University Policy
Human Resources
Contact Phone Number:
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Employee Assistance Program | |
GL-05-004 | |
Vice President and General Counsel | The Office of Human Resources |
The purpose of this policy is to recognize that there is a wide range of problems not directly associated with one's job function that can have an adverse effect on an employee's job performance. In order to retain valued employees, the university provides an Employee Assistance Program to positively deal with behavior and personal problems that contribute to decreased job performance. Examples include, but are not limited to, lower job efficiency, absenteeism, high accident or "near miss" rate, difficulties concentrating, confusion, inconsistent work patterns, resistance to change, change in physical condition, and/or unacceptable behavior. The EAP consists of a comprehensive program to identify and assist in resolving employee's personal problems through professional counseling and treatment services. | |
Employees | |
Department of Administrative Services (ORS Chapter 190) | |
POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of Western Oregon University to make available to all of its full-time, permanent employees (.5 FTE or greater) an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Both referral services and professional counseling services are available to all regular, full-time employees. The EAP is directed by Human Resources in coordination with the Vice President for Finance and Administration.
PROCEDURES PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: • Create and maintain employee and supervisor awareness on the Employee Assistance Program. • Distribute quarterly report/payroll stuffer to each participating employee (provided by the contractor). SUPERVISOR/MANAGER EDUCATION IN: • Problem identification and performance evaluation in a typical EAP situation. • Awareness of special sensitivities of troubled employees, pre- and post-treatment, and management techniques. • Learn when to refer employees. • Various organizational levels of application. • Ongoing telephone hotline assistance for supervisors (per contract). Supervisory personnel will be provided with basic training (not to exceed 12 hours per year) scheduled through the Human Resources Office. Training sessions will be provided annually for all new supervisory staff. This information will also serve as a "refresher" for existing supervisors. Once supervisory personnel have successfully completed training, he/she will only be required to attend "refresher" courses every other year. If a supervisor has not completed the required training and encounters a situation in need of the EAP, consult directly with your immediate supervisor or Human Resources. He/she will assist you in this process. It is the responsibility of the Cascade Centers, Inc. to do the following (taken directly from the contract): 1. Make available a daily, 24-hour crisis counseling and appointment service for all eligible employees. 2. Counselors will return calls from eligible clients within 24 hours. 3. Provide prompt appointments. 4. Provide group counseling at work location, if requested by the participating agency. 5. Provide a convenient and private location. 6. Create a comfortable, professional atmosphere for clients. 7. Provide prompt, accurate diagnostic assessment. 8. Provide short-term counseling when such is clinically appropriate and would prevent the need for more extensive treatment. Eligible clients shall receive up to a maximum of 3 to 5 visits per incidence, depending on the model selected by the participating agency. 9. Refer clients in need of more specialized treatment to high-quality providers. 10. Follow up referrals during and after treatment. 11. Maintain well-documented, confidential case records. 12. Maintain strict confidentiality with respect to individual client information.
Procedures for implementing the EAP are as follows: 1. OBSERVATION: Training will assist in recognizing the warning signs and maintaining objective observations. 2. DOCUMENTATION: Provide objective documentation of the facts. Make sure all documentation is accurate and specifically describes observed behavior. (Do not include opinions.) This information should be fair, detailed, and precise. Be sure to document improved behavior. 3. PREPARE FOR YOUR MEETING: Prepare yourself by considering how you feel about this situation. If you feel your feelings are hindering a fair, objective process, consider seeking help from your supervisor, Human Resources, or the EAP. Consult with the EAP prior to your meeting to discuss a possible referral based on job performance. 4. TAKE ACTION - INTERVENE: Hold a meeting with the employee to address the performance problem and provide an opportunity to improve. 5. FOLLOW THROUGH: Once the supervisor intervenes, a cycle begins where the supervisor must observe and document job performance, reinforce positive change, pay attention to job issues previously discussed, clearly state your expectations of the employees participation in the EAP (when needed), follow through on your expectations, and monitor the employee's performance during a reasonable amount of time to see if there is any improvement. | |
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/1993 LAST UPDATED: 09/22/2016 HISTORICAL DETAIL NOTES: N/A SOURCE: Previously Referred to as: PRE-HR-004 |
FOR POLICY WEBSITE INPUT (public audience keyword search) | |
Employee Assistance Program, EAP, assist |