WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.000 My name is Dan Rayfield. I majored in geography 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:05.000 and I graduated from Western Oregon University. 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:11.000 I majored in geography because I was inspired by a professor in that field. 00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:13.000 And frankly, it was just something I got excited about. 00:00:13.000 --> 00:00:16.000 Today, I am an attorney in Corvallis, Oregon. 00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:20.000 And I serve as the Speaker of the Oregon House here in Salem. 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:23.000 On a typical work day I will come into the capitol, 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:27.000 or I will be in district and my day is filled with meetings. 00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:33.000 It is on topics that could range from transportation all the way to higher education. 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:36.000 With all of this focus that in the long term, 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:39.000 how are we going to prepare for the upcoming legislative session 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:43.000 to really enact kinda that vision for Oregon that we all share. 00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:47.000 My favorite part of the job here at the capitol is frankly getting to learn 00:00:47.000 --> 00:00:51.000 about so many different areas of the world we live in. 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:55.000 Western prepared me for my current job role, 00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:58.000 I think differently that probably other students. 00:00:58.000 --> 00:00:61.000 When I came into Western, you know, I had a lack of maturity. 00:01:01.000 --> 00:01:03.000 I wasn't great with my grades. 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:06.000 But it was building up a sense of self-confidence. 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:10.000 Frankly, learning how to operate in the world of, you know, 00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:13.000 nothing that you do doesn't get accomplished without hard work. 00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:17.000 It's eventually what led me to have the confidence to apply to law school. 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:22.000 What I liked about Western was I got to know my professors very well. 00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:25.000 There was an intimate relationship. 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:27.000 That was the right fit for me. 00:01:27.000 --> 00:01:32.000 music