WEBVTT 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:06.000 thank you for having me my 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:07.000 name is Steve Rohrbeck that's 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:09.000 how you pronounce that my last 00:00:09.000 --> 00:00:12.000 name -- and I do work at 00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:14.000 Cascades Centers EAP which is actually the employee 00:00:14.000 --> 00:00:17.000 assistance program for the 00:00:17.000 --> 00:00:18.000 college and other institutions 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.000 which is how I met Professor Lin 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:21.000 and I wanted to thank 00:00:21.000 --> 00:00:22.000 you for inviting me I'm very 00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.000 honored actually I was doing 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:26.000 a presentation and she just 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:27.000 started talking me afterwards 00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:28.000 and ask me some questions about 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:31.000 my professional experience and 00:00:31.000 --> 00:00:32.000 then she invited me to come 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:34.000 so I really appreciate the 00:00:34.000 --> 00:00:36.000 opportunity to speak to all of 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:40.000 you today I was once in your 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:44.000 chairs -- and I remember the 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:46.000 all of that experience -- kind 00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:49.000 of top to bottom the the joy 00:00:49.000 --> 00:00:50.000 is in -- the highs and the lows 00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:53.000 in the fears and all of that 00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:56.000 share some experience today but 00:00:56.000 --> 00:00:59.000 what I'd really like to do is 00:00:59.000 --> 00:00:60.000 answer as many questions as you 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.000 have on about you know topics 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:06.000 as they come off and so what 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:07.000 I wanted to do is just start 00:01:07.000 --> 00:01:09.000 with that top page at all of 00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:10.000 your receipt is just a list of 00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:13.000 topics just rate them in order 00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:16.000 don't think about it -- don't 00:01:16.000 --> 00:01:18.000 don't ask yourself what would 00:01:18.000 --> 00:01:20.000 Carl Young do -- just go ahead 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:22.000 and just number them and 00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:23.000 I'm going to ask you just ask 00:01:23.000 --> 00:01:25.000 for a vote and then we'll start 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:27.000 wherever this is a presentation 00:01:27.000 --> 00:01:29.000 in name only it's only kind of 00:01:29.000 --> 00:01:32.000 a place for me to start -- and 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:33.000 so they're really kind of humor 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:34.000 slides to get conversations 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:36.000 going online but as soon as 00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:37.000 we get through this I will 00:01:37.000 --> 00:01:38.000 talk about my professional 00:01:38.000 --> 00:01:40.000 past experience but want 00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:43.000 to make sure we got started 00:01:43.000 --> 00:01:45.000 and so everybody's ready 00:01:45.000 --> 00:01:46.000 what I'm just going to do is ask for a 00:01:46.000 --> 00:01:47.000 straw vote you know just to 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:49.000 kind of straw poll of the 00:01:49.000 --> 00:01:50.000 different topics how many 00:01:50.000 --> 00:01:52.000 people would be interested in 00:01:52.000 --> 00:01:54.000 me starting with philosophy 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:56.000 of counseling yeah they are 00:01:56.000 --> 00:01:59.000 good enough that okay yeah -- 00:01:59.000 --> 00:01:61.000 therapist client relationship 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:03.000 okay a couple folks okay 00:02:03.000 --> 00:02:07.000 burnout there we go okay work 00:02:07.000 --> 00:02:09.000 life balance which is sort of 00:02:09.000 --> 00:02:12.000 related okay lots of that -- 00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:14.000 career options it sounds like 00:02:14.000 --> 00:02:16.000 burnout work life balance is 00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:17.000 really kind of the right one 00:02:17.000 --> 00:02:19.000 of the primary places you'd 00:02:19.000 --> 00:02:20.000 like to start and it will just 00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:21.000 kind of see where this goes 00:02:21.000 --> 00:02:23.000 on we may not cover everything 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:26.000 it's in so on let me just talk 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:28.000 about myself for a second 00:02:28.000 --> 00:02:30.000 so yeah you can't get there from 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:33.000 here I am from Wyoming so now 00:02:33.000 --> 00:02:35.000 you can all tell everybody you 00:02:35.000 --> 00:02:38.000 met somebody from Wyoming I 00:02:38.000 --> 00:02:39.000 should wear sweatshirts in the 00:02:39.000 --> 00:02:41.000 airports because I mean I was 00:02:41.000 --> 00:02:44.000 in Dulles in DC met somebody 00:02:44.000 --> 00:02:45.000 from Wyoming you where you 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:47.000 where the flag you're run into 00:02:47.000 --> 00:02:49.000 your friends -- so yeah 00:02:49.000 --> 00:02:51.000 I was I grew up in Wyoming 00:02:51.000 --> 00:02:52.000 and then that's just sort 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:54.000 of where my journey started 00:02:57.000 --> 00:02:59.000 in helping profession was 00:03:00.000 --> 00:03:03.000 homes with individuals with 00:03:03.000 --> 00:03:05.000 disabilities -- it was a 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:07.000 private organization and what 00:03:07.000 --> 00:03:08.000 did happen in the state of 00:03:08.000 --> 00:03:10.000 Wyoming is that they had closed 00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:11.000 what they called their the 00:03:11.000 --> 00:03:13.000 state training school and it was 00:03:13.000 --> 00:03:14.000 just very Oregon has a similar 00:03:14.000 --> 00:03:17.000 unfortunate past with an 00:03:17.000 --> 00:03:18.000 with an institution that's very 00:03:18.000 --> 00:03:19.000 similar and I don't wanna get 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:20.000 in all the history but if you 00:03:20.000 --> 00:03:22.000 understand any if you've talked 00:03:22.000 --> 00:03:23.000 about that at all it's very 00:03:23.000 --> 00:03:25.000 similar so we had people who 00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:27.000 had spent their entire lives in 00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:30.000 institutions -- and so that was 00:03:30.000 --> 00:03:31.000 the first place that day that I 00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:33.000 started to work with and learn 00:03:33.000 --> 00:03:35.000 about the helping profession 00:03:35.000 --> 00:03:36.000 and it was challenging it 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:37.000 was wonderful it was fun I 00:03:37.000 --> 00:03:40.000 did that about two two and 00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:43.000 a half years -- and then -- 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:45.000 I thought I really wanted to 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:46.000 start to I really like to work 00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:47.000 with people I wanted to start 00:03:47.000 --> 00:03:50.000 to pursue education and gain 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:52.000 more experience specifically 00:03:52.000 --> 00:03:55.000 in psychology I had a friend 00:03:55.000 --> 00:03:58.000 she knew this and so she 00:03:58.000 --> 00:03:60.000 invited me to interview at a 00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:02.000 locked psychiatric facility in 00:04:02.000 --> 00:04:04.000 my hometown which is also 00:04:04.000 --> 00:04:08.000 private -- and so I applied 00:04:08.000 --> 00:04:10.000 and I accepted the position 00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:11.000 and I worked there for about 00:04:11.000 --> 00:04:13.000 four years -- and part of 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:15.000 that was I was a psych tech 00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:17.000 on the the the employees 00:04:17.000 --> 00:04:18.000 that did take folks from 00:04:18.000 --> 00:04:20.000 place A to place B 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:22.000 didn't run groups but was 00:04:22.000 --> 00:04:23.000 there kind of to monitor 00:04:23.000 --> 00:04:25.000 safety and monitor kind of 00:04:25.000 --> 00:04:27.000 daily process with people I'm 00:04:27.000 --> 00:04:29.000 that's where I really started to 00:04:29.000 --> 00:04:31.000 talk to the counselors about 00:04:31.000 --> 00:04:33.000 what they did and not just you 00:04:33.000 --> 00:04:35.000 know hey you're in group it was 00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:36.000 like no what is this you know 00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:38.000 what is your technique about 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:39.000 what is your you know what are 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:42.000 you thinking when you do this 00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:44.000 what is your process as you're 00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:46.000 going about this and I was just 00:04:46.000 --> 00:04:47.000 really fascinated by it I was 00:04:47.000 --> 00:04:48.000 really really interested in 00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:50.000 that so about halfway through 00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:52.000 a started going to school and 00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:54.000 then I had to transfer to 00:04:54.000 --> 00:04:55.000 the University of Wyoming to 00:04:55.000 --> 00:04:57.000 finish so there I finished 00:04:59.000 --> 00:04:60.000 to graduate school which is 00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:01.000 where you are now and I 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:03.000 continued doing that I did 00:05:03.000 --> 00:05:05.000 internship and practicum and 00:05:05.000 --> 00:05:06.000 is that about where you all are in 00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:10.000 the process yes yes yes -- 00:05:10.000 --> 00:05:11.000 I remember the first time I sat 00:05:11.000 --> 00:05:13.000 with somebody and it was like 00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:17.000 ahhh yeah now what do I do 00:05:17.000 --> 00:05:18.000 what we Carl Young do 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:21.000 what would Carl Rogers what would 00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:25.000 know any Carl do -- right -- 00:05:25.000 --> 00:05:27.000 because then it's a real person 00:05:27.000 --> 00:05:29.000 and then and then you then you 00:05:29.000 --> 00:05:31.000 start to really understand okay 00:05:31.000 --> 00:05:34.000 wow I'm with a real person 00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:37.000 and they have real stuff and 00:05:37.000 --> 00:05:38.000 they're looking at me like 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:40.000 well what am I gonna do and 00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:42.000 you start to think about that 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:47.000 I'm pretty I like to think a 00:05:47.000 --> 00:05:49.000 lot about these things when I'm 00:05:49.000 --> 00:05:51.000 not in the room with people I 00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:53.000 a day thinking about them but I 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:55.000 think about what happened with 00:05:55.000 --> 00:05:58.000 them I think about what would 00:05:58.000 --> 00:05:60.000 I do you know not good or bad 00:06:00.000 --> 00:06:03.000 but I ask this question is 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:04.000 there a different way that I 00:06:04.000 --> 00:06:05.000 could have asked that -- that 00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:06.000 was really interesting would 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:07.000 happen in a session today I 00:06:07.000 --> 00:06:09.000 wonder think about that some 00:06:09.000 --> 00:06:11.000 more and and you know was there 00:06:11.000 --> 00:06:12.000 something was out about how 00:06:12.000 --> 00:06:14.000 they responded was it about 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:15.000 some of the question that I 00:06:15.000 --> 00:06:18.000 asked right just a process and 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:19.000 you know if you all can tell I 00:06:19.000 --> 00:06:22.000 find people really interesting 00:06:22.000 --> 00:06:24.000 and I hope you do too I mean that 00:06:24.000 --> 00:06:26.000 because you were sitting here 00:06:26.000 --> 00:06:28.000 I had a counselor in North 00:06:28.000 --> 00:06:29.000 Carolina when I worked in 00:06:29.000 --> 00:06:30.000 drug and alcohol treatment he 00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:31.000 said it is very kind of North 00:06:31.000 --> 00:06:34.000 Carolina way it's like 00:06:34.000 --> 00:06:35.000 you know Steve were messing 00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:36.000 around other people's lives 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:40.000 right -- and that was a very kind 00:06:40.000 --> 00:06:42.000 of folksy homespun way to say 00:06:42.000 --> 00:06:44.000 it but we we are involved with 00:06:44.000 --> 00:06:47.000 other people's lives and 00:06:47.000 --> 00:06:49.000 and so it's how we approach 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:50.000 that I find that fascinating 00:06:50.000 --> 00:06:53.000 they they trust us to do that 00:06:53.000 --> 00:06:54.000 so when I was done with grad 00:06:54.000 --> 00:06:57.000 school my first job was at old 00:06:57.000 --> 00:06:59.000 school twenty eight day drug 00:06:59.000 --> 00:06:61.000 and alcohol treatment center 00:07:01.000 --> 00:07:03.000 I worked there for four years 00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:05.000 and it was I don't know how far 00:07:05.000 --> 00:07:06.000 you guys can all this it was 00:07:06.000 --> 00:07:08.000 twelve-step based so it's based 00:07:08.000 --> 00:07:10.000 on that theory and that program 00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:14.000 so you see things and you hear 00:07:14.000 --> 00:07:16.000 things -- one of the things 00:07:16.000 --> 00:07:17.000 of the things I was thinking 00:07:17.000 --> 00:07:20.000 about this on typically you 00:07:20.000 --> 00:07:21.000 give people who are detoxing 00:07:21.000 --> 00:07:23.000 off of alcohol for at least 00:07:23.000 --> 00:07:25.000 they did at that time librium 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:27.000 so they don't have a seizure 00:07:27.000 --> 00:07:30.000 and die I mean very seriously 00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:31.000 it's to keep your heart rate 00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:33.000 down right because because you 00:07:33.000 --> 00:07:34.000 take somebody off of alcohol 00:07:34.000 --> 00:07:36.000 in the going to detox and -- 00:07:36.000 --> 00:07:38.000 heart rate goes up you know it 00:07:38.000 --> 00:07:40.000 can be very dangerous they can going into 00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:43.000 go into DT's and have a seizure 00:07:43.000 --> 00:07:45.000 and it can get very serious so 00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:46.000 it was this experience of meeting 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:49.000 people twice meeting them when 00:07:49.000 --> 00:07:51.000 I first checked in and I'd 00:07:51.000 --> 00:07:52.000 sit down and do an intake for 00:07:52.000 --> 00:07:55.000 them -- history and they were on lots 00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:57.000 a librium and then sometime in 00:07:57.000 --> 00:07:58.000 the second week they come by 00:07:58.000 --> 00:07:60.000 to hey Steve it's so nice to 00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:03.000 meet you we've met before so 00:08:03.000 --> 00:08:05.000 nice to meet you again but 00:08:05.000 --> 00:08:07.000 what I started to learn their 00:08:07.000 --> 00:08:09.000 ways the craft the art of doing 00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:10.000 this everything that you're 00:08:10.000 --> 00:08:12.000 learning now what does that 00:08:12.000 --> 00:08:14.000 look like when you're in a 00:08:14.000 --> 00:08:16.000 group of people what does that 00:08:16.000 --> 00:08:18.000 look like when you're meeting 00:08:18.000 --> 00:08:20.000 serious resistance and it it's 00:08:20.000 --> 00:08:21.000 the group has talked about 00:08:21.000 --> 00:08:23.000 it while you weren't in the room 00:08:23.000 --> 00:08:27.000 to be resistant -- or how 00:08:27.000 --> 00:08:31.000 do I deal with an individual 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:33.000 one of the most interesting situations 00:08:33.000 --> 00:08:35.000 I was ever in is I I'd a person 00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:37.000 came in on a Friday and they 00:08:37.000 --> 00:08:38.000 were the angriest person I 00:08:38.000 --> 00:08:39.000 think I've ever met in the 00:08:39.000 --> 00:08:41.000 sixteen years I've been doing 00:08:41.000 --> 00:08:44.000 this and I left on Friday 00:08:44.000 --> 00:08:45.000 thinking I think this person 00:08:45.000 --> 00:08:47.000 might leave against medical 00:08:47.000 --> 00:08:49.000 advice I may not see him on 00:08:49.000 --> 00:08:51.000 Monday and I didn't know they 00:08:51.000 --> 00:08:54.000 were gone and about eighteen 00:08:54.000 --> 00:08:56.000 months later I saw on the news 00:08:56.000 --> 00:08:58.000 that this person had chose to 00:08:58.000 --> 00:08:59.000 get into a high speed chase 00:08:59.000 --> 00:08:62.000 with the police and after they 00:09:02.000 --> 00:09:03.000 speed strip you know they 00:09:03.000 --> 00:09:05.000 they did the stripe the the 00:09:05.000 --> 00:09:07.000 the the spike strip he ran at 00:09:07.000 --> 00:09:10.000 them and that ended about how 00:09:10.000 --> 00:09:11.000 you would think it would end if 00:09:11.000 --> 00:09:15.000 you run into this highway patrolman really quickly 00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:17.000 so I start to think about these 00:09:17.000 --> 00:09:19.000 things what what's happening 00:09:19.000 --> 00:09:22.000 with this person where they 00:09:22.000 --> 00:09:25.000 made the decision to come and 00:09:25.000 --> 00:09:28.000 they made a decision leave 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:29.000 you know and then and then 00:09:29.000 --> 00:09:31.000 you start the process that 00:09:31.000 --> 00:09:32.000 and as a counselor these things 00:09:32.000 --> 00:09:34.000 will affect you these things 00:09:34.000 --> 00:09:36.000 affect you as a human being 00:09:36.000 --> 00:09:37.000 as they should I believe we'll 00:09:37.000 --> 00:09:38.000 talk a little bit more about 00:09:38.000 --> 00:09:41.000 that in a second so the other 00:09:41.000 --> 00:09:42.000 thing that I learned though was just 00:09:42.000 --> 00:09:44.000 lots of really great things 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:47.000 about how to work with people 00:09:47.000 --> 00:09:48.000 what does that really mean I 00:09:48.000 --> 00:09:49.000 mean we all you know you guys 00:09:49.000 --> 00:09:51.000 still have the Corey book 00:09:51.000 --> 00:09:52.000 counseling theory and practice 00:09:52.000 --> 00:09:54.000 yes and the the greatest hits 00:09:54.000 --> 00:09:55.000 ever written and they never age 00:09:55.000 --> 00:09:57.000 never I have a version of 00:09:57.000 --> 00:09:59.000 that book in my office still 00:09:59.000 --> 00:09:60.000 it's like version one it's 00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:02.000 written in Latin chinked out 00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:05.000 in stone but and actually I 00:10:05.000 --> 00:10:07.000 looked it up again I was like 00:10:07.000 --> 00:10:10.000 what does sitting in the office mean like talk 00:10:10.000 --> 00:10:11.000 to people are what one might 00:10:11.000 --> 00:10:12.000 do you know what do I really 00:10:12.000 --> 00:10:13.000 practice and so I went back and 00:10:13.000 --> 00:10:14.000 I looked at Erinback and I looked at 00:10:14.000 --> 00:10:17.000 some other folks and was like oh yeah 00:10:17.000 --> 00:10:19.000 I kind of forgotten how I 00:10:19.000 --> 00:10:21.000 integrated these things but 00:10:21.000 --> 00:10:22.000 you start to integrate these 00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:23.000 things into your practice and 00:10:23.000 --> 00:10:25.000 into who you are and it's again 00:10:25.000 --> 00:10:27.000 it's asking questions -- 00:10:27.000 --> 00:10:29.000 about yourself and with other 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:31.000 professionals and starting to 00:10:31.000 --> 00:10:35.000 notice what you bump into in 00:10:35.000 --> 00:10:36.000 yourself when you're working 00:10:36.000 --> 00:10:38.000 with other people because you 00:10:38.000 --> 00:10:39.000 will stuff will come up and I'll 00:10:39.000 --> 00:10:41.000 talk about that a little later 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:43.000 but so I did that for several 00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:46.000 years -- and it was a wonderful 00:10:46.000 --> 00:10:47.000 experience is invaluable 00:10:47.000 --> 00:10:50.000 experience to watch people come 00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:51.000 in and have that experience 00:10:51.000 --> 00:10:52.000 I talked about with Librium and 00:10:52.000 --> 00:10:54.000 twenty days later they walked 00:10:54.000 --> 00:10:56.000 out and you make a decision 00:10:56.000 --> 00:10:59.000 to change they decide to do 00:10:59.000 --> 00:10:60.000 things differently in their 00:11:00.000 --> 00:11:03.000 lives than they did before and 00:11:03.000 --> 00:11:07.000 it's amazing and it's powerful 00:11:07.000 --> 00:11:08.000 one most interesting lessons 00:11:08.000 --> 00:11:09.000 I learned about that while I 00:11:09.000 --> 00:11:12.000 was there was one day I was 00:11:12.000 --> 00:11:13.000 talking about a client like 00:11:13.000 --> 00:11:14.000 well this client's doing so 00:11:14.000 --> 00:11:15.000 well look at all that stuff 00:11:15.000 --> 00:11:17.000 and this guy again hears some 00:11:17.000 --> 00:11:18.000 of tis stuff and he kind of turns his head 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:21.000 and now you know Steve you're 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:23.000 gonna get take credit for that 00:11:23.000 --> 00:11:25.000 gentleman getting sober you 00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:26.000 better get take credit for him 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:30.000 he relapses that that and again 00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:32.000 the homespun folksy lesson and 00:11:32.000 --> 00:11:35.000 that is that I am present 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:38.000 I bear witness to these people 00:11:38.000 --> 00:11:40.000 in the process of change and 00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:42.000 I can ask questions and I can 00:11:42.000 --> 00:11:44.000 be supportive but really I'm 00:11:44.000 --> 00:11:45.000 like the guy in the back of 00:11:45.000 --> 00:11:47.000 the canoe right I just paddle it 00:11:47.000 --> 00:11:50.000 very subtly this way and I 00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:51.000 paddle it very subtly that way 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:53.000 and I confront when I have to 00:11:57.000 --> 00:11:59.000 their choice it's about their 00:11:59.000 --> 00:11:60.000 decision about what they want to 00:12:00.000 --> 00:12:03.000 do and they have the right 00:12:03.000 --> 00:12:05.000 and the freedom to do that and 00:12:05.000 --> 00:12:07.000 that's really what I learned 00:12:07.000 --> 00:12:10.000 there because you know a third 00:12:10.000 --> 00:12:12.000 a third of the people I worked 00:12:12.000 --> 00:12:16.000 with are no longer with us 00:12:16.000 --> 00:12:18.000 they left they made a decision 00:12:18.000 --> 00:12:21.000 to use again and it killed them 00:12:21.000 --> 00:12:24.000 and so it's about making 00:12:24.000 --> 00:12:25.000 peace with that internally 00:12:25.000 --> 00:12:29.000 as well -- and knowing that 00:12:29.000 --> 00:12:30.000 and that's a boundaries thing 00:12:30.000 --> 00:12:31.000 right now talk about that and 00:12:31.000 --> 00:12:32.000 burn out again there's there's 00:12:32.000 --> 00:12:34.000 a big serious very serious 00:12:34.000 --> 00:12:35.000 issue around boundaries that I think 00:12:35.000 --> 00:12:38.000 is important so after I did that 00:12:38.000 --> 00:12:40.000 for several years -- I made 00:12:40.000 --> 00:12:43.000 a decision to change tracks 00:12:46.000 --> 00:12:47.000 was that my wife and I decided 00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:50.000 to have children and I looked 00:12:50.000 --> 00:12:52.000 around my office at the 00:12:52.000 --> 00:12:53.000 that the twenty eight day drug 00:12:53.000 --> 00:12:54.000 and alcohol treatment center 00:12:54.000 --> 00:12:55.000 and I looked at the batting 00:12:55.000 --> 00:12:59.000 average of married divorced kids who 00:12:59.000 --> 00:12:62.000 weren't talking to parents I'd 00:13:02.000 --> 00:13:03.000 I wasn't happy with that batting 00:13:03.000 --> 00:13:04.000 average and I thought about 00:13:04.000 --> 00:13:06.000 myself and I thought about the 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:09.000 stage I was in my life and so I 00:13:09.000 --> 00:13:10.000 made the decision to make that 00:13:10.000 --> 00:13:13.000 change -- and it wasn't permanent 00:13:13.000 --> 00:13:15.000 it was just at this point in 00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:17.000 my in my path in my journey as a 00:13:17.000 --> 00:13:18.000 counselor I'm going to make the 00:13:18.000 --> 00:13:22.000 decision so I can focus on this 00:13:22.000 --> 00:13:25.000 aspect of my personal life so 00:13:25.000 --> 00:13:26.000 I started working at a two year 00:13:26.000 --> 00:13:29.000 school -- community college 00:13:29.000 --> 00:13:31.000 with individuals who were 00:13:31.000 --> 00:13:33.000 eligible for accommodations 00:13:33.000 --> 00:13:34.000 through the Americans with 00:13:34.000 --> 00:13:36.000 Disabilities Act for various 00:13:36.000 --> 00:13:40.000 reasons -- and that was gratifying 00:13:40.000 --> 00:13:42.000 in wonderful ways to because 00:13:42.000 --> 00:13:46.000 when I got to do is ask people 00:13:46.000 --> 00:13:49.000 what they what they wanted 00:13:49.000 --> 00:13:51.000 to help them to be successful 00:13:51.000 --> 00:13:54.000 it wasn't me saying here take 00:13:54.000 --> 00:13:58.000 all this stuff design a well 00:13:58.000 --> 00:13:61.000 I don't know I'm just here to 00:14:01.000 --> 00:14:04.000 ask questions I'm here to find 00:14:04.000 --> 00:14:06.000 out what that person needs or 00:14:06.000 --> 00:14:09.000 wants and then help them to 00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:12.000 get that that service for that 00:14:12.000 --> 00:14:14.000 for that specific need filled 00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:17.000 and that's it and I you know 00:14:17.000 --> 00:14:18.000 I was asked to talk a little 00:14:18.000 --> 00:14:20.000 bit about that in more detail 00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:22.000 I will but I guess it kind of 00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:23.000 at the bottom of that is is 00:14:23.000 --> 00:14:24.000 that it's sort of my counseling 00:14:24.000 --> 00:14:27.000 philosophy we meet people where 00:14:27.000 --> 00:14:30.000 they are where is the person 00:14:30.000 --> 00:14:33.000 right now what are they what 00:14:33.000 --> 00:14:36.000 are they saying to me -- one 00:14:36.000 --> 00:14:37.000 of the other things that people talk 00:14:37.000 --> 00:14:38.000 about at the drug and alcohol 00:14:38.000 --> 00:14:40.000 treatment center was is that 00:14:40.000 --> 00:14:41.000 sometimes all of us counselors 00:14:41.000 --> 00:14:42.000 would have something called a 00:14:42.000 --> 00:14:46.000 co-dependent seizure you know I can help 00:14:46.000 --> 00:14:47.000 and they'd say it in that North 00:14:47.000 --> 00:14:49.000 Carolina way I can help I'm 00:14:49.000 --> 00:14:51.000 gonna help you without actually 00:14:51.000 --> 00:14:55.000 asking what they wanted 00:14:55.000 --> 00:14:57.000 and so I remind myself of that 00:14:57.000 --> 00:14:59.000 all the time and that that was 00:14:59.000 --> 00:14:61.000 also great working at colleges 00:15:01.000 --> 00:15:03.000 too because I also did academic 00:15:03.000 --> 00:15:05.000 coaching which is essentially 00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:07.000 counseling without the inner child stuff 00:15:07.000 --> 00:15:11.000 to kind of parse it out 00:15:11.000 --> 00:15:12.000 it's like you're still talking 00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:15.000 about goals and wants and needs 00:15:15.000 --> 00:15:18.000 and fears but it's a very it's 00:15:18.000 --> 00:15:20.000 very focused it's just in the 00:15:20.000 --> 00:15:21.000 academic arena we didn't talk 00:15:21.000 --> 00:15:24.000 about you know childhood issues 00:15:24.000 --> 00:15:26.000 we didn't talk about relationships 00:15:26.000 --> 00:15:27.000 but all of the tools are the 00:15:27.000 --> 00:15:30.000 same size it's asking questions 00:15:30.000 --> 00:15:33.000 it's listening I remember time I had 00:15:33.000 --> 00:15:36.000 somebody in my office they were 00:15:36.000 --> 00:15:41.000 first gen student -- lots of 00:15:41.000 --> 00:15:43.000 lots of self and self imposed 00:15:43.000 --> 00:15:46.000 pressure to be successful 00:15:46.000 --> 00:15:47.000 lots of you know there'd be 00:15:47.000 --> 00:15:49.000 a brilliant student of course 00:15:49.000 --> 00:15:51.000 what are they doing there third 00:15:51.000 --> 00:15:54.000 Thing they are an RA 00:15:54.000 --> 00:15:55.000 they're taking eighteen hours 00:15:55.000 --> 00:15:59.000 which includes -- genetics 00:15:59.000 --> 00:15:63.000 organic chem -- oh god 00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:04.000 something else I can't even remember it 00:16:04.000 --> 00:16:05.000 and then she just opened up 00:16:05.000 --> 00:16:07.000 their schedule she's like 00:16:07.000 --> 00:16:09.000 I have no time there's a 00:16:09.000 --> 00:16:11.000 moment where oh you don't have 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:14.000 anytime oh what are we going to do -- I was really 00:16:14.000 --> 00:16:15.000 nervous I said I don't know 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:16.000 we're gonna do I don't know 00:16:16.000 --> 00:16:18.000 I might not find anytime in your schedule 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:20.000 but we opened up the schedule 00:16:20.000 --> 00:16:23.000 I started asking questions 00:16:23.000 --> 00:16:25.000 I started to ask her how she 00:16:25.000 --> 00:16:26.000 wanted to prioritize things 00:16:26.000 --> 00:16:28.000 and it turned out I didn't have to have 00:16:28.000 --> 00:16:31.000 the answer I just had to be 00:16:31.000 --> 00:16:33.000 with her while she found the 00:16:33.000 --> 00:16:36.000 answer in yourself and just 00:16:36.000 --> 00:16:38.000 by being supportive and asking 00:16:38.000 --> 00:16:39.000 questions she found three or 00:16:39.000 --> 00:16:40.000 four hours she didn't even 00:16:40.000 --> 00:16:42.000 know she had I didn't know they 00:16:42.000 --> 00:16:45.000 were in there I had no idea but 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:48.000 she discovered it there's an 00:16:48.000 --> 00:16:50.000 obvious powerful lesson for me 00:16:50.000 --> 00:16:53.000 even now I'm back in counseling again 00:16:53.000 --> 00:16:55.000 helping people to find their own 00:16:55.000 --> 00:16:59.000 answers right and that's a part of 00:16:59.000 --> 00:16:60.000 again you're hearing chunks of 00:17:00.000 --> 00:17:04.000 my counseling philosophy -- 00:17:04.000 --> 00:17:06.000 I worked there for two years 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:08.000 and I worked at -- Linfield 00:17:08.000 --> 00:17:10.000 College for four doing the same 00:17:10.000 --> 00:17:15.000 job I really enjoyed that -- 00:17:15.000 --> 00:17:18.000 but there's a change in the 00:17:18.000 --> 00:17:19.000 structure of my department 00:17:19.000 --> 00:17:22.000 about a year and a half a year 00:17:22.000 --> 00:17:24.000 and a half ago and so I had 00:17:24.000 --> 00:17:25.000 a friend who had worked at 00:17:25.000 --> 00:17:27.000 Cascades Energy EAP in the past 00:17:27.000 --> 00:17:28.000 and they said hey why don't you come 00:17:28.000 --> 00:17:31.000 and apply for a position and I did 00:17:31.000 --> 00:17:33.000 and so now I'm just back in the 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:35.000 good old fashioned counseling again 00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:37.000 you know I see people and how an 00:17:37.000 --> 00:17:41.000 EAP works is that entities like 00:17:41.000 --> 00:17:42.000 the sisters of the State of Oregon right 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:44.000 because it's Western Oregon 00:17:44.000 --> 00:17:47.000 so the organizations work with 00:17:47.000 --> 00:17:51.000 us and we provide services 00:17:52.000 --> 00:17:53.000 organization they might have 00:17:53.000 --> 00:17:55.000 three four five some members 00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:58.000 many is as eight free sessions as a 00:17:58.000 --> 00:17:59.000 benefit for the employees so 00:17:59.000 --> 00:17:61.000 they'll call us and then we 00:18:01.000 --> 00:18:03.000 sit down and read your brief 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:05.000 focus you know ah solution 00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:07.000 focused therapy I'm paneled with 00:18:07.000 --> 00:18:09.000 insurance companies which is a 00:18:09.000 --> 00:18:11.000 whole other thing -- so they 00:18:11.000 --> 00:18:13.000 can stay more long term with 00:18:13.000 --> 00:18:15.000 me and work if they wish or 00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:16.000 I can refer them out to long 00:18:16.000 --> 00:18:19.000 term counselors and what I 00:18:19.000 --> 00:18:21.000 love about this is being back 00:18:21.000 --> 00:18:23.000 in the rooms again I'm older I 00:18:23.000 --> 00:18:25.000 have more experience and there 00:18:25.000 --> 00:18:27.000 were things that I learned some 00:18:27.000 --> 00:18:28.000 of that stuff that I learned 00:18:28.000 --> 00:18:30.000 ten years ago fifteen years 00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:31.000 ago that didn't quite make 00:18:31.000 --> 00:18:36.000 sense makes sense now I'm also 00:18:36.000 --> 00:18:39.000 being more experienced in my 00:18:39.000 --> 00:18:40.000 profession I'm more confident 00:18:40.000 --> 00:18:43.000 in it I'm more self assured and 00:18:43.000 --> 00:18:46.000 I'm gonna make a decision here 00:18:46.000 --> 00:18:47.000 and worst thing that's going 00:18:47.000 --> 00:18:49.000 to happen is that I'll say 00:18:49.000 --> 00:18:50.000 that was wow that didn't work 00:18:50.000 --> 00:18:53.000 let's try something else now 00:18:53.000 --> 00:18:55.000 which is actually okay to do 00:18:55.000 --> 00:18:56.000 by the way it is one hundred 00:18:56.000 --> 00:18:58.000 percent okay to say that didn't 00:18:58.000 --> 00:18:61.000 work wow that just and in fact 00:19:01.000 --> 00:19:03.000 I try to be humorous it's -- 00:19:03.000 --> 00:19:04.000 it's Beck right you talk to 00:19:04.000 --> 00:19:08.000 using humor absolutely now 00:19:08.000 --> 00:19:12.000 if it fits as a whole 00:19:12.000 --> 00:19:13.000 that's that's an important 00:19:13.000 --> 00:19:15.000 part of this process is this 00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:16.000 relationship that I have with 00:19:16.000 --> 00:19:17.000 the person in front of me 00:19:17.000 --> 00:19:22.000 include humor or not if it does 00:19:22.000 --> 00:19:24.000 I like to be funny so it's wow 00:19:24.000 --> 00:19:25.000 that just blew up in didn't it that was 00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:27.000 awful wow let's try right yeah 00:19:27.000 --> 00:19:28.000 and we both laughed and then 00:19:28.000 --> 00:19:30.000 we try something else 00:19:30.000 --> 00:19:32.000 if it doesn't fit with that person 00:19:32.000 --> 00:19:35.000 I don't do it -- I'll just say 00:19:35.000 --> 00:19:38.000 wow it seems like I had a 00:19:38.000 --> 00:19:40.000 very intentional therapeutical 00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:43.000 there and I'm not sure that 00:19:43.000 --> 00:19:44.000 they were getting to the space 00:19:44.000 --> 00:19:46.000 that you want to get to in this 00:19:46.000 --> 00:19:50.000 so what would you suggest 00:19:50.000 --> 00:19:53.000 same you know same idea different 00:19:53.000 --> 00:19:58.000 approach so I've been a 00:19:58.000 --> 00:19:59.000 licensed professional counselor 00:19:59.000 --> 00:19:60.000 in the State of Oregon since 00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:03.000 two thousand fourteen I was I 00:20:03.000 --> 00:20:06.000 was a professional counselor 00:20:06.000 --> 00:20:07.000 in North Carolina from two 00:20:07.000 --> 00:20:09.000 thousand six to two thousand 00:20:09.000 --> 00:20:12.000 fourteen right now I have my MBCC 00:20:12.000 --> 00:20:13.000 licensure I'm in the process of 00:20:13.000 --> 00:20:16.000 finishing my continuing education 00:20:16.000 --> 00:20:19.000 hours to get re-certified in 00:20:19.000 --> 00:20:21.000 January for my LPC here in the 00:20:21.000 --> 00:20:22.000 State of Oregon I'll tell you 00:20:22.000 --> 00:20:24.000 one story I transferred here 00:20:24.000 --> 00:20:26.000 with the drug and alcohol 00:20:26.000 --> 00:20:30.000 was at CA thank you level three 00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:32.000 because I was the equivalent 00:20:32.000 --> 00:20:34.000 Linnfield I was like one of my 00:20:34.000 --> 00:20:38.000 ever going to use that again 00:20:38.000 --> 00:20:42.000 do not ever ever ever give 00:20:42.000 --> 00:20:44.000 up your licensure under any 00:20:44.000 --> 00:20:47.000 circumstances make them pry it 00:20:47.000 --> 00:20:49.000 from your cold dead hands 00:20:49.000 --> 00:20:50.000 because now I have to go back 00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:53.000 and re-test and when I called 00:20:53.000 --> 00:20:55.000 the guy yeah I gotta re-test and 00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:56.000 when I called up there to the 00:20:56.000 --> 00:20:57.000 office I said well is there 00:20:57.000 --> 00:20:59.000 testing manuals for the three 00:20:59.000 --> 00:20:61.000 and he's like no that's really 00:21:01.000 --> 00:21:02.000 just based on professional 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:06.000 experience I was like oh great awesome 00:21:06.000 --> 00:21:09.000 so just keep that in mind 00:21:09.000 --> 00:21:11.000 if you earn something don't give 00:21:11.000 --> 00:21:14.000 it up so any questions about my 00:21:14.000 --> 00:21:15.000 professional experience I kind 00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:18.000 of did a glossy overview just 00:21:18.000 --> 00:21:19.000 in a nutshell if you think about 00:21:19.000 --> 00:21:22.000 it though I work for -- private 00:21:22.000 --> 00:21:26.000 for profit private nonprofit 00:21:26.000 --> 00:21:29.000 academic institutions -- and 00:21:29.000 --> 00:21:31.000 now I work for an EAP 00:21:31.000 --> 00:21:34.000 the question was which one of 00:21:34.000 --> 00:21:36.000 those was my favorites and 00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:37.000 my initial response was 00:21:37.000 --> 00:21:38.000 it's like picking out your 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:41.000 favorite child it's hard to say 00:21:41.000 --> 00:21:44.000 what I loved about working in 00:21:44.000 --> 00:21:45.000 a drug alcohol treatment center 00:21:45.000 --> 00:21:48.000 was just working you know 00:21:48.000 --> 00:21:49.000 just the work of it I can't 00:21:49.000 --> 00:21:52.000 explain it any other way like 00:21:52.000 --> 00:21:53.000 when you run into people who 00:21:53.000 --> 00:21:54.000 have denial like blocks of 00:21:54.000 --> 00:21:57.000 granite you know there's just 00:21:57.000 --> 00:21:59.000 something about that it's just 00:21:59.000 --> 00:21:61.000 chipping away and working and 00:22:01.000 --> 00:22:04.000 chipping away and working and 00:22:04.000 --> 00:22:07.000 it's a challenge and it's fun 00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:12.000 that student that I described 00:22:12.000 --> 00:22:13.000 I love that because it was 00:22:13.000 --> 00:22:15.000 helping people find answers 00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:17.000 inside of themselves that they 00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:19.000 didn't know they had they'd 00:22:19.000 --> 00:22:20.000 come in scared that they were 00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:21.000 gonna fail a class and we would 00:22:21.000 --> 00:22:24.000 just work together on finding 00:22:24.000 --> 00:22:25.000 that inside of themselves and 00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:27.000 finding solutions that they 00:22:27.000 --> 00:22:29.000 had inside of themselves -- 00:22:29.000 --> 00:22:31.000 I love this job because I really 00:22:31.000 --> 00:22:32.000 tip my hand it's because I'm 00:22:32.000 --> 00:22:34.000 back in the profession again 00:22:34.000 --> 00:22:36.000 as an older more experienced 00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:38.000 counselor and I really feel 00:22:38.000 --> 00:22:41.000 like okay I found some footing 00:22:41.000 --> 00:22:42.000 that was different when I was 00:22:42.000 --> 00:22:45.000 younger in the field and I just 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:47.000 love it it's just as always 00:22:47.000 --> 00:22:48.000 you now always kind open field 00:22:48.000 --> 00:22:52.000 running and really working on 00:22:52.000 --> 00:22:55.000 being present and just bearing 00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:57.000 witness to the experience 00:22:57.000 --> 00:22:59.000 of people in front of me and 00:22:59.000 --> 00:22:61.000 there's real power in that 00:23:01.000 --> 00:23:03.000 there's real meaning and 00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:05.000 value in that for them and for 00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:10.000 me -- so those that that's 00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:12.000 sort of in a nutshell -- there 00:23:12.000 --> 00:23:14.000 were none of those jobs that I 00:23:14.000 --> 00:23:16.000 would never do again I would 00:23:16.000 --> 00:23:19.000 do them all again thank you for 00:23:19.000 --> 00:23:20.000 asking I really appreciate that 00:23:20.000 --> 00:23:22.000 other other questions about 00:23:22.000 --> 00:23:25.000 just about my own experience 00:23:25.000 --> 00:23:27.000 okay so I understand that you all 00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:30.000 want to talk about burnout toast 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:33.000 is a food not a lifestyle 00:23:33.000 --> 00:23:35.000 the reason why I put that up there is 00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:36.000 that I'm going to kind of start 00:23:36.000 --> 00:23:38.000 off the jump with something I 00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:40.000 would caution you all against 00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:43.000 and I saw it in people that I 00:23:43.000 --> 00:23:46.000 worked with and it always makes 00:23:46.000 --> 00:23:47.000 me nervous if that person whose 00:23:47.000 --> 00:23:50.000 kind of almost proud of their 00:23:50.000 --> 00:23:53.000 burned-outness like I can 00:23:53.000 --> 00:23:54.000 survive any of this and I'm 00:23:54.000 --> 00:23:56.000 just going to keep on going 00:23:56.000 --> 00:23:59.000 no you're not you're just not 00:23:59.000 --> 00:23:63.000 you have to understand yourself 00:24:03.000 --> 00:24:05.000 you have to know what that 00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:07.000 feels like inside of you and 00:24:07.000 --> 00:24:09.000 so I might just ask you right 00:24:09.000 --> 00:24:12.000 now when you're getting to 00:24:12.000 --> 00:24:14.000 a space in grad school we're 00:24:14.000 --> 00:24:16.000 starting to feel burned out and 00:24:16.000 --> 00:24:18.000 I'm asking for your responses 00:24:18.000 --> 00:24:20.000 so you get to talk how do you 00:24:20.000 --> 00:24:23.000 know physically how do you know 00:24:23.000 --> 00:24:25.000 when you're getting burned out 00:24:25.000 --> 00:24:26.000 okay you start to forget things 00:24:26.000 --> 00:24:27.000 and that's a sign for you that 00:24:27.000 --> 00:24:29.000 you're getting burned out okay 00:24:29.000 --> 00:24:31.000 forgetfulness okay you become 00:24:31.000 --> 00:24:32.000 more frustrated near double 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:33.000 you start to feel burned out 00:24:33.000 --> 00:24:35.000 that's the sign that's one 00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:37.000 of your first signs so somebody 00:24:37.000 --> 00:24:38.000 says good morning and you say 00:24:38.000 --> 00:24:40.000 what is that supposed to mean 00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:42.000 something like that I'm I'm 00:24:42.000 --> 00:24:43.000 being a little facetious knows 00:24:43.000 --> 00:24:44.000 humor laugh at the jokes guys because 00:24:44.000 --> 00:24:46.000 this is going to be from okay 00:24:46.000 --> 00:24:49.000 you get emotionally blunted 00:24:49.000 --> 00:24:51.000 you lose your compassion yeah 00:24:51.000 --> 00:24:53.000 yeah okay we shutdown and 00:24:53.000 --> 00:24:54.000 isolate okay other people 00:24:54.000 --> 00:24:55.000 had their hands up who else 00:24:55.000 --> 00:24:57.000 is yeah go ahead okay you 00:24:57.000 --> 00:24:58.000 start to feel physically and 00:24:58.000 --> 00:24:60.000 emotionally exhausted okay 00:25:00.000 --> 00:25:02.000 why are you putting your socks on wrong 00:25:02.000 --> 00:25:03.000 do that right and then you 00:25:03.000 --> 00:25:05.000 start to see it now burnout 00:25:05.000 --> 00:25:07.000 is when you do that and you 00:25:07.000 --> 00:25:08.000 don't see it when she searched 00:25:08.000 --> 00:25:11.000 over book her calendar and she 00:25:11.000 --> 00:25:13.000 knows she's busy but she 00:25:13.000 --> 00:25:15.000 she keeps on doing it she's a 00:25:15.000 --> 00:25:16.000 person that enjoys herself and 00:25:16.000 --> 00:25:18.000 enjoys her life and that she 00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:19.000 knows that she's getting to 00:25:19.000 --> 00:25:22.000 burnout when she's unpleasant 00:25:22.000 --> 00:25:23.000 to be around and it's very 00:25:23.000 --> 00:25:25.000 obvious to other people okay 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:27.000 she said she's indifferent and 00:25:27.000 --> 00:25:30.000 she loses her filter this 00:25:30.000 --> 00:25:32.000 person said that they start eat 00:25:32.000 --> 00:25:33.000 junk food or things aren't 00:25:33.000 --> 00:25:34.000 healthy for them and that 00:25:34.000 --> 00:25:36.000 that's a warning sign after 00:25:36.000 --> 00:25:37.000 several days of doing that 00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:39.000 that they know that they're 00:25:39.000 --> 00:25:40.000 starting to get to a place of 00:25:40.000 --> 00:25:45.000 burnout okay so there are a 00:25:45.000 --> 00:25:47.000 couple of things with this the 00:25:47.000 --> 00:25:49.000 first one to remember is this 00:25:49.000 --> 00:25:52.000 is that if you do it now you 00:25:52.000 --> 00:25:53.000 will do it when you're out in the 00:25:53.000 --> 00:25:55.000 professional lives it does not 00:25:55.000 --> 00:25:58.000 change so it's important to 00:25:58.000 --> 00:25:61.000 note these symptoms now let me 00:26:01.000 --> 00:26:03.000 share let me share mine with 00:26:03.000 --> 00:26:04.000 you when I said that the judge 00:26:04.000 --> 00:26:05.000 a twenty eight day treatment 00:26:05.000 --> 00:26:07.000 center in my first job I hit 00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:08.000 the ground running you know I 00:26:08.000 --> 00:26:10.000 really worked in a locked site you know 00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:11.000 locked sites by the way you're 00:26:11.000 --> 00:26:14.000 really used to stopping at doors 00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:15.000 even if they're not locked like 00:26:15.000 --> 00:26:17.000 I'm at Target and I stop at the door 00:26:17.000 --> 00:26:19.000 my buddies are like no really 00:26:19.000 --> 00:26:20.000 this one doesn't need a key let's 00:26:20.000 --> 00:26:22.000 just go on in but -- because 00:26:22.000 --> 00:26:23.000 they have big magnets on the 00:26:23.000 --> 00:26:25.000 doors you have to unlock them 00:26:31.000 --> 00:26:32.000 this job is like well I know 00:26:32.000 --> 00:26:33.000 myself and I'm going to be 00:26:33.000 --> 00:26:35.000 just fine I'm gonna hit the ground 00:26:35.000 --> 00:26:36.000 running and I'm not gonna make 00:26:36.000 --> 00:26:37.000 any of these mistakes and get 00:26:37.000 --> 00:26:39.000 burned out except I forgot one 00:26:39.000 --> 00:26:41.000 thing that after about four 00:26:41.000 --> 00:26:43.000 months I probably needed to take 00:26:43.000 --> 00:26:46.000 a vacation day but how that 00:26:46.000 --> 00:26:48.000 started to play out for me was is 00:26:48.000 --> 00:26:51.000 I just started to get grumpy 00:26:51.000 --> 00:26:52.000 like little things started to 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:55.000 really make me angry the just 00:26:55.000 --> 00:26:56.000 two weeks ago hadn't bothered 00:26:56.000 --> 00:26:58.000 me at all three weeks ago or 00:26:58.000 --> 00:26:61.000 that I couldn't focus I was 00:27:01.000 --> 00:27:02.000 supposed to be typing notes 00:27:02.000 --> 00:27:04.000 in my office and I was just 00:27:04.000 --> 00:27:05.000 sitting there thinking I don't 00:27:05.000 --> 00:27:08.000 know how I'm going to finish all this 00:27:08.000 --> 00:27:10.000 all of a sudden I just it just 00:27:10.000 --> 00:27:12.000 from nowhere came to my head 00:27:12.000 --> 00:27:14.000 oh wait I've been here for six 00:27:14.000 --> 00:27:15.000 months and I am taking a day 00:27:15.000 --> 00:27:17.000 off that might be a really good 00:27:17.000 --> 00:27:21.000 idea so I did we'll talk about 00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:24.000 what to do on a day off -- 00:27:24.000 --> 00:27:26.000 later but and then it was okay 00:27:26.000 --> 00:27:28.000 I just kind of jump back in a 00:27:28.000 --> 00:27:29.000 and said oh okay so I had a chance 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:32.000 to take a deep breath so these 00:27:32.000 --> 00:27:34.000 things that you're describing 00:27:34.000 --> 00:27:35.000 you already know what your 00:27:35.000 --> 00:27:38.000 burnout symptoms are the cool 00:27:38.000 --> 00:27:39.000 part and the responsibility 00:27:39.000 --> 00:27:42.000 part is to note that when 00:27:42.000 --> 00:27:44.000 they're starting to happen 00:27:44.000 --> 00:27:45.000 and then do something about 00:27:45.000 --> 00:27:49.000 it okay we talk about this 00:27:49.000 --> 00:27:51.000 all the time in our profession 00:27:51.000 --> 00:27:53.000 you now it was mentioned in the 00:27:53.000 --> 00:27:54.000 beginning you know when we talk 00:27:54.000 --> 00:27:55.000 about self care and that's I'm 00:27:55.000 --> 00:27:56.000 not I'm not a big fan of that 00:27:56.000 --> 00:27:59.000 expression by the way but it's 00:27:59.000 --> 00:27:61.000 just it's just doing stuff 00:28:01.000 --> 00:28:03.000 you like how about that 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:04.000 I'm a big fan of doing stuff 00:28:04.000 --> 00:28:06.000 you like because you want 00:28:06.000 --> 00:28:08.000 to do it and there's something really 00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:11.000 powerful in this you're gonna 00:28:11.000 --> 00:28:13.000 run into a moment when you're 00:28:13.000 --> 00:28:16.000 going to be talking to a client 00:28:16.000 --> 00:28:18.000 about treating themselves 00:28:18.000 --> 00:28:23.000 with dignity and respect 00:28:23.000 --> 00:28:27.000 ask yourself the same question 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:30.000 do you treat yourself with 00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:31.000 the dignity and respect 00:28:31.000 --> 00:28:37.000 that says I need to stop 00:28:37.000 --> 00:28:40.000 yes or no -- and so that's 00:28:40.000 --> 00:28:41.000 an interesting question to 00:28:41.000 --> 00:28:43.000 start asking yourself because 00:28:43.000 --> 00:28:46.000 if we if we are encouraging 00:28:46.000 --> 00:28:48.000 the people that we work with 00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:51.000 to treat themselves that way 00:28:51.000 --> 00:28:53.000 we should treat ourselves that 00:28:53.000 --> 00:28:55.000 way if for no other reason 00:28:55.000 --> 00:28:58.000 than it's well I have some 00:28:58.000 --> 00:28:61.000 experience with this yeah 00:29:01.000 --> 00:29:02.000 and you don't make the 00:29:02.000 --> 00:29:03.000 session about you but when 00:29:03.000 --> 00:29:05.000 you think that you know it's 00:29:05.000 --> 00:29:07.000 happens I'll start to talk about 00:29:07.000 --> 00:29:08.000 your what would you like to 00:29:08.000 --> 00:29:10.000 do and I'll start thinking 00:29:10.000 --> 00:29:13.000 about what I like to do 00:29:13.000 --> 00:29:14.000 and that comes out and when I 00:29:14.000 --> 00:29:15.000 talk about it right there's a 00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:17.000 genuineness wow I'm 00:29:17.000 --> 00:29:18.000 thinking about the stuff that 00:29:18.000 --> 00:29:19.000 I really like to do and they're 00:29:19.000 --> 00:29:20.000 telling me this and then we're 00:29:20.000 --> 00:29:23.000 doing therapeutic alliance and 00:29:23.000 --> 00:29:24.000 this energy kinda starts to build 00:29:24.000 --> 00:29:25.000 I take pictures and some of 00:29:25.000 --> 00:29:30.000 them are in my office and say yeah I 00:29:30.000 --> 00:29:31.000 you know and so this energy 00:29:31.000 --> 00:29:33.000 starts to kind of flow because 00:29:33.000 --> 00:29:35.000 I have experience for taking 00:29:35.000 --> 00:29:38.000 care of myself it's not on page 00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:39.000 three hundred sixty two in the 00:29:39.000 --> 00:29:42.000 Corey book hey Corey says I need to 00:29:42.000 --> 00:29:45.000 do this this is nice -- so that's 00:29:45.000 --> 00:29:47.000 the thing to start thinking 00:29:47.000 --> 00:29:50.000 for yourselves and there is a 00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:52.000 there is an activity here that 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:55.000 I did I did that -- there's 00:29:55.000 --> 00:29:59.000 actually two parts -- and I 00:29:59.000 --> 00:29:62.000 was yes that was long no it's 00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:03.000 just one part it's the hobbies 00:30:03.000 --> 00:30:05.000 and interests we're going to 00:30:05.000 --> 00:30:06.000 do is get that page out right 00:30:06.000 --> 00:30:10.000 now and I want you to list some 00:30:10.000 --> 00:30:12.000 you will not be judged later 00:30:12.000 --> 00:30:15.000 on your hobbies and interests 00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:18.000 so once you get done writing 00:30:18.000 --> 00:30:19.000 your hobbies and interests 00:30:19.000 --> 00:30:21.000 down I didn't put a spot 00:30:21.000 --> 00:30:22.000 for it because I didn't want to 00:30:22.000 --> 00:30:24.000 tip my hand I want to to on 00:30:24.000 --> 00:30:25.000 the right side there put 00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:29.000 the last time you did it 00:30:29.000 --> 00:30:32.000 think about that 00:30:32.000 --> 00:30:35.000 what unintentionally may 00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:37.000 be happening there is that 00:30:37.000 --> 00:30:39.000 we're giving ourselves 00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:41.000 inside into when was 00:30:41.000 --> 00:30:45.000 the last time we stopped 00:30:45.000 --> 00:30:47.000 and really did something 00:30:47.000 --> 00:30:48.000 it had meaning and value 00:30:48.000 --> 00:30:54.000 for us that nourished us 00:30:54.000 --> 00:30:56.000 it might be really useful to ask why 00:30:56.000 --> 00:30:58.000 and that's one to answer 00:30:58.000 --> 00:30:59.000 in this room I wouldn't 00:30:59.000 --> 00:30:62.000 do that all of you -- because 00:31:02.000 --> 00:31:03.000 I was asked that question in a 00:31:03.000 --> 00:31:05.000 classroom and I was in my early 00:31:05.000 --> 00:31:06.000 thirties in grad school I was like I'm not 00:31:06.000 --> 00:31:10.000 gonna answer that but -- that's something 00:31:10.000 --> 00:31:13.000 to start thinking about because 00:31:13.000 --> 00:31:15.000 if you're doing it now you'll 00:31:15.000 --> 00:31:18.000 do it when you're professional 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:20.000 but the good news is is that 00:31:20.000 --> 00:31:21.000 you can do the opposite right 00:31:21.000 --> 00:31:23.000 my favorite Seinfeld episode 00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:27.000 the whole episode and all 00:31:27.000 --> 00:31:29.000 these good things happen so 00:31:29.000 --> 00:31:32.000 it's the same for us we start 00:31:32.000 --> 00:31:37.000 to make time for ourselves for 00:31:37.000 --> 00:31:39.000 the same reason that I talked 00:31:39.000 --> 00:31:40.000 about before if I'm sitting in a 00:31:40.000 --> 00:31:41.000 room with somebody and they're 00:31:41.000 --> 00:31:42.000 all burned out and I'm talking 00:31:42.000 --> 00:31:43.000 about this and it has meaning 00:31:43.000 --> 00:31:45.000 and value and you know you 00:31:45.000 --> 00:31:46.000 you have self free agency in 00:31:46.000 --> 00:31:48.000 your life and you can decide 00:31:48.000 --> 00:31:49.000 and let's talk about when you 00:31:49.000 --> 00:31:50.000 can make time in your what 00:31:50.000 --> 00:31:51.000 would that look like for you 00:31:51.000 --> 00:31:54.000 all that kind of good stuff 00:31:54.000 --> 00:31:55.000 should I be doing that for 00:31:55.000 --> 00:31:58.000 myself she asked how do you 00:31:58.000 --> 00:31:60.000 combat the struggle with 00:32:02.000 --> 00:32:03.000 as a millennial struggle of 00:32:03.000 --> 00:32:06.000 calling into work sick so I 00:32:06.000 --> 00:32:09.000 struggle with the same thing 00:32:09.000 --> 00:32:11.000 within our profession that 00:32:11.000 --> 00:32:13.000 is a universal struggle so 00:32:13.000 --> 00:32:15.000 first of all be comforted 00:32:15.000 --> 00:32:16.000 in the idea that you're not 00:32:16.000 --> 00:32:20.000 alone in that -- also be aware 00:32:20.000 --> 00:32:22.000 that that's not the healthiest 00:32:22.000 --> 00:32:24.000 drive what we're telling 00:32:24.000 --> 00:32:27.000 ourselves unintentionally 00:32:27.000 --> 00:32:29.000 is that the needs of 00:32:29.000 --> 00:32:33.000 others come before our own 00:32:33.000 --> 00:32:34.000 I'm I'm not gonna get into 00:32:34.000 --> 00:32:35.000 that the grinding out details 00:32:35.000 --> 00:32:37.000 in my professional life of 00:32:37.000 --> 00:32:38.000 moments when I've been at 00:32:38.000 --> 00:32:40.000 that juncture but what I will 00:32:40.000 --> 00:32:41.000 tell you in a broad sense is 00:32:41.000 --> 00:32:44.000 is that when I pick I'm sick 00:32:44.000 --> 00:32:45.000 and I need to take a day off 00:32:45.000 --> 00:32:47.000 because I'm sick and I get 00:32:47.000 --> 00:32:50.000 better it is always a healthier 00:32:50.000 --> 00:32:54.000 choice for me than well my boss 00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:59.000 would be mad so I better go 00:32:59.000 --> 00:32:60.000 you're talking also about 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:01.000 a very important boundary 00:33:01.000 --> 00:33:02.000 issue and I don't think we 00:33:02.000 --> 00:33:06.000 talk about this a lot it goes 00:33:06.000 --> 00:33:08.000 back to that that old crusty 00:33:08.000 --> 00:33:09.000 counselor I talked about at the 00:33:09.000 --> 00:33:11.000 very beginning you know -- 00:33:11.000 --> 00:33:14.000 you know I'll just figure it out 00:33:14.000 --> 00:33:15.000 and I'm gonna get through and 00:33:15.000 --> 00:33:17.000 I once saw 80 people in a week good 00:33:17.000 --> 00:33:19.000 for you -- do you remember any of it 00:33:19.000 --> 00:33:23.000 but but so there's that part 00:33:23.000 --> 00:33:24.000 of it is they want to deflect 00:33:24.000 --> 00:33:27.000 our own feelings by wearing 00:33:27.000 --> 00:33:30.000 that persona right that I can 00:33:30.000 --> 00:33:32.000 handle this all by myself and I 00:33:32.000 --> 00:33:33.000 don't need help around the day 00:33:33.000 --> 00:33:35.000 off work this fear that you're 00:33:35.000 --> 00:33:37.000 talking about for me that 00:33:37.000 --> 00:33:40.000 manifests in things around you know 00:33:40.000 --> 00:33:41.000 things that I need to work on 00:33:41.000 --> 00:33:43.000 inside of myself in it's the usual 00:33:43.000 --> 00:33:46.000 suspects right shame guilt 00:33:46.000 --> 00:33:48.000 a little codependency sprinkling 00:33:48.000 --> 00:33:50.000 there for fun you know just 00:33:50.000 --> 00:33:53.000 what is my boundary 00:33:53.000 --> 00:33:55.000 and so that's another great 00:33:55.000 --> 00:33:57.000 place to start with burnout 00:33:57.000 --> 00:33:59.000 it's starting to ask yourselves now 00:33:59.000 --> 00:33:63.000 where do I end and other 00:34:03.000 --> 00:34:05.000 people begin in my counseling 00:34:05.000 --> 00:34:08.000 profession and we can't leave 00:34:08.000 --> 00:34:10.000 that to our supervisors or 00:34:10.000 --> 00:34:12.000 coworkers to decide for us 00:34:12.000 --> 00:34:13.000 because they will not decide in 00:34:13.000 --> 00:34:16.000 our best interests why because 00:34:16.000 --> 00:34:17.000 it's our best interests are 00:34:17.000 --> 00:34:20.000 not their best interests even 00:34:20.000 --> 00:34:21.000 if they're great supervisors 00:34:21.000 --> 00:34:23.000 or great coworkers it's not 00:34:23.000 --> 00:34:26.000 our job to decide that for us 00:34:29.000 --> 00:34:31.000 year old daughter and seven 00:34:31.000 --> 00:34:33.000 sorry she would be very offended 00:34:33.000 --> 00:34:35.000 seven year old daughter and 00:34:35.000 --> 00:34:37.000 she got sick about five days 00:34:37.000 --> 00:34:39.000 later I got sick well I got 00:34:39.000 --> 00:34:40.000 sick and then a week later I 00:34:40.000 --> 00:34:44.000 taken a PTO day off and for 00:34:44.000 --> 00:34:46.000 about ten minutes I was like 00:34:46.000 --> 00:34:47.000 oh my god what are they all 00:34:47.000 --> 00:34:48.000 going to think they don't 00:34:48.000 --> 00:34:49.000 think I'm really sick they 00:34:49.000 --> 00:34:50.000 think I'm faking it and I'm 00:34:50.000 --> 00:34:53.000 then I had to take this PTO and ahh 00:34:53.000 --> 00:34:58.000 right we're all gonna die -- 00:34:58.000 --> 00:34:59.000 was I comfortable was I 00:34:59.000 --> 00:34:60.000 comfortable with the decision 00:35:00.000 --> 00:35:03.000 making there yeah I was 00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:04.000 really sick it was better 00:35:04.000 --> 00:35:07.000 that I was not in the office 00:35:07.000 --> 00:35:09.000 I had scheduled that day off 00:35:09.000 --> 00:35:12.000 for myself months in advance 00:35:12.000 --> 00:35:14.000 so it's okay and people get to 00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:17.000 think and feel about that 00:35:17.000 --> 00:35:18.000 whatever they're gonna think 00:35:18.000 --> 00:35:20.000 and feel you also kind of 00:35:20.000 --> 00:35:24.000 touched on a subtle thing 00:35:24.000 --> 00:35:25.000 what does thirteen counselors 00:35:25.000 --> 00:35:28.000 in a room look like when 00:35:28.000 --> 00:35:29.000 you're at a staff meeting 00:35:29.000 --> 00:35:30.000 I mean I don't mean like 00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:32.000 here I mean like you're in a 00:35:32.000 --> 00:35:33.000 staff meeting and there are 00:35:33.000 --> 00:35:35.000 thirteen counselors in there 00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:38.000 just sort of let the analyzing 00:35:38.000 --> 00:35:41.000 begin and so everybody has 00:35:41.000 --> 00:35:42.000 an opinion yeah often times 00:35:42.000 --> 00:35:43.000 everybody has an opinion 00:35:43.000 --> 00:35:45.000 everybody will have a thought 00:35:45.000 --> 00:35:47.000 but are you okay with your 00:35:47.000 --> 00:35:49.000 decision making and you have 00:35:49.000 --> 00:35:51.000 to be okay I can't tell you 00:35:51.000 --> 00:35:52.000 what's right or wrong I mean 00:35:52.000 --> 00:35:53.000 I have my own moral compass I 00:35:53.000 --> 00:35:54.000 have my own ethical decision 00:35:54.000 --> 00:35:56.000 making process if I can check 00:35:56.000 --> 00:35:58.000 all those boxes yes yes yes 00:35:58.000 --> 00:35:61.000 yes yes okay if my boss has 00:36:01.000 --> 00:36:03.000 a problem they can avail my 00:36:03.000 --> 00:36:04.000 they can avail themselves 00:36:04.000 --> 00:36:05.000 of the process of calling me 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:08.000 in and having a conversation 00:36:08.000 --> 00:36:09.000 and so that's that's what I 00:36:09.000 --> 00:36:10.000 would suggest is that does that 00:36:10.000 --> 00:36:13.000 make sense is that okay okay 00:36:14.000 --> 00:36:16.000 because we never talk about 00:36:16.000 --> 00:36:18.000 it we never talk about how to 00:36:18.000 --> 00:36:21.000 navigate these things -- other 00:36:21.000 --> 00:36:23.000 questions about along what 00:36:23.000 --> 00:36:24.000 she asked or just other kinds 00:36:24.000 --> 00:36:25.000 of questions she asked how people 00:36:25.000 --> 00:36:27.000 view me as a person-centered 00:36:27.000 --> 00:36:28.000 counselor you mean coworkers 00:36:28.000 --> 00:36:33.000 or clients I have no idea 00:36:33.000 --> 00:36:37.000 because I don't ask them 00:36:40.000 --> 00:36:42.000 about before about kind of 00:36:42.000 --> 00:36:43.000 getting under me getting 00:36:43.000 --> 00:36:45.000 my feet underneath me getting 00:36:45.000 --> 00:36:47.000 planted it's like this is my 00:36:47.000 --> 00:36:48.000 philosophy yeah you heard it 00:36:48.000 --> 00:36:52.000 I mean I tip my hand -- so 00:36:52.000 --> 00:36:53.000 that's what I'm comfortable 00:36:53.000 --> 00:36:57.000 with that's who I am and so my 00:36:57.000 --> 00:36:58.000 counseling theories and natural 00:36:58.000 --> 00:36:60.000 extension of Steve -- I'm 00:37:00.000 --> 00:37:02.000 I'm being presenter 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:05.000 Steve but counselor Steve is 00:37:05.000 --> 00:37:07.000 fairly similar yeah I like to 00:37:07.000 --> 00:37:10.000 be relaxed I like to I like to 00:37:10.000 --> 00:37:11.000 to not make inappropriate humor 00:37:11.000 --> 00:37:13.000 but when it fits you make jokes 00:37:13.000 --> 00:37:15.000 and and and try to win win 00:37:15.000 --> 00:37:17.000 when there's humor it seems 00:37:17.000 --> 00:37:18.000 to work in there I 00:37:18.000 --> 00:37:20.000 also like to be very serious 00:37:20.000 --> 00:37:21.000 and talk you know talk about 00:37:21.000 --> 00:37:23.000 what our goals and how we want 00:37:23.000 --> 00:37:25.000 to do things I like it to be 00:37:25.000 --> 00:37:26.000 relaxed because people are 00:37:26.000 --> 00:37:31.000 coming in under duress and so 00:37:31.000 --> 00:37:34.000 doesn't help for me to be like 00:37:34.000 --> 00:37:36.000 what do you want to talk about today you know 00:37:36.000 --> 00:37:37.000 like being stressed out because 00:37:37.000 --> 00:37:38.000 it comes off you in waves and 00:37:38.000 --> 00:37:41.000 they feel it it's also a little 00:37:41.000 --> 00:37:42.000 unnerving to be under under 00:37:42.000 --> 00:37:43.000 duress and have your counselor 00:37:43.000 --> 00:37:46.000 be more nervous than you but 00:37:46.000 --> 00:37:48.000 but I thought when I was a 00:37:48.000 --> 00:37:51.000 younger counselor I was very 00:37:51.000 --> 00:37:52.000 concerned about that if I go 00:37:52.000 --> 00:37:54.000 back in time and change that I 00:37:54.000 --> 00:37:60.000 would you are who you are trust 00:38:00.000 --> 00:38:05.000 your guts trust your intuition 00:38:05.000 --> 00:38:08.000 it's okay to make mistakes 00:38:08.000 --> 00:38:12.000 it's okay I was that was not 00:38:12.000 --> 00:38:13.000 the messaging I necessarily 00:38:13.000 --> 00:38:15.000 received you will make a mistake 00:38:15.000 --> 00:38:17.000 with the person and then you 00:38:17.000 --> 00:38:18.000 get to be a human being and 00:38:18.000 --> 00:38:21.000 go back and repair that -- 00:38:21.000 --> 00:38:25.000 we deal with very serious 00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:26.000 things in our profession I 00:38:26.000 --> 00:38:27.000 mentioned before probably a third 00:38:27.000 --> 00:38:28.000 of the clients that I worked with 00:38:28.000 --> 00:38:29.000 drug and alcohol treatment are 00:38:29.000 --> 00:38:32.000 dead because they OD 00:38:32.000 --> 00:38:33.000 or they wrap their car 00:38:33.000 --> 00:38:34.000 around a tree where 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:38.000 they shot too much dope 00:38:38.000 --> 00:38:42.000 that's what we do but I would 00:38:42.000 --> 00:38:44.000 also say that very rarely if 00:38:44.000 --> 00:38:46.000 I'm an ethical practice could 00:38:46.000 --> 00:38:48.000 I take if I am an ethical 00:38:48.000 --> 00:38:51.000 practice and I'm being very 00:38:51.000 --> 00:38:53.000 professional on my work but 00:38:53.000 --> 00:38:55.000 there is not much I can do 00:38:55.000 --> 00:38:56.000 to break another human right 00:38:56.000 --> 00:38:59.000 to trigger or cause 00:38:59.000 --> 00:38:60.000 a person to make a very 00:39:00.000 --> 00:39:03.000 serious life decisions and I want to 00:39:03.000 --> 00:39:05.000 be careful about how I say that 00:39:05.000 --> 00:39:07.000 but get very careful about 00:39:07.000 --> 00:39:10.000 how you say things -- but I 00:39:10.000 --> 00:39:14.000 I feel that way I didn't 00:39:14.000 --> 00:39:15.000 it's you know I feel like if 00:39:15.000 --> 00:39:16.000 somebody is struggling with 00:39:16.000 --> 00:39:19.000 the question of suicide they 00:39:19.000 --> 00:39:20.000 entered my office with that 00:39:20.000 --> 00:39:23.000 question if I handle that question 00:39:23.000 --> 00:39:26.000 professionally and responsibly 00:39:26.000 --> 00:39:29.000 and they make a decision 00:39:29.000 --> 00:39:32.000 it's tragic and horrible 00:39:35.000 --> 00:39:36.000 but but the other thing about 00:39:36.000 --> 00:39:38.000 that is that I can't go back 00:39:38.000 --> 00:39:39.000 and I can ask other people 00:39:39.000 --> 00:39:40.000 to tell me if I was right or 00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:43.000 wrong I can't spend my time 00:39:43.000 --> 00:39:46.000 in a door frame of an office 00:39:46.000 --> 00:39:49.000 asking people to kind of 00:39:49.000 --> 00:39:51.000 support me there are times when 00:39:51.000 --> 00:39:54.000 I need support there are times 00:39:54.000 --> 00:39:55.000 when I'm struggling or have 00:39:55.000 --> 00:39:57.000 questions or or had emotionally 00:39:57.000 --> 00:39:58.000 tough thing happen in the 00:39:58.000 --> 00:39:61.000 office you know I had had so 00:40:01.000 --> 00:40:05.000 I've had people the very first 00:40:05.000 --> 00:40:07.000 late night crisis call ever 00:40:07.000 --> 00:40:08.000 took at that -- ah locked 00:40:08.000 --> 00:40:10.000 site center was a woman in her 00:40:10.000 --> 00:40:14.000 garage with the door down with 00:40:14.000 --> 00:40:17.000 the engine on and she's talking 00:40:17.000 --> 00:40:20.000 on the phone yeah ahh and 00:40:20.000 --> 00:40:24.000 this -- this is my second day 00:40:24.000 --> 00:40:27.000 ahh turn the car off -- and so 00:40:27.000 --> 00:40:31.000 so it was be present work with 00:40:31.000 --> 00:40:32.000 this person work with this person 00:40:32.000 --> 00:40:35.000 be present be present 00:40:35.000 --> 00:40:37.000 be present and then I went 00:40:37.000 --> 00:40:39.000 back and I talked to them I 00:40:39.000 --> 00:40:40.000 talk to professionals about 00:40:40.000 --> 00:40:41.000 what happened and how I was 00:40:41.000 --> 00:40:46.000 feeling but at some point 00:40:46.000 --> 00:40:48.000 we have we work on trusting 00:40:48.000 --> 00:40:52.000 ourselves and believing in 00:40:52.000 --> 00:40:53.000 this thing in here and that's 00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:55.000 how I think of it like 00:40:55.000 --> 00:40:56.000 I can't I wish I could ahh 00:40:56.000 --> 00:40:58.000 because I'm person-centered and I care 00:40:58.000 --> 00:40:59.000 about your feelings and all 00:40:59.000 --> 00:40:60.000 that other kind of stuff 00:41:00.000 --> 00:41:02.000 I'm not a I'm not Beck 00:41:02.000 --> 00:41:04.000 I can't like quantify well 00:41:04.000 --> 00:41:06.000 you know it's A B and C 00:41:08.000 --> 00:41:10.000 but it's a sense inside of me 00:41:10.000 --> 00:41:13.000 it's like I'm present with these 00:41:13.000 --> 00:41:15.000 people we're in the canoe 00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:17.000 I'm in the back I'm making 00:41:17.000 --> 00:41:19.000 decisions that are useful and 00:41:19.000 --> 00:41:20.000 we're just going to keep moving 00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:23.000 forward in this process and 00:41:23.000 --> 00:41:25.000 to the best of my ability in 00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:26.000 the moment I believe what I 00:41:26.000 --> 00:41:29.000 am doing is is ethical and the 00:41:29.000 --> 00:41:33.000 best way to move forward -- and 00:41:33.000 --> 00:41:34.000 I would suggest a for all of you 00:41:34.000 --> 00:41:36.000 you can save yourself some 00:41:36.000 --> 00:41:40.000 time that I wish I had back 00:41:40.000 --> 00:41:43.000 around self doubt around you 00:41:43.000 --> 00:41:44.000 know going to going to other 00:41:44.000 --> 00:41:47.000 professionals or I'm in a 00:41:47.000 --> 00:41:48.000 treatment team meeting and somebody 00:41:48.000 --> 00:41:50.000 says something and I think well why 00:41:50.000 --> 00:41:52.000 didn't I think of that because I'm 00:41:52.000 --> 00:41:55.000 not them it's just that simple 00:41:55.000 --> 00:41:58.000 I'm just not them and so this 00:41:58.000 --> 00:41:60.000 this as soon as I really started 00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:03.000 to have to trust this thing 00:42:03.000 --> 00:42:05.000 and trust myself that's when 00:42:05.000 --> 00:42:07.000 stuff really started to happen 00:42:07.000 --> 00:42:09.000 you know when Carl Rogers talks 00:42:09.000 --> 00:42:12.000 about genuineness he came out 00:42:12.000 --> 00:42:13.000 of an era when there was like 00:42:13.000 --> 00:42:15.000 all that I mean like stereotype 00:42:15.000 --> 00:42:17.000 Freudian like you know like sitting 00:42:17.000 --> 00:42:19.000 on your own when you're on 00:42:19.000 --> 00:42:20.000 the couch and how long have 00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:22.000 you lost your Mother so 00:42:22.000 --> 00:42:24.000 he was talking about genuineness 00:42:24.000 --> 00:42:27.000 just being in a room right 00:42:27.000 --> 00:42:29.000 but for us fifty or sixty 00:42:29.000 --> 00:42:30.000 years after that revolution 00:42:30.000 --> 00:42:33.000 started genuineness is trusting 00:42:33.000 --> 00:42:38.000 ourselves being ourselves 00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:40.000 because in the end that's what 00:42:40.000 --> 00:42:41.000 they want they want somebody 00:42:41.000 --> 00:42:42.000 sitting with them listening 00:42:42.000 --> 00:42:44.000 to them and being present 00:42:44.000 --> 00:42:45.000 and being genuine now that's 00:42:45.000 --> 00:42:47.000 counselor Steve genuine that's 00:42:47.000 --> 00:42:50.000 not Steve Steve Steve Steve is 00:42:50.000 --> 00:42:54.000 who my wife and my daughter get 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:56.000 but there is this person is 00:42:56.000 --> 00:42:57.000 counselor Steve that they get 00:42:57.000 --> 00:42:58.000 and they get a hundred percent 00:42:58.000 --> 00:42:62.000 of that while I'm there that's 00:43:02.000 --> 00:43:03.000 the other trick and I hope 00:43:03.000 --> 00:43:05.000 you guys don't mind I'm just sort of 00:43:05.000 --> 00:43:08.000 when I get in the car 00:43:08.000 --> 00:43:12.000 the meter stops right and I don't 00:43:12.000 --> 00:43:14.000 mean that like an insensitive 00:43:14.000 --> 00:43:15.000 way these people are going 00:43:15.000 --> 00:43:16.000 through horrible terrible things 00:43:16.000 --> 00:43:17.000 in their lives sometimes things 00:43:17.000 --> 00:43:19.000 that I don't want to repeat 00:43:19.000 --> 00:43:22.000 because they are the worse 00:43:22.000 --> 00:43:25.000 kinds of things you can imagine 00:43:25.000 --> 00:43:28.000 but then I have a life 00:43:28.000 --> 00:43:29.000 and again it goes back to 00:43:29.000 --> 00:43:31.000 giving them value and respect 00:43:31.000 --> 00:43:34.000 I'm I as professional 00:43:34.000 --> 00:43:35.000 go in an office and I spend 00:43:35.000 --> 00:43:37.000 eight hours ten hours a day 00:43:37.000 --> 00:43:38.000 working with these people 00:43:38.000 --> 00:43:40.000 and I show them I show 00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:42.000 them respect and by being 00:43:42.000 --> 00:43:44.000 by listening to them truly 00:43:44.000 --> 00:43:47.000 genuinely listening to them 00:43:47.000 --> 00:43:48.000 doesn't my family 00:43:48.000 --> 00:43:52.000 deserve the same thing 00:43:52.000 --> 00:43:54.000 don't they have the right 00:43:54.000 --> 00:43:57.000 to have me as well so on 00:43:57.000 --> 00:43:60.000 the car ride home I unzip 00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:02.000 to Steve counselor suit put 00:44:02.000 --> 00:44:04.000 it in the back of the car 00:44:04.000 --> 00:44:07.000 and I become Dad I intentionally 00:44:07.000 --> 00:44:09.000 try to do something goofy and 00:44:09.000 --> 00:44:11.000 funny with my daughter who 00:44:11.000 --> 00:44:13.000 has no idea what happens out 00:44:13.000 --> 00:44:16.000 there in the world sometimes none nor 00:44:16.000 --> 00:44:19.000 should she because she's seven 00:44:19.000 --> 00:44:21.000 nor should I take that home 00:44:21.000 --> 00:44:24.000 because she's seven and for her 00:44:24.000 --> 00:44:26.000 it like begins and ends with 00:44:26.000 --> 00:44:30.000 the Muppets as it should and 00:44:30.000 --> 00:44:34.000 my wife who she has she has 00:44:34.000 --> 00:44:35.000 a master's degree in applied 00:44:35.000 --> 00:44:37.000 economics so you can imagine 00:44:37.000 --> 00:44:39.000 how interesting yeah person- 00:44:39.000 --> 00:44:40.000 centered I care about your 00:44:40.000 --> 00:44:43.000 feelings and applied economics 00:44:43.000 --> 00:44:45.000 and she does phone volume she 00:44:45.000 --> 00:44:47.000 measures phone volume for large 00:44:47.000 --> 00:44:48.000 multinational corporations like 00:44:48.000 --> 00:44:49.000 they have phone centers where 00:44:49.000 --> 00:44:52.000 people call in that's what she 00:44:52.000 --> 00:44:54.000 does so our conversations are 00:44:54.000 --> 00:44:55.000 very interesting at times it's 00:44:55.000 --> 00:44:57.000 like when when she was a grad 00:44:57.000 --> 00:44:58.000 school I got out her math book 00:44:58.000 --> 00:44:62.000 she's honestly this is this is 00:45:02.000 --> 00:45:04.000 like a partial number what if 00:45:04.000 --> 00:45:05.000 what if I wanted to be a whole 00:45:05.000 --> 00:45:07.000 number and his parents made him 00:45:07.000 --> 00:45:08.000 be a partial number and what 00:45:08.000 --> 00:45:11.000 did he want she's like shut up 00:45:11.000 --> 00:45:14.000 just stop I don't want to hear that so there's 00:45:14.000 --> 00:45:17.000 that life that I have with her too 00:45:17.000 --> 00:45:19.000 that's important and it's not 00:45:19.000 --> 00:45:22.000 more important than my 00:45:22.000 --> 00:45:24.000 job is not more important than 00:45:24.000 --> 00:45:29.000 her ever it's when I'm there 00:45:29.000 --> 00:45:32.000 at the job it's what I'm doing 00:45:32.000 --> 00:45:33.000 and what I find is that when I 00:45:33.000 --> 00:45:35.000 have very clear boundaries in 00:45:35.000 --> 00:45:37.000 my own mind when I walk in the 00:45:37.000 --> 00:45:39.000 door I'm sure to do this and I 00:45:39.000 --> 00:45:41.000 find people fascinating and I can't 00:45:41.000 --> 00:45:43.000 wait to hear it what's going to 00:45:43.000 --> 00:45:44.000 happen in my office today and 00:45:44.000 --> 00:45:47.000 I've had profound experiences 00:45:47.000 --> 00:45:54.000 as a person-centered counselor 00:45:54.000 --> 00:45:55.000 and when I do that I'll go 00:45:55.000 --> 00:45:56.000 ahead go ahead you had your 00:45:56.000 --> 00:45:59.000 hand up so what she asked 00:45:59.000 --> 00:45:60.000 about is and which she talked 00:46:00.000 --> 00:46:02.000 about his her own professional 00:46:02.000 --> 00:46:05.000 experience with -- kind of 00:46:05.000 --> 00:46:08.000 very traumatic situations and 00:46:08.000 --> 00:46:10.000 that the from her own professional 00:46:10.000 --> 00:46:11.000 experiences she listed several 00:46:11.000 --> 00:46:13.000 ways like sitting in the car 00:46:13.000 --> 00:46:15.000 and processing feelings to 00:46:15.000 --> 00:46:17.000 to deal with that those traumatic 00:46:17.000 --> 00:46:18.000 situations and then said 00:46:18.000 --> 00:46:19.000 sometimes you couldn't turn 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:21.000 it off and so she was she also 00:46:21.000 --> 00:46:23.000 asked at the beginning at what 00:46:23.000 --> 00:46:25.000 point do you get to the stage 00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:28.000 and I'm kind of talking about 00:46:28.000 --> 00:46:33.000 you're not -- practice and 00:46:33.000 --> 00:46:37.000 time and there's also there 00:46:37.000 --> 00:46:40.000 are there are times when I 00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:43.000 will go talk to a professional 00:46:43.000 --> 00:46:46.000 and I can't stress that enough 00:46:46.000 --> 00:46:48.000 that there are things that 00:46:48.000 --> 00:46:50.000 are given to us as a part of 00:46:50.000 --> 00:46:52.000 our practice that we should 00:46:52.000 --> 00:46:58.000 not carry -- it's too toxic 00:46:58.000 --> 00:46:61.000 radioactive whatever you know I 00:47:01.000 --> 00:47:03.000 I've heard stories about sexual 00:47:03.000 --> 00:47:07.000 abuse that are just really 00:47:07.000 --> 00:47:10.000 horrific we should not carry 00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:13.000 that not because we don't care 00:47:13.000 --> 00:47:14.000 but because we do care we care 00:47:14.000 --> 00:47:16.000 about ourselves and so what you 00:47:16.000 --> 00:47:18.000 you suggested about sitting in 00:47:18.000 --> 00:47:19.000 the car that's what I'm doing 00:47:19.000 --> 00:47:22.000 I do I drive home and say I 00:47:22.000 --> 00:47:23.000 didn't talk to myself on the 00:47:23.000 --> 00:47:25.000 way home I just you know I 00:47:25.000 --> 00:47:28.000 do that sometimes I process 00:47:28.000 --> 00:47:32.000 things out I I as a personal 00:47:32.000 --> 00:47:35.000 commitment meditate every day 00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:38.000 before I walk in the door -- I am 00:47:38.000 --> 00:47:43.000 at the beginning of starting 00:47:43.000 --> 00:47:44.000 really moving into Buddhist 00:47:44.000 --> 00:47:48.000 practices for myself so how 00:47:48.000 --> 00:47:50.000 can I practice detachment from 00:47:50.000 --> 00:47:52.000 self and from expect I don't 00:47:52.000 --> 00:47:54.000 get too far into that you all but 00:47:54.000 --> 00:47:55.000 but just from a counseling 00:47:55.000 --> 00:47:56.000 point right what did I just 00:47:56.000 --> 00:47:58.000 say I just said you know we 00:47:58.000 --> 00:47:61.000 have professional detachment 00:48:01.000 --> 00:48:03.000 right we we remove expectation 00:48:03.000 --> 00:48:04.000 of what's gonna happen with 00:48:04.000 --> 00:48:07.000 our clients I mean it's Carl 00:48:07.000 --> 00:48:09.000 Rogers and it's Buddhism -- 00:48:09.000 --> 00:48:11.000 it's funny how that works so it's 00:48:11.000 --> 00:48:15.000 difficult it really is and I 00:48:15.000 --> 00:48:17.000 what I will say is that I have 00:48:17.000 --> 00:48:21.000 had the same struggles and in 00:48:21.000 --> 00:48:23.000 the end for me professionally 00:48:23.000 --> 00:48:27.000 and personally I had to start 00:48:27.000 --> 00:48:29.000 drawing some firm boundaries 00:48:29.000 --> 00:48:31.000 around myself I've also done 00:48:31.000 --> 00:48:34.000 a lot of work with another 00:48:34.000 --> 00:48:35.000 counseling professional and 00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:37.000 I'm not afraid to say that so I 00:48:37.000 --> 00:48:39.000 went into an office where they had 00:48:39.000 --> 00:48:40.000 pretty flower pictures up and 00:48:40.000 --> 00:48:41.000 I stared behind the shoulder 00:48:41.000 --> 00:48:42.000 and I said this is what I'm 00:48:42.000 --> 00:48:46.000 experiencing and I don't know why 00:48:46.000 --> 00:48:48.000 I think again not because 00:48:48.000 --> 00:48:51.000 your teacher suggested -- 00:48:51.000 --> 00:48:57.000 but because we have stuff 00:48:57.000 --> 00:48:58.000 that actually kind of leads 00:48:58.000 --> 00:48:59.000 into another assignment that 00:48:59.000 --> 00:48:62.000 there is -- I'll talk about it 00:49:02.000 --> 00:49:05.000 on we have stuff we wouldn't 00:49:05.000 --> 00:49:07.000 be human if we didn't it will 00:49:07.000 --> 00:49:09.000 get bumped into when you work 00:49:09.000 --> 00:49:12.000 with people it just does 00:49:12.000 --> 00:49:13.000 is your person now because 00:49:13.000 --> 00:49:15.000 you're not doing it right now 00:49:15.000 --> 00:49:16.000 because you're not practicing 00:49:16.000 --> 00:49:18.000 this theory well enough now because 00:49:18.000 --> 00:49:19.000 you're not a good counselor 00:49:19.000 --> 00:49:21.000 it's because you're human and 00:49:21.000 --> 00:49:23.000 someone will share a story 00:49:23.000 --> 00:49:24.000 and then it will go ding with something 00:49:24.000 --> 00:49:26.000 in your own life in your own 00:49:26.000 --> 00:49:28.000 past okay a bell went off now 00:49:28.000 --> 00:49:32.000 what do I do I put it over 00:49:32.000 --> 00:49:34.000 here because the session is 00:49:34.000 --> 00:49:36.000 about this person I'm aware 00:49:36.000 --> 00:49:37.000 that it happened I'm going to stay 00:49:37.000 --> 00:49:39.000 focused I know I got the stuff 00:49:39.000 --> 00:49:42.000 going on background but what are 00:49:42.000 --> 00:49:44.000 they doing what's going on 00:49:44.000 --> 00:49:46.000 with them in the ten minutes 00:49:46.000 --> 00:49:48.000 between sessions I go stand 00:49:48.000 --> 00:49:49.000 in the bathroom and you know 00:49:49.000 --> 00:49:50.000 and do what I have to do and 00:49:50.000 --> 00:49:54.000 I and then I go talk to my guy 00:49:54.000 --> 00:49:56.000 or my woman and say this is what's 00:49:56.000 --> 00:49:57.000 going on with me I want to talk 00:49:57.000 --> 00:49:60.000 about it let's work on it so 00:50:00.000 --> 00:50:02.000 I can move past it as a person 00:50:02.000 --> 00:50:04.000 so it so it doesn't interrupt 00:50:04.000 --> 00:50:06.000 the work that I'm doing so 00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:07.000 never confused about what's 00:50:07.000 --> 00:50:09.000 happening in the room remember 00:50:09.000 --> 00:50:10.000 the first time that somebody 00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:12.000 exposed to me they had been 00:50:12.000 --> 00:50:13.000 sexually abused at a drug and 00:50:13.000 --> 00:50:14.000 alcohol treatment center and 00:50:14.000 --> 00:50:16.000 it was just kind of from -- 00:50:16.000 --> 00:50:19.000 by the way from about age six 00:50:19.000 --> 00:50:20.000 to seventeen I was sexually 00:50:20.000 --> 00:50:21.000 abused by somebody and we're 00:50:21.000 --> 00:50:26.000 talking about their drinking 00:50:26.000 --> 00:50:28.000 it will happen I had a powerful 00:50:28.000 --> 00:50:30.000 response to that as one 00:50:30.000 --> 00:50:33.000 should because that breaks a lot 00:50:33.000 --> 00:50:37.000 of boundaries -- and so it's 00:50:37.000 --> 00:50:41.000 practice it's time it's work 00:50:41.000 --> 00:50:43.000 it's learning about how things 00:50:43.000 --> 00:50:46.000 affect you and accepting that 00:50:46.000 --> 00:50:50.000 embracing that -- that this is 00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:54.000 who I am this is how I respond 00:50:54.000 --> 00:50:55.000 with these things so it's not 00:50:55.000 --> 00:50:58.000 scary when it happens it's just 00:50:58.000 --> 00:50:60.000 this is happening to me I have 00:51:00.000 --> 00:51:01.000 a professional responsibility 00:51:01.000 --> 00:51:03.000 I'm going to mark it I'm gonna be even 00:51:03.000 --> 00:51:04.000 more focused on what's going 00:51:04.000 --> 00:51:07.000 on and I'm gonna keep going 00:51:07.000 --> 00:51:09.000 that's a great question and 00:51:09.000 --> 00:51:10.000 I and I and I know that it's 00:51:10.000 --> 00:51:12.000 a complicated end I mean it's 00:51:12.000 --> 00:51:14.000 a complicated thing and that 00:51:14.000 --> 00:51:16.000 my answer does not answer the 00:51:16.000 --> 00:51:18.000 question it's more of an ex 00:51:18.000 --> 00:51:20.000 it's an explanation of my path 00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:23.000 through it on I think that's 00:51:23.000 --> 00:51:24.000 the best thing that I can 00:51:24.000 --> 00:51:28.000 provide for you all there isn't 00:51:28.000 --> 00:51:31.000 a path if you do A, B and C 00:51:31.000 --> 00:51:34.000 then this will happen real life 00:51:34.000 --> 00:51:36.000 happens and people have horrible 00:51:36.000 --> 00:51:39.000 things happen in their lives 00:51:39.000 --> 00:51:43.000 you know another one other thing 00:51:43.000 --> 00:51:44.000 I've also tried to make it 00:51:44.000 --> 00:51:48.000 very clear about responsibility 00:51:48.000 --> 00:51:49.000 what am I responsible for 00:51:49.000 --> 00:51:52.000 in this person's life how 00:51:52.000 --> 00:51:57.000 long have I known them 00:51:57.000 --> 00:51:60.000 most people I've known four hours 00:52:00.000 --> 00:52:04.000 three hours how much of that 00:52:04.000 --> 00:52:06.000 represents the sum total of 00:52:06.000 --> 00:52:08.000 their life if they walk in 00:52:08.000 --> 00:52:12.000 my door when they're fifty 00:52:12.000 --> 00:52:13.000 so that's the amount of 00:52:13.000 --> 00:52:15.000 responsibility I have for their 00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:19.000 choices for their experience 00:52:19.000 --> 00:52:22.000 and so should I take on more 00:52:22.000 --> 00:52:25.000 than right should I carry 00:52:25.000 --> 00:52:26.000 twenty years of their lives on 00:52:26.000 --> 00:52:30.000 my back mmhm I'm responsible 00:52:30.000 --> 00:52:31.000 for them right here right now 00:52:31.000 --> 00:52:33.000 what are we talking about what 00:52:33.000 --> 00:52:34.000 are we going through -- what are 00:52:34.000 --> 00:52:36.000 they experiencing how can I 00:52:36.000 --> 00:52:41.000 support that on so that's those 00:52:41.000 --> 00:52:43.000 are just suggestions it is 00:52:43.000 --> 00:52:46.000 trial and error and practice 00:52:46.000 --> 00:52:47.000 thank you so much for asking that 00:52:47.000 --> 00:52:49.000 are really appreciate it that's 00:52:49.000 --> 00:52:51.000 the question I wish people 00:52:51.000 --> 00:52:52.000 would always ask because that's 00:52:52.000 --> 00:52:55.000 a real life very here's what you're 00:52:55.000 --> 00:52:56.000 going to run into in the counseling 00:52:56.000 --> 00:52:58.000 world kind of question 00:52:58.000 --> 00:52:59.000 other questions about burn out 00:52:59.000 --> 00:52:63.000 and those kinds of things 00:53:06.000 --> 00:53:07.000 because that's really the 00:53:07.000 --> 00:53:09.000 other half of this is work life 00:53:09.000 --> 00:53:13.000 balance a life in the balance 00:53:13.000 --> 00:53:14.000 this is how this will feel from 00:53:14.000 --> 00:53:16.000 time to time I said you know I 00:53:16.000 --> 00:53:18.000 I unzip that suit and I go home 00:53:18.000 --> 00:53:19.000 and this is a life wonderful 00:53:19.000 --> 00:53:20.000 and you know it's also easy 00:53:20.000 --> 00:53:24.000 and it's a seamless it is not 00:53:24.000 --> 00:53:27.000 it is not balance is exactly 00:53:27.000 --> 00:53:28.000 that right you stand on one leg 00:53:28.000 --> 00:53:31.000 and do that for a while the 00:53:31.000 --> 00:53:33.000 thing I want to talk about that 00:53:33.000 --> 00:53:34.000 then is it goes back to the 00:53:34.000 --> 00:53:38.000 list of hobbies and interests 00:53:38.000 --> 00:53:41.000 what is valuable to you 00:53:41.000 --> 00:53:45.000 to you not professionally you 00:53:45.000 --> 00:53:49.000 not you know even parent you 00:53:49.000 --> 00:53:55.000 or daughter or son you but you 00:53:55.000 --> 00:53:59.000 and why 00:53:59.000 --> 00:53:63.000 and being that person 00:54:05.000 --> 00:54:08.000 with people like I re-read 00:54:08.000 --> 00:54:10.000 most of -- Irving Yalom's book 00:54:10.000 --> 00:54:12.000 A Gift of Therapy he wrote 00:54:12.000 --> 00:54:13.000 this like twenty years ago I 00:54:13.000 --> 00:54:16.000 recommend it -- take what you want 00:54:16.000 --> 00:54:17.000 and leave the rest but it's just 00:54:17.000 --> 00:54:19.000 these little snippets he begins 00:54:19.000 --> 00:54:21.000 by saying my because he was 00:54:21.000 --> 00:54:23.000 old when he wrote this twenty years ago 00:54:24.000 --> 00:54:25.000 all worried that I'm going to 00:54:25.000 --> 00:54:27.000 die that literally like almost 00:54:27.000 --> 00:54:28.000 the first line in the book 00:54:28.000 --> 00:54:30.000 and so he starts to talk about 00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:32.000 therapeutic relationship and 00:54:32.000 --> 00:54:33.000 it's all these little snippets 00:54:33.000 --> 00:54:34.000 of things that he talks about and he 00:54:34.000 --> 00:54:37.000 talks about balance -- and he 00:54:37.000 --> 00:54:38.000 said some interesting things 00:54:38.000 --> 00:54:40.000 that I started to reflect on 00:54:40.000 --> 00:54:41.000 in myself which is why I'm 00:54:41.000 --> 00:54:42.000 glad I came and did this I got 00:54:42.000 --> 00:54:45.000 to kind of do that again on 00:54:45.000 --> 00:54:46.000 which is do I think about 00:54:46.000 --> 00:54:48.000 these people when I'm 00:54:48.000 --> 00:54:50.000 you know I work with when you're 00:54:50.000 --> 00:54:53.000 not there and I'm at home 00:54:53.000 --> 00:54:55.000 and what's that balance look like 00:54:55.000 --> 00:54:57.000 I touched on it before 00:54:57.000 --> 00:54:62.000 think about that like 00:55:02.000 --> 00:55:03.000 I think about them 00:55:03.000 --> 00:55:08.000 in the sense of 00:55:08.000 --> 00:55:12.000 that was very sad what happened 00:55:12.000 --> 00:55:13.000 and I reflect on my own 00:55:13.000 --> 00:55:15.000 feelings about it as it was 00:55:15.000 --> 00:55:18.000 happening in real time right 00:55:18.000 --> 00:55:21.000 when I was with them I don't 00:55:21.000 --> 00:55:22.000 and this is my personal 00:55:22.000 --> 00:55:23.000 practice I have to be very 00:55:23.000 --> 00:55:26.000 careful about you know I can 00:55:26.000 --> 00:55:27.000 contemplate the nature of 00:55:27.000 --> 00:55:28.000 the nature of the nature of 00:55:28.000 --> 00:55:31.000 the universe so I have to be very 00:55:31.000 --> 00:55:33.000 careful about yeah the made me 00:55:33.000 --> 00:55:37.000 feel sad period in the sense 00:55:37.000 --> 00:55:42.000 this is what I experienced 00:55:42.000 --> 00:55:48.000 and I wonder what we can do 00:55:48.000 --> 00:55:51.000 in the next session 00:55:51.000 --> 00:55:52.000 the kind of work on some 00:55:52.000 --> 00:55:55.000 things and then that leaves me to 00:55:55.000 --> 00:55:57.000 get Yalom's book out again 00:55:57.000 --> 00:55:59.000 or maybe something else or 00:55:59.000 --> 00:55:60.000 I think about another client 00:56:00.000 --> 00:56:01.000 from the past and there was a tool 00:56:01.000 --> 00:56:05.000 that I used that was useful 00:56:05.000 --> 00:56:07.000 so that's how I find the balance 00:56:07.000 --> 00:56:10.000 I note what I experienced 00:56:10.000 --> 00:56:13.000 and then I let it go 00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:17.000 in our daily lives right like 00:56:17.000 --> 00:56:18.000 you know we have a room we 00:56:18.000 --> 00:56:19.000 remember something from high 00:56:19.000 --> 00:56:20.000 school oh god I can't believe 00:56:20.000 --> 00:56:23.000 it okay what's what's for 00:56:23.000 --> 00:56:26.000 breakfast so with the tools we 00:56:26.000 --> 00:56:30.000 already have so we find this 00:56:30.000 --> 00:56:31.000 balance how I find balance 00:56:31.000 --> 00:56:32.000 I'll talk to you about some 00:56:32.000 --> 00:56:33.000 of the things that I actually 00:56:33.000 --> 00:56:35.000 do in my life I mentioned 00:56:35.000 --> 00:56:36.000 some of them with my daughter 00:56:36.000 --> 00:56:39.000 I am very intentionally 00:56:39.000 --> 00:56:45.000 go to her level -- 00:56:45.000 --> 00:56:50.000 my daughter also -- she 00:56:50.000 --> 00:56:51.000 processes the world in 00:56:51.000 --> 00:56:54.000 a very unique way I'll 00:56:54.000 --> 00:56:59.000 put it like and so -- 00:56:59.000 --> 00:56:61.000 we have had a journey my wife 00:57:01.000 --> 00:57:05.000 my daughter and I through navigating 00:57:05.000 --> 00:57:06.000 how she processes information 00:57:06.000 --> 00:57:09.000 world she's not a big fan I 00:57:09.000 --> 00:57:10.000 give you a bunch of clues I'm 00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:11.000 just gonna say it out loud 00:57:11.000 --> 00:57:14.000 not a big fan of of sounds 00:57:14.000 --> 00:57:16.000 not a big fan of making eye 00:57:16.000 --> 00:57:18.000 contact most of you know where I'm going 00:57:18.000 --> 00:57:21.000 no less okay okay -- so 00:57:21.000 --> 00:57:23.000 we just when I go home it's 00:57:23.000 --> 00:57:27.000 how does she see the world 00:57:27.000 --> 00:57:30.000 and so I practice being with 00:57:30.000 --> 00:57:33.000 her and I practice and it is 00:57:33.000 --> 00:57:35.000 practice for his practice 00:57:35.000 --> 00:57:38.000 being with another person -- 00:57:38.000 --> 00:57:41.000 and then how did I do today yeah 00:57:41.000 --> 00:57:43.000 because sometimes I get tired 00:57:43.000 --> 00:57:44.000 sometimes she puts her socks 00:57:44.000 --> 00:57:46.000 on wrong right but what are you doing 00:57:46.000 --> 00:57:48.000 you're putting this no Jerry 00:57:48.000 --> 00:57:53.000 Seinfeld what are you doing -- so 00:57:53.000 --> 00:57:55.000 it's so it's that so I practice 00:57:55.000 --> 00:57:59.000 being present with them 00:57:59.000 --> 00:57:60.000 so I'm not present these things 00:58:00.000 --> 00:58:01.000 that I don't want to carry 00:58:01.000 --> 00:58:04.000 around I mentioned before I 00:58:04.000 --> 00:58:07.000 do photography I also this 00:58:07.000 --> 00:58:08.000 this popped into my head when 00:58:08.000 --> 00:58:10.000 you were talking a really great 00:58:10.000 --> 00:58:11.000 question there are times when 00:58:11.000 --> 00:58:16.000 I go out I don't take a picture 00:58:16.000 --> 00:58:17.000 three times I go in I sit and 00:58:17.000 --> 00:58:18.000 watch the sunset and the camera 00:58:18.000 --> 00:58:22.000 bag sits next to me -- what 00:58:22.000 --> 00:58:23.000 I've discovered is that nature 00:58:23.000 --> 00:58:25.000 has real power it has 00:58:25.000 --> 00:58:28.000 real force I will not even 00:58:28.000 --> 00:58:31.000 begin to try to explain to you all 00:58:31.000 --> 00:58:33.000 think all of us have something 00:58:33.000 --> 00:58:34.000 like that for me it's nature 00:58:34.000 --> 00:58:35.000 doesn't have to be nature it's 00:58:35.000 --> 00:58:38.000 what it is for you -- for me 00:58:38.000 --> 00:58:40.000 that allows me to get outside 00:58:40.000 --> 00:58:41.000 of me if for no other reason 00:58:41.000 --> 00:58:44.000 than I cannot hold on to the 00:58:44.000 --> 00:58:47.000 idea of big powerful important 00:58:47.000 --> 00:58:50.000 Steve in the midst of all this 00:58:50.000 --> 00:58:52.000 going on around me that seems 00:58:52.000 --> 00:58:56.000 to work without me just fine 00:58:56.000 --> 00:58:59.000 it's humbling it's powerful 00:58:59.000 --> 00:58:60.000 you know I do this important 00:59:00.000 --> 00:59:01.000 work for these people right 00:59:01.000 --> 00:59:03.000 creating I'm not all powerful 00:59:03.000 --> 00:59:05.000 laws and all knowing and all 00:59:05.000 --> 00:59:07.000 that stuff and the waterfall runs 00:59:07.000 --> 00:59:10.000 just fine without me I was in 00:59:10.000 --> 00:59:12.000 Yellowstone I used to that's where 00:59:12.000 --> 00:59:13.000 I met my wife actually lived in 00:59:13.000 --> 00:59:15.000 Yellowstone National Park we 00:59:15.000 --> 00:59:16.000 went on this hiking trip out 00:59:16.000 --> 00:59:19.000 in the middle of no where 00:59:19.000 --> 00:59:20.000 I think about this story 00:59:20.000 --> 00:59:21.000 sometimes to help me with balance 00:59:21.000 --> 00:59:23.000 we're out in the middle of nowhere 00:59:23.000 --> 00:59:25.000 and they're just steam vents 00:59:25.000 --> 00:59:26.000 everywhere I mean not every 00:59:26.000 --> 00:59:27.000 everything that you see in 00:59:27.000 --> 00:59:28.000 the park is a thermal features 00:59:28.000 --> 00:59:30.000 it I mean they're just it's 00:59:30.000 --> 00:59:32.000 a big volcano so they're kind 00:59:32.000 --> 00:59:33.000 of all over the place and I was 00:59:33.000 --> 00:59:36.000 more than ten miles from the road 00:59:36.000 --> 00:59:37.000 there are sulfur pits around 00:59:37.000 --> 00:59:40.000 this steam vent and the buffalo 00:59:40.000 --> 00:59:41.000 love to go crawl in them because they 00:59:41.000 --> 00:59:44.000 get they get lice and they roll 00:59:44.000 --> 00:59:46.000 back and forth and I because 00:59:46.000 --> 00:59:47.000 he has a hump you can never 00:59:47.000 --> 00:59:51.000 get square right so it's like 00:59:51.000 --> 00:59:55.000 and he rolls up bump 00:59:55.000 --> 00:59:58.000 and you can here him go ahh 00:59:58.000 --> 00:59:60.000 you know it's this powerful thing well 01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:02.000 the vents on the trail the 01:00:02.000 --> 01:00:04.000 buffaloes on the trail so we're 01:00:04.000 --> 01:00:06.000 going around you don't yeah you 01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:08.000 don't go up to buffalo excuse me 01:00:08.000 --> 01:00:10.000 my good Sir would you please 01:00:10.000 --> 01:00:13.000 you now but he's just just going 01:00:13.000 --> 01:00:14.000 away rolling back and forth 01:00:14.000 --> 01:00:17.000 happy as a clam I had no idea 01:00:17.000 --> 01:00:19.000 we were there had never seen 01:00:19.000 --> 01:00:23.000 another human being in his whole life 01:00:23.000 --> 01:00:26.000 didn't know we existed 01:00:26.000 --> 01:00:29.000 seemed to get along just fine that's 01:00:29.000 --> 01:00:31.000 what I draw from nature is 01:00:31.000 --> 01:00:34.000 that idea of my space my place 01:00:34.000 --> 01:00:37.000 in the larger world whatever that is 01:00:37.000 --> 01:00:39.000 you and baseball and 01:00:43.000 --> 01:00:45.000 because I want to go 01:00:45.000 --> 01:00:48.000 ahead yeah she asked about the 01:00:48.000 --> 01:00:50.000 idea that the profession that 01:00:50.000 --> 01:00:51.000 she's going to go into is more 01:00:53.000 --> 01:00:55.000 and less psych and that there 01:00:55.000 --> 01:00:57.000 are there tends to be more 01:00:57.000 --> 01:00:59.000 paperwork and more deadlines 01:01:01.000 --> 01:01:04.000 home this is a really important 01:01:04.000 --> 01:01:09.000 thing around boundaries and 01:01:09.000 --> 01:01:10.000 I say this having set this 01:01:10.000 --> 01:01:12.000 boundary knowing what might 01:01:12.000 --> 01:01:15.000 come back and having had this 01:01:15.000 --> 01:01:20.000 come back we are there when 01:01:20.000 --> 01:01:23.000 we're paid to be there we do 01:01:23.000 --> 01:01:24.000 everything that we can do while 01:01:24.000 --> 01:01:29.000 we're there and then we go home 01:01:29.000 --> 01:01:31.000 what I saw in drug and 01:01:31.000 --> 01:01:36.000 alcohol counsellors and -- 01:01:36.000 --> 01:01:38.000 and the people who worked in 01:01:38.000 --> 01:01:41.000 the ahh services offices 01:01:41.000 --> 01:01:43.000 at the colleges I work at 01:01:43.000 --> 01:01:44.000 and people working group 01:01:44.000 --> 01:01:45.000 homes said that if they didn't 01:01:45.000 --> 01:01:49.000 have boundaries like that 01:01:49.000 --> 01:01:51.000 burnt piece of toast and 01:01:51.000 --> 01:01:53.000 what I'm gonna tell you all 01:01:53.000 --> 01:01:54.000 this is my experience room 01:01:54.000 --> 01:01:56.000 burn out and ethical decision 01:01:56.000 --> 01:01:59.000 making you all kind of said it 01:01:59.000 --> 01:01:60.000 your ability to make ethical 01:02:00.000 --> 01:02:02.000 decisions goes way down more 01:02:02.000 --> 01:02:05.000 tired you get so mistakes 01:02:05.000 --> 01:02:10.000 happen not useful things happen 01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:12.000 so it's a decision my my 01:02:12.000 --> 01:02:14.000 experience too is is that if 01:02:14.000 --> 01:02:17.000 I if I get prepared for my 01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:19.000 day and I stay focused on the 01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:20.000 things I need to be working 01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:24.000 on that they tend to go faster 01:02:24.000 --> 01:02:26.000 it doesn't mean you're gonna 01:02:26.000 --> 01:02:29.000 get to everything in a day 01:02:29.000 --> 01:02:31.000 but there is expectation and 01:02:31.000 --> 01:02:34.000 there is reality I've had to 01:02:34.000 --> 01:02:36.000 make those decisions I've 01:02:36.000 --> 01:02:39.000 had to say to people you 01:02:39.000 --> 01:02:41.000 give me x amount of time in a day 01:02:41.000 --> 01:02:44.000 I do y number of these in an hour 01:02:44.000 --> 01:02:45.000 can you help me to 01:02:45.000 --> 01:02:51.000 understand how to do more 01:02:51.000 --> 01:02:53.000 I would love to hear that so 01:02:53.000 --> 01:02:56.000 please help me with that is 01:02:56.000 --> 01:02:57.000 there something that I can 01:02:57.000 --> 01:02:58.000 be is there something that 01:02:58.000 --> 01:02:59.000 I'm doing in this form that I 01:02:59.000 --> 01:02:60.000 don't necessarily need to do 01:03:00.000 --> 01:03:04.000 so I can speed up the process 01:03:04.000 --> 01:03:08.000 if the answer comes back no 01:03:08.000 --> 01:03:10.000 then I've typically gone 01:03:10.000 --> 01:03:11.000 back and said well I'm 01:03:11.000 --> 01:03:12.000 doing this as efficiently 01:03:12.000 --> 01:03:17.000 and as quickly as I can 01:03:17.000 --> 01:03:20.000 they may not like that answer 01:03:24.000 --> 01:03:28.000 that when people push too hard 01:03:28.000 --> 01:03:30.000 is when we start to talk about 01:03:30.000 --> 01:03:33.000 licenses we start to talk 01:03:33.000 --> 01:03:37.000 about really not useful ethical 01:03:37.000 --> 01:03:38.000 decision making processes that 01:03:38.000 --> 01:03:44.000 occur destroyed paperwork this 01:03:44.000 --> 01:03:45.000 is where that kind of stuff 01:03:45.000 --> 01:03:47.000 that's where we get in this 01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:49.000 and so I understand I 01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:52.000 know I have lived the pressure 01:03:52.000 --> 01:03:53.000 I have made decisions that 01:03:53.000 --> 01:03:57.000 are best for me -- I that also 01:03:57.000 --> 01:03:59.000 circles back and I don't want to get to 01:03:59.000 --> 01:03:61.000 frank about it but you heard 01:04:01.000 --> 01:04:05.000 my career I make decisions 01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:07.000 there were useful and best 01:04:07.000 --> 01:04:11.000 for me at the time about where 01:04:11.000 --> 01:04:13.000 I was going to work and why 01:04:13.000 --> 01:04:15.000 and that wasn't because that 01:04:15.000 --> 01:04:17.000 wasn't about what was best 01:04:17.000 --> 01:04:19.000 for the institutional reform 01:04:19.000 --> 01:04:21.000 or for my boss or for my 01:04:21.000 --> 01:04:27.000 co-workers it was best for me 01:04:27.000 --> 01:04:28.000 so I can I can I don't know 01:04:28.000 --> 01:04:30.000 if that answers your question 01:04:30.000 --> 01:04:31.000 it's a tough dilemma I know 01:04:31.000 --> 01:04:33.000 you got a boss this also 01:04:33.000 --> 01:04:34.000 touches on something else 01:04:34.000 --> 01:04:36.000 that I would I would I would 01:04:36.000 --> 01:04:37.000 encourage you all to think 01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:38.000 about when you start to apply 01:04:38.000 --> 01:04:41.000 for positions at institutions 01:04:41.000 --> 01:04:46.000 it is institutional health 01:04:46.000 --> 01:04:48.000 if you go into an institution 01:04:48.000 --> 01:04:49.000 that is not healthy it 01:04:49.000 --> 01:04:51.000 will have unhealthy systems 01:04:51.000 --> 01:04:54.000 it's just how it's gonna be 01:04:54.000 --> 01:04:55.000 and then you have to start 01:04:55.000 --> 01:04:56.000 asking yourself powerful 01:04:56.000 --> 01:04:58.000 questions if this is an 01:04:58.000 --> 01:04:60.000 unhealthy system and this 01:05:00.000 --> 01:05:02.000 person over here person a 01:05:02.000 --> 01:05:04.000 has managed to survive in an 01:05:04.000 --> 01:05:09.000 unhealthy system for ten years 01:05:09.000 --> 01:05:11.000 what's the result of that for 01:05:11.000 --> 01:05:13.000 that person and you know 01:05:13.000 --> 01:05:14.000 the answer to that question 01:05:14.000 --> 01:05:16.000 over yeah that look yep that's 01:05:16.000 --> 01:05:18.000 the look she just gave a look 01:05:18.000 --> 01:05:21.000 that answered my question -- and 01:05:21.000 --> 01:05:23.000 so it's it's asking yourselves 01:05:23.000 --> 01:05:25.000 that about what kind of 01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:27.000 characteristics do you think a 01:05:27.000 --> 01:05:32.000 healthy institution might have 01:05:32.000 --> 01:05:33.000 and how do you find those 01:05:33.000 --> 01:05:39.000 things when you're interviewing 01:05:39.000 --> 01:05:40.000 so you ask those kinds of 01:05:40.000 --> 01:05:42.000 questions when they say 01:05:42.000 --> 01:05:46.000 do you have any questions 01:05:46.000 --> 01:05:48.000 what is the typical turnover 01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:50.000 rate how is and you don't ask it 01:05:50.000 --> 01:05:52.000 like that no now you say 01:05:52.000 --> 01:05:57.000 so ahh next but you say 01:05:57.000 --> 01:05:58.000 yeah and this is counseling 01:05:58.000 --> 01:05:59.000 skills right you're all 01:05:59.000 --> 01:05:65.000 counselors so -- you know 01:06:05.000 --> 01:06:07.000 typically you know what is the 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:08.000 average length of employment 01:06:08.000 --> 01:06:12.000 of your current employees 01:06:12.000 --> 01:06:18.000 make it a positive typically 01:06:19.000 --> 01:06:24.000 week does somebody work 01:06:24.000 --> 01:06:31.000 what is the average caseload 01:06:31.000 --> 01:06:33.000 and then being good counselors 01:06:38.000 --> 01:06:42.000 in sleep deprivation do they 01:06:42.000 --> 01:06:44.000 looked tense do they look upset 01:06:44.000 --> 01:06:47.000 do they live burned out when 01:06:47.000 --> 01:06:48.000 you see employees passed around 01:06:48.000 --> 01:06:50.000 in the hallway as you're going 01:06:50.000 --> 01:06:51.000 to the best looking room in the 01:06:51.000 --> 01:06:52.000 building because they're trying 01:06:52.000 --> 01:06:55.000 to impress you what do they look like 01:06:55.000 --> 01:06:57.000 I will be honest with you 01:06:57.000 --> 01:06:58.000 when I came out of grad school North 01:06:58.000 --> 01:06:60.000 Carolina had just completed 01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:02.000 an overhaul of their healthcare 01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:04.000 system their mental health and it 01:07:04.000 --> 01:07:07.000 was a mess and so we were all 01:07:07.000 --> 01:07:11.000 scared the average wait for to 01:07:11.000 --> 01:07:13.000 find a job in North Carolina 01:07:13.000 --> 01:07:15.000 back in '06 when I started 01:07:15.000 --> 01:07:18.000 was like fourteen months the 01:07:18.000 --> 01:07:20.000 federal government does not 01:07:20.000 --> 01:07:21.000 wait fourteen months to have 01:07:21.000 --> 01:07:22.000 you start paying back your 01:07:22.000 --> 01:07:26.000 student loans and they don't 01:07:26.000 --> 01:07:28.000 they don't yeah they don't 01:07:28.000 --> 01:07:29.000 the money right they're kinda like 01:07:29.000 --> 01:07:31.000 yeah they just want the money and 01:07:31.000 --> 01:07:33.000 it so there's a lot of stress 01:07:33.000 --> 01:07:35.000 in that the institutional 01:07:35.000 --> 01:07:37.000 that I worked had a had a 01:07:37.000 --> 01:07:39.000 prestigious reputation I was 01:07:39.000 --> 01:07:42.000 offered the job my wife is in 01:07:42.000 --> 01:07:47.000 grad school so I took the job 01:07:52.000 --> 01:07:55.000 the profession when they're 01:07:55.000 --> 01:07:57.000 not in the room when I say 01:07:57.000 --> 01:07:58.000 well what is the reputation 01:07:58.000 --> 01:07:59.000 of this institution out on 01:07:59.000 --> 01:07:62.000 the street what do people who 01:08:02.000 --> 01:08:04.000 don't work there say about it 01:08:04.000 --> 01:08:09.000 what do former employees 01:08:09.000 --> 01:08:11.000 who you have interacted with 01:08:11.000 --> 01:08:14.000 his say about it meaning you 01:08:14.000 --> 01:08:16.000 can look at that one two ways 01:08:16.000 --> 01:08:17.000 I mean you get the yelp right 01:08:17.000 --> 01:08:19.000 like there's always like one 01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:21.000 third one third one third and 01:08:21.000 --> 01:08:22.000 there's always like this -- 01:08:22.000 --> 01:08:25.000 stars like right but the zero 01:08:25.000 --> 01:08:27.000 yelps are people who are I hated 01:08:27.000 --> 01:08:29.000 Yellowstone it was boring yes it's 01:08:29.000 --> 01:08:31.000 kind of you know but you listen 01:08:31.000 --> 01:08:34.000 for themes across across the 01:08:34.000 --> 01:08:38.000 comments you look for common 01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:42.000 statements across the comments 01:08:42.000 --> 01:08:45.000 to paint that picture and then you 01:08:45.000 --> 01:08:46.000 make a decision about is that 01:08:46.000 --> 01:08:48.000 a good fit for you look I know 01:08:48.000 --> 01:08:51.000 I was broke I was eating ramon 01:08:51.000 --> 01:08:52.000 you know my my wife had just 01:08:52.000 --> 01:08:55.000 to grad school we had bills 01:08:55.000 --> 01:08:59.000 to pay but if you put yourself 01:08:59.000 --> 01:08:60.000 in a situation you're not 01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:04.000 happy with that echoes out all 01:09:04.000 --> 01:09:07.000 across the work that you do 01:09:07.000 --> 01:09:09.000 the message that the people that 01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:11.000 given that you unintentionally 01:09:11.000 --> 01:09:12.000 give to the people in the room 01:09:12.000 --> 01:09:14.000 that you're working with if 01:09:14.000 --> 01:09:15.000 your if your person-centered 01:09:15.000 --> 01:09:19.000 like me is I don't want to be here 01:09:19.000 --> 01:09:22.000 and how does that affect them 01:09:22.000 --> 01:09:25.000 I wish I hadn't taken this job 01:09:25.000 --> 01:09:27.000 can I be in Hawaii right now and so 01:09:27.000 --> 01:09:32.000 so so it's thinking about that 01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:34.000 what was my first job was the question 01:09:34.000 --> 01:09:35.000 it was a twenty eight day 01:09:35.000 --> 01:09:37.000 treatment center and I don't 01:09:37.000 --> 01:09:38.000 want to give that example 01:09:38.000 --> 01:09:40.000 because I never actually 01:09:40.000 --> 01:09:42.000 told anybody in my cohort this I got 01:09:42.000 --> 01:09:44.000 three job offers in a week and 01:09:44.000 --> 01:09:48.000 they were all like yeah 01:09:48.000 --> 01:09:50.000 so I never told anybody that 01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:52.000 the first group that I'd ever 01:09:52.000 --> 01:09:54.000 have admitted that too it was 01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:55.000 it was private practice is 01:09:55.000 --> 01:09:56.000 a twenty eight day treatment 01:09:56.000 --> 01:09:58.000 center the one that I took 01:09:58.000 --> 01:09:60.000 and and then I'd also been 01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:04.000 offered a job at a methadone 01:10:04.000 --> 01:10:05.000 clinic and that one I just 01:10:05.000 --> 01:10:06.000 didn't feel comfortable with 01:10:06.000 --> 01:10:08.000 it wasn't the methadone part 01:10:08.000 --> 01:10:12.000 it was just I didn't feel like 01:10:12.000 --> 01:10:13.000 they were trying to serve the 01:10:13.000 --> 01:10:15.000 needs of people with addiction 01:10:15.000 --> 01:10:19.000 that they were trying to make 01:10:19.000 --> 01:10:22.000 a profit I could not ethically 01:10:22.000 --> 01:10:25.000 be affiliated with something 01:10:25.000 --> 01:10:29.000 like that -- my personal 01:10:29.000 --> 01:10:31.000 views about methadone are 01:10:31.000 --> 01:10:35.000 if it works if that's what you 01:10:35.000 --> 01:10:36.000 need that's right I'm not the 01:10:36.000 --> 01:10:39.000 judge -- which I did not say 01:10:39.000 --> 01:10:40.000 the twelve step twenty eight 01:10:40.000 --> 01:10:44.000 day treatment center but 01:10:44.000 --> 01:10:46.000 that's you know you you fit in 01:10:46.000 --> 01:10:47.000 the container you are prep 01:10:47.000 --> 01:10:48.000 you're like water you fit 01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:50.000 in the water you fit in a 01:10:50.000 --> 01:10:53.000 container so so yeah that 01:10:53.000 --> 01:10:54.000 that for me but your your 01:10:54.000 --> 01:10:55.000 experience may vary and also 01:10:55.000 --> 01:10:57.000 there's there's a somewhat 01:10:57.000 --> 01:10:59.000 hilarious story about why I 01:10:59.000 --> 01:10:60.000 got connected to the to the 01:11:00.000 --> 01:11:03.000 treatment center I was a TA 01:11:03.000 --> 01:11:04.000 for somebody I mean a graduate 01:11:04.000 --> 01:11:05.000 assistant for somebody and 01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:06.000 he sent me to this job that I 01:11:06.000 --> 01:11:08.000 was ridiculously unqualified 01:11:08.000 --> 01:11:11.000 for like I still don't know why he 01:11:11.000 --> 01:11:15.000 convinced he sent me to NBCC 01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:17.000 corporate headquarters for a job 01:11:17.000 --> 01:11:19.000 yeah it's in Greensboro 01:11:19.000 --> 01:11:20.000 North Carolina and I was in 01:11:20.000 --> 01:11:22.000 Greensboro I was finishing up 01:11:22.000 --> 01:11:23.000 my internship and he sends me 01:11:23.000 --> 01:11:25.000 in there and I'm in my little 01:11:25.000 --> 01:11:26.000 your hey you look like twelve year 01:11:26.000 --> 01:11:27.000 old boy in your communion suit 01:11:27.000 --> 01:11:30.000 and I'm all hey I'm a new professional and 01:11:30.000 --> 01:11:33.000 this guy is like your way under 01:11:33.000 --> 01:11:35.000 qualified well I knew a guy 01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:37.000 an interview and we went in 01:11:37.000 --> 01:11:39.000 his office and we laughed I 01:11:39.000 --> 01:11:40.000 was like I'm sorry didn't mean to waste 01:11:40.000 --> 01:11:41.000 you all's time and he's like well 01:11:41.000 --> 01:11:44.000 let me let me help you out -- 01:11:44.000 --> 01:11:48.000 and so it was just luck really 01:11:48.000 --> 01:11:50.000 um but those things happen 01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:52.000 those things happen sometimes 01:11:52.000 --> 01:11:55.000 but your results may differ 01:11:55.000 --> 01:11:57.000 she was asking that it appeared 01:11:57.000 --> 01:11:58.000 that I've worked in several 01:11:58.000 --> 01:11:60.000 different jobs over time and 01:12:00.000 --> 01:12:02.000 moved across fields essentially 01:12:02.000 --> 01:12:03.000 the question is how did I do 01:12:03.000 --> 01:12:05.000 that because of the differences 01:12:05.000 --> 01:12:06.000 between certifications 01:12:06.000 --> 01:12:08.000 qualifications and you 01:12:08.000 --> 01:12:10.000 very nicely said basically 01:12:10.000 --> 01:12:13.000 professional biases -- which 01:12:13.000 --> 01:12:16.000 are there and exist when I 01:12:16.000 --> 01:12:18.000 left the treatment center and 01:12:18.000 --> 01:12:20.000 when applied that's exactly I 01:12:20.000 --> 01:12:24.000 had no experience what I did is 01:12:24.000 --> 01:12:26.000 that I looked at the essential 01:12:26.000 --> 01:12:30.000 parts underneath now the the 01:12:30.000 --> 01:12:32.000 job description I said well 01:12:32.000 --> 01:12:34.000 what how about doing these 01:12:34.000 --> 01:12:36.000 things in my current job it 01:12:36.000 --> 01:12:38.000 really is the variation of the 01:12:38.000 --> 01:12:41.000 the the the Amazon interview 01:12:41.000 --> 01:12:44.000 you know like now they boil 01:12:44.000 --> 01:12:45.000 down your essential skills in 01:12:45.000 --> 01:12:48.000 thirty seconds and that was 01:12:48.000 --> 01:12:49.000 the feedback that I got from 01:12:49.000 --> 01:12:51.000 them there were other people 01:12:51.000 --> 01:12:54.000 who had more qualifications but 01:12:54.000 --> 01:12:58.000 I talked with the most skill 01:12:58.000 --> 01:12:60.000 about how my qualifications 01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:01.000 and my experience would 01:13:01.000 --> 01:13:03.000 be a fit with their 01:13:03.000 --> 01:13:05.000 institution -- is selling 01:13:05.000 --> 01:13:09.000 to that but you can fake it 01:13:09.000 --> 01:13:13.000 but you can't fake it twice 01:13:16.000 --> 01:13:18.000 there is a piece of this 01:13:18.000 --> 01:13:20.000 in job interviews it is like 01:13:20.000 --> 01:13:23.000 a first date it really is like 01:13:23.000 --> 01:13:24.000 you're going in and you have 01:13:24.000 --> 01:13:26.000 a nice clothes on and they're 01:13:26.000 --> 01:13:27.000 going in and they have the 01:13:27.000 --> 01:13:28.000 nicest clothes on and you start 01:13:28.000 --> 01:13:30.000 asking questions and this is 01:13:30.000 --> 01:13:32.000 going to be a good fit I don't know 01:13:34.000 --> 01:13:38.000 movie -- we'll figure it out so 01:13:38.000 --> 01:13:40.000 so on let me finish the thought 01:13:40.000 --> 01:13:42.000 so so there is a piece that 01:13:42.000 --> 01:13:45.000 is selling yourself it is -- 01:13:45.000 --> 01:13:48.000 I'm optimum Steve but after a certain 01:13:48.000 --> 01:13:51.000 point you have to be who you 01:13:51.000 --> 01:13:53.000 are yeah you're already in 01:13:53.000 --> 01:13:55.000 there so you want to talk in 01:13:55.000 --> 01:13:58.000 a sincere way because I carried 01:13:58.000 --> 01:13:59.000 that's sincerity into that job 01:13:59.000 --> 01:13:61.000 like I really felt that way 01:14:01.000 --> 01:14:03.000 about people I talked about 01:14:03.000 --> 01:14:05.000 why they had meaning and value 01:14:05.000 --> 01:14:07.000 why they were important why 01:14:07.000 --> 01:14:09.000 I cared and why I thought the 01:14:09.000 --> 01:14:11.000 skills that I learned so I 01:14:11.000 --> 01:14:13.000 basically took the question 01:14:13.000 --> 01:14:14.000 that they had their own minds 01:14:14.000 --> 01:14:16.000 I was pretty sure about and 01:14:16.000 --> 01:14:18.000 started to talk about so how 01:14:18.000 --> 01:14:19.000 does somebody work a twenty 01:14:19.000 --> 01:14:21.000 eight day treatment center 01:14:21.000 --> 01:14:24.000 fit here let me tell you how and 01:14:24.000 --> 01:14:25.000 then ultimately it's going to 01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:27.000 be their decision either they 01:14:27.000 --> 01:14:29.000 feel like that's a good fit or 01:14:29.000 --> 01:14:32.000 it's not -- and I've applied 01:14:32.000 --> 01:14:33.000 at several other jobs that's 01:14:33.000 --> 01:14:34.000 the story home here is the 01:14:34.000 --> 01:14:36.000 five or six other ones when I 01:14:36.000 --> 01:14:38.000 was thinking about leaving the 01:14:38.000 --> 01:14:40.000 treatment center that I didn't 01:14:40.000 --> 01:14:42.000 get where I wasn't a good fit 01:14:42.000 --> 01:14:44.000 also that's not a reflection of 01:14:44.000 --> 01:14:45.000 you as a human being by the way 01:14:45.000 --> 01:14:49.000 it's just they have a stack 01:14:49.000 --> 01:14:53.000 they have certain criteria 01:14:53.000 --> 01:14:56.000 you know and it can be it feels 01:14:56.000 --> 01:14:58.000 personal and it's not but it feels 01:14:58.000 --> 01:14:60.000 personal because it's your life 01:15:00.000 --> 01:15:03.000 and does this mean did I do 01:15:03.000 --> 01:15:04.000 the wrong thing am I in the right profession 01:15:04.000 --> 01:15:05.000 do they know something about 01:15:05.000 --> 01:15:08.000 me I don't know no it's just 01:15:08.000 --> 01:15:09.000 you're going through a process and 01:15:09.000 --> 01:15:11.000 it's hard this one I just wanna 01:15:11.000 --> 01:15:13.000 show you this is my being present in 01:15:13.000 --> 01:15:15.000 the rooms of people in a nutshell 01:15:15.000 --> 01:15:17.000 that's it be who you are 01:15:17.000 --> 01:15:19.000 not who you are not if you try to 01:15:19.000 --> 01:15:21.000 fake it with people and make 01:15:21.000 --> 01:15:23.000 them mad and I'm not I'm not 01:15:23.000 --> 01:15:25.000 kidding I'm not kidding if you 01:15:25.000 --> 01:15:26.000 try to be inauthentic with 01:15:26.000 --> 01:15:28.000 people in the rooms that's what 01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:30.000 you will get back as anger they 01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:32.000 don't know that they're reacting 01:15:32.000 --> 01:15:35.000 to inauthenticity and 01:15:35.000 --> 01:15:38.000 you may not even be aware I'm 01:15:38.000 --> 01:15:39.000 not saying that that's even 01:15:39.000 --> 01:15:40.000 intentional thing sometimes I'm 01:15:40.000 --> 01:15:42.000 trying to find an answer inside 01:15:42.000 --> 01:15:44.000 of me when I was first starting 01:15:44.000 --> 01:15:47.000 out I would try to push it and 01:15:47.000 --> 01:15:51.000 I got anger back now I will 01:15:51.000 --> 01:15:53.000 stop and pause I have paused 01:15:53.000 --> 01:15:54.000 as professional counselor for 01:15:54.000 --> 01:15:56.000 thirty seconds trying to come 01:15:56.000 --> 01:15:58.000 up with the question I want to 01:15:58.000 --> 01:15:60.000 ask and they will say are you okay 01:16:00.000 --> 01:16:02.000 yeah I'm fine I just didn't want 01:16:02.000 --> 01:16:04.000 to I wanted to pose this in a 01:16:04.000 --> 01:16:07.000 way that showed you respect and 01:16:07.000 --> 01:16:10.000 I will say it that way really 01:16:10.000 --> 01:16:11.000 yeah because I respect you and 01:16:11.000 --> 01:16:13.000 I enjoy what we're doing here 01:16:13.000 --> 01:16:14.000 and I just wanna make sure I'm 01:16:14.000 --> 01:16:16.000 not trapping I'll just be very 01:16:16.000 --> 01:16:17.000 transparent with them I want 01:16:17.000 --> 01:16:19.000 to trap you in a corner I don't want to 01:16:19.000 --> 01:16:20.000 come up with your answer I just 01:16:20.000 --> 01:16:21.000 didn't quite know how to ask 01:16:21.000 --> 01:16:22.000 this question I apologize that 01:16:22.000 --> 01:16:25.000 we that they did that you still 01:16:25.000 --> 01:16:26.000 had to take some time to do 01:16:26.000 --> 01:16:28.000 I have never had somebody 01:16:28.000 --> 01:16:30.000 get mad at me for saying 01:16:30.000 --> 01:16:32.000 because I was completely honest 01:16:32.000 --> 01:16:33.000 with them and then sometimes 01:16:33.000 --> 01:16:34.000 they'll say you're trying to 01:16:34.000 --> 01:16:36.000 say this aren't you they'll give 01:16:36.000 --> 01:16:37.000 me the question trusting them 01:16:37.000 --> 01:16:39.000 to find their own answers that 01:16:39.000 --> 01:16:40.000 kind of comes back to this 01:16:40.000 --> 01:16:43.000 I love art I really do it's one 01:16:43.000 --> 01:16:44.000 of those therapeutic things 01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:46.000 that I do and I'm the guy that 01:16:46.000 --> 01:16:49.000 accidentally scares the guards 01:16:49.000 --> 01:16:51.000 at the museums because I will 01:16:51.000 --> 01:16:52.000 get right I mean as long as 01:16:52.000 --> 01:16:54.000 close as I legally can without setting 01:16:54.000 --> 01:16:56.000 off the alarms I love to just 01:16:56.000 --> 01:16:60.000 like you know like like -- -- 01:17:00.000 --> 01:17:02.000 oh yeah they get really nervous 01:17:02.000 --> 01:17:03.000 in Chicago when you do that by 01:17:03.000 --> 01:17:04.000 the way because this thing is 01:17:04.000 --> 01:17:07.000 huge it's it's -- a Sunday in 01:17:07.000 --> 01:17:09.000 The Park it's Seurat he does 01:17:09.000 --> 01:17:11.000 those are all dots it took him like 01:17:11.000 --> 01:17:13.000 three years to paint the thing 01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:15.000 dot and backup it's like the 01:17:15.000 --> 01:17:17.000 Sistine Chapel in reverse right 01:17:17.000 --> 01:17:21.000 he climb down scaffolding climb 01:17:21.000 --> 01:17:25.000 back up the scaffolding yes so 01:17:25.000 --> 01:17:27.000 I get right up on the works of 01:17:27.000 --> 01:17:29.000 art because what you see are 01:17:29.000 --> 01:17:32.000 the brushstrokes you see what's 01:17:32.000 --> 01:17:34.000 happening inside the art you 01:17:34.000 --> 01:17:36.000 see the creative process that 01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:39.000 happened like when I was in 01:17:39.000 --> 01:17:41.000 okay I'm going to name drop when I 01:17:41.000 --> 01:17:45.000 was at the Picasso museum in Paris -- 01:17:45.000 --> 01:17:47.000 you really see with Picasso I 01:17:47.000 --> 01:17:49.000 mean it's it's whatever he was 01:17:49.000 --> 01:17:51.000 doing and you're right up on it 01:17:51.000 --> 01:17:52.000 and you see the brush strokes 01:17:52.000 --> 01:17:55.000 of genius and it's just it's 01:17:55.000 --> 01:17:57.000 just so powerful and so cool 01:17:57.000 --> 01:17:58.000 and they get really nervous 01:17:58.000 --> 01:17:59.000 when you're doing like I'm 01:17:59.000 --> 01:17:63.000 kind of going like this and like this 01:18:03.000 --> 01:18:04.000 now the one the one that was 01:18:04.000 --> 01:18:05.000 really interesting I never like 01:18:05.000 --> 01:18:09.000 Jackson Pollock I never I never 01:18:09.000 --> 01:18:11.000 like Pollock I was like I too 01:18:11.000 --> 01:18:13.000 can get drunk and turnover of 01:18:13.000 --> 01:18:15.000 paint can right you know it's 01:18:15.000 --> 01:18:19.000 not a skill until I went and 01:18:19.000 --> 01:18:23.000 saw one in person and I still 01:18:23.000 --> 01:18:26.000 think he's a great artist but 01:18:26.000 --> 01:18:28.000 the sheer energy that comes 01:18:28.000 --> 01:18:29.000 off of one of those canvases 01:18:29.000 --> 01:18:32.000 is undeniable I mean it just it 01:18:32.000 --> 01:18:36.000 like wow I think he was 01:18:36.000 --> 01:18:37.000 trying to paint something like 01:18:37.000 --> 01:18:38.000 counselor drug drug and alcohol 01:18:38.000 --> 01:18:40.000 counselor Steve I think you're 01:18:40.000 --> 01:18:41.000 trying to draw something pretty 01:18:41.000 --> 01:18:43.000 was drunk got angry and this is 01:18:43.000 --> 01:18:46.000 what we got and I might be wrong 01:18:46.000 --> 01:18:49.000 but there's a sheer force in it 01:18:49.000 --> 01:18:51.000 that while it's not my cup of 01:18:51.000 --> 01:18:56.000 tea I can appreciate I'm also 01:18:56.000 --> 01:18:57.000 the Hopper's the one up there 01:18:57.000 --> 01:18:59.000 in a corner of the house he 01:18:59.000 --> 01:18:60.000 always drew paintings with no 01:19:00.000 --> 01:19:03.000 door so they look all wonderful 01:19:03.000 --> 01:19:06.000 perfect and there's no way out 01:19:06.000 --> 01:19:08.000 there's this great one this guy 01:19:08.000 --> 01:19:09.000 sitting he's leaning back in his chair 01:19:09.000 --> 01:19:11.000 he's got like the office view 01:19:11.000 --> 01:19:12.000 right he's in he's in the top 01:19:12.000 --> 01:19:13.000 floor of a building and there's 01:19:13.000 --> 01:19:16.000 no door and he's looking out 01:19:16.000 --> 01:19:18.000 on the city so it's either 01:19:18.000 --> 01:19:19.000 I'm king of the world or I 01:19:19.000 --> 01:19:20.000 very well might go out the 01:19:20.000 --> 01:19:22.000 window one of those two you 01:19:22.000 --> 01:19:23.000 you kind of get to figure that 01:19:23.000 --> 01:19:24.000 out you know you kind of get 01:19:24.000 --> 01:19:26.000 to start thinking about it so 01:19:26.000 --> 01:19:29.000 what is all of that have to do 01:19:29.000 --> 01:19:32.000 with philosophy treatment it's 01:19:32.000 --> 01:19:34.000 a metaphor philosophy 01:19:34.000 --> 01:19:38.000 of working with other people 01:19:38.000 --> 01:19:41.000 don't like Pollack but 01:19:41.000 --> 01:19:46.000 I respect and appreciate 01:19:46.000 --> 01:19:47.000 ask yourself are there 01:19:47.000 --> 01:19:51.000 particular diagnoses that you 01:19:51.000 --> 01:19:59.000 are less fond of than others 01:19:59.000 --> 01:19:60.000 when I get up close 01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:01.000 and I start talking to those 01:20:01.000 --> 01:20:07.000 people they're just people 01:20:07.000 --> 01:20:08.000 they're just people with 01:20:08.000 --> 01:20:10.000 lives and they're trying to navigate it 01:20:10.000 --> 01:20:12.000 and we could all talk about 01:20:12.000 --> 01:20:14.000 this the elephant room around 01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:15.000 what particular diagnosis and 01:20:15.000 --> 01:20:16.000 probably most of us are not 01:20:16.000 --> 01:20:18.000 fans all of but that's not the 01:20:18.000 --> 01:20:19.000 point the point is is that this 01:20:19.000 --> 01:20:22.000 person has a way of being 01:20:22.000 --> 01:20:25.000 a view point of the world that 01:20:25.000 --> 01:20:27.000 whether we would live that way 01:20:27.000 --> 01:20:30.000 or respect you know our respect 01:20:30.000 --> 01:20:32.000 or not respect agree with all 01:20:32.000 --> 01:20:36.000 their decisions or whatever 01:20:36.000 --> 01:20:38.000 human beings are works of art 01:20:38.000 --> 01:20:40.000 they have the right to dignity 01:20:40.000 --> 01:20:42.000 and respect all of them 01:20:42.000 --> 01:20:44.000 what she was talking about is her 01:20:44.000 --> 01:20:46.000 her professional experience 01:20:46.000 --> 01:20:48.000 working at the state hospital 01:20:48.000 --> 01:20:51.000 with high acuity -- civil -- 01:20:51.000 --> 01:20:53.000 what's the word and it's the 01:20:53.000 --> 01:20:55.000 civil -- yeah the 01:20:55.000 --> 01:20:58.000 story where they're put into 01:20:58.000 --> 01:20:59.000 the hospital that's the word 01:20:59.000 --> 01:20:62.000 anyways yeah thank you they're 01:21:02.000 --> 01:21:03.000 they're civilly or court- 01:21:03.000 --> 01:21:06.000 ordered in and that that that 01:21:06.000 --> 01:21:07.000 oftentimes there's resistance 01:21:07.000 --> 01:21:11.000 to working with this group of 01:21:11.000 --> 01:21:14.000 patients for various reasons 01:21:14.000 --> 01:21:15.000 and that what she tries to do 01:21:15.000 --> 01:21:17.000 is see the person underneath 01:21:17.000 --> 01:21:21.000 the issues and the diagnosis 01:21:21.000 --> 01:21:23.000 and that's the real that's the 01:21:23.000 --> 01:21:27.000 real power that we have -- is 01:21:27.000 --> 01:21:28.000 to see each person that comes 01:21:28.000 --> 01:21:33.000 our office like this -- not 01:21:33.000 --> 01:21:35.000 my cup of tea not my decision 01:21:35.000 --> 01:21:37.000 making process but they have 01:21:37.000 --> 01:21:41.000 the right to their own dignity 01:21:41.000 --> 01:21:43.000 they have the right to see the 01:21:43.000 --> 01:21:45.000 world as they see it and it 01:21:45.000 --> 01:21:50.000 is not my job to change that 01:21:50.000 --> 01:21:52.000 my job I feel like at some 01:21:52.000 --> 01:21:56.000 level is to just ask questions 01:21:56.000 --> 01:21:57.000 this is where I actually 01:21:57.000 --> 01:21:59.000 steal from Beck a little bit 01:21:59.000 --> 01:21:60.000 although I've talked a lot 01:22:00.000 --> 01:22:02.000 about person-centered sometimes 01:22:02.000 --> 01:22:04.000 with some some clients I 01:22:04.000 --> 01:22:06.000 just talk about you know 01:22:06.000 --> 01:22:08.000 look at look at the framework 01:22:08.000 --> 01:22:09.000 of thought look at the frame 01:22:09.000 --> 01:22:12.000 work of decision making -- were 01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:14.000 there other cognitive distortions 01:22:14.000 --> 01:22:15.000 what what is the result of 01:22:15.000 --> 01:22:17.000 your decision what are the 01:22:17.000 --> 01:22:18.000 I don't say consequences because 01:22:18.000 --> 01:22:19.000 they're not ten but I say 01:22:19.000 --> 01:22:21.000 you know what are the results 01:22:21.000 --> 01:22:23.000 of your decision making and 01:22:23.000 --> 01:22:25.000 is that what you want is that 01:22:25.000 --> 01:22:28.000 the goal that you had set and 01:22:28.000 --> 01:22:30.000 it's not personal so I can I 01:22:30.000 --> 01:22:32.000 can work with Jackson Pollock 01:22:32.000 --> 01:22:35.000 and that's okay now do I want 01:22:35.000 --> 01:22:36.000 to work with Jackson Pollock 01:22:36.000 --> 01:22:40.000 eight hours a day every day no 01:22:40.000 --> 01:22:41.000 but there's a really powerful 01:22:41.000 --> 01:22:42.000 thing here that we have to 01:22:42.000 --> 01:22:44.000 remember and and I have to 01:22:44.000 --> 01:22:47.000 remember people are not their diagnosis 01:22:47.000 --> 01:22:49.000 diagnosis is a book 01:22:49.000 --> 01:22:53.000 it's just a book it's just a book 01:22:53.000 --> 01:22:54.000 the people in our office our 01:22:54.000 --> 01:22:56.000 people it is a tool that we 01:22:56.000 --> 01:22:58.000 use to help ourselves do our 01:22:58.000 --> 01:22:61.000 jobs it's not something we 01:23:01.000 --> 01:23:03.000 hit people over the head with 01:23:03.000 --> 01:23:07.000 or judge them with -- 01:23:07.000 --> 01:23:08.000 it's a way for us to find the 01:23:08.000 --> 01:23:12.000 best way possible to work 01:23:12.000 --> 01:23:13.000 with them to move through 01:23:13.000 --> 01:23:16.000 their issues with them Yalom 01:23:16.000 --> 01:23:17.000 uses a word he uses this 01:23:17.000 --> 01:23:18.000 expression he calls it being a 01:23:18.000 --> 01:23:21.000 fellow traveler there's something 01:23:21.000 --> 01:23:23.000 really you know I'm in the canoe 01:23:23.000 --> 01:23:25.000 but I'm in the canoe right I'm in 01:23:25.000 --> 01:23:28.000 a canoe with them so we travel 01:23:28.000 --> 01:23:31.000 through this process together 01:23:32.000 --> 01:23:34.000 talking about boundaries you know 01:23:34.000 --> 01:23:35.000 being healthy taking care of 01:23:35.000 --> 01:23:36.000 ourselves but we're still in 01:23:36.000 --> 01:23:39.000 it together and so that was 01:23:39.000 --> 01:23:40.000 actually a grad school project 01:23:40.000 --> 01:23:41.000 that I did I was like how would 01:23:41.000 --> 01:23:44.000 I really think about this is 01:23:44.000 --> 01:23:45.000 really for me when I walk in 01:23:45.000 --> 01:23:50.000 the room I'm like wow okay 01:23:50.000 --> 01:23:53.000 you know and point out things 01:23:53.000 --> 01:23:54.000 that are fascinating and 01:23:54.000 --> 01:23:55.000 point out things that are 01:23:55.000 --> 01:23:58.000 interesting and see their power 01:23:58.000 --> 01:23:60.000 and see their uniqueness and 01:24:00.000 --> 01:24:04.000 see them as people -- and so 01:24:04.000 --> 01:24:05.000 so do you guys have questions 01:24:05.000 --> 01:24:06.000 or wondering about your own 01:24:06.000 --> 01:24:08.000 philosophy I mean I know you the 01:24:08.000 --> 01:24:10.000 Corey book and goes on and on 01:24:10.000 --> 01:24:11.000 I mean I know I know no 01:24:11.000 --> 01:24:14.000 offense -- but they spend 01:24:14.000 --> 01:24:15.000 a lot of time talking about it 01:24:15.000 --> 01:24:16.000 do you have questions or 01:24:16.000 --> 01:24:17.000 you wondering about stuff or 01:24:17.000 --> 01:24:19.000 if you ever just you know anything 01:24:19.000 --> 01:24:21.000 at all I'm happy to answer it 01:24:21.000 --> 01:24:23.000 she asked a question about how to 01:24:23.000 --> 01:24:26.000 find for her fall philosophy of 01:24:26.000 --> 01:24:29.000 therapy kind of our defense in 01:24:29.000 --> 01:24:31.000 the spring information for her 01:24:31.000 --> 01:24:34.000 particular philosophy because 01:24:34.000 --> 01:24:36.000 it's and I was about to start 01:24:36.000 --> 01:24:37.000 answering well there's not a 01:24:37.000 --> 01:24:39.000 lot of research and so that's 01:24:39.000 --> 01:24:41.000 the first issue the second 01:24:41.000 --> 01:24:42.000 issue is sort of the thing 01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:43.000 that's in the room that we have 01:24:43.000 --> 01:24:47.000 talked about what do you Carl 01:24:47.000 --> 01:24:52.000 Young Carl Rogers Freud Beck -- 01:24:52.000 --> 01:24:56.000 old white dudes yeah they're all 01:24:56.000 --> 01:24:61.000 they're all men and so it's hard 01:25:01.000 --> 01:25:02.000 it's hard in this philosophy 01:25:02.000 --> 01:25:04.000 to find something because it's 01:25:04.000 --> 01:25:06.000 from a male perspective and 01:25:06.000 --> 01:25:08.000 I'm fascinated to find out what 01:25:08.000 --> 01:25:10.000 happens when we finally stop 01:25:10.000 --> 01:25:12.000 doing that we finally stop 01:25:12.000 --> 01:25:15.000 having yet another white 01:25:15.000 --> 01:25:16.000 person at Yale telling 01:25:16.000 --> 01:25:18.000 us what to do and that 01:25:18.000 --> 01:25:21.000 we have Native American 01:25:21.000 --> 01:25:25.000 people and women and you know and 01:25:25.000 --> 01:25:26.000 Native American women and 01:25:26.000 --> 01:25:28.000 you know just just all these 01:25:28.000 --> 01:25:30.000 different voices talking 01:25:30.000 --> 01:25:33.000 about their experience 01:25:33.000 --> 01:25:34.000 unfortunately what my 01:25:34.000 --> 01:25:37.000 suggestion might be is to 01:25:37.000 --> 01:25:40.000 go back and look at person- 01:25:40.000 --> 01:25:46.000 centered and then how does this fit 01:25:46.000 --> 01:25:48.000 I would encourage you to 01:25:48.000 --> 01:25:51.000 have engaging conversations 01:25:51.000 --> 01:25:54.000 with your faculty about how 01:25:54.000 --> 01:25:60.000 how to do that -- and you know 01:26:00.000 --> 01:26:01.000 take what you want to leave 01:26:01.000 --> 01:26:03.000 the rest kind of philosophy 01:26:03.000 --> 01:26:07.000 of person-centered of all 01:26:07.000 --> 01:26:10.000 those people but you saw 01:26:10.000 --> 01:26:11.000 that slide I did before you have 01:26:11.000 --> 01:26:14.000 to be who you are or it's not 01:26:14.000 --> 01:26:15.000 authentic I can't stress that 01:26:15.000 --> 01:26:17.000 enough you'all that it's 01:26:17.000 --> 01:26:18.000 like whatever else happens when 01:26:18.000 --> 01:26:22.000 you're in the rooms it has to be you 01:26:22.000 --> 01:26:24.000 you have to be comfortable 01:26:24.000 --> 01:26:27.000 with it and I NBCC 01:26:27.000 --> 01:26:28.000 is in Greensboro they're 01:26:28.000 --> 01:26:30.000 connected to an institution 01:26:30.000 --> 01:26:32.000 there they are very serious 01:26:32.000 --> 01:26:33.000 at this institution they do 01:26:33.000 --> 01:26:34.000 serious work all the time 01:26:34.000 --> 01:26:36.000 no laughing or smiling no running in 01:26:36.000 --> 01:26:39.000 the hallways and they do open-ended 01:26:39.000 --> 01:26:42.000 questions beautifully but it's 01:26:42.000 --> 01:26:45.000 just a framework there's no -- 01:26:45.000 --> 01:26:46.000 I mean I've watched the tapes 01:26:46.000 --> 01:26:48.000 and like wow it's like laundry 01:26:48.000 --> 01:26:52.000 lists -- going to the store 01:26:52.000 --> 01:26:58.000 and so it's like okay what's 01:26:58.000 --> 01:26:59.000 what do I believe as a human 01:26:59.000 --> 01:26:63.000 being about this process how 01:27:03.000 --> 01:27:06.000 do I put that into this this 01:27:06.000 --> 01:27:09.000 relationship and for you that's 01:27:09.000 --> 01:27:10.000 that so I would encourage you 01:27:10.000 --> 01:27:12.000 to go down the track but not 01:27:12.000 --> 01:27:13.000 just I'm going to bravely go do this 01:27:13.000 --> 01:27:14.000 by myself and then go show up 01:27:14.000 --> 01:27:15.000 because I also know what we're 01:27:15.000 --> 01:27:17.000 talking about here this is 01:27:17.000 --> 01:27:18.000 this is a high risk high reward 01:27:18.000 --> 01:27:21.000 moment so don't go don't go 01:27:21.000 --> 01:27:23.000 do that by yourself if you 01:27:23.000 --> 01:27:25.000 choose to do it and trust your 01:27:25.000 --> 01:27:27.000 faculty to help you navigate 01:27:27.000 --> 01:27:28.000 it and you seem like a person 01:27:28.000 --> 01:27:31.000 who do so but I good luck with 01:27:31.000 --> 01:27:33.000 that I would actually really 01:27:33.000 --> 01:27:34.000 no no but I mean that 01:27:34.000 --> 01:27:36.000 like in a very serious way 01:27:36.000 --> 01:27:39.000 like you could be helping 01:27:39.000 --> 01:27:44.000 to break ground on something new 01:27:44.000 --> 01:27:48.000 we need new we really do you know 01:27:48.000 --> 01:27:52.000 same old same old yeah so 01:27:52.000 --> 01:27:59.000 what I hear you saying is -- 01:27:59.000 --> 01:27:64.000 not bad yeah so so so thank 01:28:04.000 --> 01:28:05.000 you that's a great question I 01:28:05.000 --> 01:28:06.000 don't know if I answered it but 01:28:06.000 --> 01:28:08.000 you know honestly from my own 01:28:08.000 --> 01:28:10.000 perspective like I said I got 01:28:10.000 --> 01:28:11.000 I got the Corey book out again 01:28:11.000 --> 01:28:14.000 talk about so I was like oh yeah I even 01:28:14.000 --> 01:28:15.000 took a couple things from Aaron Beck 01:28:15.000 --> 01:28:18.000 which shocked me -- like I do 01:28:18.000 --> 01:28:20.000 homework I don't call it homework 01:28:20.000 --> 01:28:23.000 because third I am from Aaron 01:28:23.000 --> 01:28:30.000 Beck I took free agency you are 01:28:30.000 --> 01:28:33.000 a person in the world and 01:28:33.000 --> 01:28:35.000 obviously I don't use that with 01:28:35.000 --> 01:28:37.000 every person because sometimes 01:28:37.000 --> 01:28:38.000 they're in circumstances where 01:28:38.000 --> 01:28:40.000 they are robbed of their free 01:28:40.000 --> 01:28:46.000 agency on yeah so I'm very 01:28:46.000 --> 01:28:48.000 careful about that -- I'll 01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:49.000 be very frank in domestic 01:28:49.000 --> 01:28:50.000 violence situations I've never 01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:52.000 talk about free agency it just 01:28:52.000 --> 01:28:57.000 doesn't fit but it's a tool 01:28:57.000 --> 01:28:60.000 in my box and so when I talk 01:29:00.000 --> 01:29:03.000 to people I can usually see 01:29:03.000 --> 01:29:05.000 moods you know you're saying 01:29:05.000 --> 01:29:07.000 there are no choices well 01:29:07.000 --> 01:29:10.000 let's look that's the only 01:29:10.000 --> 01:29:11.000 thing from him that I really 01:29:11.000 --> 01:29:13.000 use ABC is just not wow if the 01:29:13.000 --> 01:29:16.000 world worked as ABC's 01:29:16.000 --> 01:29:18.000 wouldn't life be wonderful 01:29:18.000 --> 01:29:20.000 and so there are 01:29:20.000 --> 01:29:21.000 things from Carl Rogers that 01:29:21.000 --> 01:29:22.000 I take I really believe in 01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:24.000 genuineness as you might 01:29:24.000 --> 01:29:26.000 guess I really believe in 01:29:26.000 --> 01:29:28.000 unconditional regard because 01:29:28.000 --> 01:29:30.000 people deserve that respect 01:29:30.000 --> 01:29:32.000 he doesn't ahh same with Yalom 01:29:32.000 --> 01:29:33.000 and he talks about personal 01:29:33.000 --> 01:29:34.000 boundaries in that book and 01:29:34.000 --> 01:29:35.000 there's some things I read 01:29:35.000 --> 01:29:39.000 oh no uh no mmhm no 01:29:39.000 --> 01:29:41.000 but he comes from a time 01:29:41.000 --> 01:29:42.000 he comes from an experience 01:29:42.000 --> 01:29:43.000 he's welcome to it and I'm 01:29:43.000 --> 01:29:45.000 welcome to skip that page for 01:29:45.000 --> 01:29:48.000 the transfer yeah and so the 01:29:48.000 --> 01:29:49.000 longer I do this that's what my 01:29:49.000 --> 01:29:51.000 experience is that I'm not 01:29:51.000 --> 01:29:53.000 pure one thing or another 01:29:53.000 --> 01:29:56.000 thing it's more who I am I 01:29:56.000 --> 01:29:57.000 there's an assignment there 01:29:57.000 --> 01:29:59.000 but I think we're kind of yeah 01:29:59.000 --> 01:29:60.000 I was gonna stay for a couple 01:30:00.000 --> 01:30:02.000 hours I have to actually get 01:30:02.000 --> 01:30:03.000 back to the office but there's 01:30:03.000 --> 01:30:04.000 an assignment there that's 01:30:04.000 --> 01:30:07.000 really helpful and it is list 01:30:07.000 --> 01:30:10.000 your strengths list your fears and 01:30:10.000 --> 01:30:16.000 list your unfinished business 01:30:16.000 --> 01:30:17.000 and that's strange would you 01:30:17.000 --> 01:30:18.000 think your strengths are as 01:30:18.000 --> 01:30:19.000 a counselor what you think 01:30:19.000 --> 01:30:21.000 your fears are entering the 01:30:21.000 --> 01:30:23.000 counseling profession and 01:30:23.000 --> 01:30:24.000 then what is your unfinished 01:30:24.000 --> 01:30:26.000 business your personal one and 01:30:26.000 --> 01:30:30.000 that's not to share because 01:30:30.000 --> 01:30:31.000 the reason why there's three 01:30:31.000 --> 01:30:32.000 things are important is that I 01:30:32.000 --> 01:30:33.000 want to kind of start to talk 01:30:33.000 --> 01:30:34.000 about that a little bit is if 01:30:34.000 --> 01:30:36.000 that's what you will take in with you 01:30:36.000 --> 01:30:37.000 my first day I was 01:30:37.000 --> 01:30:40.000 doing group therapy at the drug 01:30:40.000 --> 01:30:41.000 alcohol treatment center there 01:30:41.000 --> 01:30:42.000 were like twenty it was a men's 01:30:42.000 --> 01:30:45.000 group so there are twenty and these guys 01:30:45.000 --> 01:30:47.000 are like professionals right 01:30:47.000 --> 01:30:48.000 they've been drinking a long 01:30:48.000 --> 01:30:49.000 time they've been using dope 01:30:49.000 --> 01:30:51.000 along time they've heard all 01:30:51.000 --> 01:30:53.000 of this at least four times 01:30:53.000 --> 01:30:56.000 in various settings and it's 01:30:56.000 --> 01:30:58.000 it's like it's like sharks 01:30:58.000 --> 01:30:59.000 in the water and then there's 01:30:59.000 --> 01:30:61.000 like hey playing the role of 01:31:01.000 --> 01:31:03.000 of chum today is Steve we're going to 01:31:03.000 --> 01:31:05.000 throw Steve in the water and see what happens 01:31:05.000 --> 01:31:07.000 somebody said something and 01:31:07.000 --> 01:31:08.000 I was like I wonder what 01:31:08.000 --> 01:31:09.000 the counselors gonna do 01:31:09.000 --> 01:31:14.000 to respond to that -- oh wait 01:31:14.000 --> 01:31:17.000 what am I gonna do now -- and 01:31:17.000 --> 01:31:19.000 then all that theory kind of runs 01:31:19.000 --> 01:31:22.000 out of your head because it should 01:31:22.000 --> 01:31:24.000 you know the theory will come out 01:31:24.000 --> 01:31:28.000 and you will trust it like I 01:31:28.000 --> 01:31:29.000 said it was funny like I kind 01:31:29.000 --> 01:31:30.000 of forgotten how much of that 01:31:30.000 --> 01:31:32.000 stuff that I just naturally use 01:31:32.000 --> 01:31:35.000 because it's me yeah I did have 01:31:35.000 --> 01:31:36.000 have a fear like I was gonna get 01:31:36.000 --> 01:31:40.000 up here and says I don't really use these 01:31:40.000 --> 01:31:41.000 but but when I went back and 01:31:41.000 --> 01:31:43.000 read the books it's like yeah this is 01:31:43.000 --> 01:31:45.000 what I feel comfortable with 01:31:45.000 --> 01:31:47.000 this is what I gravitated 01:31:47.000 --> 01:31:50.000 towards so if you're neo-Freudian 01:31:50.000 --> 01:31:52.000 that's okay be neo-Freudian 01:31:52.000 --> 01:31:58.000 I myself not so much but I 01:31:58.000 --> 01:31:60.000 I had somebody in a grad school 01:32:00.000 --> 01:32:01.000 I was an undergrad and grad 01:32:01.000 --> 01:32:03.000 school the experience class 01:32:03.000 --> 01:32:05.000 kind of cool I was undergrad 01:32:05.000 --> 01:32:06.000 and grad school class at the 01:32:06.000 --> 01:32:07.000 University of Wyoming where I got 01:32:07.000 --> 01:32:09.000 my undergrad degree nursing 01:32:09.000 --> 01:32:12.000 there is out of very powerful 01:32:12.000 --> 01:32:13.000 self assured woman who's 01:32:13.000 --> 01:32:15.000 very sure that Anna Freud was 01:32:15.000 --> 01:32:18.000 right and she would absolutely 01:32:18.000 --> 01:32:20.000 wrestle people on the floor over it 01:32:20.000 --> 01:32:21.000 and whether I agreed with it 01:32:21.000 --> 01:32:24.000 or not wasn't the point it was 01:32:24.000 --> 01:32:26.000 impressive to watch somebody 01:32:26.000 --> 01:32:28.000 be so sure of what they were 01:32:28.000 --> 01:32:33.000 saying and their belief in it 01:32:33.000 --> 01:32:35.000 and that was a powerful lesson for me 01:32:35.000 --> 01:32:36.000 so when I talk about these 01:32:36.000 --> 01:32:40.000 things I am very sure of it 01:32:40.000 --> 01:32:43.000 because it's what I believe it's 01:32:43.000 --> 01:32:44.000 what I know to be true for 01:32:44.000 --> 01:32:48.000 me and so that's what I was 01:32:48.000 --> 01:32:49.000 thinking if you're wondering 01:32:49.000 --> 01:32:51.000 about your philosophy yeah 01:32:51.000 --> 01:32:55.000 just explore because what I'll tell you 01:32:55.000 --> 01:32:59.000 is that everybody you know 01:32:59.000 --> 01:32:62.000 person-centered DBT 01:33:02.000 --> 01:33:04.000 poor Vango right -- really 01:33:04.000 --> 01:33:08.000 what do they do with him -- OCD 01:33:08.000 --> 01:33:12.000 delusional thinking right so we 01:33:12.000 --> 01:33:14.000 and then and then it's 01:33:14.000 --> 01:33:18.000 what's working in this moment 01:33:18.000 --> 01:33:21.000 I don't know I'll try something see 01:33:21.000 --> 01:33:26.000 if it works that didn't work okay 01:33:26.000 --> 01:33:28.000 try something else see if that 01:33:28.000 --> 01:33:30.000 works but at the core of it 01:33:30.000 --> 01:33:32.000 is me at the core of it is that 01:33:32.000 --> 01:33:36.000 that somebody so -- intuitively 01:33:36.000 --> 01:33:37.000 pointed out before is that I 01:33:37.000 --> 01:33:39.000 am from that space that person- 01:33:39.000 --> 01:33:42.000 centered space and that that's 01:33:42.000 --> 01:33:44.000 the framework where I start from 01:33:44.000 --> 01:33:46.000 but I have been very behavioral 01:33:46.000 --> 01:33:50.000 with people so when you try to land 01:33:50.000 --> 01:33:53.000 the jet and you're drunk what 01:33:53.000 --> 01:33:55.000 are the possible consequences 01:33:55.000 --> 01:33:56.000 of that real conversation 01:33:56.000 --> 01:33:58.000 what is the consequence of 01:33:58.000 --> 01:33:61.000 landing the 747 at Heathrow while 01:34:01.000 --> 01:34:05.000 you're drunk and the rain's falling 01:34:05.000 --> 01:34:09.000 well the drinking's not a problem 01:34:09.000 --> 01:34:12.000 so what would the -- yeah what 01:34:12.000 --> 01:34:13.000 would the British version of 01:34:13.000 --> 01:34:18.000 the FAA say when you put that 01:34:18.000 --> 01:34:19.000 thing in the you know when you 01:34:19.000 --> 01:34:21.000 roll you belly rolled that 01:34:21.000 --> 01:34:22.000 thing going 400 miles 01:34:22.000 --> 01:34:23.000 right very behavior I'm talk 01:34:23.000 --> 01:34:26.000 about his inner child never 01:34:26.000 --> 01:34:29.000 came up behavior consequence 01:34:29.000 --> 01:34:31.000 behavior consequence behavior 01:34:31.000 --> 01:34:34.000 consequence but yeah you you run 01:34:34.000 --> 01:34:36.000 into you run into these things 01:34:36.000 --> 01:34:38.000 were you will have a response 01:34:38.000 --> 01:34:40.000 and your response is natural 01:34:40.000 --> 01:34:43.000 and it's appropriate and it's 01:34:43.000 --> 01:34:46.000 all right to have that internally 01:34:49.000 --> 01:34:50.000 how do we move this process 01:34:50.000 --> 01:34:55.000 forward how can I ask the oh my 01:34:55.000 --> 01:34:57.000 god question without offending 01:34:57.000 --> 01:34:59.000 this person without side 01:34:59.000 --> 01:34:61.000 tracking the process and moving 01:35:01.000 --> 01:35:05.000 towards a goal -- but yeah 01:35:05.000 --> 01:35:07.000 those those instincts are okay 01:35:07.000 --> 01:35:11.000 please have them do that you know 01:35:11.000 --> 01:35:13.000 and then that's also more 01:35:13.000 --> 01:35:15.000 grist for the mill what am I 01:35:15.000 --> 01:35:18.000 experiencing right now and then 01:35:18.000 --> 01:35:21.000 sometimes if things get stuck 01:35:21.000 --> 01:35:23.000 or if things aren't going so well 01:35:23.000 --> 01:35:24.000 this is what I'm experiencing 01:35:24.000 --> 01:35:25.000 in a room right now what are 01:35:25.000 --> 01:35:27.000 you feeling I feel a little stuck do you 01:35:27.000 --> 01:35:29.000 feel stuck with what's what's 01:35:29.000 --> 01:35:32.000 happening for you sure there's 01:35:32.000 --> 01:35:33.000 always something to work off of 01:35:33.000 --> 01:35:35.000 if they come back and say they 01:35:35.000 --> 01:35:37.000 didn't do their assignments you 01:35:37.000 --> 01:35:38.000 can say well let's talk about 01:35:38.000 --> 01:35:41.000 that we agreed and you 01:35:41.000 --> 01:35:42.000 said you're very excited to 01:35:42.000 --> 01:35:43.000 do this assignment and then 01:35:43.000 --> 01:35:44.000 two weeks later sometimes 01:35:44.000 --> 01:35:46.000 forget sometimes I just forget 01:35:46.000 --> 01:35:47.000 sometimes they remind me 01:35:47.000 --> 01:35:49.000 sometimes I remind them but if they 01:35:49.000 --> 01:35:50.000 just come in and they say what 01:35:50.000 --> 01:35:52.000 that was like the foolish most 01:35:52.000 --> 01:35:53.000 foolish thing I ever heard 01:35:53.000 --> 01:35:55.000 my whole life and so I didn't do it 01:35:55.000 --> 01:35:57.000 well let's talk about that so 01:35:57.000 --> 01:35:58.000 what happened inside you when 01:35:58.000 --> 01:35:60.000 you looked at that assignment and there we 01:36:00.000 --> 01:36:01.000 are right we're not we're not 01:36:01.000 --> 01:36:03.000 wrestling and power struggling 01:36:03.000 --> 01:36:06.000 over an assignment we get 01:36:06.000 --> 01:36:08.000 right to their feelings that's 01:36:08.000 --> 01:36:09.000 well I was really angry well 01:36:09.000 --> 01:36:11.000 that's fascinating because how 01:36:11.000 --> 01:36:12.000 long we know have we know each other 01:36:12.000 --> 01:36:15.000 well like two hours and that's a 01:36:15.000 --> 01:36:16.000 really strong anger response 01:36:16.000 --> 01:36:17.000 to a person you've known 01:36:17.000 --> 01:36:19.000 exactly two hours I wonder if 01:36:19.000 --> 01:36:20.000 that anger might be somewhere 01:36:20.000 --> 01:36:26.000 else what might that be I don't know 01:36:26.000 --> 01:36:27.000 and then yeah and they say 01:36:27.000 --> 01:36:28.000 well let's stop and think 01:36:28.000 --> 01:36:29.000 about it yeah sorry I'm kind 01:36:29.000 --> 01:36:31.000 of role playing this now but this 01:36:31.000 --> 01:36:32.000 is what happened it's like 01:36:32.000 --> 01:36:34.000 there's always like there's always something 01:36:34.000 --> 01:36:36.000 to do there's always there's 01:36:36.000 --> 01:36:39.000 always a place to be I've 01:36:39.000 --> 01:36:42.000 never been in a session where 01:36:42.000 --> 01:36:43.000 unless they're shut down unless 01:36:43.000 --> 01:36:45.000 they're just like I don't want to 01:36:45.000 --> 01:36:47.000 talk and then you get to sit 01:36:47.000 --> 01:36:50.000 in silence I challenge all of 01:36:50.000 --> 01:36:53.000 you with silence be okay with 01:36:53.000 --> 01:36:59.000 the silence I have hung on for 01:36:59.000 --> 01:36:60.000 forty five seconds or a minute 01:37:00.000 --> 01:37:03.000 a couple times just waited 01:37:03.000 --> 01:37:07.000 just sat there I look 01:37:07.000 --> 01:37:09.000 at my watch okay I'm not 01:37:09.000 --> 01:37:10.000 really looking at my watch but 01:37:10.000 --> 01:37:12.000 it's like hmm I'm very relaxed 01:37:12.000 --> 01:37:15.000 about it they'll say something 01:37:15.000 --> 01:37:16.000 and it might just be as simple 01:37:16.000 --> 01:37:19.000 well why aren't we talking I don't 01:37:19.000 --> 01:37:22.000 know why aren't we talking is there 01:37:22.000 --> 01:37:23.000 is there something happening 01:37:23.000 --> 01:37:25.000 in this process did you don't feel 01:37:25.000 --> 01:37:27.000 comfortable talking right now 01:37:27.000 --> 01:37:30.000 right back into it so I just 01:37:30.000 --> 01:37:32.000 encourage you on I'm I'm I'm 01:37:32.000 --> 01:37:33.000 about out of time is there any 01:37:33.000 --> 01:37:35.000 other questions that you would 01:37:35.000 --> 01:37:38.000 like to ask anything I can talk 01:37:38.000 --> 01:37:40.000 about anything you wished I talked 01:37:40.000 --> 01:37:42.000 about I can I can answer any 01:37:42.000 --> 01:37:44.000 questions yeah go ahead 01:37:44.000 --> 01:37:47.000 so ours is multi-tiered I have 01:37:47.000 --> 01:37:48.000 a personal one that we keep 01:37:48.000 --> 01:37:53.000 on file on that day we don't 01:37:53.000 --> 01:37:55.000 pass out to everyone because 01:37:55.000 --> 01:37:57.000 I work for this organization 01:37:57.000 --> 01:37:59.000 but if you wanted it I'm more 01:37:59.000 --> 01:37:61.000 than happy to give it to you 01:38:01.000 --> 01:38:02.000 in addition we also have an 01:38:02.000 --> 01:38:04.000 organizational professional 01:38:04.000 --> 01:38:05.000 disclosure statement that was 01:38:05.000 --> 01:38:10.000 created by the law firm of... 01:38:10.000 --> 01:38:12.000 to cover all of that and so at 01:38:12.000 --> 01:38:14.000 the beginning of every session 01:38:14.000 --> 01:38:16.000 I go over the professional 01:38:16.000 --> 01:38:17.000 disclosure statement in exactly 01:38:17.000 --> 01:38:21.000 the same way every time so if 01:38:21.000 --> 01:38:23.000 I when I get called when I get 01:38:23.000 --> 01:38:26.000 called into court I can say 01:38:26.000 --> 01:38:27.000 well I go over the professional 01:38:27.000 --> 01:38:28.000 disclosure statement in the 01:38:28.000 --> 01:38:30.000 same way every time and I use 01:38:30.000 --> 01:38:32.000 the same language and I can 01:38:32.000 --> 01:38:34.000 say verbatim and I do that on 01:38:34.000 --> 01:38:37.000 purpose -- I don't change it 01:38:37.000 --> 01:38:39.000 I don't alter it I don't add 01:38:39.000 --> 01:38:41.000 additional information to muddy 01:38:41.000 --> 01:38:45.000 the waters I say you know 01:38:45.000 --> 01:38:46.000 whatever hey whatever you're 01:38:46.000 --> 01:38:47.000 saying this room stays in 01:38:47.000 --> 01:38:49.000 this room with some exceptions 01:38:49.000 --> 01:38:51.000 and here are the exceptions 01:38:51.000 --> 01:38:53.000 homicidal and suicidal 01:38:53.000 --> 01:38:54.000 ideations I'm required by law 01:38:54.000 --> 01:38:56.000 to turn that over to I mean 01:38:56.000 --> 01:38:57.000 to to report that information 01:38:57.000 --> 01:38:59.000 to the proper authorities if 01:38:59.000 --> 01:38:61.000 you report child abuse in the 01:39:01.000 --> 01:39:02.000 sessions I'm required by law 01:39:02.000 --> 01:39:04.000 for if you report endangering 01:39:04.000 --> 01:39:05.000 vulnerable populations and 01:39:05.000 --> 01:39:07.000 a list those populations out 01:39:07.000 --> 01:39:08.000 I'm required by law if I'm ever 01:39:08.000 --> 01:39:10.000 subpoenaed I have to turn over 01:39:10.000 --> 01:39:11.000 the records do you have any 01:39:11.000 --> 01:39:13.000 questions and then I invite 01:39:13.000 --> 01:39:15.000 them back and say and you can 01:39:15.000 --> 01:39:17.000 answer you can ask me questions 01:39:17.000 --> 01:39:19.000 about that at any point in this 01:39:19.000 --> 01:39:22.000 process so it also resemble 01:39:22.000 --> 01:39:24.000 explained it at the beginning but then 01:39:24.000 --> 01:39:26.000 I never heard about it again 01:39:26.000 --> 01:39:28.000 while actually gave them self 01:39:28.000 --> 01:39:30.000 free agency right they have the 01:39:30.000 --> 01:39:32.000 right also the responsibility 01:39:32.000 --> 01:39:35.000 to come back if they choose not 01:39:35.000 --> 01:39:40.000 to do that not my responsibility 01:39:40.000 --> 01:39:42.000 and that's a subtle when I do 01:39:42.000 --> 01:39:45.000 there that's boundary right 01:39:45.000 --> 01:39:46.000 that's the first boundary 01:39:46.000 --> 01:39:47.000 that actually sat with them 01:39:47.000 --> 01:39:49.000 kind of from the beginning so 01:39:49.000 --> 01:39:55.000 yeah yeah and we have lawyers 01:39:55.000 --> 01:39:57.000 they handle and that stuff I don't 01:39:57.000 --> 01:39:59.000 I don't I don't -- I just 01:39:59.000 --> 01:39:61.000 want to talk about your inner child 01:40:01.000 --> 01:40:03.000 you don't you don't want me messing 01:40:03.000 --> 01:40:04.000 around the law stuff you know that's 01:40:04.000 --> 01:40:06.000 that's outside of the scope 01:40:06.000 --> 01:40:09.000 of my practice -- so thank 01:40:09.000 --> 01:40:11.000 you very much I appreciate 01:40:11.000 --> 01:40:12.000 your time I appreciate your 01:40:12.000 --> 01:40:13.000 questions and your insights 01:40:13.000 --> 01:40:16.000 and good luck y'all