WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.000 good morning folks 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:08.000 it's my pleasure to welcome you 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:10.000 to Western Oregon University 00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:13.000 my name is Rob Findtner I'm the director 00:00:13.000 --> 00:00:15.000 of admissions and also a proud 00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:18.000 graduate of WOU or I could joke 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.000 under a former name Western 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:23.000 Oregon State College or WOSC 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:24.000 and as a student at Western 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:26.000 I majored in history minor in 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:28.000 political science so social 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:29.000 science was near and dear to my 00:00:29.000 --> 00:00:31.000 heart I know that we have many 00:00:31.000 --> 00:00:32.000 students here today that are 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:34.000 considering Western Oregon's 00:00:34.000 --> 00:00:36.000 criminal justice program and 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:37.000 you'll hear more about the 00:00:37.000 --> 00:00:38.000 criminal justice division 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:40.000 in just a little bit but we 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:41.000 recognize we have students 00:00:41.000 --> 00:00:43.000 are also looking at teacher 00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:46.000 education business music etc. 00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:47.000 and we hope that you 00:00:47.000 --> 00:00:48.000 consider Western Oregon only 00:00:48.000 --> 00:00:50.000 for criminal justice but for 00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:52.000 our many other programs -- that 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:53.000 are available to you whether 00:00:53.000 --> 00:00:55.000 it's a major minor or other 00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:57.000 opportunities and we're happy answer 00:00:57.000 --> 00:00:58.000 questions from an admissions 00:00:58.000 --> 00:00:60.000 perspective today and I know 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:03.000 that our faculty staff students 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:04.000 can answer those questions as 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:05.000 well you make those connections 00:01:05.000 --> 00:01:08.000 today so this is my twenty 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:10.000 second criminal justice careers 00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:11.000 day so I've been at Western for 00:01:11.000 --> 00:01:13.000 many years and for folks that 00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:15.000 have joined us before this is 00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:17.000 a little bit different set up 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:18.000 so you may recall that we've 00:01:18.000 --> 00:01:20.000 been in the Werner University 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:22.000 Center we've always had the panel 00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:24.000 check in there but as the 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:26.000 fair has grown in popularity we're 00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:28.000 see more agencies expressing an 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:29.000 interest in participating want to 00:01:29.000 --> 00:01:30.000 make sure that we have ample 00:01:30.000 --> 00:01:32.000 space for the fair so we moved 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:35.000 obviously here to the gym and so -- 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:37.000 student -- down the road you 00:01:37.000 --> 00:01:39.000 may be here for a PE 00:01:39.000 --> 00:01:41.000 class to watch maybe an 00:01:41.000 --> 00:01:42.000 athletic event etc. -- so 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:43.000 it's my pleasure to welcome 00:01:43.000 --> 00:01:44.000 to the gym if you've never 00:01:44.000 --> 00:01:46.000 been in the space before but 00:01:46.000 --> 00:01:48.000 when I make sure that we have 00:01:48.000 --> 00:01:50.000 ample space for the panel for 00:01:50.000 --> 00:01:51.000 the fair today so we hope this 00:01:51.000 --> 00:01:53.000 works well for you -- the other 00:01:53.000 --> 00:01:54.000 thing I'll mention about today and 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:57.000 for the panel it is being live 00:01:57.000 --> 00:01:58.000 streamed so if you are a wave 00:01:58.000 --> 00:01:59.000 to the camera you were live 00:01:59.000 --> 00:01:61.000 streaming today for like to 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:02.000 say hello to family friends we 00:02:02.000 --> 00:02:04.000 have a live stream that's occurring 00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:05.000 today so we have folks that 00:02:05.000 --> 00:02:06.000 could be watching this whether 00:02:06.000 --> 00:02:08.000 it's on campus at a distance as 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:10.000 well that's a great opportunity 00:02:10.000 --> 00:02:11.000 for folks that maybe could 00:02:11.000 --> 00:02:14.000 join us in person today 00:02:14.000 --> 00:02:18.000 for our students who are seniors I want 00:02:18.000 --> 00:02:19.000 to find out is to see a quick 00:02:19.000 --> 00:02:21.000 show of hands how many of you 00:02:21.000 --> 00:02:23.000 have been admitted to Western 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:24.000 Oregon University for fall 2020 00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:26.000 or have applied just to see a 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:27.000 show of hands and we have quite 00:02:27.000 --> 00:02:29.000 a few admitted students if you just 00:02:29.000 --> 00:02:31.000 to raise your hands higher and 00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:32.000 like to give these folks around 00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:33.000 of applause as well so 00:02:33.000 --> 00:02:38.000 congratulations on your admission 00:02:38.000 --> 00:02:40.000 and I've had that question before is 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:41.000 you know Rob how many students 00:02:41.000 --> 00:02:42.000 maybe came criminal justice 00:02:42.000 --> 00:02:45.000 careers day and then decided 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:47.000 to attend Western Oregon and 00:02:47.000 --> 00:02:48.000 already have conversations 00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:49.000 that's all the time of students 00:02:49.000 --> 00:02:51.000 that we I came my junior year 00:02:51.000 --> 00:02:52.000 for criminal justice careers day 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:54.000 had a wonderful experience 00:02:54.000 --> 00:02:56.000 connected with faculty students 00:02:56.000 --> 00:02:58.000 learned a great deal and 00:02:58.000 --> 00:02:59.000 found that Western Oregon 00:02:59.000 --> 00:02:61.000 was the choice one of my top 00:03:01.000 --> 00:03:03.000 choices so as for seniors 00:03:03.000 --> 00:03:04.000 congratulations once again we 00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:05.000 may also have transfer students 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:07.000 in the audience that have been 00:03:07.000 --> 00:03:08.000 admitted so I congratulate if I 00:03:08.000 --> 00:03:10.000 missed any transfer students -- 00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:13.000 to acknowlege -- your admission to 00:03:13.000 --> 00:03:15.000 WOU now for our students who 00:03:15.000 --> 00:03:18.000 are juniors sophomores freshmen 00:03:18.000 --> 00:03:19.000 if you're not aware when you 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:22.000 attend a visit programs such 00:03:22.000 --> 00:03:24.000 as criminal justice careers 00:03:24.000 --> 00:03:26.000 day you do qualify for our 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:28.000 one thousand dollar campus 00:03:28.000 --> 00:03:31.000 visit award and that's why 00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:32.000 we're pushing for students to 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:34.000 register individually for our 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:36.000 events that for some of our schools 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:37.000 representatives say hey Rob before we 00:03:37.000 --> 00:03:39.000 get to send you a sheet that 00:03:39.000 --> 00:03:40.000 said if we're gonna bring maybe 00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:41.000 fifty students why are you 00:03:41.000 --> 00:03:42.000 making our students register 00:03:42.000 --> 00:03:44.000 individually one as we have 00:03:44.000 --> 00:03:45.000 this campus visit award for 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:46.000 a thousand dollars so we do 00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:47.000 have seniors in the audience 00:03:47.000 --> 00:03:49.000 of admitted that have been 00:03:49.000 --> 00:03:51.000 there previously they'll have 00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:52.000 that one thousand dollar visit 00:03:52.000 --> 00:03:54.000 award as part of aid package for 00:03:54.000 --> 00:03:56.000 next year and so far younger 00:03:56.000 --> 00:03:57.000 students congratulations 00:03:57.000 --> 00:03:59.000 it's kind of an Oprah moment you get 00:03:59.000 --> 00:03:60.000 a car in a car in this case 00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:02.000 it's you get a scholarship 00:04:02.000 --> 00:04:03.000 you get a scholarships so that's 00:04:03.000 --> 00:04:04.000 our one thousand dollar 00:04:04.000 --> 00:04:06.000 campus visit award me for 00:04:06.000 --> 00:04:09.000 your first year at WOU 00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:10.000 as a first time freshmen or 00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:12.000 transfer students so but the 00:04:12.000 --> 00:04:13.000 easiest scholarship one could 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:16.000 earn from a university so as 00:04:16.000 --> 00:04:18.000 an admissions representative 00:04:18.000 --> 00:04:19.000 we're really well versed at 00:04:19.000 --> 00:04:20.000 talking about our institution 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:22.000 we could go on and on but today 00:04:22.000 --> 00:04:25.000 is criminal justice careers day 00:04:25.000 --> 00:04:26.000 I would be sensitive to that 00:04:26.000 --> 00:04:27.000 and we put together a great 00:04:27.000 --> 00:04:29.000 day for you in a little bit of 00:04:29.000 --> 00:04:30.000 going to some more the details 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:32.000 I know you have a copy of 00:04:32.000 --> 00:04:34.000 today's agenda or schedule in 00:04:34.000 --> 00:04:35.000 your folders you can look that 00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:36.000 over I wanna make sure that 00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:38.000 I get my colleagues from the 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:40.000 division of criminal justice 00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:42.000 our panelists an opportunity 00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:43.000 to come to the stage at this 00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:46.000 time our division chair Vivian 00:04:46.000 --> 00:04:48.000 will be welcoming you as well 00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:49.000 so at this time what I like to 00:04:49.000 --> 00:04:51.000 do is turn the microphone over 00:04:51.000 --> 00:04:53.000 to Vivian and our colleagues 00:04:53.000 --> 00:04:54.000 from the division of criminal 00:04:54.000 --> 00:04:55.000 justice our panel members 00:04:55.000 --> 00:04:56.000 because this is always a 00:04:56.000 --> 00:04:59.000 very popular activity -- lot 00:04:59.000 --> 00:04:61.000 of information to be shared 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:02.000 a lot of questions that can 00:05:02.000 --> 00:05:03.000 be asked as well we'll give that 00:05:03.000 --> 00:05:05.000 opportunity at this time I'm 00:05:05.000 --> 00:05:06.000 gonna go ahead and turn over 00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:08.000 to Vivian and our colleagues 00:05:08.000 --> 00:05:10.000 from that criminal justice division 00:05:10.000 --> 00:05:12.000 our panel members Vivian 00:05:12.000 --> 00:05:20.000 applause 00:05:20.000 --> 00:05:22.000 thank you very much 00:05:22.000 --> 00:05:26.000 hello everybody so before I get 00:05:26.000 --> 00:05:29.000 on and do my own part here I 00:05:29.000 --> 00:05:32.000 would like to invite my boss 00:05:32.000 --> 00:05:34.000 and the dean of the college 00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:36.000 of liberal arts and sciences 00:05:36.000 --> 00:05:39.000 to give you a welcome so let's 00:05:39.000 --> 00:05:45.000 welcome Dean Kathy Cassidy 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:46.000 good morning everyone and 00:05:46.000 --> 00:05:48.000 thanks for being here and this 00:05:48.000 --> 00:05:49.000 thing has a lot of echo I'm 00:05:49.000 --> 00:05:51.000 not used to hearing myself this 00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:53.000 loudly so -- my name's Kathy 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:55.000 Cassidy I'm the dean of the 00:05:55.000 --> 00:05:56.000 college of liberal arts and 00:05:56.000 --> 00:05:57.000 sciences where the criminal 00:05:57.000 --> 00:05:60.000 justice division is housed and 00:06:00.000 --> 00:06:02.000 if you decided to come here you 00:06:02.000 --> 00:06:04.000 made a great choice if you're 00:06:04.000 --> 00:06:05.000 thinking about it and I would 00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:07.000 really encourage you to take it 00:06:07.000 --> 00:06:09.000 seriously -- I've been at WOU 00:06:09.000 --> 00:06:11.000 for almost three years now I 00:06:11.000 --> 00:06:14.000 moved here from Hawaii and -- 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:16.000 shortly after I moved I decided 00:06:16.000 --> 00:06:17.000 to take a visit over to the 00:06:17.000 --> 00:06:19.000 coast because I already miss 00:06:19.000 --> 00:06:21.000 the ocean and when I checked 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:23.000 in the clerk at the desk 00:06:23.000 --> 00:06:25.000 saw my Hawaii driver's 00:06:25.000 --> 00:06:27.000 licenses say well why did you 00:06:27.000 --> 00:06:29.000 move to Oregon and I said well 00:06:29.000 --> 00:06:30.000 I got a job at Western Oregon 00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:32.000 University and she said oh I go 00:06:32.000 --> 00:06:34.000 there I'm in the criminal justice 00:06:34.000 --> 00:06:36.000 program do you know this person 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:37.000 and that person and I said 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:40.000 know anybody in so the person 00:06:40.000 --> 00:06:43.000 started telling me -- who all 00:06:43.000 --> 00:06:44.000 the faculty were how great they 00:06:44.000 --> 00:06:46.000 were she told me about Vivian 00:06:46.000 --> 00:06:48.000 who you just met and she said 00:06:48.000 --> 00:06:49.000 I think you're really going to 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:50.000 like working with those people 00:06:50.000 --> 00:06:52.000 so I discovered that before 00:06:52.000 --> 00:06:54.000 I even really got here -- who 00:06:54.000 --> 00:06:56.000 the criminal justice faculty were 00:06:56.000 --> 00:06:58.000 and what a great reputation 00:06:58.000 --> 00:06:60.000 they have with their students 00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:01.000 and throughout the state of 00:07:01.000 --> 00:07:03.000 Oregon we are also a small 00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:05.000 enough institution that we 00:07:05.000 --> 00:07:07.000 can offer very individualized 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:09.000 opportunities to you so if 00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:10.000 you're thinking about criminal 00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:11.000 justice but you're also 00:07:11.000 --> 00:07:14.000 interested in other things -- 00:07:14.000 --> 00:07:16.000 if you want to consider a minor 00:07:16.000 --> 00:07:18.000 and certificate perhaps a double 00:07:18.000 --> 00:07:20.000 major there are all kinds of 00:07:20.000 --> 00:07:22.000 different -- combinations that 00:07:22.000 --> 00:07:25.000 we can create for you perhaps 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:27.000 you want to pursue cyber 00:07:27.000 --> 00:07:29.000 security and you're interested 00:07:29.000 --> 00:07:30.000 in also taking computer science 00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:32.000 classes or perhaps you're 00:07:32.000 --> 00:07:34.000 also interested in psychology 00:07:34.000 --> 00:07:36.000 or sociology or any number 00:07:36.000 --> 00:07:38.000 of possibilities -- Spanish 00:07:38.000 --> 00:07:41.000 language -- in conjunction with 00:07:41.000 --> 00:07:43.000 criminal justice so here were 00:07:43.000 --> 00:07:44.000 small enough that we can really 00:07:44.000 --> 00:07:47.000 guide you to your preferences 00:07:47.000 --> 00:07:48.000 and give you opportunities 00:07:48.000 --> 00:07:49.000 that might be more difficult 00:07:49.000 --> 00:07:52.000 to get a larger institution 00:07:52.000 --> 00:07:53.000 so with that I'll turn it back 00:07:53.000 --> 00:07:55.000 over to Vivian and she has a 00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:56.000 day of exciting events planned 00:07:56.000 --> 00:07:58.000 for you and if any of you ever 00:07:58.000 --> 00:07:60.000 have questions about criminal 00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:02.000 justice or any of my programs 00:08:02.000 --> 00:08:03.000 of our programs you're certainly 00:08:03.000 --> 00:08:05.000 welcome to get in touch with my 00:08:05.000 --> 00:08:07.000 office you can find the liberal 00:08:07.000 --> 00:08:09.000 arts and sciences dean's 00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:12.000 office on our WOU webpage so thanks 00:08:12.000 --> 00:08:15.000 applause 00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:17.000 thank you Dean Cassidy 00:08:21.000 --> 00:08:23.000 been said my name is Vivian 00:08:23.000 --> 00:08:25.000 Djokotoe I'm the division 00:08:25.000 --> 00:08:26.000 chair of the criminal justice 00:08:26.000 --> 00:08:29.000 sciences division here and 00:08:29.000 --> 00:08:31.000 that comprises a number of 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:33.000 programs so we have a major 00:08:33.000 --> 00:08:35.000 in criminal justice -- a 00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:38.000 minor in forensic anthropology 00:08:38.000 --> 00:08:40.000 minor in homeland security 00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:43.000 and community preparedness -- 00:08:43.000 --> 00:08:46.000 my minor in youth crime studies or 00:08:46.000 --> 00:08:48.000 juvenile justice as well as 00:08:48.000 --> 00:08:50.000 concentrations in all of these 00:08:50.000 --> 00:08:52.000 areas and a certificate in 00:08:52.000 --> 00:08:53.000 homeland security and community 00:08:53.000 --> 00:08:57.000 preparedness we also have a 00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:60.000 master's program so once you 00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:02.000 come here and you decide that 00:09:02.000 --> 00:09:04.000 that career path you want is 00:09:04.000 --> 00:09:06.000 going to require you to get a 00:09:06.000 --> 00:09:08.000 masters we have it right here 00:09:08.000 --> 00:09:10.000 as well and as the Dean said 00:09:10.000 --> 00:09:13.000 we have several other programs 00:09:13.000 --> 00:09:16.000 that will guide you towards 00:09:16.000 --> 00:09:18.000 one that specifically meets 00:09:18.000 --> 00:09:21.000 your career goals our faculty 00:09:21.000 --> 00:09:25.000 is extremely knowledgeable in 00:09:25.000 --> 00:09:27.000 what we do you wouldn't believe 00:09:27.000 --> 00:09:30.000 the expertise we have on our 00:09:30.000 --> 00:09:32.000 faculty and you would see the 00:09:32.000 --> 00:09:34.000 variety of options available 00:09:34.000 --> 00:09:37.000 to you once you come here and 00:09:37.000 --> 00:09:39.000 you'll meet our faculty and 00:09:39.000 --> 00:09:41.000 you realize that we come from 00:09:41.000 --> 00:09:44.000 such diverse areas within the 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:46.000 criminal justice system as 00:09:46.000 --> 00:09:49.000 well as their alumni panel 00:09:49.000 --> 00:09:51.000 that you'll be hearing from 00:09:51.000 --> 00:09:54.000 really soon so I'll introduce 00:09:54.000 --> 00:09:56.000 the faculty members who are here 00:09:56.000 --> 00:09:58.000 some of them are teaching 00:09:58.000 --> 00:09:60.000 at this moment so they couldn't 00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:02.000 be here but some are here and I'm 00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:04.000 going to go ahead and introduce 00:10:04.000 --> 00:10:06.000 them so the first one I would 00:10:06.000 --> 00:10:09.000 like to introduce is right 00:10:09.000 --> 00:10:12.000 here Dr Arimoto would you please 00:10:12.000 --> 00:10:16.000 stand okay so that's her 00:10:16.000 --> 00:10:18.000 she's taking some pictures and 00:10:18.000 --> 00:10:20.000 so she's over here separated 00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:23.000 from the pack so that's her 00:10:26.000 --> 00:10:29.000 juvenile justice courses 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:31.000 and then I'll go over there and 00:10:31.000 --> 00:10:37.000 start with Dr Omar Melchor-Ayala 00:10:37.000 --> 00:10:42.000 so that's him -- Dr Ayala 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:44.000 that actually graduated from 00:10:44.000 --> 00:10:46.000 our criminal justice program 00:10:46.000 --> 00:10:48.000 before going on to get his 00:10:48.000 --> 00:10:51.000 masters and PhD and he's now 00:10:51.000 --> 00:10:53.000 a professor with us and he 00:10:53.000 --> 00:10:55.000 also teaches in the areas of 00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:58.000 juvenile justice and one of the 00:10:58.000 --> 00:10:60.000 biggest things he does which 00:11:00.000 --> 00:11:02.000 if you chose to come here you 00:11:02.000 --> 00:11:04.000 would have the privilege of 00:11:04.000 --> 00:11:08.000 experiencing is a practicum 00:11:08.000 --> 00:11:09.000 where we place you with an 00:11:09.000 --> 00:11:12.000 agency before you graduate 00:11:12.000 --> 00:11:14.000 so that you get real hands-on 00:11:14.000 --> 00:11:17.000 experience I can't tell you 00:11:17.000 --> 00:11:19.000 how many people get hired right 00:11:19.000 --> 00:11:21.000 after they do their practicum 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:23.000 so if you are looking for a 00:11:23.000 --> 00:11:25.000 job which I hope you are you 00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:27.000 better say you are because some 00:11:27.000 --> 00:11:31.000 of your parents are here so this 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:33.000 is the right place for you and 00:11:33.000 --> 00:11:35.000 Dr Ayala makes sure 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:38.000 that happens for you next to 00:11:38.000 --> 00:11:45.000 him is Dr Mari Sakiyama who 00:11:45.000 --> 00:11:48.000 so Dr Sakiyama teaches 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:50.000 in policing and her research 00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:53.000 is really cool she works on 00:11:53.000 --> 00:11:56.000 police use of drones right 00:11:56.000 --> 00:11:57.000 so that's that she's 00:11:57.000 --> 00:11:62.000 she's the resident geek 00:12:02.000 --> 00:12:05.000 and -- see also does a lot 00:12:05.000 --> 00:12:07.000 with statistics and numbers 00:12:07.000 --> 00:12:09.000 and she's a very cool person 00:12:09.000 --> 00:12:10.000 I want to know what goes on 00:12:10.000 --> 00:12:12.000 in her brain -- so if you 00:12:12.000 --> 00:12:14.000 come here she's going to be 00:12:14.000 --> 00:12:16.000 teaching you at least one of 00:12:16.000 --> 00:12:18.000 your classes next to her is 00:12:18.000 --> 00:12:22.000 Dr Christine Harvey Horning 00:12:22.000 --> 00:12:27.000 Dr Christine Harvey Horning 00:12:27.000 --> 00:12:31.000 and Dr Horning is somebody 00:12:31.000 --> 00:12:34.000 who is special to our program 00:12:34.000 --> 00:12:36.000 in such a way that you and 00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:38.000 you'll be hard pressed to find 00:12:38.000 --> 00:12:40.000 another person like her in any 00:12:40.000 --> 00:12:43.000 other criminal justice program 00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:44.000 this is because she teaches 00:12:44.000 --> 00:12:46.000 our writing curriculum this 00:12:46.000 --> 00:12:48.000 is something that is rare 00:12:48.000 --> 00:12:49.000 with a lot of criminal justice 00:12:49.000 --> 00:12:52.000 programs I will risk saying 00:12:52.000 --> 00:12:53.000 that this is probably the 00:12:53.000 --> 00:12:56.000 only place we do that where we 00:12:56.000 --> 00:12:59.000 have somebody who is a trained 00:12:59.000 --> 00:12:61.000 writer who is going to help you 00:13:01.000 --> 00:13:03.000 through your writing courses 00:13:03.000 --> 00:13:05.000 this is because our program 00:13:05.000 --> 00:13:07.000 graduates a lot of people and 00:13:07.000 --> 00:13:09.000 what we hear from the field is 00:13:09.000 --> 00:13:11.000 that they want people in the 00:13:11.000 --> 00:13:13.000 system who know how to write 00:13:13.000 --> 00:13:15.000 because everything you write 00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:17.000 in your profession is going 00:13:17.000 --> 00:13:19.000 to be very important so 00:13:19.000 --> 00:13:22.000 Dr Harvey Horning is here doing 00:13:22.000 --> 00:13:24.000 that for us and when you come 00:13:24.000 --> 00:13:25.000 here you have the privilege 00:13:25.000 --> 00:13:28.000 of working with her next to 00:13:28.000 --> 00:13:35.000 her is Dr Terry Gingerich 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:38.000 so I came here in the year 00:13:38.000 --> 00:13:41.000 two thousand and four and 00:13:41.000 --> 00:13:43.000 Dr Gingerich was here 00:13:43.000 --> 00:13:45.000 when I got here so they built 00:13:45.000 --> 00:13:47.000 and kept the program actually 00:13:47.000 --> 00:13:50.000 our program is -- fifty years 00:13:50.000 --> 00:13:52.000 fifty one years old now one 00:13:52.000 --> 00:13:54.000 of the oldest you would find 00:13:54.000 --> 00:13:57.000 around in criminal justice 00:13:57.000 --> 00:13:58.000 Dr Gingerich is not that 00:13:58.000 --> 00:13:61.000 old yet though but he was you 00:14:01.000 --> 00:14:04.000 know when I came and he's -- 00:14:04.000 --> 00:14:06.000 he's somebody who has had a 00:14:06.000 --> 00:14:10.000 profession as a law enforcement 00:14:10.000 --> 00:14:11.000 officer and gone through the 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:16.000 whole ranks and as a Marine 00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:21.000 right so he has experience 00:14:21.000 --> 00:14:23.000 a lot of experience and just 00:14:23.000 --> 00:14:25.000 talking to him it's amazing 00:14:25.000 --> 00:14:27.000 how much you can learn and 00:14:27.000 --> 00:14:28.000 how much you can enrich your 00:14:28.000 --> 00:14:32.000 life so he is yours when you 00:14:32.000 --> 00:14:35.000 choose to come here now we have 00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:39.000 next to him Dr David Murphy 00:14:39.000 --> 00:14:43.000 applause 00:14:43.000 --> 00:14:48.000 Dr Murphy is a professor in 00:14:48.000 --> 00:14:51.000 criminal justice and he prior 00:14:51.000 --> 00:14:54.000 to Dr Melchor-Ayala doing the 00:14:54.000 --> 00:14:57.000 practicum internship program 00:14:57.000 --> 00:14:60.000 Dr Murphy was the one in charge of it 00:15:00.000 --> 00:15:02.000 he's just handed the batan 00:15:02.000 --> 00:15:05.000 over to a new person 00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:08.000 and so Dr Murphy can 00:15:08.000 --> 00:15:10.000 also be very helpful to you for 00:15:10.000 --> 00:15:12.000 those of you who want practical 00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:14.000 experience in the field but he 00:15:14.000 --> 00:15:16.000 is an area is in criminology 00:15:16.000 --> 00:15:19.000 largely and so he teaches 00:15:19.000 --> 00:15:21.000 you why criminals become 00:15:21.000 --> 00:15:24.000 criminals right so -- welcome 00:15:24.000 --> 00:15:27.000 Dr Murphy now we have 00:15:27.000 --> 00:15:32.000 next to him Jennifer Moreno 00:15:32.000 --> 00:15:36.000 applause 00:15:36.000 --> 00:15:39.000 so Jennifer Moreno is by 00:15:39.000 --> 00:15:42.000 profession by training an 00:15:42.000 --> 00:15:45.000 attorney and a police officer 00:15:45.000 --> 00:15:48.000 so she has both 00:15:48.000 --> 00:15:51.000 right and she draws a lot 00:15:51.000 --> 00:15:53.000 of students to her because 00:15:53.000 --> 00:15:56.000 students are really intrigued 00:15:56.000 --> 00:15:58.000 about her background and what 00:15:58.000 --> 00:15:60.000 she brings she guides a lot of 00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:03.000 our students who are interested 00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:05.000 in deciding what their career 00:16:05.000 --> 00:16:07.000 path should be she is a 00:16:07.000 --> 00:16:09.000 professor in our department and 00:16:09.000 --> 00:16:11.000 she teaches policing classes as 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:15.000 well as the court's classes so 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:17.000 when you come here you're sure 00:16:17.000 --> 00:16:21.000 to take a class from her now 00:16:21.000 --> 00:16:25.000 the last person in that line is 00:16:28.000 --> 00:16:29.000 so I am the face of the 00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:32.000 division that's the brain of 00:16:32.000 --> 00:16:35.000 the division Jennifer Willard 00:16:35.000 --> 00:16:40.000 applause 00:16:40.000 --> 00:16:43.000 so I have her on speed dial 00:16:43.000 --> 00:16:45.000 so that when I don't have 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:47.000 the answer to a question I 00:16:47.000 --> 00:16:49.000 hope she she knows it or she 00:16:49.000 --> 00:16:51.000 can find it for me she is 00:16:51.000 --> 00:16:52.000 the administrative program 00:16:52.000 --> 00:16:54.000 assistance and so she's the 00:16:54.000 --> 00:16:56.000 one that most of you who 00:16:56.000 --> 00:16:58.000 accept your admission will be 00:16:58.000 --> 00:16:61.000 hearing from first right so 00:17:01.000 --> 00:17:03.000 that's Jennifer Willard so 00:17:03.000 --> 00:17:06.000 when you come send her candy 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:09.000 okay all right so that's all 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:11.000 with our professors so the 00:17:11.000 --> 00:17:13.000 next group of people who are 00:17:13.000 --> 00:17:16.000 going to join me here will be 00:17:16.000 --> 00:17:18.000 our panelists so you're going 00:17:18.000 --> 00:17:21.000 to hear from a panel of alumni 00:17:21.000 --> 00:17:22.000 so these are all people who 00:17:22.000 --> 00:17:24.000 graduated from our program 00:17:24.000 --> 00:17:26.000 and currently working 00:17:26.000 --> 00:17:27.000 in various fields within the 00:17:27.000 --> 00:17:30.000 criminal justice system so 00:17:30.000 --> 00:17:31.000 you're going to hear from them 00:17:31.000 --> 00:17:33.000 I'm going to be asking them 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:35.000 some questions and at some 00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:37.000 point I'm going to allow you 00:17:37.000 --> 00:17:39.000 to ask them questions too you're 00:17:39.000 --> 00:17:40.000 going to see some pretty cool 00:17:40.000 --> 00:17:43.000 professions over here so the 00:17:43.000 --> 00:17:45.000 first one I want to invite 00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:48.000 to the stage is Detective 00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:55.000 Jennifer Johnson so Detective 00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:57.000 Detective Johnson is from 00:17:57.000 --> 00:17:61.000 state police and -- as 00:18:01.000 --> 00:18:03.000 her title suggests she's 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:07.000 a detective have a seat - she's 00:18:07.000 --> 00:18:09.000 active with this state and -- 00:18:09.000 --> 00:18:12.000 she graduated in two thousand 00:18:12.000 --> 00:18:15.000 five and we are glad to have 00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:17.000 her here today with us the 00:18:17.000 --> 00:18:20.000 next person I'd like to invite 00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:24.000 will be Deputy Sam Hatch 00:18:24.000 --> 00:18:30.000 applause 00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:33.000 Deputy Hatch is a sheriff's 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:35.000 deputy with Polk County 00:18:35.000 --> 00:18:38.000 sheriff's department and he 00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:43.000 graduated in twenty twelve to 00:18:43.000 --> 00:18:45.000 twenty fifteen sorry twenty 00:18:45.000 --> 00:18:49.000 fifteen so -- he will be 00:18:49.000 --> 00:18:51.000 talking to us about what he 00:18:51.000 --> 00:18:55.000 does in his day to day job the 00:18:55.000 --> 00:18:56.000 next person I'd like to invite 00:18:56.000 --> 00:18:60.000 is Ms Elizabeth Quintana 00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:04.000 applause 00:19:04.000 --> 00:19:07.000 Elizabeth Quintana is a 00:19:07.000 --> 00:19:10.000 juvenile parole and probation 00:19:10.000 --> 00:19:13.000 officer from Marion County so 00:19:13.000 --> 00:19:15.000 she will be telling us what 00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:18.000 she does in that field and she 00:19:18.000 --> 00:19:21.000 is said twenty ten grad am I 00:19:21.000 --> 00:19:25.000 correct yes -- I have a number 00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:28.000 all these numbers in my head 00:19:28.000 --> 00:19:29.000 and they've told me multiple 00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:31.000 times but I keep forgetting 00:19:31.000 --> 00:19:33.000 all right so the next person 00:19:33.000 --> 00:19:35.000 I'd like to call to the stage 00:19:35.000 --> 00:19:41.000 would be -- Mr Kevin Jones 00:19:41.000 --> 00:19:46.000 applause 00:19:46.000 --> 00:19:49.000 so Kevin Jones comes 00:19:49.000 --> 00:19:53.000 to us from the FBI 00:19:53.000 --> 00:19:56.000 he's a -- a staff operations 00:19:56.000 --> 00:19:59.000 specialist with the FBI 00:19:59.000 --> 00:19:60.000 and so for those so if you 00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:02.000 are interested in a career 00:20:02.000 --> 00:20:06.000 with the FBI he's your guy 00:20:06.000 --> 00:20:09.000 and he graduated in twenty 00:20:09.000 --> 00:20:14.000 fifteen twenty twelve 00:20:14.000 --> 00:20:15.000 all right I'll get the last 00:20:15.000 --> 00:20:19.000 one right so the last person to 00:20:19.000 --> 00:20:23.000 join us would be Mayra Mendoza 00:20:23.000 --> 00:20:27.000 applause 00:20:27.000 --> 00:20:31.000 so Myra is from Polk County Community 00:20:31.000 --> 00:20:34.000 Corrections and she's a parole and 00:20:34.000 --> 00:20:37.000 probations officer and so we 00:20:37.000 --> 00:20:39.000 have a juvenile probation and 00:20:39.000 --> 00:20:42.000 an adult probation officer so 00:20:42.000 --> 00:20:44.000 Mayra graduated in twenty 00:20:44.000 --> 00:20:47.000 eighteen but I remember and 00:20:47.000 --> 00:20:50.000 so I'll get on stage here and 00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:52.000 ask them a number of questions 00:20:52.000 --> 00:20:54.000 just so that I guide the 00:20:54.000 --> 00:20:55.000 information they give you 00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:57.000 and I'll give you some time 00:20:57.000 --> 00:20:58.000 to ask your own questions 00:20:58.000 --> 00:20:62.000 as well thank you very much 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:09.000 Applause 00:21:09.000 --> 00:21:38.000 with 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:42.000 can you hear me ok thank you 00:21:42.000 --> 00:21:44.000 so I've already 00:21:44.000 --> 00:21:46.000 introduced the panelists to you 00:21:46.000 --> 00:21:49.000 so I'm just going to go from 00:21:49.000 --> 00:21:51.000 one end to the next and have 00:21:51.000 --> 00:21:54.000 them tell you what they do so 00:21:54.000 --> 00:21:55.000 the first question I have for 00:21:55.000 --> 00:21:57.000 each one of the panelists I'll 00:21:57.000 --> 00:21:60.000 start with Detective Johnson -- 00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:03.000 is what do you do currently and 00:22:03.000 --> 00:22:05.000 what does that look like on a 00:22:05.000 --> 00:22:08.000 daily basis so hopefully this 00:22:08.000 --> 00:22:09.000 works and it does because I'm 00:22:09.000 --> 00:22:12.000 not a tech person -- but 00:22:14.000 --> 00:22:16.000 Jennifer Johnson I am with the 00:22:16.000 --> 00:22:19.000 state police -- I've been there 00:22:19.000 --> 00:22:20.000 for about twelve years actually 00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:23.000 just a couple days ago so I 00:22:23.000 --> 00:22:25.000 am I started off in patrol but 00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:27.000 right now I am a detective with 00:22:27.000 --> 00:22:30.000 the major crimes so day to day 00:22:30.000 --> 00:22:34.000 is -- a lot of paperwork -- we 00:22:34.000 --> 00:22:35.000 you're talking about having a 00:22:35.000 --> 00:22:36.000 report writer which is super 00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:40.000 huge but a lot of my -- stuff 00:22:40.000 --> 00:22:42.000 is working with people doing 00:22:42.000 --> 00:22:45.000 interviews and writing just -- 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:48.000 a ton a ton of reports -- but 00:22:48.000 --> 00:22:49.000 that's kind of my day today I 00:22:49.000 --> 00:22:53.000 think that was it thank you 00:22:53.000 --> 00:22:55.000 same question -- my name Deputy Sam Hatch 00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:57.000 I'm a corrections depty 00:22:57.000 --> 00:22:59.000 and I'm also search 00:22:59.000 --> 00:22:60.000 and rescue coordinator for the 00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:02.000 sheriff's office -- I wear two 00:23:02.000 --> 00:23:04.000 hats with the agency -- my main 00:23:04.000 --> 00:23:05.000 hat is being a corrections 00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:07.000 deputy in my facility we house 00:23:07.000 --> 00:23:09.000 anywhere between a hundred two 00:23:09.000 --> 00:23:10.000 hundred fifty inmates depending 00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:12.000 on the time of the year -- 00:23:12.000 --> 00:23:13.000 and I do this with five other 00:23:13.000 --> 00:23:15.000 deputies and a supervisor -- my 00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:18.000 day to day basis is basically 00:23:20.000 --> 00:23:22.000 maintaining safety and security 00:23:22.000 --> 00:23:24.000 of facility -- each day can 00:23:24.000 --> 00:23:25.000 be a little bit different 00:23:25.000 --> 00:23:27.000 depending on what happens with 00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:28.000 people are brought in from 00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:30.000 off the streets or -- what 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:32.000 comes in from the courts -- 00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:33.000 my other hat I wear is being a 00:23:33.000 --> 00:23:35.000 search and rescue coordinator 00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:36.000 that can happen for different 00:23:36.000 --> 00:23:37.000 reasons we can have a missing 00:23:37.000 --> 00:23:39.000 person within our area or 00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:41.000 in our county -- we could have 00:23:41.000 --> 00:23:43.000 a natural disaster happened 00:23:43.000 --> 00:23:45.000 and in some cases there's also 00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:46.000 times where our volunteers are 00:23:46.000 --> 00:23:48.000 put out to find evidence for 00:23:48.000 --> 00:23:49.000 a case that might be happening 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:52.000 within our county 00:23:52.000 --> 00:23:55.000 thank you so I work for Marion 00:23:55.000 --> 00:23:57.000 County Juvenile Department 00:23:57.000 --> 00:23:58.000 I've been working there for 00:23:58.000 --> 00:23:59.000 about ten years and the daily 00:23:59.000 --> 00:23:61.000 operations are a little bit of 00:24:01.000 --> 00:24:04.000 everything -- in the mornings 00:24:04.000 --> 00:24:06.000 we typically have court -- 00:24:06.000 --> 00:24:07.000 we do take a lot of cases to 00:24:07.000 --> 00:24:08.000 our court system we have to 00:24:08.000 --> 00:24:10.000 do the presenting we have to 00:24:10.000 --> 00:24:11.000 have recommendations for the 00:24:11.000 --> 00:24:13.000 for the court based on what case 00:24:13.000 --> 00:24:15.000 and what it is that we're doing 00:24:15.000 --> 00:24:18.000 with it -- we also need to 00:24:18.000 --> 00:24:22.000 meet with our kids -- so in my 00:24:22.000 --> 00:24:23.000 call them ours because they are 00:24:23.000 --> 00:24:26.000 ours until they're done -- most 00:24:26.000 --> 00:24:28.000 of the time we are visiting 00:24:28.000 --> 00:24:30.000 schools we are working with 00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:32.000 the kids individually we are 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:35.000 doing brokering of services a 00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:36.000 lot of them require drug and 00:24:36.000 --> 00:24:39.000 alcohol they require counseling 00:24:39.000 --> 00:24:41.000 and other services that we are 00:24:41.000 --> 00:24:42.000 responsible for making sure 00:24:42.000 --> 00:24:44.000 that they receive -- along 00:24:44.000 --> 00:24:48.000 the way it's a lot of a people 00:24:48.000 --> 00:24:50.000 learning to really interact 00:24:50.000 --> 00:24:51.000 with individuals as one of the 00:24:51.000 --> 00:24:52.000 prime things that we have to 00:24:52.000 --> 00:24:53.000 do anything when we work with 00:24:53.000 --> 00:24:57.000 people and particular juveniles 00:24:57.000 --> 00:24:60.000 thank you now we have Kevin 00:25:00.000 --> 00:25:02.000 alright -- yes so name's Kevin Jones 00:25:02.000 --> 00:25:04.000 I work with the FBI -- 00:25:04.000 --> 00:25:05.000 headquartered out of Portland 00:25:05.000 --> 00:25:06.000 but I actually work in Salem 00:25:06.000 --> 00:25:07.000 a lot of people don't realize 00:25:07.000 --> 00:25:09.000 that when they designed the 00:25:09.000 --> 00:25:11.000 FBI they designed it to be able 00:25:11.000 --> 00:25:12.000 to respond anywhere within the 00:25:12.000 --> 00:25:14.000 United States within two hours 00:25:14.000 --> 00:25:17.000 so in Oregon we have -- we have 00:25:17.000 --> 00:25:19.000 Pendleton Medford Eugene Bend 00:25:19.000 --> 00:25:22.000 Salem and -- obviously Portland 00:25:22.000 --> 00:25:23.000 so I work out of the Salem office 00:25:23.000 --> 00:25:25.000 office and I spend my entire 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:28.000 day researching and researching 00:25:28.000 --> 00:25:30.000 people places and things -- 00:25:30.000 --> 00:25:31.000 so without getting too much 00:25:31.000 --> 00:25:33.000 into the details of what kind 00:25:33.000 --> 00:25:35.000 of -- different programs on 00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:38.000 intelligence there are -- the 00:25:38.000 --> 00:25:39.000 what I basically focus on is 00:25:39.000 --> 00:25:41.000 just finding people you can 00:25:41.000 --> 00:25:42.000 just people places and things 00:25:42.000 --> 00:25:44.000 that's really what it -- what 00:25:44.000 --> 00:25:47.000 it comes down to -- alongside 00:25:47.000 --> 00:25:48.000 that not only finding them then 00:25:48.000 --> 00:25:50.000 processing that information and 00:25:50.000 --> 00:25:51.000 turning it into something that 00:25:51.000 --> 00:25:53.000 we can actually use to progress 00:25:53.000 --> 00:25:56.000 federal cases -- so there's a 00:25:56.000 --> 00:25:57.000 lot of reports writing there's 00:25:57.000 --> 00:25:60.000 a lot of research -- and -- 00:26:00.000 --> 00:26:03.000 along side there's a another 00:26:03.000 --> 00:26:04.000 duty that I say a collaborative 00:26:04.000 --> 00:26:06.000 duty -- that I do and it's on 00:26:06.000 --> 00:26:08.000 part of our evidence response 00:26:08.000 --> 00:26:10.000 team so think about it like 00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:12.000 CSI like the CSI shows 00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:15.000 that sort of thing -- so like 00:26:15.000 --> 00:26:17.000 you guys watch I'm not sure 00:26:17.000 --> 00:26:18.000 but anyways it's a lot like 00:26:18.000 --> 00:26:20.000 that -- it just takes more 00:26:20.000 --> 00:26:22.000 time to understand -- what 00:26:22.000 --> 00:26:25.000 the processes look like and -- 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:26.000 so with that said if there's 00:26:26.000 --> 00:26:30.000 a crime that the Portland -- 00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:32.000 ERT team has to respond to 00:26:34.000 --> 00:26:36.000 will wear this and I will go 00:26:36.000 --> 00:26:38.000 to crime scenes and use all 00:26:38.000 --> 00:26:41.000 of our cool CSI tools and -- 00:26:41.000 --> 00:26:43.000 collect evidence and then be 00:26:43.000 --> 00:26:44.000 able to process it bag it 00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:47.000 and then use it in court later on 00:26:47.000 --> 00:26:49.000 that's pretty much it yeah 00:26:49.000 --> 00:26:52.000 Kevin also teaches some 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:55.000 classes for us and so it's 00:26:55.000 --> 00:26:57.000 really cool to come here and 00:26:57.000 --> 00:26:61.000 have a class you know from 00:27:01.000 --> 00:27:04.000 somebody from the FBI if you 00:27:04.000 --> 00:27:07.000 want to end up there so -- 00:27:07.000 --> 00:27:09.000 that's another resource we have 00:27:09.000 --> 00:27:10.000 and that was one thing that I 00:27:10.000 --> 00:27:12.000 actually wrote down but that's 00:27:12.000 --> 00:27:13.000 what happens when I don't refer 00:27:13.000 --> 00:27:15.000 to my notes -- so yeah so I've 00:27:15.000 --> 00:27:16.000 been teaching classes here -- 00:27:16.000 --> 00:27:18.000 primarily online -- this is my 00:27:18.000 --> 00:27:21.000 second year doing it so -- yeah 00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:22.000 part of the criminal justice 00:27:22.000 --> 00:27:23.000 program here it's really good 00:27:23.000 --> 00:27:26.000 to have the opportunity to take 00:27:26.000 --> 00:27:27.000 some the skills and abilities 00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:29.000 that I've be able to -- amass over 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:31.000 the nine years with the FBI now 00:27:31.000 --> 00:27:33.000 and -- and can help students 00:27:33.000 --> 00:27:36.000 out so I least once a week -- 00:27:36.000 --> 00:27:38.000 maybe more than that depending 00:27:38.000 --> 00:27:40.000 on the influx -- I am fielding 00:27:40.000 --> 00:27:42.000 emails from students saying 00:27:42.000 --> 00:27:43.000 hey I really like I'm really 00:27:43.000 --> 00:27:45.000 focused focusing on the FBI 00:27:45.000 --> 00:27:47.000 I like to learn more so what 00:27:47.000 --> 00:27:48.000 typically happens is that the 00:27:48.000 --> 00:27:51.000 phone call or meet the student 00:27:51.000 --> 00:27:52.000 and answer all their questions 00:27:52.000 --> 00:27:54.000 about the FBI so -- feel 00:27:54.000 --> 00:27:55.000 free after this -- I don't 00:27:55.000 --> 00:27:56.000 know if you guys schedule as 00:27:56.000 --> 00:27:57.000 the rest of the day but if 00:27:57.000 --> 00:27:59.000 you have questions about it 00:28:00.000 --> 00:28:02.000 something that we do great -- 00:28:02.000 --> 00:28:04.000 is disseminate information to 00:28:04.000 --> 00:28:05.000 people but -- if you guys have 00:28:05.000 --> 00:28:08.000 questions feel free to -- find 00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:11.000 you somewhere and chat me out 00:28:11.000 --> 00:28:14.000 so now let's go to Myra 00:28:14.000 --> 00:28:16.000 hi so I work for a Polk 00:28:16.000 --> 00:28:17.000 County Community Corrections 00:28:17.000 --> 00:28:19.000 with adult probation and 00:28:19.000 --> 00:28:20.000 essentially our responsibility 00:28:20.000 --> 00:28:22.000 is to supervise adults who 00:28:22.000 --> 00:28:24.000 are court ordered to be out 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:25.000 in the community -- filling 00:28:25.000 --> 00:28:28.000 requirements as well as -- 00:28:28.000 --> 00:28:29.000 people who are releasing from 00:28:29.000 --> 00:28:32.000 prison and basically our day to 00:28:32.000 --> 00:28:35.000 day it's different all the time 00:28:35.000 --> 00:28:36.000 but our main responsibility 00:28:36.000 --> 00:28:38.000 is holding them accountable 00:28:38.000 --> 00:28:39.000 making sure that requirements 00:28:39.000 --> 00:28:40.000 are being met and that the 00:28:40.000 --> 00:28:43.000 community is safe -- so we're 00:28:43.000 --> 00:28:45.000 a meeting with them in the 00:28:45.000 --> 00:28:46.000 office have constantly having 00:28:46.000 --> 00:28:48.000 office visits -- we're going 00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:50.000 to their homes -- we're out in 00:28:50.000 --> 00:28:52.000 the field where a lot of report 00:28:52.000 --> 00:28:55.000 writing -- but essentially -- 00:28:55.000 --> 00:28:57.000 it was just a lot of one on one 00:28:57.000 --> 00:28:59.000 contact making sure that things 00:28:59.000 --> 00:28:61.000 are properly -- going as 00:29:01.000 --> 00:29:03.000 ordered by the court -- we're 00:29:03.000 --> 00:29:05.000 just kind of like the middle man 00:29:07.000 --> 00:29:09.000 go to court so we just have to 00:29:09.000 --> 00:29:11.000 be flexible for anything that 00:29:11.000 --> 00:29:12.000 could just arise in the day 00:29:12.000 --> 00:29:13.000 and we have to be able to move 00:29:13.000 --> 00:29:15.000 our schedules around -- and 00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:18.000 be ready for any emergencies 00:29:18.000 --> 00:29:21.000 basically thank you would 00:29:21.000 --> 00:29:23.000 see here this is just 00:29:23.000 --> 00:29:24.000 what I see here this is just 00:29:24.000 --> 00:29:28.000 five people out of the hundreds 00:29:32.000 --> 00:29:34.000 diverse of jobs you tend 00:29:34.000 --> 00:29:36.000 to hear from people when you 00:29:36.000 --> 00:29:38.000 are choosing criminal justice 00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:41.000 that -- -- -- all you what do 00:29:41.000 --> 00:29:43.000 you want to be a police officer 00:29:43.000 --> 00:29:46.000 as you can tell we do make some 00:29:46.000 --> 00:29:48.000 pretty cool police officers but 00:29:48.000 --> 00:29:51.000 that's not all we do right so 00:29:51.000 --> 00:29:52.000 if you're interested in law 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:54.000 enforcement this is the place 00:29:54.000 --> 00:29:57.000 for you if it's not this is the 00:29:57.000 --> 00:29:61.000 place for you okay either way 00:30:01.000 --> 00:30:02.000 we're here for you and that's 00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:04.000 there's a variety of things you can 00:30:04.000 --> 00:30:06.000 do we couldn't fit everybody 00:30:06.000 --> 00:30:08.000 here and every year we have a 00:30:08.000 --> 00:30:11.000 different set of panelists in 00:30:11.000 --> 00:30:12.000 different uniforms different 00:30:12.000 --> 00:30:15.000 outfits all represented years 00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:17.000 so -- we always available to 00:30:17.000 --> 00:30:19.000 answer your questions so the 00:30:19.000 --> 00:30:20.000 next thing I would like the 00:30:20.000 --> 00:30:24.000 panel to address will be how 00:30:24.000 --> 00:30:25.000 they're degrees in criminal 00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:27.000 justice prepared them for 00:30:27.000 --> 00:30:29.000 their roles they are in so I'll 00:30:29.000 --> 00:30:31.000 go back to Detective Johnson 00:30:31.000 --> 00:30:33.000 and has her answer that 00:30:33.000 --> 00:30:35.000 question how has her degree in criminal 00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:37.000 justice prepared you for 00:30:37.000 --> 00:30:38.000 law enforcement and for your 00:30:38.000 --> 00:30:41.000 detective work I would say that 00:30:43.000 --> 00:30:44.000 the old person here because 00:30:44.000 --> 00:30:45.000 I'm listening to all the people 00:30:45.000 --> 00:30:47.000 that graduated I was like I 00:30:47.000 --> 00:30:49.000 was a little while for me but 00:30:53.000 --> 00:30:55.000 at Western has helped me in 00:30:55.000 --> 00:30:57.000 that when I was going through 00:30:57.000 --> 00:30:58.000 the program not only were the 00:30:58.000 --> 00:30:61.000 classes really engaging and fun 00:31:01.000 --> 00:31:03.000 and anything that you have like 00:31:03.000 --> 00:31:04.000 a general interest in I feel 00:31:04.000 --> 00:31:05.000 like they're going to do a lot 00:31:05.000 --> 00:31:07.000 better -- so I just really 00:31:07.000 --> 00:31:09.000 like the courses were really 00:31:09.000 --> 00:31:10.000 good and it was really easy 00:31:10.000 --> 00:31:12.000 to be successful but I would 00:31:12.000 --> 00:31:15.000 say -- probably the number one 00:31:15.000 --> 00:31:17.000 thing and I think that this is 00:31:17.000 --> 00:31:18.000 what a lot of people say is the 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:21.000 practicum experience so like 00:31:21.000 --> 00:31:23.000 Vivian said just because I 00:31:23.000 --> 00:31:24.000 can't pronounce her last name 00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:26.000 so just call her Vivian I'm sorry 00:31:27.000 --> 00:31:31.000 disrespect Dr Vivian -- but 00:31:31.000 --> 00:31:33.000 the reason why the part 00:31:33.000 --> 00:31:34.000 time I think is so important is 00:31:34.000 --> 00:31:36.000 because I kind of did something 00:31:36.000 --> 00:31:39.000 really unique in the fact that 00:31:39.000 --> 00:31:40.000 I didn't know if I wanted to 00:31:40.000 --> 00:31:41.000 work I always knew I wanted 00:31:41.000 --> 00:31:43.000 the police officer but I don't 00:31:43.000 --> 00:31:44.000 know if I wanted to work with 00:31:44.000 --> 00:31:46.000 Marion County Sheriff's -- or 00:31:46.000 --> 00:31:47.000 if I wanted to work with the 00:31:47.000 --> 00:31:49.000 Oregon State Police I was kind 00:31:49.000 --> 00:31:51.000 of divided I didn't I didn't 00:31:51.000 --> 00:31:53.000 know and so what I was able to 00:31:53.000 --> 00:31:54.000 do it or have the opportunity 00:31:54.000 --> 00:31:56.000 to do as part of the practicum 00:31:56.000 --> 00:31:58.000 is that the you know and when 00:31:58.000 --> 00:31:60.000 you're you know looking at the 00:32:00.000 --> 00:32:01.000 kind of like your last year 00:32:01.000 --> 00:32:03.000 you choose an agency or the 00:32:05.000 --> 00:32:07.000 you any kind of do like a job 00:32:07.000 --> 00:32:10.000 shadow so for me that was -- 00:32:10.000 --> 00:32:12.000 the biggest impact is going to 00:32:12.000 --> 00:32:14.000 that practicum because I split 00:32:14.000 --> 00:32:16.000 my hours I did half my hours 00:32:16.000 --> 00:32:18.000 with Marion County Sheriff's 00:32:18.000 --> 00:32:19.000 and I did half my hours with 00:32:19.000 --> 00:32:21.000 Oregon State Police and just 00:32:21.000 --> 00:32:23.000 to kind of see and to gauge and 00:32:23.000 --> 00:32:25.000 to meet people I mean that's 00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:27.000 the biggest thing folks is 00:32:27.000 --> 00:32:28.000 to meet those people have those 00:32:28.000 --> 00:32:31.000 connections and now when you 00:32:31.000 --> 00:32:32.000 put in your application and 00:32:32.000 --> 00:32:33.000 they'll be like yeah I know 00:32:33.000 --> 00:32:35.000 Jennifer she's real cool or 00:32:35.000 --> 00:32:37.000 now she was really cool -- 00:32:37.000 --> 00:32:39.000 flights I think that was huge 00:32:42.000 --> 00:32:43.000 yeah this is something that I 00:32:43.000 --> 00:32:45.000 really want to do I'm sitting 00:32:45.000 --> 00:32:47.000 in the patrol car you know I 00:32:47.000 --> 00:32:48.000 obviously don't have a gun or 00:32:48.000 --> 00:32:49.000 anything cool like that at the 00:32:49.000 --> 00:32:52.000 time -- but you get to see 00:32:52.000 --> 00:32:54.000 kind of what their day to day 00:32:55.000 --> 00:32:58.000 get a pick their brains so I 00:32:58.000 --> 00:32:59.000 would say probably the people 00:32:59.000 --> 00:32:61.000 not only the ones that you 00:33:01.000 --> 00:33:02.000 meet in the practicum but the 00:33:02.000 --> 00:33:04.000 instructors as well because I 00:33:04.000 --> 00:33:05.000 had several instructions that 00:33:05.000 --> 00:33:07.000 were or instructors rather 00:33:07.000 --> 00:33:08.000 that were currently in law 00:33:08.000 --> 00:33:10.000 enforcement that they kind of 00:33:10.000 --> 00:33:12.000 helped me and guided me I would 00:33:12.000 --> 00:33:14.000 ask them questions one of my 00:33:14.000 --> 00:33:16.000 professors happen to work for 00:33:16.000 --> 00:33:18.000 on the state police on the side 00:33:18.000 --> 00:33:20.000 so I kind of picked his brain 00:33:20.000 --> 00:33:21.000 and then ultimately wanted 00:33:21.000 --> 00:33:22.000 go to the state police route 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:24.000 so I would say the practicum 00:33:24.000 --> 00:33:27.000 and then the people so what 00:33:27.000 --> 00:33:29.000 you can get from that is the 00:33:29.000 --> 00:33:31.000 mentorship that happens here 00:33:31.000 --> 00:33:34.000 right so our faculty -- will 00:33:34.000 --> 00:33:37.000 mentor you into the area you 00:33:37.000 --> 00:33:40.000 want to go to and -- not all 00:33:40.000 --> 00:33:42.000 of the faculty came here today 00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:45.000 we have about twenty faculty 00:33:45.000 --> 00:33:47.000 members and -- there are people 00:33:47.000 --> 00:33:49.000 who are in law enforcement who 00:33:49.000 --> 00:33:51.000 as you know there are people 00:33:51.000 --> 00:33:53.000 who are working in various 00:33:53.000 --> 00:33:55.000 areas in the criminal justice 00:33:55.000 --> 00:33:57.000 field who actually teach like 00:33:57.000 --> 00:33:58.000 Kevin Jones and so you're 00:33:58.000 --> 00:33:60.000 going to have the opportunity 00:34:00.000 --> 00:34:02.000 to interact with those people 00:34:02.000 --> 00:34:03.000 and they're going to give you 00:34:03.000 --> 00:34:05.000 some good guidance -- about 00:34:05.000 --> 00:34:07.000 what you want to do so I'll 00:34:07.000 --> 00:34:09.000 let that Deputy Hatch answer 00:34:09.000 --> 00:34:11.000 that question too -- one of the 00:34:11.000 --> 00:34:13.000 benefits to doing the criminal justice 00:34:13.000 --> 00:34:15.000 program is that by coming 00:34:15.000 --> 00:34:17.000 here you're gonna continue to 00:34:17.000 --> 00:34:18.000 higher education and that's 00:34:18.000 --> 00:34:19.000 what's going to happen as you 00:34:19.000 --> 00:34:20.000 get in the field of corrections 00:34:20.000 --> 00:34:23.000 or law enforcement you'll learn 00:34:23.000 --> 00:34:25.000 in a career more than a doctor 00:34:25.000 --> 00:34:27.000 will that's because this is 00:34:27.000 --> 00:34:29.000 an ever evolving system it's 00:34:29.000 --> 00:34:30.000 never gonna be constant it is 00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:32.000 constant it be a very different 00:34:32.000 --> 00:34:35.000 place right now -- so even just 00:34:35.000 --> 00:34:36.000 in the four years I've been in 00:34:36.000 --> 00:34:38.000 corrections it has drastically 00:34:38.000 --> 00:34:39.000 changed from how we handle 00:34:39.000 --> 00:34:41.000 dealing with people with mental 00:34:41.000 --> 00:34:42.000 health disorders people with 00:34:42.000 --> 00:34:44.000 drug addictions you got to be 00:34:44.000 --> 00:34:46.000 ready for that change because 00:34:46.000 --> 00:34:47.000 I do work with people who don't 00:34:47.000 --> 00:34:48.000 have degrees who's never been 00:34:48.000 --> 00:34:50.000 to college and they're forced 00:34:50.000 --> 00:34:51.000 to change is really hard they 00:34:51.000 --> 00:34:53.000 have a tough time trying to 00:34:53.000 --> 00:34:54.000 adjust to new things only 00:34:54.000 --> 00:34:55.000 because they're just used to 00:34:55.000 --> 00:34:57.000 doing one thing I find that 00:34:57.000 --> 00:34:59.000 coming to do this current justice 00:34:59.000 --> 00:34:61.000 program it prepared me to be 00:35:01.000 --> 00:35:02.000 prepared that things are not 00:35:02.000 --> 00:35:04.000 going to be constant be ready 00:35:04.000 --> 00:35:05.000 to learn new ways of doing 00:35:05.000 --> 00:35:08.000 things and overall having a 00:35:08.000 --> 00:35:09.000 a good experience with meeting 00:35:09.000 --> 00:35:10.000 new different people having 00:35:10.000 --> 00:35:11.000 those connections because like 00:35:11.000 --> 00:35:13.000 she said before once you start getting 00:35:13.000 --> 00:35:15.000 criminal justice if it's you 00:35:15.000 --> 00:35:16.000 know depending on whether you 00:35:16.000 --> 00:35:17.000 want to go to for me being 00:35:17.000 --> 00:35:19.000 a corrections and going into 00:35:19.000 --> 00:35:21.000 law enforcement everybody 00:35:21.000 --> 00:35:22.000 goes the exact same place 00:35:22.000 --> 00:35:23.000 everybody ends up meeting one 00:35:23.000 --> 00:35:25.000 another and everybody will 00:35:25.000 --> 00:35:26.000 talk about you if it's your 00:35:26.000 --> 00:35:27.000 good you know if you have a 00:35:27.000 --> 00:35:29.000 good rapport with other people 00:35:29.000 --> 00:35:30.000 if you have some type of poor 00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:32.000 rapport it really is just that 00:35:32.000 --> 00:35:33.000 it's a big connection that 00:35:33.000 --> 00:35:34.000 you can make especially if 00:35:34.000 --> 00:35:35.000 it starts at Western so I don't 00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:36.000 know how many people I've 00:35:36.000 --> 00:35:38.000 met you know from the patrol 00:35:38.000 --> 00:35:40.000 probation and corrections of 00:35:40.000 --> 00:35:41.000 all said hey I've been to Western 00:35:41.000 --> 00:35:43.000 too and I just kind of started 00:35:43.000 --> 00:35:46.000 the conversation off yeah so 00:35:46.000 --> 00:35:48.000 that's that's a big benefit 00:35:48.000 --> 00:35:50.000 and I mentioned earlier that 00:35:50.000 --> 00:35:52.000 we are in our fifty first year 00:35:52.000 --> 00:35:54.000 now so this is the 51st year 00:35:54.000 --> 00:35:56.000 but we're celebrating fifty 00:35:56.000 --> 00:35:58.000 years of existence here on this 00:35:58.000 --> 00:35:62.000 campus and -- we have graduated 00:36:02.000 --> 00:36:05.000 a ton of people so it's very 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:08.000 rare to go into an agency here 00:36:08.000 --> 00:36:12.000 in Oregon and not find 00:36:12.000 --> 00:36:13.000 somebody who graduated from 00:36:13.000 --> 00:36:16.000 a program that means we also 00:36:16.000 --> 00:36:19.000 get lots of requests for job 00:36:19.000 --> 00:36:22.000 opportunities coming every time 00:36:22.000 --> 00:36:24.000 I get them every single day 00:36:24.000 --> 00:36:26.000 from various agencies because 00:36:26.000 --> 00:36:28.000 those people who work there 00:36:28.000 --> 00:36:30.000 good ambassadors and it turn 00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:32.000 around and say hey if we need 00:36:32.000 --> 00:36:34.000 we're going to hire we need a 00:36:34.000 --> 00:36:36.000 graduate from Western Oregon 00:36:36.000 --> 00:36:38.000 University and so they reach 00:36:38.000 --> 00:36:40.000 out to us and we are able to 00:36:40.000 --> 00:36:42.000 connect students way before the 00:36:42.000 --> 00:36:44.000 even graduate and so some 00:36:44.000 --> 00:36:47.000 graduate with a job waiting 00:36:47.000 --> 00:36:49.000 for them so that's a pretty 00:36:49.000 --> 00:36:53.000 cool thing so I work for Marion 00:36:53.000 --> 00:36:54.000 County Juvenile Department as 00:36:54.000 --> 00:36:56.000 you know right and one of the 00:36:56.000 --> 00:36:57.000 ongoing jokes that we have 00:36:57.000 --> 00:36:60.000 In our department is so are 00:37:00.000 --> 00:37:02.000 you a WOU graduate too it is the 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:04.000 reality is if we look at just 00:37:04.000 --> 00:37:06.000 the juvenile department you have 00:37:06.000 --> 00:37:07.000 about eighty percent of the 00:37:07.000 --> 00:37:09.000 people there have a degree from 00:37:09.000 --> 00:37:10.000 Western Oregon University I mean 00:37:10.000 --> 00:37:11.000 that'll tell you where we 00:37:11.000 --> 00:37:14.000 are with it -- so I'm a first 00:37:14.000 --> 00:37:16.000 generation as well coming to 00:37:16.000 --> 00:37:17.000 school one of the things that 00:37:17.000 --> 00:37:19.000 I didn't it -- feel comfortable 00:37:19.000 --> 00:37:22.000 with is that it's hard 00:37:22.000 --> 00:37:25.000 education is hard and finding 00:37:25.000 --> 00:37:27.000 your bearings is even harder 00:37:27.000 --> 00:37:30.000 but I there was one time that 00:37:30.000 --> 00:37:31.000 I remember that I faltered that I 00:37:31.000 --> 00:37:33.000 didn't know if I want my degree 00:37:33.000 --> 00:37:34.000 if it was even worth it because 00:37:34.000 --> 00:37:36.000 it was a stressful and it was 00:37:36.000 --> 00:37:37.000 so many things that I didn't 00:37:37.000 --> 00:37:39.000 want but at the end of the day 00:37:39.000 --> 00:37:40.000 when I finished and completed it 00:37:40.000 --> 00:37:41.000 one of the things that I can 00:37:41.000 --> 00:37:43.000 tell you is having that degree 00:37:43.000 --> 00:37:45.000 allows you to move forward in 00:37:45.000 --> 00:37:47.000 any agency that you step into 00:37:47.000 --> 00:37:50.000 the whether it be state police FBI 00:37:50.000 --> 00:37:52.000 any other things social work 00:37:52.000 --> 00:37:54.000 having a degree will allow you 00:37:54.000 --> 00:37:56.000 to advance in their career it 00:37:56.000 --> 00:37:59.000 will be the difference from not 00:37:59.000 --> 00:37:61.000 just pay scales but also what 00:38:01.000 --> 00:38:02.000 kind of things you can do to 00:38:02.000 --> 00:38:04.000 transform that field the 00:38:04.000 --> 00:38:06.000 the degrees makes a difference 00:38:06.000 --> 00:38:09.000 and you helping make changes 00:38:09.000 --> 00:38:11.000 big changes -- I know that 00:38:11.000 --> 00:38:12.000 they mentioned earlier that 00:38:12.000 --> 00:38:14.000 all fields are kind of shifting 00:38:14.000 --> 00:38:17.000 in and everything is changing 00:38:17.000 --> 00:38:19.000 well it changes because we 00:38:19.000 --> 00:38:22.000 are learning adapting and the 00:38:22.000 --> 00:38:24.000 only way that you get even 00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:25.000 more of a voice in any of these 00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:27.000 fields is the degree that you 00:38:27.000 --> 00:38:29.000 have the knowledge that you 00:38:29.000 --> 00:38:31.000 have in the degree frankly 00:38:31.000 --> 00:38:34.000 backs it and so I think that's 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:35.000 one of the things that I got 00:38:35.000 --> 00:38:37.000 most out of having this degree 00:38:37.000 --> 00:38:39.000 that I'm not necessarily stuck 00:38:39.000 --> 00:38:41.000 in one place you can move in 00:38:41.000 --> 00:38:43.000 so many different directions 00:38:43.000 --> 00:38:46.000 just having and it's really 00:38:46.000 --> 00:38:48.000 you making those choices and 00:38:48.000 --> 00:38:50.000 so I think that's the value 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:53.000 behind it that I received personally 00:38:53.000 --> 00:38:55.000 thank you very much and -- 00:38:55.000 --> 00:38:56.000 she said something really 00:38:56.000 --> 00:38:58.000 important here which is the 00:38:58.000 --> 00:38:60.000 fact that the degree allows 00:39:00.000 --> 00:39:02.000 you to move around and and be 00:39:02.000 --> 00:39:06.000 able to -- do what you want 00:39:06.000 --> 00:39:09.000 to do within the industry so 00:39:09.000 --> 00:39:12.000 I highlight some of these 00:39:12.000 --> 00:39:14.000 things because the address some 00:39:14.000 --> 00:39:15.000 of the misconceptions you may 00:39:15.000 --> 00:39:18.000 hear about choosing a degree 00:39:18.000 --> 00:39:20.000 in criminal justice some people 00:39:20.000 --> 00:39:21.000 would say why do you want to 00:39:21.000 --> 00:39:23.000 major in criminal justice -- 00:39:23.000 --> 00:39:26.000 because what if you get injured 00:39:26.000 --> 00:39:27.000 and then I know this person is 00:39:27.000 --> 00:39:30.000 thinking they want to be in law 00:39:30.000 --> 00:39:32.000 enforcement and they afraid 00:39:32.000 --> 00:39:33.000 they will be injured and they 00:39:33.000 --> 00:39:35.000 can't work even if you're going 00:39:35.000 --> 00:39:37.000 to law enforcement in your 00:39:37.000 --> 00:39:40.000 injured Detective Johnson over 00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:43.000 there is not jumping around 00:39:43.000 --> 00:39:46.000 everyday so she doesn't need 00:39:46.000 --> 00:39:48.000 to be jumping around in order 00:39:48.000 --> 00:39:51.000 to do detective work so the key 00:39:51.000 --> 00:39:53.000 is to have the preparation the 00:39:53.000 --> 00:39:56.000 degree behind you so that once 00:39:56.000 --> 00:39:59.000 you go in you are able to do 00:39:59.000 --> 00:39:61.000 as many things as you want I'm 00:40:01.000 --> 00:40:03.000 actually going to challenge you 00:40:03.000 --> 00:40:05.000 by saying that even if you go 00:40:05.000 --> 00:40:07.000 into the agency with what you 00:40:07.000 --> 00:40:09.000 think you're going to be doing 00:40:09.000 --> 00:40:11.000 chances are ten years from 00:40:11.000 --> 00:40:12.000 that point you will be doing 00:40:12.000 --> 00:40:13.000 something totally different 00:40:13.000 --> 00:40:15.000 perhaps still in that same 00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:17.000 agency all in another area of 00:40:17.000 --> 00:40:20.000 criminal justice so for degree 00:40:20.000 --> 00:40:24.000 we prepare you to understand 00:40:24.000 --> 00:40:26.000 things ranging from psychology 00:40:26.000 --> 00:40:30.000 political science law sociology 00:40:30.000 --> 00:40:33.000 all of it is even that one 00:40:33.000 --> 00:40:35.000 criminal justice degree and 00:40:35.000 --> 00:40:37.000 so you have all of these 00:40:37.000 --> 00:40:39.000 options as well as the new 00:40:39.000 --> 00:40:41.000 concentrations we've just added in 00:40:41.000 --> 00:40:43.000 forensics and juvenile justice 00:40:43.000 --> 00:40:47.000 and -- homeland security and 00:40:47.000 --> 00:40:49.000 community preparedness to 00:40:49.000 --> 00:40:51.000 attach to your criminal justice 00:40:51.000 --> 00:40:53.000 degree so we're always doing 00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:56.000 things different improving on 00:40:56.000 --> 00:40:58.000 what we have to fit what the 00:40:58.000 --> 00:40:60.000 agencies need so you are always 00:41:00.000 --> 00:41:03.000 going to be current with the -- 00:41:03.000 --> 00:41:05.000 knowledge that's needed in this 00:41:05.000 --> 00:41:07.000 field by coming in and getting 00:41:07.000 --> 00:41:10.000 a criminal justice degree so I 00:41:10.000 --> 00:41:12.000 promise you once you come here 00:41:12.000 --> 00:41:13.000 you're going to hear somebody 00:41:13.000 --> 00:41:14.000 from a different department 00:41:14.000 --> 00:41:16.000 who doesn't understand criminal 00:41:16.000 --> 00:41:18.000 justice say to you what if 00:41:18.000 --> 00:41:19.000 you get injured what would 00:41:19.000 --> 00:41:21.000 you do and it'll be your place 00:41:21.000 --> 00:41:23.000 to then tell them no there are 00:41:23.000 --> 00:41:25.000 many things I can do if I get 00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:27.000 injured and even if I want to 00:41:27.000 --> 00:41:28.000 stay in law enforcement after 00:41:28.000 --> 00:41:31.000 I get injured I can still do 00:41:31.000 --> 00:41:33.000 a lot of things and maybe some 00:41:33.000 --> 00:41:34.000 of them will speak to that out 00:41:34.000 --> 00:41:39.000 for you now -- Kevin Jones 00:41:39.000 --> 00:41:42.000 how has your degree in criminal 00:41:42.000 --> 00:41:43.000 justice thank you for what 00:41:43.000 --> 00:41:45.000 you do so it's actually really 00:41:45.000 --> 00:41:47.000 good question so when I became a 00:41:47.000 --> 00:41:50.000 student here I had no idea what 00:41:50.000 --> 00:41:53.000 I wanted to do I did not know 00:41:53.000 --> 00:41:55.000 to go to college and and that 00:41:55.000 --> 00:41:58.000 was it so I started kind of popping 00:41:58.000 --> 00:41:59.000 around to the couple different 00:41:59.000 --> 00:41:60.000 programs I thought I was gonna 00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:02.000 be a teacher that's what I want to do 00:42:02.000 --> 00:42:04.000 and it wasn't for me I want to 00:42:04.000 --> 00:42:06.000 psychology nope that's not for 00:42:06.000 --> 00:42:07.000 me either so then I had a -- a 00:42:07.000 --> 00:42:09.000 friend of mine who was taking 00:42:09.000 --> 00:42:11.000 a criminal justice course and 00:42:11.000 --> 00:42:13.000 he said I said what do you 00:42:13.000 --> 00:42:16.000 what do you do in those classes 00:42:16.000 --> 00:42:17.000 we're learning about homicide 00:42:17.000 --> 00:42:19.000 rates right now and what to do 00:42:19.000 --> 00:42:20.000 with them I'm not holding you 00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:21.000 learn about that in school and he 00:42:21.000 --> 00:42:25.000 said yeah let's get your talk 00:42:25.000 --> 00:42:26.000 about that kind of stuff 00:42:26.000 --> 00:42:27.000 like in class he's like that yeah and 00:42:27.000 --> 00:42:29.000 like learning about community 00:42:29.000 --> 00:42:31.000 crime prevention and drug 00:42:31.000 --> 00:42:34.000 statistics and okay that sounds 00:42:34.000 --> 00:42:36.000 interesting so I signed up 00:42:36.000 --> 00:42:38.000 for a class and then I started 00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:40.000 this program so while I was 00:42:40.000 --> 00:42:42.000 in the program I still had 00:42:42.000 --> 00:42:43.000 no idea what I was gonna do 00:42:43.000 --> 00:42:44.000 after was gonna graduate I knew 00:42:44.000 --> 00:42:46.000 that college was going to go 00:42:46.000 --> 00:42:47.000 for five years and then after 00:42:47.000 --> 00:42:48.000 that I was going to be doing 00:42:48.000 --> 00:42:49.000 something I was working at 00:42:49.000 --> 00:42:51.000 Fred Meyers at the time so it's 00:42:51.000 --> 00:42:52.000 like maybe I'll go back to Fred 00:42:52.000 --> 00:42:54.000 Meyers it's always good to fall 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:56.000 back on the treated me all right 00:42:56.000 --> 00:42:57.000 but I really didn't have a 00:42:57.000 --> 00:42:60.000 plan so when the question came 00:43:00.000 --> 00:43:01.000 what to my degree in criminal 00:43:01.000 --> 00:43:03.000 justice for prepare me for my role 00:43:03.000 --> 00:43:06.000 with the FBI it was the 00:43:06.000 --> 00:43:08.000 reason why I got in the FBI 00:43:08.000 --> 00:43:10.000 and that's the program 00:43:10.000 --> 00:43:11.000 is what caused me to 00:43:11.000 --> 00:43:13.000 even apply so when I was in 00:43:13.000 --> 00:43:15.000 the program you have to do 00:43:15.000 --> 00:43:17.000 do an internship in order to 00:43:17.000 --> 00:43:20.000 graduate and I was like okay well 00:43:22.000 --> 00:43:24.000 I started looking at state 00:43:24.000 --> 00:43:26.000 police a couple counties and I 00:43:26.000 --> 00:43:28.000 was like okay so I was tossing 00:43:28.000 --> 00:43:29.000 out a couple applications here 00:43:29.000 --> 00:43:31.000 and there and then I was like 00:43:31.000 --> 00:43:32.000 okay what would be like I'm 00:43:32.000 --> 00:43:34.000 really really cool like a 00:43:34.000 --> 00:43:36.000 I'm gonna throw a Hail Mary 00:43:36.000 --> 00:43:37.000 where what should I do 00:43:37.000 --> 00:43:38.000 so I started looking at all 00:43:38.000 --> 00:43:39.000 like the alphabet agencies 00:43:39.000 --> 00:43:43.000 right like the CIA ,the ATF, the DEA, the FBI 00:43:43.000 --> 00:43:45.000 LMNOP I did all of them 00:43:45.000 --> 00:43:46.000 I was like I'm gonna look for 00:43:46.000 --> 00:43:48.000 all those ones and see if they 00:43:48.000 --> 00:43:50.000 even have an internship so 00:43:53.000 --> 00:43:54.000 instructor here he's not 00:43:54.000 --> 00:43:55.000 in here right now but he was 00:43:55.000 --> 00:43:57.000 my adviser so I sat with him 00:43:57.000 --> 00:43:58.000 and I said what do you think 00:43:58.000 --> 00:43:60.000 I should do and he's just 00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:03.000 just go big apply to all of them 00:44:03.000 --> 00:44:05.000 I'm like you think so 00:44:05.000 --> 00:44:06.000 like who knows anything about 00:44:06.000 --> 00:44:07.000 the FBI and that's 00:44:07.000 --> 00:44:10.000 probably like a covert mission 00:44:10.000 --> 00:44:11.000 or something like that like 00:44:11.000 --> 00:44:12.000 there that's not even real 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:14.000 and he's like just apply okay 00:44:14.000 --> 00:44:16.000 so I applied I was literally 00:44:16.000 --> 00:44:17.000 sitting in the library here on 00:44:17.000 --> 00:44:19.000 campus and I was on the FBI's 00:44:19.000 --> 00:44:22.000 web page in it like came up big 00:44:22.000 --> 00:44:24.000 FBI seal and I'm like looking 00:44:24.000 --> 00:44:26.000 around what the FBI's probably watching 00:44:26.000 --> 00:44:28.000 you do this right now 00:44:28.000 --> 00:44:29.000 where are you FBI right 00:44:29.000 --> 00:44:30.000 and my mama called like 00:44:30.000 --> 00:44:32.000 not right now mom I'm doing 00:44:32.000 --> 00:44:33.000 something I have to call you 00:44:33.000 --> 00:44:35.000 back on a secure line like I 00:44:35.000 --> 00:44:36.000 was like really I was like oh 00:44:36.000 --> 00:44:38.000 this is this is pretty pretty 00:44:38.000 --> 00:44:40.000 intimidating right so I 00:44:40.000 --> 00:44:44.000 applied and then I waited and 00:44:44.000 --> 00:44:46.000 I got an email from the FBI 00:44:46.000 --> 00:44:48.000 right which any time you ever 00:44:48.000 --> 00:44:49.000 get an email from the FBI it's like 00:44:49.000 --> 00:44:51.000 spam writes like -- you just 00:44:51.000 --> 00:44:52.000 won a bunch of money too but 00:44:52.000 --> 00:44:53.000 it was there in the gym and 00:44:53.000 --> 00:44:55.000 the recruiter up in Portland 00:44:55.000 --> 00:44:57.000 and she said hey fill out these 00:44:57.000 --> 00:44:58.000 three forms please send it 00:44:58.000 --> 00:44:61.000 back to me by Friday I'm like 00:45:01.000 --> 00:45:03.000 of course I don't even I'm 00:45:03.000 --> 00:45:04.000 not even reading them yes you can have 00:45:04.000 --> 00:45:06.000 these forms and sent me another 00:45:06.000 --> 00:45:08.000 email like here's more 00:45:08.000 --> 00:45:09.000 forms can you sign all of 00:45:09.000 --> 00:45:10.000 these and send them back by 00:45:10.000 --> 00:45:14.000 Tuesday and I'm like yes okay 00:45:14.000 --> 00:45:15.000 so I started going through 00:45:15.000 --> 00:45:18.000 this process and it was really 00:45:18.000 --> 00:45:21.000 good to have a faculty member 00:45:21.000 --> 00:45:22.000 that actually has way more 00:45:22.000 --> 00:45:24.000 experience than I have right 00:45:24.000 --> 00:45:25.000 I was like I don't do you 00:45:25.000 --> 00:45:27.000 what do you think the odds are 00:45:27.000 --> 00:45:28.000 this actually happened he was 00:45:28.000 --> 00:45:29.000 coaching me through the whole 00:45:29.000 --> 00:45:31.000 process and then it became so 00:45:31.000 --> 00:45:33.000 I had to do like an in person 00:45:33.000 --> 00:45:34.000 interview and then like drug 00:45:34.000 --> 00:45:37.000 test and then like a polygraph 00:45:37.000 --> 00:45:39.000 like a lie detector test so 00:45:39.000 --> 00:45:40.000 like literally I called him 00:45:40.000 --> 00:45:41.000 when I was coming back from 00:45:41.000 --> 00:45:43.000 Portland after taking my lie 00:45:43.000 --> 00:45:44.000 detector test we need 00:45:44.000 --> 00:45:46.000 to be right now I need to meet 00:45:46.000 --> 00:45:47.000 your office or you can be in 00:45:47.000 --> 00:45:48.000 your office he said yes I will 00:45:48.000 --> 00:45:49.000 let's let's go meet and I'm like 00:45:49.000 --> 00:45:51.000 please Terry please show up I 00:45:51.000 --> 00:45:53.000 really need to talk to somebody 00:45:53.000 --> 00:45:54.000 he was coaching me through the 00:45:54.000 --> 00:45:55.000 whole thing said you just need 00:45:55.000 --> 00:45:57.000 to calm down I'm sure you did 00:45:57.000 --> 00:45:60.000 fine just breathe relax let's 00:46:00.000 --> 00:46:01.000 ball in their court what do you 00:46:01.000 --> 00:46:02.000 think should email them right 00:46:02.000 --> 00:46:06.000 now no I don't so then we 00:46:06.000 --> 00:46:08.000 went through the process and 00:46:08.000 --> 00:46:09.000 then I found out that I passed 00:46:09.000 --> 00:46:11.000 the polygraph and -- they said 00:46:11.000 --> 00:46:13.000 he so this is all leading up 00:46:13.000 --> 00:46:15.000 to an internship up but I'm 00:46:15.000 --> 00:46:16.000 still a student here so I was 00:46:16.000 --> 00:46:18.000 like okay so I do my ten week 00:46:18.000 --> 00:46:20.000 internship when I was a junior 00:46:20.000 --> 00:46:22.000 here and then -- after the ten 00:46:22.000 --> 00:46:24.000 week internship they said hey 00:46:24.000 --> 00:46:25.000 we have an office in Salem if 00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:27.000 you want to work in Salem while 00:46:27.000 --> 00:46:28.000 you continue going to school 00:46:28.000 --> 00:46:31.000 here Western and like okay yeah 00:46:31.000 --> 00:46:34.000 I mean sure better than Fred Meyers 00:46:34.000 --> 00:46:35.000 I suppose yeah I guess that sounds 00:46:35.000 --> 00:46:37.000 pretty good so when I went 00:46:37.000 --> 00:46:39.000 every Wednesday from noon to 00:46:39.000 --> 00:46:41.000 four I would hop in my nineteen 00:46:41.000 --> 00:46:43.000 eighty nine Lincoln town car 00:46:43.000 --> 00:46:44.000 and I would drive to Salem 00:46:44.000 --> 00:46:46.000 and I would do my internship 00:46:46.000 --> 00:46:49.000 and at the end of that -- 00:46:49.000 --> 00:46:50.000 it was a couple weeks before 00:46:50.000 --> 00:46:52.000 graduated I still don't have a 00:46:52.000 --> 00:46:54.000 full time job lined up but they 00:46:54.000 --> 00:46:55.000 reached out and I said hey if 00:46:55.000 --> 00:46:56.000 you're interested we'd like to 00:46:56.000 --> 00:46:58.000 bring you on full time up in 00:46:58.000 --> 00:46:62.000 Portland I said -- yeah I guess 00:47:02.000 --> 00:47:04.000 so better than after better 00:47:04.000 --> 00:47:05.000 than Fred Meyers I suppose so 00:47:05.000 --> 00:47:08.000 yeah of course yeah so again I 00:47:08.000 --> 00:47:09.000 talked to Dr Murphy we 00:47:09.000 --> 00:47:10.000 looked over he said well you're 00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:12.000 still gonna have to apply so 00:47:12.000 --> 00:47:13.000 I talked with worked with Dr 00:47:13.000 --> 00:47:15.000 Murphy applied to these full time 00:47:15.000 --> 00:47:17.000 jobs and getting one and then 00:47:17.000 --> 00:47:18.000 that's what started the full 00:47:18.000 --> 00:47:20.000 time work but to circle all the way 00:47:20.000 --> 00:47:21.000 background how did a degree in 00:47:21.000 --> 00:47:23.000 CJ helped me it was the only 00:47:23.000 --> 00:47:24.000 reason why even applied if 00:47:24.000 --> 00:47:26.000 it wasn't a requirement in the 00:47:26.000 --> 00:47:27.000 program I would have applied 00:47:27.000 --> 00:47:29.000 I was terrified I just wouldn't 00:47:29.000 --> 00:47:32.000 have done it I just probably just 00:47:32.000 --> 00:47:34.000 done something else so just 00:47:34.000 --> 00:47:36.000 keep that in mind that when and 00:47:36.000 --> 00:47:37.000 and I know they spoke about it 00:47:37.000 --> 00:47:40.000 earlier -- it's all about 00:47:40.000 --> 00:47:41.000 the experiences and it's all 00:47:41.000 --> 00:47:42.000 about building relationships 00:47:42.000 --> 00:47:43.000 and challenging yourself while 00:47:43.000 --> 00:47:44.000 you're here and if you can 00:47:44.000 --> 00:47:46.000 do that -- and kind of move 00:47:46.000 --> 00:47:48.000 outside your comfort zone like 00:47:48.000 --> 00:47:50.000 you never you never know where 00:47:50.000 --> 00:47:52.000 you can end up in so it's 00:47:52.000 --> 00:47:54.000 kind of how this happened 00:47:54.000 --> 00:47:56.000 thank you Myra 00:47:56.000 --> 00:47:57.000 yeah I have to agree with 00:47:57.000 --> 00:47:59.000 Kevin it's -- with the building 00:47:59.000 --> 00:47:61.000 relationships when I first came 00:48:01.000 --> 00:48:03.000 to Western I already knew I 00:48:03.000 --> 00:48:05.000 wanted to do criminal justice 00:48:05.000 --> 00:48:07.000 because of a presenter here 00:48:07.000 --> 00:48:08.000 came when I was in high school so I 00:48:08.000 --> 00:48:10.000 was just focusing like a criminal 00:48:10.000 --> 00:48:13.000 justice I want to be in the FBI 00:48:13.000 --> 00:48:17.000 do that and then as I began 00:48:17.000 --> 00:48:18.000 my classes here got to my 00:48:18.000 --> 00:48:20.000 professors started meeting with 00:48:20.000 --> 00:48:23.000 my advisors I started learning 00:48:23.000 --> 00:48:25.000 more about like different areas 00:48:25.000 --> 00:48:26.000 in criminal justice -- like 00:48:26.000 --> 00:48:28.000 it was mentioned already and 00:48:28.000 --> 00:48:30.000 so the same thing -- with the 00:48:30.000 --> 00:48:31.000 criminal justice -- program 00:48:31.000 --> 00:48:33.000 the practicum requirement was 00:48:33.000 --> 00:48:35.000 essentially what brought me to 00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:38.000 where I am now -- I met with my 00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:40.000 adviser who happened to be the same 00:48:40.000 --> 00:48:43.000 adviser as Kevin with David Murphy 00:48:43.000 --> 00:48:45.000 and he was telling me 00:48:45.000 --> 00:48:48.000 about -- people he knew 00:48:48.000 --> 00:48:50.000 from a Polk County -- since I 00:48:50.000 --> 00:48:52.000 was starting to get interested 00:48:52.000 --> 00:48:54.000 into probation but at the 00:48:54.000 --> 00:48:55.000 beginning I was more focused 00:48:55.000 --> 00:48:57.000 on to working with juveniles 00:48:57.000 --> 00:48:59.000 that was my that was my thing 00:48:59.000 --> 00:48:60.000 I'm gonna work with juveniles 00:49:00.000 --> 00:49:02.000 that's what I want to do so I 00:49:02.000 --> 00:49:04.000 we made those connections I 00:49:04.000 --> 00:49:05.000 went over and did my practicum 00:49:05.000 --> 00:49:08.000 over at Polk County Juvenile 00:49:08.000 --> 00:49:10.000 Department -- where I got to 00:49:10.000 --> 00:49:13.000 meet -- all the staff there and 00:49:13.000 --> 00:49:16.000 there I also met at a 00:49:16.000 --> 00:49:19.000 state juvenile PO one took me 00:49:19.000 --> 00:49:20.000 around Oregon took me to all 00:49:20.000 --> 00:49:22.000 the different facilities who 00:49:22.000 --> 00:49:25.000 then -- from I was just 00:49:25.000 --> 00:49:27.000 touring a facility with 00:49:27.000 --> 00:49:28.000 I and I got to meet one of the 00:49:28.000 --> 00:49:32.000 superintendents so I actually 00:49:32.000 --> 00:49:33.000 kind of had just a 00:49:33.000 --> 00:49:35.000 like an on the spot interview 00:49:35.000 --> 00:49:38.000 and -- fortunately I 00:49:38.000 --> 00:49:40.000 was able to just start working 00:49:40.000 --> 00:49:42.000 Monday after graduation and 00:49:42.000 --> 00:49:44.000 so I was working at a youth 00:49:44.000 --> 00:49:45.000 facility I was working with 00:49:45.000 --> 00:49:46.000 juvenile all of my experience 00:49:46.000 --> 00:49:48.000 has been with juvenile but 00:49:48.000 --> 00:49:50.000 my experience working at the 00:49:50.000 --> 00:49:52.000 juvenile department and the 00:49:52.000 --> 00:49:54.000 relationship I got to build 00:49:54.000 --> 00:49:56.000 and they got -- had 00:49:56.000 --> 00:49:58.000 to see how I worked and just 00:49:58.000 --> 00:49:60.000 being able to learn being 00:50:00.000 --> 00:50:02.000 honest being open minded -- 00:50:02.000 --> 00:50:04.000 my supervisor from my practicum 00:50:04.000 --> 00:50:06.000 was constantly emailing me like 00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:08.000 job openings and he'd tell me 00:50:08.000 --> 00:50:10.000 you know what try applying to 00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:11.000 this one try applying to this 00:50:11.000 --> 00:50:12.000 because they knew I wanted to 00:50:12.000 --> 00:50:15.000 be a PO and in the meantime I 00:50:15.000 --> 00:50:16.000 was working in a facility 00:50:16.000 --> 00:50:19.000 and I was liking it but that 00:50:19.000 --> 00:50:21.000 was like my ultimate goal and 00:50:21.000 --> 00:50:24.000 so he -- my supervisor for my 00:50:24.000 --> 00:50:25.000 practicum would send me those 00:50:25.000 --> 00:50:27.000 job openings and I would apply 00:50:27.000 --> 00:50:29.000 and I wasn't I wasn't getting 00:50:29.000 --> 00:50:31.000 I wasn't moving forward right 00:50:31.000 --> 00:50:33.000 away which I was okay with I 00:50:33.000 --> 00:50:35.000 mean I wanted I wanted them 00:50:35.000 --> 00:50:37.000 obviously but I was just going 00:50:37.000 --> 00:50:38.000 with it and then I saw the 00:50:38.000 --> 00:50:41.000 adult PO position open up -- and 00:50:41.000 --> 00:50:42.000 same thing my supervisor 00:50:42.000 --> 00:50:44.000 was like you know what weirder 00:50:44.000 --> 00:50:45.000 things have happened I had no 00:50:45.000 --> 00:50:47.000 adult experience when it 00:50:47.000 --> 00:50:49.000 came down to supervision so 00:50:49.000 --> 00:50:50.000 I applied for it and since I 00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:52.000 had already done my juvenile 00:50:52.000 --> 00:50:54.000 practicum there and the 00:50:54.000 --> 00:50:56.000 director was the director for 00:50:56.000 --> 00:50:58.000 both juvenile and adult side 00:51:01.000 --> 00:51:02.000 first when I applied and I 00:51:02.000 --> 00:51:03.000 was going through the hiring 00:51:03.000 --> 00:51:05.000 process I really thought she 00:51:05.000 --> 00:51:06.000 was just being nice to me 00:51:06.000 --> 00:51:07.000 just because she knew me and I 00:51:07.000 --> 00:51:09.000 think there's no way I'm moving 00:51:09.000 --> 00:51:10.000 forward and then there's it 00:51:10.000 --> 00:51:12.000 was a long process so I just 00:51:12.000 --> 00:51:13.000 kept moving forward and I just 00:51:13.000 --> 00:51:15.000 I just kept doubting like okay 00:51:15.000 --> 00:51:16.000 she's just being nice there's 00:51:16.000 --> 00:51:17.000 no way there's no way I have 00:51:17.000 --> 00:51:20.000 no adult experience and at 00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:21.000 the end of the day it turns 00:51:21.000 --> 00:51:22.000 out like that's kind of what 00:51:22.000 --> 00:51:25.000 they liked the fact that I was 00:51:25.000 --> 00:51:28.000 just starting to I was open 00:51:28.000 --> 00:51:30.000 minded to learn kind of just 00:51:33.000 --> 00:51:35.000 things were -- to how things 00:51:35.000 --> 00:51:37.000 work for their department and 00:51:37.000 --> 00:51:38.000 so I've been there since and 00:51:38.000 --> 00:51:40.000 if it wasn't for the practicum 00:51:40.000 --> 00:51:41.000 requirement I probably wouldn't 00:51:41.000 --> 00:51:45.000 have really pushed to -- 00:51:45.000 --> 00:51:46.000 complete an internship with 00:51:46.000 --> 00:51:48.000 them and everything would have 00:51:48.000 --> 00:51:51.000 just gone to work how it did 00:51:51.000 --> 00:51:53.000 thank you so I'm sure you're 00:51:53.000 --> 00:51:55.000 picking up on a theme here and 00:51:55.000 --> 00:51:57.000 we didn't select these people 00:51:57.000 --> 00:51:60.000 I guess for that purpose but 00:52:00.000 --> 00:52:01.000 that's a story you're going to 00:52:01.000 --> 00:52:03.000 hear very often when they tie 00:52:03.000 --> 00:52:06.000 practicum to get jobs right 00:52:06.000 --> 00:52:08.000 so we we teach you all the 00:52:08.000 --> 00:52:09.000 theories and everything you need 00:52:09.000 --> 00:52:11.000 to know but then when you get 00:52:11.000 --> 00:52:14.000 to that practicum part that's 00:52:14.000 --> 00:52:15.000 when you start dipping your 00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:20.000 feet into the -- agencies and 00:52:20.000 --> 00:52:22.000 actually finding out exactly 00:52:22.000 --> 00:52:24.000 what you want to do that your 00:52:24.000 --> 00:52:26.000 degree makes you such a valued 00:52:26.000 --> 00:52:29.000 candidate that you hear this 00:52:29.000 --> 00:52:32.000 very frequently we do we hear 00:52:32.000 --> 00:52:33.000 this very frequently when 00:52:33.000 --> 00:52:35.000 people say I never thought 00:52:35.000 --> 00:52:36.000 I would be called for that 00:52:36.000 --> 00:52:37.000 interview I never thought 00:52:37.000 --> 00:52:39.000 they'll get the job I'm like come on 00:52:39.000 --> 00:52:40.000 you have a degree in criminal 00:52:40.000 --> 00:52:42.000 justice from Western Oregon 00:52:42.000 --> 00:52:43.000 University you know you're 00:52:43.000 --> 00:52:46.000 going to get that job so -- 00:52:46.000 --> 00:52:48.000 I'm sure you're getting some 00:52:48.000 --> 00:52:50.000 of that and I'll allow you to 00:52:50.000 --> 00:52:52.000 ask questions here pretty soon 00:52:52.000 --> 00:52:54.000 but I'm going to have them all 00:52:54.000 --> 00:52:56.000 address one last thing and then 00:52:56.000 --> 00:52:59.000 open it up for you to have time 00:52:59.000 --> 00:52:61.000 to ask questions of them so the 00:53:01.000 --> 00:53:02.000 last question I'm going to ask 00:53:02.000 --> 00:53:07.000 them it is why did you choose Western 00:53:07.000 --> 00:53:10.000 so we'll start with Detective Johnson 00:53:10.000 --> 00:53:12.000 I chose Western because 00:53:14.000 --> 00:53:16.000 Community College at the time 00:53:16.000 --> 00:53:17.000 and I kind of didn't know what 00:53:17.000 --> 00:53:18.000 I wanted to do and then I took 00:53:18.000 --> 00:53:20.000 a mass murder serial killer 00:53:20.000 --> 00:53:22.000 class and I loved it and I 00:53:22.000 --> 00:53:24.000 was like yeah this is what I 00:53:24.000 --> 00:53:27.000 want do I going to totally 00:53:27.000 --> 00:53:28.000 totally going to detect serial 00:53:28.000 --> 00:53:31.000 killers yup no I haven't 00:53:31.000 --> 00:53:33.000 haven't got one of them yeah but 00:53:33.000 --> 00:53:38.000 side note -- but I really really 00:53:38.000 --> 00:53:39.000 like him -- criminal justice I didn't 00:53:39.000 --> 00:53:41.000 have any -- family that was 00:53:41.000 --> 00:53:44.000 in law enforcement but after 00:53:44.000 --> 00:53:45.000 that course and just talking 00:53:45.000 --> 00:53:46.000 to the professor it's like 00:53:46.000 --> 00:53:48.000 okay where can I go to 00:53:48.000 --> 00:53:50.000 expand on this I want to get 00:53:50.000 --> 00:53:51.000 my degree I want to get my 00:53:51.000 --> 00:53:54.000 bachelor's degree and Western 00:53:54.000 --> 00:53:56.000 was the only one that had the 00:53:56.000 --> 00:53:59.000 law enforcement -- degree that 00:53:59.000 --> 00:53:61.000 I was looking for so I did a 00:54:01.000 --> 00:54:02.000 a major in law enforcement I 00:54:02.000 --> 00:54:06.000 minored in forensics which also 00:54:06.000 --> 00:54:07.000 kind it was kind of my geeky 00:54:07.000 --> 00:54:09.000 side which I I love it I 00:54:09.000 --> 00:54:10.000 love all the forensic files 00:54:10.000 --> 00:54:12.000 and shows like that but 00:54:12.000 --> 00:54:14.000 Western was the only one 00:54:14.000 --> 00:54:16.000 that had that and it was nice 00:54:16.000 --> 00:54:18.000 and local for me that's kind 00:54:18.000 --> 00:54:21.000 of why I chose a Western 00:54:21.000 --> 00:54:24.000 thank you -- so my career 00:54:24.000 --> 00:54:26.000 path into Western was -- I 00:54:26.000 --> 00:54:28.000 got early admittance when I was in 00:54:28.000 --> 00:54:30.000 junior high school about two 00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:32.000 thousand ten and I knew exactly 00:54:32.000 --> 00:54:34.000 what I wanted to do I want to be 00:54:34.000 --> 00:54:36.000 a teacher just like everybody 00:54:36.000 --> 00:54:38.000 else who likes to come here -- 00:54:38.000 --> 00:54:40.000 and then kind of talking with my 00:54:40.000 --> 00:54:41.000 teachers in high school again 00:54:41.000 --> 00:54:43.000 I began to understand the career path 00:54:43.000 --> 00:54:45.000 for that the job outlook wasn't 00:54:45.000 --> 00:54:46.000 great because the economy and 00:54:46.000 --> 00:54:49.000 all that wasn't that great -- 00:54:49.000 --> 00:54:50.000 but fortunately for me I had 00:54:50.000 --> 00:54:52.000 an older brother who was 00:54:52.000 --> 00:54:53.000 actually at Western he was a 00:54:53.000 --> 00:54:54.000 senior and he was a CJ 00:54:54.000 --> 00:54:55.000 G. 00:54:55.000 --> 00:54:56.000 major and I came to visit him 00:54:56.000 --> 00:54:58.000 one week fo a weekend and 00:54:58.000 --> 00:54:60.000 I sat in one of the CJ classes 00:55:00.000 --> 00:55:01.000 and just right there's like 00:55:01.000 --> 00:55:02.000 that I want to do this this 00:55:02.000 --> 00:55:04.000 is way more interesting this 00:55:04.000 --> 00:55:07.000 is just interactive and it's fantastic 00:55:07.000 --> 00:55:09.000 to listen to and just 00:55:09.000 --> 00:55:10.000 knowing what you're getting 00:55:10.000 --> 00:55:12.000 into is a very interesting 00:55:12.000 --> 00:55:13.000 subject and yes everybody 00:55:13.000 --> 00:55:14.000 asks you all you want to be 00:55:14.000 --> 00:55:17.000 a police officer for me yes 00:55:17.000 --> 00:55:19.000 but that's not just the only 00:55:19.000 --> 00:55:21.000 thing I could do at Western and 00:55:21.000 --> 00:55:23.000 after started to get into the program 00:55:23.000 --> 00:55:24.000 understanding all the other 00:55:24.000 --> 00:55:25.000 things that I can do in the 00:55:25.000 --> 00:55:26.000 classes they're not just oriented 00:55:26.000 --> 00:55:28.000 to a specific areas of 00:55:28.000 --> 00:55:30.000 law enforcement I took a crime 00:55:30.000 --> 00:55:33.000 scene diagraming class -- I've 00:55:33.000 --> 00:55:34.000 taken that crime data analysis 00:55:34.000 --> 00:55:37.000 classes statistics classes just 00:55:37.000 --> 00:55:38.000 a variety of different things 00:55:38.000 --> 00:55:40.000 I can implement into my day to 00:55:40.000 --> 00:55:42.000 day basis -- work basics right 00:55:42.000 --> 00:55:44.000 now and and for my future so 00:55:44.000 --> 00:55:46.000 that was a big ticket for me to 00:55:46.000 --> 00:55:47.000 choose Western over any other 00:55:47.000 --> 00:55:48.000 university is knowing that I'm 00:55:48.000 --> 00:55:49.000 going to learn something that I 00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:51.000 want to do and apply the things 00:55:51.000 --> 00:55:53.000 that I can do differently in 00:55:53.000 --> 00:55:57.000 that field as well thank you 00:55:57.000 --> 00:55:58.000 for me it wasn't necessarily 00:55:58.000 --> 00:55:60.000 a program at the time I didn't 00:56:00.000 --> 00:56:02.000 know what I wanted to do and I 00:56:02.000 --> 00:56:04.000 was fearful of college or any 00:56:04.000 --> 00:56:07.000 form of university so -- I did 00:56:07.000 --> 00:56:09.000 a lot of tours and I found 00:56:09.000 --> 00:56:11.000 that the bigger campuses that 00:56:11.000 --> 00:56:14.000 I went to intimidated me more 00:56:14.000 --> 00:56:15.000 and then I came to Western 00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:16.000 and I toured it and it one of the 00:56:16.000 --> 00:56:18.000 things I loved about it was the 00:56:18.000 --> 00:56:21.000 size-- I really felt like 00:56:21.000 --> 00:56:22.000 I could connect with people 00:56:22.000 --> 00:56:24.000 here it was just different and 00:56:24.000 --> 00:56:25.000 when I started working with 00:56:25.000 --> 00:56:28.000 teachers and everything else 00:56:28.000 --> 00:56:30.000 that I my experiences were here 00:56:30.000 --> 00:56:33.000 at Western was it's very family 00:56:33.000 --> 00:56:35.000 oriented -- they take care of 00:56:35.000 --> 00:56:36.000 you that's one of the things 00:56:36.000 --> 00:56:38.000 that I always felt as I 00:56:38.000 --> 00:56:40.000 was going throught school is that 00:56:40.000 --> 00:56:42.000 if you had an issue a problem 00:56:42.000 --> 00:56:44.000 concerns they were quick to 00:56:44.000 --> 00:56:46.000 respond and that was one of the 00:56:46.000 --> 00:56:48.000 things I loved about engaging 00:56:48.000 --> 00:56:49.000 with professors that we had 00:56:49.000 --> 00:56:53.000 is that you felt secure -- the 00:56:53.000 --> 00:56:55.000 campus itself is a beautiful 00:56:55.000 --> 00:56:56.000 campus it's grown since my 00:56:56.000 --> 00:56:60.000 last time that I've been -- 00:57:00.000 --> 00:57:02.000 but I really enjoyed this the 00:57:02.000 --> 00:57:04.000 class sizes the professors 00:57:04.000 --> 00:57:06.000 availabilities your ability 00:57:06.000 --> 00:57:07.000 to interact and really connect 00:57:07.000 --> 00:57:09.000 with other people -- because at 00:57:09.000 --> 00:57:10.000 the end of the day in order to 00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:12.000 make it through any university 00:57:12.000 --> 00:57:15.000 it's kind of communal you're 00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:16.000 gonna need support and you're 00:57:16.000 --> 00:57:17.000 gonna need to feel like there's 00:57:17.000 --> 00:57:20.000 people around you and that's 00:57:20.000 --> 00:57:21.000 what really made it happen for 00:57:21.000 --> 00:57:23.000 me apart from the classes that 00:57:23.000 --> 00:57:25.000 are amazing and you're going to 00:57:25.000 --> 00:57:27.000 learn so many wonderful things 00:57:30.000 --> 00:57:31.000 those individuals who were 00:57:31.000 --> 00:57:34.000 teaching me -- and their 00:57:34.000 --> 00:57:36.000 ability to really make me feel 00:57:36.000 --> 00:57:40.000 like I could do it -- and if 00:57:40.000 --> 00:57:42.000 you have any doubts I think 00:57:42.000 --> 00:57:44.000 the moment you step onto this 00:57:44.000 --> 00:57:47.000 campus they're gone so that 00:57:47.000 --> 00:57:51.000 was for me thank you okay Kevin 00:57:51.000 --> 00:57:54.000 okay yeah for me it was -- I came 00:57:54.000 --> 00:57:56.000 here on a SOAR day so it's 00:57:56.000 --> 00:57:57.000 like a student preview 00:57:57.000 --> 00:57:59.000 day -- and I came here with 00:57:59.000 --> 00:57:61.000 my mom she drive me down thanks 00:58:01.000 --> 00:58:04.000 mom and -- I was walking around the 00:58:04.000 --> 00:58:05.000 campus of like this is this is 00:58:05.000 --> 00:58:07.000 really cool it's really small 00:58:07.000 --> 00:58:09.000 but also toured University of 00:58:09.000 --> 00:58:11.000 Oregon, OSU so I was like 00:58:11.000 --> 00:58:12.000 man those schools are really 00:58:12.000 --> 00:58:14.000 big and I'm like isn't that like 00:58:14.000 --> 00:58:16.000 it's not like way better than 00:58:16.000 --> 00:58:17.000 like a small campus I'm like 00:58:17.000 --> 00:58:19.000 let me think about that so I 00:58:19.000 --> 00:58:20.000 started really thinking about it 00:58:20.000 --> 00:58:22.000 and -- and I was like well if 00:58:22.000 --> 00:58:24.000 the purpose of going to school 00:58:24.000 --> 00:58:25.000 and going to university is 00:58:25.000 --> 00:58:27.000 to get your four year degree 00:58:27.000 --> 00:58:29.000 and get good grades and actually 00:58:29.000 --> 00:58:30.000 establish a career afterwards 00:58:30.000 --> 00:58:32.000 I'm like maybe it wouldn't be 00:58:32.000 --> 00:58:34.000 wise for me in a good fit for 00:58:34.000 --> 00:58:36.000 me to go to a larger university 00:58:36.000 --> 00:58:38.000 so I came here and I am really 00:58:38.000 --> 00:58:40.000 glad that I did -- there's not 00:58:40.000 --> 00:58:41.000 a whole lot of distractions 00:58:41.000 --> 00:58:43.000 I mean I guess it's up to you 00:58:43.000 --> 00:58:45.000 but -- I spent a lot of 00:58:45.000 --> 00:58:48.000 time -- actually focusing on 00:58:48.000 --> 00:58:49.000 academics and actually trying 00:58:49.000 --> 00:58:51.000 to study which I never did 00:58:51.000 --> 00:58:53.000 in high school -- but when I 00:58:53.000 --> 00:58:54.000 came here I actually learned 00:58:54.000 --> 00:58:55.000 a thing or two on how to study 00:58:55.000 --> 00:58:57.000 and succeed and -- I started 00:58:57.000 --> 00:58:58.000 getting good grades and the 00:58:58.000 --> 00:58:60.000 more -- my GPA went up in my 00:59:00.000 --> 00:59:02.000 grades were better the more 00:59:02.000 --> 00:59:03.000 money the university would 00:59:03.000 --> 00:59:05.000 offer me in scholarships so 00:59:05.000 --> 00:59:06.000 before I knew it I was getting 00:59:06.000 --> 00:59:09.000 by tens of thousands of dollars 00:59:09.000 --> 00:59:11.000 to go to school -- in both an 00:59:11.000 --> 00:59:13.000 internal and external -- grants 00:59:13.000 --> 00:59:14.000 scholarships and stuff like that so 00:59:17.000 --> 00:59:20.000 a good fit -- and so I pursued 00:59:20.000 --> 00:59:22.000 it and I'm really glad I did 00:59:22.000 --> 00:59:26.000 Okay Mayra well for me I -- 00:59:26.000 --> 00:59:28.000 I came to the university when 00:59:28.000 --> 00:59:29.000 I was still in high school for 00:59:29.000 --> 00:59:30.000 a conference so that was the 00:59:30.000 --> 00:59:31.000 first time actually was the 00:59:31.000 --> 00:59:33.000 first and only time I came to 00:59:33.000 --> 00:59:35.000 the campus to tour it and I 00:59:35.000 --> 00:59:36.000 knew I wanted to do criminal 00:59:36.000 --> 00:59:37.000 justice and I had heard about 00:59:37.000 --> 00:59:39.000 their criminal justice program 00:59:39.000 --> 00:59:40.000 so I just kind of went for 00:59:40.000 --> 00:59:42.000 it applied I like that 00:59:42.000 --> 00:59:44.000 this school was really small 00:59:44.000 --> 00:59:45.000 I like the class sizes being 00:59:45.000 --> 00:59:47.000 really small because I was 00:59:47.000 --> 00:59:49.000 also really nervous about that 00:59:49.000 --> 00:59:51.000 transition from high school to 00:59:51.000 --> 00:59:54.000 college only like normal 00:59:54.000 --> 00:59:56.000 seniors like the whole 00:59:56.000 --> 00:59:59.000 transition -- in so I figured 00:59:59.000 --> 00:59:60.000 that it would be the best to 01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:02.000 just stay small and then I 01:00:02.000 --> 01:00:04.000 was just really focused on the 01:00:04.000 --> 01:00:06.000 criminal justice program and I had 01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:08.000 only heard good things about 01:00:08.000 --> 01:00:10.000 it and how they had a really 01:00:10.000 --> 01:00:12.000 good program going and it would 01:00:12.000 --> 01:00:14.000 probably be the best fit and 01:00:14.000 --> 01:00:16.000 so I just -- I just applied 01:00:16.000 --> 01:00:19.000 here actually and I also -- 01:00:19.000 --> 01:00:21.000 was offered scholarships so 01:00:21.000 --> 01:00:22.000 it just it just made the most 01:00:22.000 --> 01:00:24.000 sense and it worked the best for 01:00:24.000 --> 01:00:28.000 me thank you so before we go 01:00:28.000 --> 01:00:31.000 on in get your questions I'll 01:00:31.000 --> 01:00:33.000 quickly like to introduce two 01:00:33.000 --> 01:00:35.000 new of our faculty members 01:00:35.000 --> 01:00:37.000 who have just joined us I told 01:00:37.000 --> 01:00:40.000 you some of them -- teaching 01:00:40.000 --> 01:00:43.000 so we have Dr Scott Tighe 01:00:43.000 --> 01:00:51.000 applause 01:00:51.000 --> 01:00:54.000 Dr Tighe is in charge of the homeland security 01:00:54.000 --> 01:00:56.000 program so you've heard about 01:00:56.000 --> 01:00:58.000 his program over and over 01:00:58.000 --> 01:00:59.000 and over and now you have the 01:00:59.000 --> 01:00:61.000 face to it Dr Tighe tie runs 01:01:01.000 --> 01:01:03.000 the homeland security program 01:01:03.000 --> 01:01:06.000 and then next to him we have 01:01:06.000 --> 01:01:09.000 Dr Taryn VanderPyl 01:01:09.000 --> 01:01:16.000 applause 01:01:16.000 --> 01:01:20.000 Dr VanderPyl does her research and teaching 01:01:20.000 --> 01:01:24.000 largely in corrections and -- 01:01:24.000 --> 01:01:26.000 she also does some juvenile 01:01:26.000 --> 01:01:29.000 justice -- courses so her 01:01:29.000 --> 01:01:31.000 research is both juvenile 01:01:31.000 --> 01:01:33.000 justice and corrections and 01:01:33.000 --> 01:01:35.000 so she's -- our resident 01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:38.000 corrections person here so she 01:01:38.000 --> 01:01:40.000 actually came in a little late 01:01:40.000 --> 01:01:43.000 because he had a meeting with 01:01:43.000 --> 01:01:46.000 a warden in Hillsboro before she 01:01:46.000 --> 01:01:48.000 could come over here today so 01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:50.000 that's what she does in the 01:01:50.000 --> 01:01:54.000 community now thank you so now 01:01:54.000 --> 01:01:56.000 we're going to get questions 01:01:56.000 --> 01:01:59.000 from you and this is a test so 01:01:59.000 --> 01:01:61.000 you have to have some questions 01:02:01.000 --> 01:02:05.000 for the panel to go first 01:02:05.000 --> 01:02:07.000 Dr Gingerich and Jennifer Willard 01:02:07.000 --> 01:02:09.000 have mics and so just 01:02:09.000 --> 01:02:10.000 raise your hand and we'll give 01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:13.000 you a mic to ask a question 01:02:13.000 --> 01:02:19.000 we have the first person here 01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:20.000 what was the hardest thing 01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:22.000 that you say that you have to 01:02:22.000 --> 01:02:25.000 go through in order to get to 01:02:25.000 --> 01:02:27.000 where you are now what we say 01:02:27.000 --> 01:02:28.000 the hardest thing would have 01:02:28.000 --> 01:02:34.000 been who wants to take that 01:02:34.000 --> 01:02:35.000 I guess I can okay 01:02:37.000 --> 01:02:40.000 enduring a lot of -- denies 01:02:43.000 --> 01:02:45.000 law enforcement it's a very 01:02:45.000 --> 01:02:47.000 competitive field -- by having 01:02:47.000 --> 01:02:48.000 the degree is great because 01:02:48.000 --> 01:02:50.000 when you apply they'll be a 01:02:50.000 --> 01:02:52.000 check box in the application 01:02:52.000 --> 01:02:53.000 box that says do you have a 01:02:53.000 --> 01:02:55.000 degree or higher education 01:02:55.000 --> 01:02:56.000 and that's great to do because 01:02:56.000 --> 01:02:57.000 I gives you more preference 01:02:57.000 --> 01:02:60.000 points but -- as they -- total 01:03:00.000 --> 01:03:02.000 of scores of your -- when you 01:03:02.000 --> 01:03:04.000 do a -- all the testing that is 01:03:04.000 --> 01:03:06.000 required before you -- go into 01:03:06.000 --> 01:03:09.000 interview process and for me it 01:03:09.000 --> 01:03:11.000 was -- when I graduated there 01:03:11.000 --> 01:03:13.000 was also a lot of openings but 01:03:13.000 --> 01:03:14.000 a lot of the people they're 01:03:14.000 --> 01:03:16.000 filling them were people who 01:03:16.000 --> 01:03:18.000 already were laid off prior to 01:03:18.000 --> 01:03:20.000 the economy collapsing and so 01:03:20.000 --> 01:03:22.000 there we had the experience of 01:03:22.000 --> 01:03:24.000 they were getting picked up again -- 01:03:24.000 --> 01:03:26.000 so for me it was constantly 01:03:26.000 --> 01:03:27.000 enduring just keep putting your 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:29.000 application out working as 01:03:29.000 --> 01:03:31.000 hard as you can doing community 01:03:31.000 --> 01:03:32.000 events as much as possible 01:03:32.000 --> 01:03:35.000 getting into doing -- reserves 01:03:37.000 --> 01:03:39.000 help you give you better stand 01:03:39.000 --> 01:03:40.000 in front of the other applicants 01:03:40.000 --> 01:03:43.000 that can apply -- my brother 01:03:43.000 --> 01:03:45.000 when he graduated he applied 01:03:45.000 --> 01:03:47.000 to Salem PD and they had to 01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:48.000 do all the testing at Willamette 01:03:48.000 --> 01:03:50.000 University because there's over 01:03:50.000 --> 01:03:51.000 a hundred applicants for one 01:03:51.000 --> 01:03:54.000 job now it there's a lot more 01:03:54.000 --> 01:03:55.000 opportunities there's a lot 01:03:55.000 --> 01:03:57.000 more openings and by having 01:03:57.000 --> 01:03:59.000 the degree and everything else 01:03:59.000 --> 01:03:60.000 helps you give a leg up on 01:04:00.000 --> 01:04:03.000 everybody else so just if your 01:04:03.000 --> 01:04:04.000 if your aspirations is to go into 01:04:04.000 --> 01:04:06.000 law enforcement or in corrections be 01:04:06.000 --> 01:04:08.000 ready to endure and I know 01:04:08.000 --> 01:04:10.000 some people who apply once and 01:04:10.000 --> 01:04:12.000 they get hired right off the bat 01:04:12.000 --> 01:04:13.000 which is fantastic but for me 01:04:13.000 --> 01:04:15.000 I had to apply at least over 01:04:15.000 --> 01:04:16.000 twenty times to different 01:04:16.000 --> 01:04:18.000 agencies but once an agency 01:04:18.000 --> 01:04:20.000 finds you it's a great feeling 01:04:20.000 --> 01:04:22.000 that you're you're felt very 01:04:22.000 --> 01:04:23.000 wanted by that agency because 01:04:23.000 --> 01:04:25.000 of what you put in all the work 01:04:25.000 --> 01:04:27.000 they do -- prior to going into 01:04:27.000 --> 01:04:29.000 law enforcement the education 01:04:29.000 --> 01:04:31.000 and all the added stuff that 01:04:31.000 --> 01:04:33.000 goes into it as well 01:04:33.000 --> 01:04:40.000 ahank you -- there's a question here 01:04:40.000 --> 01:04:50.000 over there 01:04:50.000 --> 01:04:52.000 hi I was driving this group 01:04:52.000 --> 01:04:53.000 the kids in today and I've 01:04:53.000 --> 01:04:55.000 I got my master's degree 01:04:55.000 --> 01:04:56.000 from here so I was familiar 01:04:56.000 --> 01:04:57.000 with the campus and I was going 01:04:57.000 --> 01:04:58.000 to show them there's more the 01:04:58.000 --> 01:04:60.000 police academy is and it wasn't 01:05:00.000 --> 01:05:03.000 there it's something different now and so I just 01:05:03.000 --> 01:05:04.000 wondered if you could address 01:05:04.000 --> 01:05:06.000 have some views on to what 01:05:06.000 --> 01:05:08.000 you hear of the police academy 01:05:08.000 --> 01:05:12.000 or how's that work yes that's 01:05:12.000 --> 01:05:14.000 a very good question -- the 01:05:14.000 --> 01:05:18.000 police academy was located 01:05:18.000 --> 01:05:21.000 here on campus for a long time 01:05:21.000 --> 01:05:25.000 and we even though there were 01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:27.000 people who graduated from our 01:05:27.000 --> 01:05:29.000 program who we saw in the police 01:05:29.000 --> 01:05:33.000 academy -- on campus the 01:05:33.000 --> 01:05:36.000 academy is really not tied to 01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:38.000 Western so academy was 01:05:38.000 --> 01:05:41.000 just located here and after 01:05:41.000 --> 01:05:42.000 a while they build a bigger 01:05:42.000 --> 01:05:44.000 and better facility where they 01:05:44.000 --> 01:05:46.000 could have all of their training 01:05:46.000 --> 01:05:48.000 and so they moved from 01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:51.000 here but -- so we constantly 01:05:51.000 --> 01:05:53.000 have to tell people you first 01:05:53.000 --> 01:05:55.000 have to get your degree and 01:05:55.000 --> 01:05:56.000 then once you get hired by a 01:05:56.000 --> 01:05:59.000 law enforcement agency they 01:05:59.000 --> 01:05:61.000 then send you to the academy the 01:06:01.000 --> 01:06:02.000 academy just happened to 01:06:02.000 --> 01:06:05.000 be on this campus but they 01:06:05.000 --> 01:06:07.000 built a better facility and 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:09.000 so when students come 01:06:09.000 --> 01:06:12.000 here though we have great 01:06:12.000 --> 01:06:14.000 connections with the academy 01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:16.000 and we take students there 01:06:16.000 --> 01:06:21.000 on tour all the time 01:06:21.000 --> 01:06:25.000 any other questions okay I was 01:06:25.000 --> 01:06:27.000 just what sorry that's really loud 01:06:27.000 --> 01:06:29.000 I was just wondering about like 01:06:29.000 --> 01:06:32.000 social media in terms of how 01:06:32.000 --> 01:06:33.000 that has an impact in terms 01:06:33.000 --> 01:06:35.000 of you know if the students 01:06:35.000 --> 01:06:36.000 are interested in going into 01:06:36.000 --> 01:06:38.000 criminal justice how much of 01:06:38.000 --> 01:06:40.000 an impact of what they post 01:06:40.000 --> 01:06:42.000 on social media and what is 01:06:42.000 --> 01:06:44.000 your suggestions to them 01:06:44.000 --> 01:06:48.000 as an advice ahh anyone to take that 01:06:48.000 --> 01:06:50.000 it's probably either Kevin or I -- maybe 01:06:50.000 --> 01:06:52.000 I'll talk and then let Kevin talk 01:06:55.000 --> 01:06:56.000 one of the questions was -- 01:06:56.000 --> 01:06:58.000 the gentleman over here had asked 01:06:58.000 --> 01:06:60.000 your biggest thing that you've 01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:02.000 done -- it to get here I think 01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:04.000 I was feel like social media 01:07:04.000 --> 01:07:05.000 and the media is probably the 01:07:05.000 --> 01:07:07.000 biggest hurdle that I've had 01:07:07.000 --> 01:07:10.000 to face and I would say -- not 01:07:10.000 --> 01:07:12.000 and I have really good ties 01:07:12.000 --> 01:07:14.000 with the media you have to have 01:07:14.000 --> 01:07:15.000 good relationships and good 01:07:15.000 --> 01:07:16.000 partnerships with the media 01:07:16.000 --> 01:07:18.000 because law enforcement we 01:07:18.000 --> 01:07:20.000 also like to utilize them for 01:07:20.000 --> 01:07:23.000 our favor so I'm not dissing 01:07:23.000 --> 01:07:24.000 on the media or anything like 01:07:24.000 --> 01:07:27.000 but I would say that 01:07:27.000 --> 01:07:29.000 take things like in a grain of salt 01:07:29.000 --> 01:07:33.000 I think that as a nation 01:07:33.000 --> 01:07:34.000 I think that recruiting and 01:07:34.000 --> 01:07:36.000 stuff probably has gone down 01:07:36.000 --> 01:07:38.000 and that's a lot of statistics 01:07:38.000 --> 01:07:40.000 involved with that and I think 01:07:40.000 --> 01:07:42.000 the media is probably to blame 01:07:42.000 --> 01:07:45.000 but at the same time there's 01:07:45.000 --> 01:07:47.000 so much good that is done out 01:07:47.000 --> 01:07:48.000 of the world and the media 01:07:48.000 --> 01:07:49.000 just for portrays just a small 01:07:49.000 --> 01:07:51.000 small amount and there's going 01:07:51.000 --> 01:07:53.000 to be bad people in every single 01:07:53.000 --> 01:07:56.000 profession so for me I just 01:07:56.000 --> 01:07:57.000 have to like try to have that 01:07:57.000 --> 01:07:59.000 mindset that no this is a very 01:07:59.000 --> 01:07:61.000 professional organization I 01:08:01.000 --> 01:08:02.000 work with great people yeah 01:08:02.000 --> 01:08:04.000 there are some people that -- 01:08:04.000 --> 01:08:06.000 take wrong turns but I try 01:08:06.000 --> 01:08:07.000 to tell people not to focus 01:08:07.000 --> 01:08:09.000 too much on the media it's like 01:08:09.000 --> 01:08:11.000 the coronavirus and how the 01:08:11.000 --> 01:08:13.000 media is you know dramatizing 01:08:13.000 --> 01:08:15.000 that will there's not there 01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:16.000 are people getting sick but 01:08:16.000 --> 01:08:17.000 there's also a lot of people 01:08:17.000 --> 01:08:19.000 that are not getting sick so 01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:21.000 I do think that has an impact 01:08:21.000 --> 01:08:23.000 but I think the stuff that 01:08:23.000 --> 01:08:24.000 we do every day that's really 01:08:24.000 --> 01:08:26.000 good doesn't get put out there 01:08:26.000 --> 01:08:29.000 because it's not news worthy -- 01:08:29.000 --> 01:08:30.000 but I still think it's a 01:08:30.000 --> 01:08:31.000 really good option and I think 01:08:31.000 --> 01:08:32.000 that people are doing a lot of 01:08:32.000 --> 01:08:34.000 good things and and positive 01:08:34.000 --> 01:08:35.000 things I think you just kind 01:08:35.000 --> 01:08:38.000 of have to look outside the box 01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:39.000 so again and I think building 01:08:39.000 --> 01:08:41.000 on that too is as far as social 01:08:41.000 --> 01:08:44.000 media is concerned -- how 01:08:44.000 --> 01:08:45.000 many people here actually have 01:08:45.000 --> 01:08:46.000 a Facebook like right like 01:08:46.000 --> 01:08:48.000 show hands like I don't know 01:08:48.000 --> 01:08:49.000 if Facebook's a good thing now 01:08:49.000 --> 01:08:50.000 I think you have to like you 01:08:50.000 --> 01:08:51.000 have to do something else Kevin 01:08:51.000 --> 01:08:53.000 like you know the Insta and 01:08:53.000 --> 01:08:56.000 stuff like that like the Tik 01:08:56.000 --> 01:08:60.000 Tok dancers yeah okay I get it 01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:02.000 Instagram all that stuff so 01:09:02.000 --> 01:09:03.000 like so you got to think about 01:09:03.000 --> 01:09:05.000 it like this to and correct 01:09:05.000 --> 01:09:06.000 me if I'm if I'm not getting 01:09:06.000 --> 01:09:09.000 the question -- just remember 01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:10.000 you guys hear this stuff 01:09:10.000 --> 01:09:12.000 all the time right like 01:09:12.000 --> 01:09:13.000 make sure that what you post on 01:09:13.000 --> 01:09:14.000 those things your grandma would 01:09:14.000 --> 01:09:17.000 want to see it right so to just 01:09:17.000 --> 01:09:20.000 you got to think about by show of hands 01:09:20.000 --> 01:09:22.000 if you think that show of hands 01:09:22.000 --> 01:09:23.000 anything that you post on any form of social 01:09:23.000 --> 01:09:25.000 media is actually private 01:09:25.000 --> 01:09:28.000 to you right right so nobody 01:09:28.000 --> 01:09:29.000 raised their hand right so so 01:09:29.000 --> 01:09:30.000 you got it you got to string 01:09:30.000 --> 01:09:32.000 out along to when you apply 01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:35.000 somewhere do you think that any 01:09:35.000 --> 01:09:36.000 law enforcement agency is gonna 01:09:36.000 --> 01:09:38.000 try to check your social media 01:09:38.000 --> 01:09:40.000 well yeah of course right 01:09:40.000 --> 01:09:42.000 so like just circle background 01:09:42.000 --> 01:09:43.000 that's what I spend my entire 01:09:43.000 --> 01:09:44.000 day doing is researching people 01:09:44.000 --> 01:09:46.000 places and things and that 01:09:46.000 --> 01:09:48.000 includes social media because 01:09:48.000 --> 01:09:49.000 of the information that's out 01:09:49.000 --> 01:09:51.000 there right so keep that in 01:09:51.000 --> 01:09:53.000 mind guys is that before you 01:09:53.000 --> 01:09:54.000 like I'm gonna post this like 01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:56.000 it'll I can delete it if it's 01:09:56.000 --> 01:09:57.000 if people get angry about it 01:09:57.000 --> 01:09:59.000 that's not how it works like 01:09:59.000 --> 01:09:60.000 once it's out there it's out 01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:02.000 there so was that 01:10:02.000 --> 01:10:04.000 more along your question yeah 01:10:04.000 --> 01:10:06.000 if I can step into that too so 01:10:06.000 --> 01:10:07.000 part of the juvenile probation 01:10:07.000 --> 01:10:09.000 officer awesomeness is 01:10:09.000 --> 01:10:10.000 that we have to check social 01:10:10.000 --> 01:10:12.000 media when we are directing 01:10:12.000 --> 01:10:13.000 kids are doing anything of 01:10:13.000 --> 01:10:16.000 that Facebook Instagram every 01:10:16.000 --> 01:10:17.000 kind of app that you have 01:10:17.000 --> 01:10:19.000 open that you're posting on 01:10:19.000 --> 01:10:21.000 we are visibally able to see 01:10:21.000 --> 01:10:23.000 those leads so usually what 01:10:23.000 --> 01:10:25.000 I tell most of the things I 01:10:25.000 --> 01:10:27.000 see are not necessarily in the 01:10:27.000 --> 01:10:29.000 positive zone here's the thing 01:10:29.000 --> 01:10:32.000 wherever you go you want to 01:10:32.000 --> 01:10:34.000 represent yourself as someone 01:10:34.000 --> 01:10:36.000 who is capable of doing many 01:10:36.000 --> 01:10:39.000 good things somebody that has 01:10:39.000 --> 01:10:41.000 integrity all those things 01:10:41.000 --> 01:10:43.000 the good qualities about you 01:10:43.000 --> 01:10:46.000 want to highlight social media 01:10:46.000 --> 01:10:48.000 the things that you post and 01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:50.000 are associate it to you that is 01:10:50.000 --> 01:10:53.000 what you are saying that's 01:10:53.000 --> 01:10:55.000 what's representing you so you 01:10:55.000 --> 01:10:56.000 need to understand that piece 01:10:56.000 --> 01:10:58.000 as you go forward because most 01:10:58.000 --> 01:10:59.000 agencies will be looking at 01:10:59.000 --> 01:10:63.000 that believe it or not yeah 01:11:03.000 --> 01:11:05.000 and these days a simple Google 01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:06.000 search of you will bring up all 01:11:06.000 --> 01:11:08.000 of your social media nothing 01:11:08.000 --> 01:11:12.000 is private non of that nothing erases 01:11:12.000 --> 01:11:15.000 it's a question that -- okay 01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:17.000 hi -- I just had a question 01:11:17.000 --> 01:11:21.000 about -- at what point on your 01:11:21.000 --> 01:11:23.000 in your studies or currently 01:11:23.000 --> 01:11:25.000 in your career path did you 01:11:25.000 --> 01:11:26.000 finally figure out like this is 01:11:26.000 --> 01:11:27.000 where I need to be especially 01:11:27.000 --> 01:11:28.000 like and what advice would 01:11:28.000 --> 01:11:31.000 you give for kids still -- 01:11:31.000 --> 01:11:33.000 deciding especially us seniors 01:11:33.000 --> 01:11:34.000 about to go into college 01:11:34.000 --> 01:11:38.000 and still don't really know 01:11:38.000 --> 01:11:39.000 who wants to take that I 01:11:39.000 --> 01:11:44.000 can take that so for the first 01:11:44.000 --> 01:11:45.000 part of the question was a 01:11:45.000 --> 01:11:46.000 what point do you feel like 01:11:46.000 --> 01:11:50.000 this is it for me this is this 01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:52.000 I graduated 2018 not 01:11:52.000 --> 01:11:55.000 too long ago -- for me it was 01:11:55.000 --> 01:11:58.000 those now the realizing okay 01:11:58.000 --> 01:11:60.000 I don't dread going to work 01:12:00.000 --> 01:12:01.000 I don't I'll actually look 01:12:01.000 --> 01:12:03.000 forward my days go by really 01:12:03.000 --> 01:12:05.000 fast and especially since it's 01:12:05.000 --> 01:12:07.000 different all the time it just 01:12:07.000 --> 01:12:09.000 it just makes it that does not 01:12:09.000 --> 01:12:12.000 dreadful -- it's not something 01:12:12.000 --> 01:12:13.000 that it's something that I knew 01:12:13.000 --> 01:12:15.000 that I wanted to do and that 01:12:15.000 --> 01:12:17.000 I enjoy my coworkers honestly 01:12:17.000 --> 01:12:20.000 make it a lot easier to just 01:12:23.000 --> 01:12:24.000 to have a good sense of humor 01:12:24.000 --> 01:12:26.000 with the kind of work that we 01:12:26.000 --> 01:12:29.000 do -- because there is a lot of 01:12:29.000 --> 01:12:31.000 serious stuff so you have to be able to 01:12:31.000 --> 01:12:33.000 jump and jump around and make 01:12:33.000 --> 01:12:35.000 it light and not let it affect 01:12:35.000 --> 01:12:37.000 you personally and for advice 01:12:37.000 --> 01:12:41.000 for seniors I would say -- just 01:12:41.000 --> 01:12:43.000 stay open minded don't close 01:12:43.000 --> 01:12:45.000 yourself off and you might 01:12:45.000 --> 01:12:47.000 be set on a specific position 01:12:47.000 --> 01:12:50.000 be ideal for you -- but once 01:12:50.000 --> 01:12:52.000 you learn more about different 01:12:52.000 --> 01:12:53.000 areas you might just find that 01:12:53.000 --> 01:12:54.000 that might be a better fit 01:12:54.000 --> 01:12:56.000 for you so just be open minded 01:12:56.000 --> 01:12:58.000 and definitely stay persistent 01:12:58.000 --> 01:12:59.000 don't give up and just remember 01:12:59.000 --> 01:12:60.000 that even though you don't 01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:02.000 have you might not be employed 01:13:02.000 --> 01:13:05.000 right now -- what the whole 01:13:05.000 --> 01:13:06.000 social media thing just make 01:13:06.000 --> 01:13:09.000 sure that you are what you post 01:13:09.000 --> 01:13:11.000 your what you're doing about 01:13:11.000 --> 01:13:12.000 yourself and showing out to 01:13:12.000 --> 01:13:14.000 the world that you might not be 01:13:14.000 --> 01:13:16.000 representing someone directly 01:13:16.000 --> 01:13:19.000 look at what you are involved 01:13:19.000 --> 01:13:21.000 in what you're doing it still 01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:25.000 represents overall so just post 01:13:25.000 --> 01:13:27.000 an act as if you were already 01:13:27.000 --> 01:13:28.000 representing what you want to 01:13:28.000 --> 01:13:31.000 work for thank you so much I 01:13:31.000 --> 01:13:33.000 I see there's a question there 01:13:33.000 --> 01:13:35.000 so we'll take one last question 01:13:38.000 --> 01:13:39.000 one of the best question and 01:13:39.000 --> 01:13:41.000 depending on how long we take 01:13:41.000 --> 01:13:44.000 to answer it -- we have one 01:13:44.000 --> 01:13:45.000 minute and they will hand you 01:13:45.000 --> 01:13:47.000 over back to admissions office 01:13:47.000 --> 01:13:52.000 so okay -- so obviously the 01:13:52.000 --> 01:13:54.000 jobs that all you guys have 01:13:54.000 --> 01:13:57.000 a really like there's a lot of 01:13:57.000 --> 01:13:58.000 positive things that come out 01:13:58.000 --> 01:13:61.000 of it -- so I guess my question 01:14:01.000 --> 01:14:04.000 is for all the things that 01:14:04.000 --> 01:14:06.000 probably aren't that positive 01:14:06.000 --> 01:14:08.000 how do you guys emotionally 01:14:08.000 --> 01:14:10.000 and mentally like deal with tha 01:14:10.000 --> 01:14:12.000 like how would you guide 01:14:12.000 --> 01:14:13.000 yourself through it and not 01:14:13.000 --> 01:14:15.000 want to and not get stuck on 01:14:15.000 --> 01:14:17.000 that one I think that would be 01:14:17.000 --> 01:14:18.000 a good question for Detective 01:14:18.000 --> 01:14:20.000 Johnson because she already 01:14:20.000 --> 01:14:23.000 talked a little bit about law 01:14:23.000 --> 01:14:25.000 enforcement in the negative 01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:27.000 press that comes with it which 01:14:27.000 --> 01:14:29.000 tends to be a challenge so 01:14:29.000 --> 01:14:30.000 maybe I just have her 01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:32.000 talk about how she deals with that 01:14:32.000 --> 01:14:33.000 I'll try to I'll try to 01:14:33.000 --> 01:14:35.000 make a quick -- but yeah you do see 01:14:35.000 --> 01:14:37.000 a lot of negative things you 01:14:37.000 --> 01:14:39.000 do -- see like people at the 01:14:39.000 --> 01:14:41.000 their worst time in 01:14:41.000 --> 01:14:42.000 their life and I've been on 01:14:42.000 --> 01:14:45.000 the swat team for -- -- for 01:14:45.000 --> 01:14:47.000 over seven years so I really do 01:14:47.000 --> 01:14:49.000 see people like at their worst 01:14:52.000 --> 01:14:54.000 what has been super helpful is 01:14:54.000 --> 01:14:57.000 talking talking to people and 01:14:59.000 --> 01:14:62.000 very positive outlook on life 01:15:02.000 --> 01:15:03.000 but I also know that there 01:15:03.000 --> 01:15:05.000 are times when I probably need 01:15:05.000 --> 01:15:07.000 to seek maybe some counseling 01:15:07.000 --> 01:15:09.000 or something like that maybe 01:15:09.000 --> 01:15:10.000 somebody that doesn't know me 01:15:10.000 --> 01:15:12.000 and then I could you know tell 01:15:12.000 --> 01:15:13.000 all my thoughts and things 01:15:13.000 --> 01:15:15.000 like that so I would see 01:15:15.000 --> 01:15:16.000 in conjunction with that and 01:15:16.000 --> 01:15:17.000 just living kind of a healthy 01:15:17.000 --> 01:15:20.000 lifestyle working out and just 01:15:20.000 --> 01:15:23.000 trying to focus on yeah I do 01:15:23.000 --> 01:15:24.000 a lot of negative things and 01:15:24.000 --> 01:15:26.000 I see a lot of negative things 01:15:26.000 --> 01:15:28.000 but I also see a lot of really 01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:31.000 cool positive things and -- so 01:15:31.000 --> 01:15:34.000 I try to focus on that 01:15:34.000 --> 01:15:37.000 thank you so can we take one last 01:15:37.000 --> 01:15:39.000 question okay so there was a 01:15:39.000 --> 01:15:42.000 hand up here the mic is coming 01:15:42.000 --> 01:15:45.000 your way so this is our last 01:15:45.000 --> 01:15:48.000 question then -- admission 01:15:48.000 --> 01:15:53.000 stuff is waiting -- yeah 01:16:02.000 --> 01:16:05.000 what are some of the pros 01:16:05.000 --> 01:16:07.000 and cons of like your guys' 01:16:07.000 --> 01:16:10.000 career fields -- pros and cons 01:16:10.000 --> 01:16:13.000 I would say -- con death 01:16:13.000 --> 01:16:16.000 notifications that's a that's 01:16:16.000 --> 01:16:19.000 a definite con 01:16:19.000 --> 01:16:21.000 a pro - for me it's dealing 01:16:21.000 --> 01:16:23.000 with people with -- mental 01:16:23.000 --> 01:16:25.000 health disorders they don't 01:16:25.000 --> 01:16:26.000 know what they're doing and 01:16:26.000 --> 01:16:28.000 it's a kind of constant battle 01:16:28.000 --> 01:16:29.000 trying to keep them as safe 01:16:29.000 --> 01:16:31.000 as possible from themselves 01:16:31.000 --> 01:16:33.000 and trying to get them to be 01:16:33.000 --> 01:16:34.000 readjusted in to a society 01:16:34.000 --> 01:16:36.000 but it's very difficult in a 01:16:36.000 --> 01:16:38.000 closed facility so enduring 01:16:38.000 --> 01:16:39.000 that constantly is kind of a 01:16:39.000 --> 01:16:42.000 struggle but -- you find ways 01:16:42.000 --> 01:16:44.000 to deal with it work with it 01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:47.000 thank you I think for me a 01:16:47.000 --> 01:16:50.000 pro is working with people all 01:16:50.000 --> 01:16:51.000 sorts of people you know you 01:16:51.000 --> 01:16:53.000 get an opportunity just to -- 01:16:53.000 --> 01:16:55.000 interact with different people 01:16:55.000 --> 01:16:57.000 with different views and points 01:16:57.000 --> 01:16:61.000 and it just it strengthens you 01:17:01.000 --> 01:17:03.000 I think you good pro would be 01:17:03.000 --> 01:17:04.000 if there's a situation that arises 01:17:04.000 --> 01:17:07.000 or an event -- it's really 01:17:07.000 --> 01:17:09.000 cool to see that everybody 01:17:09.000 --> 01:17:10.000 within law enforcement it 01:17:10.000 --> 01:17:12.000 doesn't matter where you are 01:17:12.000 --> 01:17:13.000 what rank it is like everybody 01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:15.000 is literally on the same team 01:17:15.000 --> 01:17:16.000 and everybody works together 01:17:16.000 --> 01:17:18.000 towards that common goal like 01:17:18.000 --> 01:17:19.000 there isn't any like oh you're 01:17:19.000 --> 01:17:21.000 not with the FBI or oh 01:17:21.000 --> 01:17:22.000 you're not with the state police if there's 01:17:22.000 --> 01:17:23.000 something going on everybody's 01:17:23.000 --> 01:17:25.000 on the same team and even if 01:17:25.000 --> 01:17:26.000 you've never met these people 01:17:26.000 --> 01:17:28.000 like that's your body 01:17:28.000 --> 01:17:31.000 you're you're moving forward 01:17:35.000 --> 01:17:36.000 seeing people out there very 01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:38.000 lows and having to take away 01:17:38.000 --> 01:17:41.000 their freedom -- for periods of time 01:17:41.000 --> 01:17:43.000 pro though is being able 01:17:43.000 --> 01:17:45.000 to be a part of their lives 01:17:45.000 --> 01:17:47.000 when -- the relations we build 01:17:47.000 --> 01:17:48.000 with our clients to complete 01:17:48.000 --> 01:17:49.000 when they really changed 01:17:49.000 --> 01:17:51.000 our lives around being able to 01:17:51.000 --> 01:17:54.000 be a part of that I assume so 01:17:54.000 --> 01:17:57.000 thank you very much thank you