:13:59.000 uses those brown pieces 00:13:59.000 --> 00:13:60.000 of paper that has all the 00:14:00.000 --> 00:14:03.000 functional limitations on it 00:14:03.000 --> 00:14:05.000 you've it so there's well you're 00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:08.000 a good resource -- for your 00:14:08.000 --> 00:14:09.000 cohort because you can actually 00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:11.000 use that and bring it with you 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:14.000 right and then highlight or however 00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:16.000 you want to do it or x it the ones 00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:18.000 that apply to your case study 00:14:18.000 --> 00:14:20.000 and there's no secret sauce 00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:21.000 to that actually underneath it 00:14:21.000 --> 00:14:23.000 it lists what those functional 00:14:23.000 --> 00:14:26.000 limitations mean so there 00:14:26.000 --> 00:14:28.000 easy fix right the second 00:14:28.000 --> 00:14:29.000 thing in my experience is a 00:14:29.000 --> 00:14:30.000 lot of people are computer 00:14:30.000 --> 00:14:32.000 savvy which is great but what 00:14:32.000 --> 00:14:33.000 I learned is there's 00:14:33.000 --> 00:14:37.000 two important classes for this 00:14:37.000 --> 00:14:39.000 that we kind of brush off 00:14:41.000 --> 00:14:44.000 the -- I think they call it the 00:14:44.000 --> 00:14:46.000 medical and functional aspects of 00:14:46.000 --> 00:14:47.000 disability is that what it's 00:14:47.000 --> 00:14:49.000 called right do they still use 00:14:49.000 --> 00:14:52.000 the big Holland book it's about 00:14:52.000 --> 00:14:55.000 that thick okay and then the 00:14:55.000 --> 00:14:56.000 other one is the diagnostic 00:14:56.000 --> 00:14:58.000 and assessment class with the 00:14:58.000 --> 00:14:61.000 DSM-5 now did you guys get case 00:15:01.000 --> 00:15:07.000 studies with that no okay so 00:15:10.000 --> 00:15:11.000 the DSM-5 I don't know if 00:15:11.000 --> 00:15:13.000 any of your -- instructors have 00:15:13.000 --> 00:15:15.000 that book but it's DSM-5 Case Studies 00:15:15.000 --> 00:15:18.000 and that's a good way to practice for 00:15:18.000 --> 00:15:19.000 this is there's actual case 00:15:19.000 --> 00:15:22.000 studies with that and you can 00:15:22.000 --> 00:15:23.000 do the case studies with the 00:15:23.000 --> 00:15:26.000 DSM-5 give your diagnosis 00:15:26.000 --> 00:15:28.000 give your barriers from 00:15:28.000 --> 00:15:30.000 from the -- psychiatrical 00:15:30.000 --> 00:15:32.000 aspect okay but from like 00:15:32.000 --> 00:15:34.000 more of a rehabilitation and 00:15:34.000 --> 00:15:37.000 psychiatric aspect that medical 00:15:37.000 --> 00:15:40.000 book medical disabilities book 00:15:40.000 --> 00:15:41.000 it tells you everything you need 00:15:41.000 --> 00:15:43.000 to know I mean there's no secret 00:15:43.000 --> 00:15:46.000 in that book so -- you know 00:15:46.000 --> 00:15:48.000 if you have a case that you're 00:15:48.000 --> 00:15:51.000 conceptualizing in your mind 00:15:51.000 --> 00:15:52.000 you can go straight to that book 00:15:52.000 --> 00:15:54.000 and say oh this is somebody with 00:15:54.000 --> 00:15:56.000 you know this -- whatever it 00:15:56.000 --> 00:15:58.000 might be and that book will 00:15:58.000 --> 00:15:60.000 tell you all the vocational 00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:01.000 implications it will tell you 00:16:01.000 --> 00:16:03.000 how to create a plan for that 00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:05.000 person I mean I don't know why 00:16:05.000 --> 00:16:07.000 other people didn't use it but 00:16:07.000 --> 00:16:10.000 I brought that book with me -- 00:16:10.000 --> 00:16:11.000 and also become familiar with 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:13.000 how to use indexes of course 00:16:13.000 --> 00:16:14.000 I think everybody knows how 00:16:14.000 --> 00:16:15.000 to use indexes and glossaries 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:17.000 right because there might be 00:16:17.000 --> 00:16:19.000 words in there that you have 00:16:19.000 --> 00:16:22.000 never studied before and I can't 00:16:22.000 --> 00:16:23.000 think of any off my head but 00:16:23.000 --> 00:16:28.000 there are some -- medical terms 00:16:28.000 --> 00:16:30.000 that were -- that can be used 00:16:30.000 --> 00:16:31.000 that you'll have no idea what they're 00:16:31.000 --> 00:16:32.000 talking about because you're 00:16:32.000 --> 00:16:34.000 just not familiar with it and 00:16:34.000 --> 00:16:35.000 you can go right to the glossary 00:16:35.000 --> 00:16:36.000 and say oh oh there's 00:16:36.000 --> 00:16:38.000 that term and go right to 00:16:38.000 --> 00:16:40.000 the book and say oh this it 00:16:40.000 --> 00:16:41.000 defines that term now I know 00:16:41.000 --> 00:16:45.000 what it is that's helpful too 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:47.000 so with all that being said 00:16:47.000 --> 00:16:49.000 my experience on the day was 00:16:49.000 --> 00:16:51.000 first like I'd already mentioned 00:16:51.000 --> 00:16:53.000 I was familiar I knew where I was 00:16:53.000 --> 00:16:55.000 going I -- I was there an 00:16:55.000 --> 00:16:56.000 hour early I had everything 00:16:56.000 --> 00:16:59.000 ready I had all my books ready 00:16:59.000 --> 00:16:61.000 lined up a little bit different 00:17:01.000 --> 00:17:02.000 from what you guys are doing I 00:17:02.000 --> 00:17:05.000 actually went to -- I don't 00:17:05.000 --> 00:17:07.000 know what the administrative 00:17:07.000 --> 00:17:09.000 assistant Kathy and picked 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:11.000 up the thing when I had one 00:17:11.000 --> 00:17:14.000 hour I think beforehand and 00:17:14.000 --> 00:17:19.000 I started on it and then -- 00:17:19.000 --> 00:17:20.000 that's when all the three 00:17:20.000 --> 00:17:22.000 panel member I had started 00:17:22.000 --> 00:17:23.000 you know coming and I kind of 00:17:23.000 --> 00:17:25.000 ignored them because I told them 00:17:25.000 --> 00:17:26.000 what time it starts so I'm 00:17:26.000 --> 00:17:28.000 busy doing this case thing and 00:17:28.000 --> 00:17:29.000 then when it was time to start 00:17:29.000 --> 00:17:31.000 I called them all in they sat 00:17:31.000 --> 00:17:34.000 down and I started right in 00:17:34.000 --> 00:17:39.000 okay -- so everybody's got a 00:17:39.000 --> 00:17:40.000 different style my style is I 00:17:40.000 --> 00:17:42.000 just kept going until I was 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:45.000 stopped other people will have 00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:46.000 a different style well they'll 00:17:46.000 --> 00:17:48.000 say something and end it with 00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:50.000 like a question and then you 00:17:50.000 --> 00:17:51.000 know somebody will bring up 00:17:51.000 --> 00:17:53.000 a question that way so that's 00:17:53.000 --> 00:17:54.000 what works for me I don't know 00:17:54.000 --> 00:17:55.000 what works for you but it works 00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:57.000 for me to just keep going until 00:17:57.000 --> 00:17:60.000 somebody says stop all right 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:03.000 so that's my way other people 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:05.000 will say oh this is what I have for 00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:09.000 this and then they'll pause go to the next 00:18:09.000 --> 00:18:10.000 slide and give them time to ask 00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:14.000 a question right so -- when I 00:18:14.000 --> 00:18:17.000 was done I was done there was 00:18:17.000 --> 00:18:21.000 not really any anything to say 00:18:21.000 --> 00:18:24.000 I mean they said okay thanks 00:18:24.000 --> 00:18:26.000 whatever called me back in we 00:18:26.000 --> 00:18:29.000 talked for maybe -- twenty 00:18:29.000 --> 00:18:34.000 minutes and that was it and 00:18:34.000 --> 00:18:37.000 I have not -- heard anything 00:18:37.000 --> 00:18:39.000 else about it until Dr. Lin 00:18:39.000 --> 00:18:40.000 said hey we want you to 00:18:40.000 --> 00:18:42.000 come in and talk about it so 00:18:42.000 --> 00:18:44.000 all the stress that might have 00:18:44.000 --> 00:18:47.000 been present about that where 00:18:47.000 --> 00:18:48.000 did it go because it wasn't 00:18:48.000 --> 00:18:50.000 there when I was done right 00:18:50.000 --> 00:18:56.000 so it's not that stressful 00:18:56.000 --> 00:18:59.000 now I talk too much so -- let's 00:18:59.000 --> 00:18:62.000 get questions about the oral 00:19:02.000 --> 00:19:05.000 comprehensive part of that oral 00:19:05.000 --> 00:19:06.000 comprehensive exam is you got 00:19:06.000 --> 00:19:08.000 to go over your career theory 00:19:08.000 --> 00:19:09.000 so maybe your career theory 00:19:09.000 --> 00:19:11.000 involves an assessment so how 00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:13.000 do you explain that assessment 00:19:13.000 --> 00:19:14.000 when you can't really go 00:19:14.000 --> 00:19:17.000 through that assessment okay 00:19:17.000 --> 00:19:18.000 is that correct is that what 00:19:18.000 --> 00:19:21.000 you're asking okay so how I 00:19:21.000 --> 00:19:23.000 will explain that is from my 00:19:23.000 --> 00:19:27.000 experience is that my -- career 00:19:27.000 --> 00:19:29.000 theory was social construction 00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:32.000 theory beforehand I already 00:19:32.000 --> 00:19:33.000 had printouts I'm glad 00:19:33.000 --> 00:19:34.000 you brought that up I already had 00:19:34.000 --> 00:19:37.000 printouts of my theory and I 00:19:37.000 --> 00:19:39.000 already had the assessment 00:19:39.000 --> 00:19:41.000 I would use with that person 00:19:41.000 --> 00:19:43.000 ready for them sitting by their 00:19:43.000 --> 00:19:45.000 table so when I came to that 00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:46.000 point I said and if you look in 00:19:46.000 --> 00:19:48.000 your handouts this is the main 00:19:48.000 --> 00:19:50.000 tenets of social construction 00:19:50.000 --> 00:19:52.000 theory and with this I would use 00:19:52.000 --> 00:19:54.000 the -- CSI I can't remember 00:19:54.000 --> 00:19:55.000 what that stands for the Career 00:19:55.000 --> 00:19:57.000 Structured Interview and that 00:19:57.000 --> 00:19:59.000 will be followed up later in my 00:19:59.000 --> 00:19:61.000 plan of action done because 00:20:01.000 --> 00:20:02.000 that's part of your plan of 00:20:02.000 --> 00:20:05.000 action okay so Aubrey's question 00:20:05.000 --> 00:20:08.000 books and your own print offs so 00:20:08.000 --> 00:20:10.000 Dr. Lin is shaking her head 00:20:10.000 --> 00:20:13.000 yes so what I will tell you is 00:20:13.000 --> 00:20:14.000 you haven't heard the rumors 00:20:14.000 --> 00:20:16.000 about me I'm a big book person 00:20:16.000 --> 00:20:20.000 so yes I brought an entire cart 00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:22.000 of books and yes you can bring 00:20:22.000 --> 00:20:25.000 them and also yes you can bring 00:20:25.000 --> 00:20:27.000 your print outs because I have 00:20:27.000 --> 00:20:29.000 like I said I had a packet 00:20:29.000 --> 00:20:30.000 ready for them I was ready to 00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:32.000 go on every one of my slides and 00:20:32.000 --> 00:20:35.000 also for you -- you can have a 00:20:35.000 --> 00:20:38.000 print out to refer to so like 00:20:38.000 --> 00:20:40.000 if you get stuck like everybody 00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:42.000 does that's why I was saying 00:20:42.000 --> 00:20:43.000 about those -- functional 00:20:43.000 --> 00:20:46.000 limitations you can have that 00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:48.000 right here so you can look 00:20:48.000 --> 00:20:50.000 over it while you're giving 00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:52.000 the speech nobody -- nobody 00:20:52.000 --> 00:20:55.000 has a perfect memory so yeah I 00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:56.000 would actually encourage you to 00:20:56.000 --> 00:20:60.000 do that and books are actually 00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:02.000 in my view better because 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:03.000 it's kind of harder especially 00:21:03.000 --> 00:21:05.000 depending on how you save your 00:21:05.000 --> 00:21:07.000 stuff on computer it's kinda 00:21:07.000 --> 00:21:11.000 harder for me to search on a 00:21:11.000 --> 00:21:12.000 computer than it is to just go 00:21:12.000 --> 00:21:14.000 to the index or the books and 00:21:14.000 --> 00:21:15.000 I've read all the books so I know 00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:17.000 exactly where to go 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:19.000 Bianca's question was besides the -- 00:21:19.000 --> 00:21:22.000 medical aspects of disabilities 00:21:22.000 --> 00:21:24.000 and -- the DSM-5 what 00:21:24.000 --> 00:21:27.000 other books would you recommend 00:21:32.000 --> 00:21:33.000 the little -- did you guys use the 00:21:33.000 --> 00:21:35.000 little blue book for your VR 00:21:35.000 --> 00:21:36.000 class it's like a little blue 00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:38.000 book that has a little 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:40.000 circles on the outside of it 00:21:40.000 --> 00:21:42.000 I think it's like intro to 00:21:42.000 --> 00:21:43.000 vocational rehabilitation or 00:21:43.000 --> 00:21:46.000 something I would -- I would use 00:21:46.000 --> 00:21:49.000 that book but understand in 00:21:49.000 --> 00:21:50.000 that book the only thing you're 00:21:50.000 --> 00:21:52.000 really gonna use is about 00:21:52.000 --> 00:21:55.000 the functional limitations so 00:21:55.000 --> 00:21:56.000 if you can get a functional 00:21:56.000 --> 00:21:58.000 limitations print sheet instead 00:21:58.000 --> 00:21:60.000 that might be easier than 00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:02.000 logging that book around 00:22:07.000 --> 00:22:09.000 but you just have it marked to 00:22:09.000 --> 00:22:11.000 major things so I really doubt 00:22:11.000 --> 00:22:13.000 they're gonna hit you with some 00:22:13.000 --> 00:22:16.000 you know out of the way diagnosis 00:22:16.000 --> 00:22:17.000 I'm pretty sure they're gonna 00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:18.000 hit you with something that you 00:22:18.000 --> 00:22:20.000 can pick up pretty quick in the 00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:21.000 case conceptualization 00:22:21.000 --> 00:22:22.000 like you know I don't know 00:22:22.000 --> 00:22:25.000 worries all the time or you know 00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:26.000 constantly fearing about things and 00:22:26.000 --> 00:22:28.000 you're like oh ding ding ding 00:22:28.000 --> 00:22:30.000 this sounds like generalized 00:22:30.000 --> 00:22:31.000 anxiety disorder that kind of 00:22:31.000 --> 00:22:32.000 thing so it's going to be like 00:22:32.000 --> 00:22:35.000 that so but definitely the DSM-5 00:22:38.000 --> 00:22:41.000 those are really the only two 00:22:41.000 --> 00:22:43.000 books and the handout 00:22:43.000 --> 00:22:45.000 that I needed -- now you might 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:48.000 want to bring your depending 00:22:48.000 --> 00:22:49.000 on how much you know about 00:22:49.000 --> 00:22:52.000 group -- career theory and your 00:22:52.000 --> 00:22:54.000 personal theory you might want 00:22:54.000 --> 00:22:55.000 to bring those three books so 00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:56.000 you might want to bring the 00:22:56.000 --> 00:22:59.000 two Corey books the group book 00:22:59.000 --> 00:22:60.000 and the -- theory book if 00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:02.000 you've highlighted aspects of 00:23:02.000 --> 00:23:06.000 your theory -- and then career 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:08.000 theory if you're good on 00:23:08.000 --> 00:23:09.000 it you're good on it but if 00:23:09.000 --> 00:23:10.000 you're not good on your career 00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:11.000 theory you might want to bring 00:23:11.000 --> 00:23:14.000 that book so -- but again 00:23:14.000 --> 00:23:15.000 those are just quick reference 00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:17.000 points so -- you can bring 00:23:17.000 --> 00:23:18.000 these books and everything but 00:23:18.000 --> 00:23:20.000 make sure you know that you're 00:23:20.000 --> 00:23:21.000 limited you only have an hour 00:23:21.000 --> 00:23:23.000 to research all this so you 00:23:23.000 --> 00:23:24.000 kind of need to know ahead of 00:23:24.000 --> 00:23:25.000 time where you're going to go 00:23:25.000 --> 00:23:28.000 and what you're gonna you know 00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:30.000 talk about and -- also helpful 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:31.000 when you're doing your reviews 00:23:31.000 --> 00:23:34.000 in your practices is to do that 00:23:34.000 --> 00:23:35.000 when you present in the oral 00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:38.000 comp are you presenting as if 00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:39.000 they're already your client 00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:41.000 or as if this is a client 00:23:41.000 --> 00:23:42.000 you're seeing in the future is 00:23:42.000 --> 00:23:44.000 that correct okay so I would 00:23:44.000 --> 00:23:45.000 present it as a client you're 00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:49.000 seeing in the future so -- 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:50.000 yeah when you talk about like 00:23:50.000 --> 00:23:53.000 the assessments area if you get 00:23:53.000 --> 00:23:57.000 into the -- narrative and you 00:23:57.000 --> 00:23:59.000 know like I mentioned it says 00:23:59.000 --> 00:23:60.000 something about you know always 00:24:00.000 --> 00:24:04.000 feels down -- hopeless that 00:24:04.000 --> 00:24:06.000 kind of thing and say well you 00:24:06.000 --> 00:24:08.000 know as part of my assessments I 00:24:08.000 --> 00:24:11.000 would give the -- PHQ-9 00:24:11.000 --> 00:24:13.000 screening questionnaire 00:24:13.000 --> 00:24:14.000 and see where they're you 00:24:14.000 --> 00:24:15.000 know depression rate was on 00:24:15.000 --> 00:24:17.000 that do you present it more 00:24:17.000 --> 00:24:21.000 as an intake right yes this 00:24:21.000 --> 00:24:27.000 is an intake so -- to use -- 00:24:27.000 --> 00:24:29.000 maybe it was bad to me to talk 00:24:29.000 --> 00:24:31.000 about case conceptualization 00:24:31.000 --> 00:24:32.000 because when you think about it 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:34.000 already have right okay so 00:24:34.000 --> 00:24:36.000 maybe it's better to present 00:24:36.000 --> 00:24:38.000 it as hey this is a new client 00:24:38.000 --> 00:24:40.000 you have here's a narrative 00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:43.000 on them so -- and I can use 00:24:43.000 --> 00:24:45.000 my experience in the field 00:24:45.000 --> 00:24:48.000 for you on that is that -- 00:24:48.000 --> 00:24:49.000 the community mental health 00:24:49.000 --> 00:24:52.000 program I work at we I don't 00:24:52.000 --> 00:24:54.000 do the assessment we actually 00:24:54.000 --> 00:24:56.000 assessments and then they 00:24:56.000 --> 00:24:58.000 present for services so we 00:24:59.000 --> 00:24:61.000 a skeleton plan in place and 00:25:01.000 --> 00:25:02.000 we know what they're assessed 00:25:02.000 --> 00:25:04.000 with so when they come to see 00:25:04.000 --> 00:25:06.000 us then we start saying okay 00:25:06.000 --> 00:25:08.000 what can we work on we just 00:25:08.000 --> 00:25:09.000 kind of verify the assessment 00:25:09.000 --> 00:25:12.000 and then work on the -- goals 00:25:12.000 --> 00:25:13.000 and objectives of that plan or 00:25:13.000 --> 00:25:15.000 add other goals and objectives 00:25:15.000 --> 00:25:18.000 right so with saying that we 00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:19.000 will get a narrative from the 00:25:19.000 --> 00:25:21.000 person who assessed them and 00:25:21.000 --> 00:25:22.000 that's the kind of narrative 00:25:22.000 --> 00:25:24.000 that you're going to get with 00:25:24.000 --> 00:25:25.000 the case study and the narrative 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:28.000 might say you know -- Joe Smith 00:25:28.000 --> 00:25:31.000 is a 38-year-old 00:25:31.000 --> 00:25:33.000 Caucasian male you know and 00:25:33.000 --> 00:25:35.000 then on and on and on with all 00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:37.000 that so yeah it's just like an 00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:39.000 intake and assessment so during 00:25:39.000 --> 00:25:43.000 the oral comp -- you know for 00:25:43.000 --> 00:25:44.000 you if you practice person 00:25:44.000 --> 00:25:46.000 centered is there other theories 00:25:46.000 --> 00:25:47.000 you would have to add to that 00:25:47.000 --> 00:25:49.000 or be knowledgeable of is that 00:25:49.000 --> 00:25:51.000 your question so my answer 00:25:51.000 --> 00:25:56.000 to you would be yes -- 00:25:56.000 --> 00:25:59.000 so for the oral comp 00:25:59.000 --> 00:25:60.000 they're more important with the 00:26:00.000 --> 00:26:01.000 generalized counseling theory 00:26:01.000 --> 00:26:03.000 just to know what theory you're 00:26:03.000 --> 00:26:08.000 using right -- but when I hear 00:26:08.000 --> 00:26:09.000 your question I'm also thinking 00:26:09.000 --> 00:26:12.000 about like career theory so 00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:13.000 that would be a theory you'd 00:26:13.000 --> 00:26:14.000 have to explain because I 00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:15.000 don't really think there's a 00:26:15.000 --> 00:26:17.000 person centered career theory 00:26:17.000 --> 00:26:19.000 no okay and then also with 00:26:19.000 --> 00:26:23.000 like -- group theory it's gonna be 00:26:23.000 --> 00:26:24.000 different so yeah you'll have 00:26:24.000 --> 00:26:25.000 all three of those different 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:27.000 so for the oral comp I would 00:26:27.000 --> 00:26:28.000 just worry about the theory 00:26:28.000 --> 00:26:30.000 that you embrace and that 00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:31.000 you hold on and that you've 00:26:31.000 --> 00:26:33.000 been going on through with your 00:26:33.000 --> 00:26:37.000 cohort I would not go past that 00:26:37.000 --> 00:26:38.000 right now there's more to that 00:26:38.000 --> 00:26:40.000 but not for the oral comp is it 00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:42.000 forty-five minutes total or is 00:26:42.000 --> 00:26:44.000 it forty-five minutes of you 00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:45.000 presenting and then they ask 00:26:45.000 --> 00:26:47.000 their questions after right okay 00:26:47.000 --> 00:26:50.000 so my experience and I can only 00:26:50.000 --> 00:26:53.000 go off my experience -- is just 00:26:53.000 --> 00:26:54.000 like I said that forty-five 00:26:54.000 --> 00:26:56.000 minutes in my mind was my time 00:26:56.000 --> 00:26:60.000 so if they ask questions 00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:01.000 you know I would say okay I'm 00:27:01.000 --> 00:27:03.000 gonna cover that here or I 00:27:03.000 --> 00:27:07.000 would answer them very -- short 00:27:07.000 --> 00:27:09.000 and an abrupt answer and 00:27:09.000 --> 00:27:11.000 move on so that's kind of -- 00:27:11.000 --> 00:27:14.000 why I said that I had it down 00:27:14.000 --> 00:27:15.000 to like I knew I could do three 00:27:15.000 --> 00:27:18.000 minutes a slide so I knew in my 00:27:18.000 --> 00:27:21.000 head three minutes next slide 00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:22.000 so if they would ask a question 00:27:22.000 --> 00:27:24.000 I mean that's their right and you 00:27:24.000 --> 00:27:25.000 can be prepared for it but you 00:27:25.000 --> 00:27:27.000 can always say oh you know what 00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:29.000 I'm gonna cover that in about three 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:32.000 slides whether you do or not is 00:27:32.000 --> 00:27:33.000 another question because they'll 00:27:33.000 --> 00:27:34.000 probably forget about it by 00:27:34.000 --> 00:27:37.000 then but you know you can say 00:27:37.000 --> 00:27:40.000 that right so and -- I think 00:27:40.000 --> 00:27:43.000 that during I think this I did 00:27:43.000 --> 00:27:45.000 get interrupted once right and 00:27:45.000 --> 00:27:47.000 I said okay we'll cover that 00:27:47.000 --> 00:27:50.000 at the end and that was it and 00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:52.000 at the end we covered it and 00:27:52.000 --> 00:27:54.000 that was it so does that answer it 00:27:54.000 --> 00:27:57.000 does that kind of help so I wanna 00:27:57.000 --> 00:27:58.000 make sure from an 00:27:58.000 --> 00:27:59.000 experience standpoint is I 00:27:59.000 --> 00:27:61.000 don't think that anybody on 00:28:01.000 --> 00:28:03.000 your board is there to 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:04.000 to want to sharpshoot you or 00:28:04.000 --> 00:28:06.000 troubleshoot you or see you 00:28:06.000 --> 00:28:09.000 do badly I cannot imagine 00:28:09.000 --> 00:28:11.000 why right I -- I can't 00:28:11.000 --> 00:28:12.000 even think in that wheelhouse 00:28:12.000 --> 00:28:14.000 that that's the case it may 00:28:14.000 --> 00:28:16.000 feel that way sometimes but 00:28:16.000 --> 00:28:19.000 it's not -- so yeah I would 00:28:19.000 --> 00:28:20.000 just look at that as they're 00:28:20.000 --> 00:28:22.000 there for your success and 00:28:22.000 --> 00:28:24.000 they use it as a celebration 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:26.000 of your academic achievement 00:28:26.000 --> 00:28:27.000 that's my favorite tagline 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:29.000 with that kind of stuff it's 00:28:29.000 --> 00:28:30.000 like you just said it's going to 00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:32.000 be more like an intake so you 00:28:32.000 --> 00:28:34.000 can conceptualize it that way 00:28:36.000 --> 00:28:38.000 I said case conceptualization 00:28:38.000 --> 00:28:39.000 that's the way I was using the 00:28:39.000 --> 00:28:42.000 word conceptualization -- for 00:28:42.000 --> 00:28:45.000 this oral comprehensive exam 00:28:45.000 --> 00:28:46.000 yeah you want to conceptualize 00:28:46.000 --> 00:28:50.000 how your theory works with 00:28:50.000 --> 00:28:51.000 this person whether it be your 00:28:51.000 --> 00:28:53.000 career theory or your personal 00:28:53.000 --> 00:28:55.000 theory of counseling how do 00:28:55.000 --> 00:28:57.000 you integrate both parts into 00:28:57.000 --> 00:28:58.000 your oral comprehensive 00:28:58.000 --> 00:28:60.000 exam which is your -- the 00:29:00.000 --> 00:29:02.000 mental health aspects and 00:29:02.000 --> 00:29:04.000 the vocational rehabilitation 00:29:04.000 --> 00:29:08.000 aspects right okay so experientially 00:29:08.000 --> 00:29:11.000 I can tell you that I never 00:29:11.000 --> 00:29:13.000 saw a difference so what I'm 00:29:13.000 --> 00:29:15.000 telling you is to me counseling 00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:17.000 is counseling and that's the way I 00:29:17.000 --> 00:29:19.000 always looked at it however with 00:29:19.000 --> 00:29:20.000 saying that I understand that 00:29:20.000 --> 00:29:24.000 some people do separate VR 00:29:24.000 --> 00:29:26.000 vocational rehabilitation from 00:29:26.000 --> 00:29:28.000 mental health counseling right 00:29:28.000 --> 00:29:30.000 we have a tendency to do that 00:29:30.000 --> 00:29:31.000 so what I'm asking you to do now 00:29:31.000 --> 00:29:33.000 is to stop thinking like that 00:29:33.000 --> 00:29:35.000 I know it's hard to do -- but 00:29:35.000 --> 00:29:36.000 how you integrate both of them 00:29:36.000 --> 00:29:38.000 is that the way the rubric is 00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:41.000 set up you kind of have 00:29:41.000 --> 00:29:43.000 to integrate both of them so 00:29:43.000 --> 00:29:45.000 what you're gonna have to do is 00:29:45.000 --> 00:29:47.000 stop yourself from saying well 00:29:47.000 --> 00:29:50.000 I'm gonna be a VR counselor so 00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:51.000 I didn't really do this section 00:29:51.000 --> 00:29:53.000 on mental health too good or 00:29:53.000 --> 00:29:54.000 the opposite saying well I'm 00:29:54.000 --> 00:29:56.000 gonna work in mental health so 00:29:56.000 --> 00:29:58.000 I didn't really deal with the 00:29:58.000 --> 00:29:59.000 functional limitations or any 00:29:59.000 --> 00:29:61.000 of the career counseling stuff 00:30:01.000 --> 00:30:04.000 right and so by doing that 00:30:04.000 --> 00:30:06.000 that helps you to integrate 00:30:06.000 --> 00:30:07.000 understand that everything you've 00:30:07.000 --> 00:30:09.000 learned is for the whole 00:30:09.000 --> 00:30:11.000 field of counseling it doesn't 00:30:11.000 --> 00:30:13.000 delineate between mental health 00:30:13.000 --> 00:30:16.000 and vocational rehabilitation 00:30:16.000 --> 00:30:17.000 to how I do it in my experience 00:30:17.000 --> 00:30:22.000 is I just read I read and I 00:30:22.000 --> 00:30:24.000 I came to the realization in 00:30:24.000 --> 00:30:26.000 fact the one article I read was 00:30:26.000 --> 00:30:28.000 about -- theories of counseling 00:30:28.000 --> 00:30:30.000 right and it talked about a 00:30:30.000 --> 00:30:32.000 two hat theory versus -- a 00:30:32.000 --> 00:30:35.000 one hat theory right and 00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:36.000 when I read that I think it's 00:30:36.000 --> 00:30:37.000 in one of your readings I just 00:30:37.000 --> 00:30:39.000 can't tell you where right now 00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:42.000 when I read that I came to 00:30:42.000 --> 00:30:44.000 realize that it just benefits 00:30:44.000 --> 00:30:48.000 you to know all that rather 00:30:48.000 --> 00:30:50.000 than just to try and specialize 00:30:50.000 --> 00:30:52.000 in one area so that's how I got 00:30:52.000 --> 00:30:55.000 past that barrier -- again if 00:30:55.000 --> 00:30:56.000 you're stuck in that barrier 00:30:56.000 --> 00:30:58.000 you just have to understand 00:30:58.000 --> 00:30:60.000 that you could go either way 00:31:00.000 --> 00:31:03.000 so and everything is interrelated 00:31:03.000 --> 00:31:04.000 so there are VR 00:31:04.000 --> 00:31:06.000 counselors who are doing 00:31:06.000 --> 00:31:08.000 mental health probably outside 00:31:08.000 --> 00:31:09.000 of their scope of practice 00:31:09.000 --> 00:31:11.000 but they're doing it and 00:31:11.000 --> 00:31:13.000 counselors that are doing 00:31:13.000 --> 00:31:14.000 vocational rehabilitation 00:31:14.000 --> 00:31:16.000 was there anything I wish I 00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:22.000 about my oral comp -- yeah 00:31:22.000 --> 00:31:23.000 so I'm trying to think of 00:31:23.000 --> 00:31:25.000 what wouldn't be too in depth 00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:31.000 I think that I would have 00:31:35.000 --> 00:31:37.000 I would have -- I had 00:31:37.000 --> 00:31:39.000 set everything up right and I 00:31:39.000 --> 00:31:40.000 really didn't have anything to 00:31:40.000 --> 00:31:43.000 worry about but I still worried 00:31:43.000 --> 00:31:45.000 about it for what reason I 00:31:45.000 --> 00:31:47.000 don't know -- and the other 00:31:47.000 --> 00:31:50.000 thing is that I one thing I 00:31:50.000 --> 00:31:52.000 mentioned is about the -- getting 00:31:52.000 --> 00:31:53.000 with you know other members 00:31:53.000 --> 00:31:55.000 and stuff outside of your 00:31:55.000 --> 00:31:56.000 cohort I wish I would have done 00:31:56.000 --> 00:31:58.000 more in that because there 00:31:58.000 --> 00:31:60.000 are some amazing people here 00:32:00.000 --> 00:32:02.000 at Western that understand like 00:32:02.000 --> 00:32:05.000 you know media how to present 00:32:05.000 --> 00:32:07.000 and they can help you like set 00:32:07.000 --> 00:32:09.000 it up to where it's just so 00:32:09.000 --> 00:32:12.000 smooth all you have to do is 00:32:12.000 --> 00:32:14.000 practice it's already basically 00:32:14.000 --> 00:32:16.000 done for you the outline is there 00:32:16.000 --> 00:32:18.000 you just input the information 00:32:18.000 --> 00:32:19.000 and it's a perfect slide and then 00:32:19.000 --> 00:32:21.000 a lot of people struggle with 00:32:21.000 --> 00:32:23.000 making slides or like trying 00:32:23.000 --> 00:32:24.000 to figure out you know when 00:32:24.000 --> 00:32:26.000 to switch the slide or which 00:32:26.000 --> 00:32:28.000 slide they're on like if you 00:32:28.000 --> 00:32:29.000 guys didn't know right now I 00:32:29.000 --> 00:32:30.000 have a little cheat sheet that 00:32:30.000 --> 00:32:32.000 says next slide so I know when 00:32:32.000 --> 00:32:34.000 to go to the next slide and 00:32:34.000 --> 00:32:36.000 that was something I learned 00:32:36.000 --> 00:32:39.000 from somebody else so that's 00:32:39.000 --> 00:32:40.000 one another thing I would have 00:32:40.000 --> 00:32:42.000 done did you have to email your 00:32:42.000 --> 00:32:43.000 supervisor about who you wanted 00:32:43.000 --> 00:32:45.000 on your panel or how did you 00:32:45.000 --> 00:32:51.000 go about doing that -- so in 00:32:51.000 --> 00:32:54.000 my experience -- what I did is 00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:57.000 I kind of picked two of the people 00:32:57.000 --> 00:32:59.000 I wanted on my panel one was 00:32:59.000 --> 00:32:60.000 going to be on my panel for 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:01.000 sure I don't know if that's 00:33:01.000 --> 00:33:02.000 still the way they're doing 00:33:02.000 --> 00:33:04.000 it yeah so Dr. Thew was 00:33:04.000 --> 00:33:05.000 going to be on my panel no 00:33:05.000 --> 00:33:08.000 matter or I'm sorry -- wow Dr. Ni 00:33:08.000 --> 00:33:09.000 was gonna be on my panel 00:33:09.000 --> 00:33:10.000 no matter what because she was 00:33:10.000 --> 00:33:12.000 my supervisor from the school 00:33:12.000 --> 00:33:15.000 right so then the other person 00:33:15.000 --> 00:33:18.000 has to be your supervisor at 00:33:18.000 --> 00:33:20.000 your intern site right and then 00:33:20.000 --> 00:33:23.000 the third person is I don't 00:33:23.000 --> 00:33:28.000 know how they're working it 00:33:28.000 --> 00:33:29.000 so -- so they're only needs 00:33:29.000 --> 00:33:30.000 to be two people I'm sorry I 00:33:30.000 --> 00:33:32.000 had three people on my panel 00:33:32.000 --> 00:33:34.000 so yes to answer your question 00:33:34.000 --> 00:33:37.000 what I did is I -- told my 00:33:37.000 --> 00:33:39.000 supervisor about it and told 00:33:39.000 --> 00:33:41.000 him what was going on and my 00:33:41.000 --> 00:33:42.000 internship was actually in 00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:44.000 Vancouver and it was with the 00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:46.000 VA so there's a lot of other 00:33:46.000 --> 00:33:47.000 stuff involved with that like 00:33:47.000 --> 00:33:48.000 he's got to get permission to 00:33:48.000 --> 00:33:52.000 get travel all that stuff so I 00:33:52.000 --> 00:33:53.000 did it ahead of time and when 00:33:53.000 --> 00:33:55.000 I emailed him I said okay these 00:33:55.000 --> 00:33:56.000 are the dates and times I was 00:33:56.000 --> 00:33:58.000 thinking and I also included 00:33:58.000 --> 00:33:62.000 Dr. Ni on that email and it was 00:34:02.000 --> 00:34:05.000 like a -- a collaboration so 00:34:05.000 --> 00:34:07.000 he kind of said well yeah you 00:34:07.000 --> 00:34:09.000 know this day is good for me 00:34:09.000 --> 00:34:10.000 these days are good for me and 00:34:10.000 --> 00:34:12.000 these times are good for me 00:34:12.000 --> 00:34:14.000 okay so Friday at ten o'clock 00:34:14.000 --> 00:34:15.000 would be a good time for you 00:34:15.000 --> 00:34:17.000 yes okay can we do it on this 00:34:17.000 --> 00:34:19.000 date yes okay Dr. Ni can you 00:34:19.000 --> 00:34:22.000 do it on this day yes and then 00:34:22.000 --> 00:34:24.000 a group email amongst those 00:34:24.000 --> 00:34:28.000 two hey you know I'm planning 00:34:28.000 --> 00:34:29.000 on doing this I'm going to 00:34:29.000 --> 00:34:30.000 send you out an invitation 00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:32.000 shortly and then I send them 00:34:32.000 --> 00:34:34.000 out a calendar invitation 00:34:34.000 --> 00:34:36.000 on Outlook for that date or 00:34:36.000 --> 00:34:38.000 actually it was on Google because 00:34:38.000 --> 00:34:40.000 we use Google I send them out a 00:34:40.000 --> 00:34:42.000 calendar invitation made sure 00:34:42.000 --> 00:34:44.000 they accepted it and it was 00:34:44.000 --> 00:34:46.000 set and then I went as far as 00:34:46.000 --> 00:34:47.000 actually print off directions 00:34:47.000 --> 00:34:49.000 for my supervisor and all kinds 00:34:49.000 --> 00:34:51.000 of stuff but yeah the more you 00:34:51.000 --> 00:34:52.000 can keep them in the loop the 00:34:52.000 --> 00:34:54.000 better when you received your 00:34:54.000 --> 00:34:56.000 case study do you feel like you 00:34:56.000 --> 00:34:57.000 had enough information to do 00:34:57.000 --> 00:34:58.000 whatever it is you needed to 00:34:58.000 --> 00:34:60.000 do and my answer was a quick 00:35:00.000 --> 00:35:03.000 no and you won't and that's 00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:06.000 the reality anyway so actually 00:35:06.000 --> 00:35:08.000 it helps set you up for future 00:35:08.000 --> 00:35:10.000 practice because it's gonna 00:35:10.000 --> 00:35:11.000 be just like future practice 00:35:11.000 --> 00:35:14.000 and actually you get more in 00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:15.000 the comprehensive exam than you 00:35:15.000 --> 00:35:17.000 will get in your future practice 00:35:18.000 --> 00:35:20.000 it up is enough information 00:35:20.000 --> 00:35:23.000 for you to highlight certain 00:35:23.000 --> 00:35:25.000 aspects and know where that fits 00:35:25.000 --> 00:35:28.000 on your rubric so -- that's 00:35:28.000 --> 00:35:30.000 why when I mentioned the -- 00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:32.000 the assessment -- and assessment 00:35:32.000 --> 00:35:35.000 and diagnostic class -- when I went 00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:37.000 through that class we did some 00:35:39.000 --> 00:35:40.000 there's a case study book like 00:35:40.000 --> 00:35:42.000 I said for DSM-5 pulled some 00:35:42.000 --> 00:35:45.000 case studies out of that book went 00:35:45.000 --> 00:35:46.000 through them as a group and some of 00:35:46.000 --> 00:35:48.000 them were homework assignments 00:35:48.000 --> 00:35:49.000 and we'd do a case study and 00:35:49.000 --> 00:35:51.000 say well this you know I would 00:35:51.000 --> 00:35:53.000 diagnose this person as x 00:35:53.000 --> 00:35:55.000 and this is the reasons why and 00:35:55.000 --> 00:35:57.000 this is the criteria I used 00:35:57.000 --> 00:35:61.000 for that okay by doing that 00:36:01.000 --> 00:36:03.000 you learn quickly to highlight 00:36:03.000 --> 00:36:04.000 certain aspects of a 00:36:04.000 --> 00:36:05.000 narrative that are important 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:08.000 for you so when you get a 00:36:08.000 --> 00:36:09.000 narrative which I know you've 00:36:09.000 --> 00:36:10.000 probably done in your medical 00:36:13.000 --> 00:36:14.000 get a narrative you can just 00:36:14.000 --> 00:36:16.000 highlight certain important -- 00:36:16.000 --> 00:36:18.000 aspects -- important -- important 00:36:18.000 --> 00:36:21.000 aspects of that that apply to 00:36:21.000 --> 00:36:23.000 your theory -- did everybody 00:36:23.000 --> 00:36:25.000 understand how I said that 00:36:25.000 --> 00:36:27.000 yeah so that's just a familiarity 00:36:27.000 --> 00:36:28.000 thing so when you do 00:36:28.000 --> 00:36:30.000 those practice sessions right 00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:32.000 that's what you do one thing I 00:36:32.000 --> 00:36:33.000 would -- encourage you to do is 00:36:33.000 --> 00:36:36.000 have -- different people come 00:36:36.000 --> 00:36:38.000 up with different ones so like 00:36:38.000 --> 00:36:40.000 one week hey you're responsible 00:36:40.000 --> 00:36:41.000 for coming up with a case 00:36:41.000 --> 00:36:43.000 narrative and then you'd send 00:36:43.000 --> 00:36:46.000 it out to everybody right -- 00:36:46.000 --> 00:36:47.000 I don't know what that's gonna 00:36:47.000 --> 00:36:49.000 look like for you guys send it out 00:36:49.000 --> 00:36:51.000 a couple days in advance and 00:36:51.000 --> 00:36:53.000 then you guys work on it and 00:36:53.000 --> 00:36:54.000 then whoever goes goes draw the 00:36:54.000 --> 00:36:57.000 hat take turns however but at 00:36:57.000 --> 00:36:58.000 least everybody gets familiar 00:36:58.000 --> 00:36:60.000 with doing that case narrative 00:37:00.000 --> 00:37:02.000 and that was very very helpful 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:04.000 so the question is which one 00:37:04.000 --> 00:37:05.000 was easier well this depends 00:37:05.000 --> 00:37:09.000 on the person and it's kind 00:37:09.000 --> 00:37:10.000 of unfair it depends you should 00:37:10.000 --> 00:37:12.000 love that you know expression 00:37:12.000 --> 00:37:16.000 by now so I had -- voc rehab 00:37:16.000 --> 00:37:19.000 experience before so the 00:37:19.000 --> 00:37:20.000 voc rehab test was a little 00:37:20.000 --> 00:37:23.000 bit easier but the consensus 00:37:23.000 --> 00:37:26.000 from the people I know is the 00:37:26.000 --> 00:37:28.000 voc rehab test is actually 00:37:28.000 --> 00:37:31.000 harder I don't know I don't 00:37:31.000 --> 00:37:34.000 know why they say that but okay 00:37:34.000 --> 00:37:35.000 we'll go with it because that 00:37:35.000 --> 00:37:37.000 seems to be the -- 00:37:37.000 --> 00:37:42.000 consensus so I honestly think the NCC 00:37:42.000 --> 00:37:45.000 was harder just because it was 00:37:49.000 --> 00:37:51.000 I mean by that is that some 00:37:51.000 --> 00:37:52.000 of those questions on there 00:37:52.000 --> 00:37:53.000 might be right and you know 00:37:53.000 --> 00:37:55.000 if you want to do the work to 00:37:55.000 --> 00:37:58.000 challenge them you can which 00:37:58.000 --> 00:37:61.000 is a process in itself but if 00:38:01.000 --> 00:38:03.000 you know what the current state 00:38:03.000 --> 00:38:05.000 of the theory is then then 00:38:05.000 --> 00:38:06.000 you'd be fine on that test but 00:38:06.000 --> 00:38:08.000 some of them are worded in a 00:38:08.000 --> 00:38:10.000 way where -- the 00:38:10.000 --> 00:38:11.000 CRC's the same way where two 00:38:11.000 --> 00:38:13.000 of them can be right but -- 00:38:13.000 --> 00:38:15.000 theoretically speaking on the 00:38:15.000 --> 00:38:18.000 NCC both of them were right 00:38:18.000 --> 00:38:19.000 but I had to go back and say 00:38:19.000 --> 00:38:22.000 okay which one was correct 00:38:22.000 --> 00:38:23.000 now so my experience with that 00:38:23.000 --> 00:38:25.000 what I'm saying on that is -- 00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:27.000 part of my prep for the NCC 00:38:27.000 --> 00:38:29.000 was I actually bought like the 00:38:29.000 --> 00:38:31.000 forty dollar book from them -- 00:38:31.000 --> 00:38:32.000 and with that book you get an 00:38:32.000 --> 00:38:34.000 annotated bibliography of of 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:37.000 the books they used to write 00:38:37.000 --> 00:38:39.000 that test so if you can 00:38:39.000 --> 00:38:41.000 figure out which books they 00:38:41.000 --> 00:38:42.000 used to write the test you 00:38:42.000 --> 00:38:45.000 know who's interpretation of 00:38:45.000 --> 00:38:47.000 the theory they're going on so 00:38:47.000 --> 00:38:48.000 it makes sense so if they're 00:38:48.000 --> 00:38:50.000 asking a question about like 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:52.000 psychodynamic approaches or 00:38:52.000 --> 00:38:54.000 you know I can't come up 00:38:54.000 --> 00:38:55.000 with it right off top of my 00:38:55.000 --> 00:38:57.000 head but the answer was from 00:38:57.000 --> 00:38:59.000 the most current one and not 00:38:59.000 --> 00:38:61.000 from the traditional thinking 00:39:01.000 --> 00:39:02.000 what would be effective 00:39:02.000 --> 00:39:03.000 because right now you're 00:39:03.000 --> 00:39:06.000 using the NCC study guide -- 00:39:06.000 --> 00:39:07.000 and some flash cards but your 00:39:07.000 --> 00:39:09.000 planning on taking the CRC 00:39:09.000 --> 00:39:11.000 test correct so I would -- 00:39:11.000 --> 00:39:12.000 encourage you to use the NCC's 00:39:12.000 --> 00:39:13.000 study guide you're probably 00:39:13.000 --> 00:39:15.000 using the whatever the guy's 00:39:15.000 --> 00:39:17.000 name is I can't remember Rothberg or 00:39:17.000 --> 00:39:19.000 or something like that 00:39:19.000 --> 00:39:21.000 Encyclopedia of Counseling oh 00:39:21.000 --> 00:39:23.000 no that's a different one okay 00:39:27.000 --> 00:39:30.000 don't know if you guys got it 00:39:30.000 --> 00:39:31.000 no no no this isn't the book you 00:39:31.000 --> 00:39:32.000 have to pay for this is a book 00:39:32.000 --> 00:39:35.000 that's -- through the library 00:39:35.000 --> 00:39:37.000 you can actually online access 00:39:37.000 --> 00:39:40.000 right and it's ten chapters and 00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:42.000 that's what I used and I say 00:39:42.000 --> 00:39:43.000 this and Dr. Ni told me 00:39:43.000 --> 00:39:45.000 not to tell my cohort this but 00:39:45.000 --> 00:39:48.000 it took me just under fifteen 00:39:48.000 --> 00:39:49.000 minutes to take the CRC 00:39:49.000 --> 00:39:51.000 that's it fifteen minutes and 00:39:51.000 --> 00:39:53.000 I walked out and five minutes 00:39:53.000 --> 00:39:54.000 later I had a congratulations 00:39:54.000 --> 00:39:61.000 so I had a study plan from -- 00:40:01.000 --> 00:40:03.000 fall semester starts in 00:40:03.000 --> 00:40:05.000 September right so about this 00:40:05.000 --> 00:40:08.000 time frame I had an older 00:40:08.000 --> 00:40:10.000 edition of that book I had 00:40:10.000 --> 00:40:12.000 the third anniversary edition 00:40:12.000 --> 00:40:15.000 no that one yeah the third 00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:16.000 anniversary silver edition of 00:40:16.000 --> 00:40:18.000 that one and then I had this 00:40:18.000 --> 00:40:19.000 other book that I keep talking 00:40:19.000 --> 00:40:20.000 about but I can't give you the 00:40:20.000 --> 00:40:21.000 name right now because I can't 00:40:21.000 --> 00:40:24.000 remember it's like CRC I think it's 00:40:24.000 --> 00:40:27.000 actually called the CRC Exam Guide is what it's called 00:40:27.000 --> 00:40:31.000 and -- anyways what I did is 00:40:31.000 --> 00:40:32.000 I scheduled in an hour every day 00:40:32.000 --> 00:40:34.000 to study so I would alternate 00:40:34.000 --> 00:40:39.000 between the Encyclopedia of Counseling 00:40:39.000 --> 00:40:43.000 and the CRC Exam so you know Monday 00:40:43.000 --> 00:40:46.000 encyclopedia Tuesday CRC 00:40:46.000 --> 00:40:47.000 and the way those books are 00:40:47.000 --> 00:40:50.000 set up is I actually okay 00:40:50.000 --> 00:40:51.000 we'll just focus on this one 00:40:51.000 --> 00:40:53.000 for the NCC for the NCC I read 00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:56.000 the whole book first just read 00:40:56.000 --> 00:40:58.000 the whole book went ahead and read 00:40:58.000 --> 00:40:59.000 it answer the questions how I 00:40:59.000 --> 00:40:61.000 knew roll with it and then I 00:41:01.000 --> 00:41:02.000 went through it and I took the 00:41:02.000 --> 00:41:05.000 test again and I wrote down 00:41:05.000 --> 00:41:07.000 my answers on a -- on a 3x5 00:41:07.000 --> 00:41:09.000 card right and then I looked 00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:11.000 at the areas that I was the 00:41:11.000 --> 00:41:13.000 weakest on and then I started 00:41:13.000 --> 00:41:15.000 just working on those areas 00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:17.000 okay and now along with that 00:41:17.000 --> 00:41:20.000 there is also -- CDs you can 00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:21.000 get for this that are a lot 00:41:21.000 --> 00:41:22.000 older but you can probably 00:41:22.000 --> 00:41:24.000 get them burned I gave a copy 00:41:24.000 --> 00:41:25.000 to one of my classmates my 00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:29.000 copy -- and on my ride in 00:41:29.000 --> 00:41:31.000 to school in the morning I 00:41:31.000 --> 00:41:33.000 would listen to my good 00:41:33.000 --> 00:41:34.000 friend what's his name Saul 00:41:34.000 --> 00:41:37.000 something Rosenthal so I would 00:41:37.000 --> 00:41:38.000 listen to my good buddy Saul 00:41:38.000 --> 00:41:41.000 Rosenthal talk about whatever 00:41:41.000 --> 00:41:43.000 for my thirty or forty-five 00:41:43.000 --> 00:41:45.000 minute ride in here every day 00:41:45.000 --> 00:41:48.000 and I think the NCC took me 00:41:48.000 --> 00:41:50.000 thirty minutes so your question 00:41:50.000 --> 00:41:51.000 is how long would it take you 00:41:51.000 --> 00:41:53.000 to read this if you just sat 00:41:53.000 --> 00:41:56.000 me -- yeah it no and this is a good 00:41:56.000 --> 00:41:58.000 take me so two minutes per page 00:41:58.000 --> 00:41:60.000 okay so you read pretty quickly 00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:02.000 yeah I mean but that's 00:42:02.000 --> 00:42:05.000 I know I might be less yeah it's 00:42:05.000 --> 00:42:06.000 two minutes per page because 00:42:06.000 --> 00:42:09.000 thirty thirty pages an hour 00:42:09.000 --> 00:42:10.000 is what I read I just know 00:42:10.000 --> 00:42:13.000 that because I'm I know so 00:42:13.000 --> 00:42:14.000 yeah that's one of those things 00:42:14.000 --> 00:42:15.000 that people know that they 00:42:15.000 --> 00:42:17.000 probably shouldn't know but two 00:42:17.000 --> 00:42:21.000 minutes per page is what I read 00:42:21.000 --> 00:42:23.000 and for -- and another good 00:42:23.000 --> 00:42:24.000 method for you to know is I see 00:42:24.000 --> 00:42:27.000 you got a highlighter yeah but 00:42:27.000 --> 00:42:29.000 when you highlight highlight it 00:42:29.000 --> 00:42:31.000 if it sticks out to you so 00:42:31.000 --> 00:42:33.000 wow then highlight it but if 00:42:33.000 --> 00:42:34.000 it doesn't stick out to you 00:42:34.000 --> 00:42:35.000 don't highlight it because then 00:42:35.000 --> 00:42:37.000 you got a bunch of highlight right 00:42:37.000 --> 00:42:40.000 so I have a suggestion for you 00:42:40.000 --> 00:42:41.000 that I don't know why people 00:42:41.000 --> 00:42:43.000 don't get it you actually pay 00:42:43.000 --> 00:42:46.000 for library services right that 00:42:46.000 --> 00:42:49.000 book is online accessed through 00:42:49.000 --> 00:42:51.000 library so you can actually 00:42:51.000 --> 00:42:53.000 go on and get online access 00:42:53.000 --> 00:42:54.000 if you don't mind reading 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:55.000 books like that and you can 00:42:55.000 --> 00:42:57.000 download it and that's what I 00:42:57.000 --> 00:42:59.000 did so I've got it all saved 00:42:59.000 --> 00:42:61.000 all ten chapters saved and 00:43:01.000 --> 00:43:02.000 since I'm just using them for 00:43:02.000 --> 00:43:04.000 myself that's totally legal 00:43:04.000 --> 00:43:07.000 to do that so and you can do 00:43:07.000 --> 00:43:08.000 that with many of your books 00:43:08.000 --> 00:43:10.000 that you enjoy the library 00:43:10.000 --> 00:43:12.000 actually has access to them 00:43:12.000 --> 00:43:13.000 but nobody ever uses the library 00:43:13.000 --> 00:43:16.000 resources the question was was 00:43:16.000 --> 00:43:17.000 this book helpful for the NCE 00:43:17.000 --> 00:43:20.000 absolutely this is the book 00:43:20.000 --> 00:43:21.000 you want for the NCE 00:43:21.000 --> 00:43:23.000 the only thing I could recommend 00:43:23.000 --> 00:43:24.000 besides this is if you do 00:43:24.000 --> 00:43:26.000 want to spend the forty-five 00:43:26.000 --> 00:43:28.000 dollars they will come out 00:43:28.000 --> 00:43:31.000 with a guide prior to your 00:43:34.000 --> 00:43:36.000 the only reason I bought that 00:43:36.000 --> 00:43:39.000 guide -- it did help right 00:43:39.000 --> 00:43:40.000 it was like practice questions 00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:43.000 from previous NCC exams and 00:43:43.000 --> 00:43:45.000 it also went over the domains 00:43:45.000 --> 00:43:47.000 and each domains but the most 00:43:47.000 --> 00:43:48.000 important thing like I said it 00:43:48.000 --> 00:43:50.000 was that annotated bibliography 00:43:50.000 --> 00:43:51.000 it's just a piece of paper that 00:43:51.000 --> 00:43:53.000 they add with it but it let you 00:43:53.000 --> 00:43:54.000 if you have the time you can 00:43:54.000 --> 00:43:56.000 read some of those books but it 00:43:56.000 --> 00:43:58.000 let you know which books they 00:43:58.000 --> 00:43:60.000 used for the test so you kind 00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:01.000 of get an idea of like I said 00:44:01.000 --> 00:44:03.000 when you go in that test you 00:44:03.000 --> 00:44:04.000 can kind of say oh well they're 00:44:04.000 --> 00:44:06.000 going off of this person's 00:44:06.000 --> 00:44:07.000 interpretation of this theory 00:44:07.000 --> 00:44:09.000 so that's the answer that might 00:44:09.000 --> 00:44:11.000 be why it didn't take me that 00:44:11.000 --> 00:44:13.000 long to take the CRC because 00:44:13.000 --> 00:44:16.000 I took the NCC like after 00:44:16.000 --> 00:44:19.000 thirty days of continuous study 00:44:19.000 --> 00:44:20.000 and I took the CRC 00:44:20.000 --> 00:44:23.000 after like months like I didn't 00:44:23.000 --> 00:44:24.000 I didn't stop studying I did 00:44:24.000 --> 00:44:26.000 an hour everyday and you know 00:44:26.000 --> 00:44:28.000 I was even giggling because I 00:44:28.000 --> 00:44:30.000 was answering all the questions 00:44:30.000 --> 00:44:31.000 they have in these tests so 00:44:31.000 --> 00:44:32.000 every night I -- or every 00:44:32.000 --> 00:44:34.000 night every other night I would 00:44:34.000 --> 00:44:36.000 answer like 160 00:44:36.000 --> 00:44:39.000 questions and get 160 00:44:39.000 --> 00:44:41.000 right by the end of it 00:44:41.000 --> 00:44:42.000 and just giggle about it right 00:44:42.000 --> 00:44:44.000 so because I was doing 00:44:44.000 --> 00:44:46.000 that because I was doing that 00:44:46.000 --> 00:44:47.000 guess what happened when I 00:44:47.000 --> 00:44:50.000 went into the test site I did 00:44:50.000 --> 00:44:52.000 the exact same thing and it 00:44:52.000 --> 00:44:53.000 only took fifteen minutes now 00:44:53.000 --> 00:44:54.000 the questions were a little 00:44:54.000 --> 00:44:55.000 different and they were nothing 00:44:55.000 --> 00:44:58.000 like the questions on that test 00:44:58.000 --> 00:44:59.000 but being able to conceptualize 00:44:59.000 --> 00:44:61.000 from that test I was like 00:45:01.000 --> 00:45:03.000 oh well yeah you know -- the 00:45:03.000 --> 00:45:04.000 the degree of a ramp or something 00:45:04.000 --> 00:45:06.000 for example oh yeah there 00:45:06.000 --> 00:45:09.000 I got that you know if test 00:45:09.000 --> 00:45:11.000 anxiety is what your thing 00:45:11.000 --> 00:45:14.000 or if things going on around 00:45:14.000 --> 00:45:16.000 you bother you then you need 00:45:16.000 --> 00:45:17.000 to prepare yourself because 00:45:17.000 --> 00:45:19.000 these test sites -- when I went 00:45:19.000 --> 00:45:22.000 to take the NCC exam it's not 00:45:22.000 --> 00:45:23.000 just the NCC exam they were 00:45:23.000 --> 00:45:26.000 giving so they're giving all 00:45:26.000 --> 00:45:29.000 different types of exams right 00:45:29.000 --> 00:45:30.000 and you have to have certain 00:45:30.000 --> 00:45:32.000 forms of ID so make sure you 00:45:32.000 --> 00:45:33.000 read the instructions before 00:45:33.000 --> 00:45:35.000 you go in there -- when I 00:45:35.000 --> 00:45:36.000 went in there there was also 00:45:36.000 --> 00:45:38.000 somebody who was freaking out 00:45:38.000 --> 00:45:39.000 because I guess they decided 00:45:39.000 --> 00:45:40.000 to get married after they had 00:45:42.000 --> 00:45:44.000 so their name was different from 00:45:44.000 --> 00:45:47.000 their exam name and you know 00:45:47.000 --> 00:45:50.000 they were all mad and upset 00:45:50.000 --> 00:45:51.000 and it was disrupting the test 00:45:51.000 --> 00:45:54.000 environment so stuff like that 00:45:56.000 --> 00:45:59.000 environment so it's a cubicle 00:45:59.000 --> 00:45:60.000 right it's just a little tiny 00:46:00.000 --> 00:46:04.000 cubicle and the computers do 00:46:04.000 --> 00:46:05.000 not work good they're like 00:46:07.000 --> 00:46:08.000 so they might be like fuzzy or 00:46:08.000 --> 00:46:11.000 something but this is stuff I'm 00:46:11.000 --> 00:46:12.000 telling you ahead of time so 00:46:12.000 --> 00:46:14.000 you can prepare for you can't 00:46:14.000 --> 00:46:16.000 so now you can't use that as 00:46:16.000 --> 00:46:19.000 an excuse right but I will tell 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:20.000 you if you are one of those 00:46:20.000 --> 00:46:21.000 people that have that whole 00:46:21.000 --> 00:46:23.000 test problem and I mean it's 00:46:23.000 --> 00:46:25.000 just like going into a prison 00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:28.000 almost you have to empty or 00:46:28.000 --> 00:46:29.000 you know for me like a psych 00:46:29.000 --> 00:46:30.000 ward empty all your pockets 00:46:30.000 --> 00:46:32.000 you can't have anything on you 00:46:32.000 --> 00:46:33.000 they actually if you wear 00:46:33.000 --> 00:46:35.000 glasses they have to do this 00:46:35.000 --> 00:46:36.000 fancy thing with your glasses 00:46:36.000 --> 00:46:37.000 to make sure you don't have 00:46:37.000 --> 00:46:40.000 any devices with your glasses 00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:43.000 yeah so you know everything 00:46:43.000 --> 00:46:45.000 and its fingerprint too so they 00:46:45.000 --> 00:46:47.000 check your fingerprint to make 00:46:47.000 --> 00:46:48.000 sure that you're not cheating 00:46:48.000 --> 00:46:52.000 and the whole time it's -- 00:46:52.000 --> 00:46:53.000 I don't know what the -- it's 00:46:53.000 --> 00:46:55.000 panopticon but I don't know what we call 00:46:55.000 --> 00:46:57.000 it so it's like central so there's 00:46:57.000 --> 00:46:58.000 like the test administrator 00:46:58.000 --> 00:46:59.000 right here and then you're in 00:46:59.000 --> 00:46:62.000 a circle around her or him and 00:47:02.000 --> 00:47:03.000 they're like watching you the 00:47:03.000 --> 00:47:05.000 whole time and then there's 00:47:05.000 --> 00:47:07.000 like cameras up here watching 00:47:07.000 --> 00:47:09.000 you the whole time take it 00:47:09.000 --> 00:47:11.000 so if you haven't experienced 00:47:11.000 --> 00:47:12.000 that before maybe you can 00:47:12.000 --> 00:47:13.000 do some -- what do they call 00:47:13.000 --> 00:47:15.000 that in vivo exposure go do 00:47:15.000 --> 00:47:17.000 that might help go in the 00:47:17.000 --> 00:47:19.000 library here and you know 00:47:19.000 --> 00:47:20.000 put some headphones on and 00:47:20.000 --> 00:47:22.000 practice testing in that environment 00:47:22.000 --> 00:47:23.000 so when the time comes you can be 00:47:23.000 --> 00:47:25.000 like yeah whatever for 00:47:25.000 --> 00:47:26.000 what I was talking about with 00:47:26.000 --> 00:47:29.000 that book for the CRC now that I remember it 00:47:29.000 --> 00:47:31.000 I actually used writing too 00:47:31.000 --> 00:47:33.000 so I wrote out all the test 00:47:33.000 --> 00:47:35.000 questions onto a form so that 00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:36.000 way I could take it just like 00:47:36.000 --> 00:47:39.000 a test yeah I just couldn't 00:47:39.000 --> 00:47:41.000 I don't have the you know 00:47:41.000 --> 00:47:42.000 to do that toggle switch and 00:47:42.000 --> 00:47:44.000 actually set up one in the 00:47:44.000 --> 00:47:45.000 computer because that was the 00:47:45.000 --> 00:47:46.000 other thing I was gonna do 00:47:46.000 --> 00:47:47.000 but I didn't have time when 00:47:47.000 --> 00:47:49.000 you sign up to take the NCC 00:47:49.000 --> 00:47:52.000 the NBCC Board that you sign 00:47:52.000 --> 00:47:54.000 up through the account they 00:47:54.000 --> 00:47:56.000 have a store on there and then 00:47:56.000 --> 00:47:58.000 during the test season of when 00:47:58.000 --> 00:47:61.000 your test is there'll be a 00:48:01.000 --> 00:48:02.000 study guide that comes out and 00:48:02.000 --> 00:48:05.000 it will be the official NCC 00:48:05.000 --> 00:48:07.000 examination guide is what it's 00:48:07.000 --> 00:48:09.000 called and it's like a book about 00:48:09.000 --> 00:48:11.000 that thick and about this big and 00:48:11.000 --> 00:48:13.000 it's forty-five bucks yeah 00:48:13.000 --> 00:48:15.000 if you're computer savvy enough 00:48:15.000 --> 00:48:16.000 you can -- you know put it in 00:48:16.000 --> 00:48:18.000 the computer and download it 00:48:18.000 --> 00:48:19.000 onto your computer and then 00:48:19.000 --> 00:48:21.000 transfer it to like mp4 00:48:21.000 --> 00:48:22.000 and then you can put it 00:48:22.000 --> 00:48:25.000 on like a flash drive and then 00:48:25.000 --> 00:48:26.000 you know depending on how your 00:48:26.000 --> 00:48:27.000 car works some cars have flash 00:48:27.000 --> 00:48:31.000 drive -- as an example the 00:48:31.000 --> 00:48:32.000 other example if you do have 00:48:32.000 --> 00:48:33.000 a computer and it does have 00:48:33.000 --> 00:48:36.000 like a CD-ROM drive or 00:48:36.000 --> 00:48:38.000 whatever you can plug it into 00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:41.000 your car that way and listen 00:48:41.000 --> 00:48:42.000 the audio from the computer 00:48:42.000 --> 00:48:44.000 through the car so that's 00:48:44.000 --> 00:48:46.000 some suggestions that's it 00:48:46.000 --> 00:48:48.000 applause