WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.000 music 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:15.000 music 00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:20.000 Academic Excellence Showcase is an all-day conference style event that we hold every spring 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:24.000 in which Western Oregon University students get to display 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:28.000 the amazing work that they're doing here within their discipline 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:33.000 ranging from artwork, to research papers to productions. 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:37.000 And share the tremendous talent that they have. 00:00:37.000 --> 00:00:40.000 Being a part of Academic Excellence Showcase 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:44.000 means that I'm able to actually apply civic engagement 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:48.000 in the real world. To show others that it's easy to make change, it's easy to be involved. 00:00:48.000 --> 00:00:52.000 My presentation for Academic Excellence Showcase is on civic engagement. 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:56.000 and how you can build your resume, better the community and help those in need. 00:00:56.000 --> 00:00:60.000 This event is enormously important for Western Oregon University. 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.000 And it's a tradition that we've been participating in for over 10 years. 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:08.000 It's also a Capstone experience for a lot of our 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:12.000 seniors and juniors as they are going to move on to 00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:16.000 careers within these academic fields that they are getting degrees on. 00:01:16.000 --> 00:01:20.000 My presentation today for academic showcase 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:24.000 is about QR Factorization and the algorithms of which to obtain them. 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:28.000 I specifically looked at comparing tile algorithms first panel. 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:32.000 Being a part of the academic showcase means to me that I get 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:36.000 to show what I've accomplished over the past year as well as my entire degree. 00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:40.000 This event allows over 400 students to 00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:46.000 engage in producing professional-style, conference presentations. 00:01:46.000 --> 00:01:51.000 My presentation today for academic excellence was on John Rawls theory of justice. 00:01:51.000 --> 00:01:56.000 Specifically, my intent was to describe the problem of distributive justice 00:01:56.000 --> 00:01:60.000 in a democracy. Being a part of academic showcase today 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.000 enabled me to take some of the concepts I learned in class 00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:08.000 and actually speak about them and have feedback from my students. 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:12.000 This is the culmination of everything I've worked for 00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:16.000 throughout my time at Western. And I know now that I will be finishing up my degree. 00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:23.000 music 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:24.000 music 00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:30.000